GSOH :: Volume #4

#377: Lotus flower Baosheng revering

Ends the full page the octupole octopole to execute immortal sword Li Xuanzong to display for the first time, but prestige energy actually exceptionally astonishing. 完整版的八极诛仙剑阵还是李玄宗第一次施展而出,但威能却是异常的惊人。 And the sword air/Qi sharp powerful was needless to say. 其中剑气之锋锐强大就不用多说了。 Eight extremely strength also almost can restrain on this day under all strengths, sufficiently smashing any Divine Ability. 八极之力也是几乎可以克制这天下所有力量,足以粉碎任何神通 Han seizes the tiger work battlefield to murder for several hundred years, air/Qi of age gold/metal murdering might be considered as the battlefield simply unparalleled, oneself are human form weapon existence. 韩擒虎耕耘战阵杀伐数百年,一身的庚金杀伐之气简直堪称是战阵无双,自己就是一个人形兵器般的存在。 Finally in the Li Xuanzong octupole octopole executes under immortal sword is completely is actually strangled to death, the air/Qi of age gold/metal before sharp is also again also no longer . 结果在李玄宗的八极诛仙剑阵之下却是尽皆都被绞杀,庚金之气的锋锐也是再也不复之前。 Han seizes the tiger to pinch seal to decide at this time, in whole body the strength of age gold/metal has permeated the internal organs, the sword air/Qi cuts on his body, besides tearing the air/Qi of these age gold/metal, left behind spoken parts to print unexpectedly on his body. 韩擒虎此时手捏印决,周身的庚金之力已经渗入内腑,剑气斩在他的身上,除了撕裂那些庚金之气外,竟然只是在他的身上留下了一道白印来。 Han seizes naturally is also Body Refining Cultivation Art that the tiger cultivates, but is actually that extremely brutal Body Refining Cultivation Art, needs refining up own within the body the air/Qi and murdering air/Qi of sacrifice age gold/metal, to achieve to quenching the mortal body the goal. 韩擒虎所修的自然也是炼体功法,不过却是那种极其残酷的炼体功法,需要将庚金之气和杀伐之气祭炼到自己体内,以达到淬炼肉身的目的。 After air/Qi of embodiment age gold/metal, just like a sharp blade to be the same simply, with its Body Refining almost with being cut to pieces not different. 庚金之气具象化之后简直犹如一柄柄利刃一般,用其炼体几乎是就跟千刀万剐没什么两样。 But the air/Qi of murdering said that is actually the negative strength that one type slaughters to unite, is one of the demon merit. 而杀伐之气说起来其实就是一种杀戮所凝聚成的负面力量,属于魔功的一种。 As if every day is in with its Body Refining slaughters, in this situation fascinated was very normal matter. 用其炼体就仿佛是每天都处在杀戮当中,这种情况下入魔都是很正常的事情了。 However the accomplishment later this prestige energy is also extremely astonishing, at least past when Southern Territory Fire Continent, Han Qinhu by an enemy two, resisted with all one's strength the head of the clan of two Barbarian Race tribes not to drop the wind. 不过大成之后这威能也是极其惊人的,起码昔日在南域火洲之时,韩擒虎以一敌二,力敌两位蛮族部落的族长都是不落下风的。 Although the mortal bodies of these barbarians are astonishing, but is actually not able to rout own does not extinguish fights the body! 那些蛮子的肉身虽然惊人,但却也无法击溃自己的不灭战体! This is Cultivation Art that Han Qinhu create, is he himself pinnacle main road! 这是韩擒虎自己所创造出来的功法,也是他自己所走的极致大道! However at this time in the octupole octopole executes under immortal sword, various species sword air/Qi are actually dividing him not to extinguish fight the body. 不过此时在八极诛仙剑阵之下,各种属性的剑气却是在分割着他的不灭战体。 Although he seems like can at present strikes. 虽然眼下他好像是能够的一击。 But at this time on the Li Xuanzong forehead has an vertical eye to open, the coal two color ray gatherings, changed to the boundless chaos brilliance, annihilated the blade of that pinnacle thoroughly. 但这时李玄宗的额头上却是有着一颗竖眼睁开,黑金二色光芒汇聚,化作无边的混沌光辉,彻底将那极致的一刀所湮灭。 Saw that this Han Qinhu despaired thoroughly. Can block the Li Xuanzong octupole octopole to execute immortal sword, but he will not soon be able to support. 看到这一幕韩擒虎彻底绝望了。挡得住李玄宗的八极诛仙剑阵,但用不了多长时间他就会撑不住的。 Under the next quarter, Han Qinhu seemed decides anything to be determined general. 下一刻,韩擒虎好似下定了什么决心一般。 He sets upright the palm is the blade, whole body the air/Qi of age gold/metal condenses one, the day develops the main road gathering, the strength that the air/Qi of that pinnacle rich age gold/metal sends out just like Sun simply generally dazzling. 他竖掌为刀,周身的庚金之气都凝聚一身,天演大道汇聚,那极致浓郁的庚金之气所散发出来的力量简直犹如太阳一般刺目。 Primordial Spirit is burning fiercely, that blade cuts, actually tore the space directly, exceeded the octupole octopole to execute immortal sword to directly soar Li Xuanzong! 元神剧烈的燃烧着,那一刀斩下,却是直接撕裂了空间,超越了八极诛仙剑阵直奔李玄宗而来! Han seizes the tiger , since stepping into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary, then again also useless weapon, to him, own mortal body is the strongest weapon. 韩擒虎自从踏入返虚合道境界之后便再也没用过兵器,对于他来说,自己的肉身便是最强的兵器。 This blade is the pinnacle of his age gold/metal main road, blade intent is turbulent, takes the mortal body as the front, Primordial Spirit is an blade, cut this to exceed the space pinnacle 这一刀乃是他庚金大道的极致,刀意汹涌,以肉身为锋,元神为刃,斩出了这超越空间极致 This Li Xuanzong does not know that is what monster, has not achieved the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary obviously, but cultivation base is actually sufficiently existence of steamroll his three Dao Unification. 李玄宗也不知道是什么怪物,明明没有达到返虚合道境界,但一身修为却是足以碾压他这个三次合道的存在。 Actually is also Han Qinhu has bad luck, his cultivation base was almost given the restraint by Li Xuanzong stubbornly. 其实也是韩擒虎倒霉,他一身修为几乎被李玄宗给克制的死死。 Han seizes the brave general age gold/metal main road with murdering the sharp qi integrates within the body, walked actually is also the Body Refining route, even somewhat is similar to eight nine Profound Technique. 韩擒虎将庚金大道跟杀伐锐气融入体内,走的其实也是炼体路线,甚至跟八九玄功还有些类似。 But he is pure by age gold/metal main road Body Refining, how can compare favorably with eight nine Profound Technique to integrate the world main road directly? 只不过他只是单纯以庚金大道炼体,如何能比得上八九玄功直接融入天地大道? Therefore when with same step Cultivator preys, what Han Qinhu are more is breaks Divine Ability of opposite party by the powerful mortal body. 所以跟同阶修士搏杀之时,韩擒虎更多的是以强悍的肉身破掉对方的神通 But compared with Li Xuanzong, Han Qinhu mortal body does not have the slight advantage. 但跟李玄宗相比,韩擒虎的肉身则是没有丝毫优势可言。 Routs Han Qinhu that blade by the strength of third goal chaos thoroughly, Li Xuanzong cannot bear long exhales. 以第三目的混沌之力彻底击溃韩擒虎的那一刀,李玄宗也是忍不住长出了一口气。 After this third eye of fusion, even if the chaos strength consumes regarding present Li Xuanzong is enormous, he is not easily willing to use. 这第三目融合之后所化的混沌之力就算是对于现在的李玄宗来说消耗都是极大的,轻易他也不愿意去动用。 These two strengths outrace above the normal world main road, but develops the main road regarding own consumption even far ultra day. 这两种力量超越正常天地大道之上,但对于自身的消耗甚至远超天演大道。 The hand pinches sword seal, the octupole octopole executes immortal sword to neigh the rotation, separates the space, wanting the Han captures tiger to strangle to death thoroughly. 手捏剑印,八极诛仙剑阵嘶鸣轮转,割裂空间,想要将其中的韩擒虎彻底绞杀。 However at this moment, everywhere golden lotus lowers, the young Buddhist priest who wears the red cassock goes out from Fokuang, barefoot falls from void, a footsteps point then golden lotus blooms. 不过就在这时,漫天金莲降下,一名身穿红色袈裟的青年僧人从佛光当中走出,赤足从虚空中落下,脚步一点便有一枚金莲绽放。 Although the young Buddhist priest aura is reserved, but actually gives the Li Xuanzong enormous pressure. 那青年僧人身上的气息虽然内敛,但却给李玄宗极大的压力。 The strength of this person absolutely is as good nine spirit Monster Saint! 此人的实力绝对不逊于九灵妖圣 A palm falls, during the golden lotus blooms each lotus petal to seem some India to be common, executes immortal sword by the endless Fokuang impact octupole octopole, finally tore a slit sword, rescues south town/subdues that the whole body was bathed in blood king. 一掌落下,金莲绽放当中每一个莲瓣都好似有些一座佛国一般,以无尽的佛光冲击八极诛仙剑阵,终于把剑阵撕裂出了一个缝隙,救出了周身浴血的镇南王。 If this Buddhist priest comes perhaps was later, south the town/subdues the king then must be strangled to death by a sword institute thoroughly. 这僧人若是来的再晚一些,恐怕镇南王便要彻底被剑阵所绞杀了。 „The prince was sorry, was this poor monk comes late.” “王爷抱歉,是贫僧来晚了。” The young Buddhist priest seizes the tiger to Han about 11 rituals, what is strange is he has actually shut tightly both eyes, even if has not opened at this time. 那青年僧人冲着韩擒虎合十一礼,不过奇怪的是他却是一直都紧闭双目,就算是此时都不曾睁开。 Han seizes the tiger deeply to inspire, said: „ Non- evening, revering comes just in time. 韩擒虎深吸了一口气,道:“不晚,尊者来的正是时候。 Is careful this Li Xuanzong, this person is not simple, although he boundary has not stepped into the Dao Unification boundary, but the true strength actually endures compared with the Dao Unification three times is as for the Dao Unification four times! ” 小心这李玄宗,此人并不简单,他虽然境界还没有踏入合道境界,但真正战力却是堪比合道三次乃至于合道四次!” At this time lotus flower Baosheng revering can save him, he is rejoices, how also dares saying that lotus flower Baosheng revering did come late? 此时莲花宝胜尊者能来救他,他便已经是庆幸至极了,又怎么敢去说莲花宝胜尊者来晚了? Lotus flower Baosheng revering smiles, shifts to Li Xuanzong saying: Li Xuanzong, you go bad my Vajrayana important matter in Southern Territory Fire Continent and Central Yuan Divine Continent one after another, you think behind seriously you have Ao Zheng and moves mountain Monster Saint to support, doesn't my Vajrayana dare to move you?” 莲花宝胜尊者笑了笑,转向李玄宗道:“李玄宗,你在南域火洲中元神洲接连坏我密宗大事,你当真以为你背后有着敖峥和搬山妖圣撑腰,我密宗不敢动你了?” The law brightness and pass on the sound said still at the rear area: „ Be careful! He is day of lotus flower Baosheng revering according to temple, Dao Unification four times, close to five times to powerhouse! 法慧和尚在后方传音道:“小心!他是天照寺的莲花宝胜尊者,合道四次,接近五次的至强者! This person is famous in Vajrayana, in childhood then accepts Vajrayana to doing abhiseka of powerhouse, is honored as the entire Vajrayana to promote the Dao Unification eight times finally, exceeds existence of Zen. ” 此人在密宗大名鼎鼎,幼时便接受密宗至强者的灌顶,被誉为整个密宗最后希望晋升合道八次,超越禅宗的存在。” Li Xuanzong looks that lotus flower Baosheng revering sneers saying: „ Your this group of monks seriously are the ghost are not loose. 李玄宗看着那莲花宝胜尊者冷笑道:“你们这帮和尚还当真是冤魂不散啊。 Their layout in Eastern Travels Spirit Continent does the matter, has your shadows in Southern Territory Fire Continent, even must have you in the place of Northern Polar Wintry Continent that type of bitter cold. 东行灵州的时候他们布局搞事情,在南域火洲也有你们的影子,甚至就连在北极寒洲那种苦寒之地都少不了你们。 Now you appear in Central Yuan Divine Continent, actually does your Buddhism want to make what? Can it be that also to wrest away entire Five Continent World to be inadequate? ” 现在你们又在中元神洲露头,你们佛门究竟想要做什么?莫不是还想要霸占整个五洲世界不成?” That lotus flower Baosheng revering holds their palms together, sinking sound said: „ My Buddha mercy, from, when brings salvation to the rebirth, under the common people by the surface falls into the pain of samsara on this day. 那莲花宝胜尊者双手合十,沉声道:“我佛慈悲,自当普度重生,以面这天下苍生陷入轮回之苦。 Five Continent World regardless of the human-monster barbarian, world common people is my Buddha disciple, my Buddhism from, when has the determination of universal restoration. 五洲世界不论人妖蛮,世间苍生皆是我佛弟子,我佛门自当有普度众生之决心。 Now the supreme immortal deteriorates toward Ji decayed, common people people have no means to make a living, my Vajrayana day is willing to assist south the town/subdues according to the temple the king ascending a height to get a broad view throne, rescues this Central Yuan Divine Continent common people to fall into the middle of the flames of war, this is the big merit, big great aspirations! 如今至尊仙朝姬氏腐朽衰败,百姓民不聊生,我密宗天照寺愿辅佐镇南王登临皇位,解救这中元神洲苍生陷入战火当中,此乃大功德,大宏愿! Li Xuanzong, you are not besotted, in order to avoid gets sucked into the middle of karmic hindrance, falls into the wrong road Demonic Path! ” 李玄宗,你莫要执迷不悟,以免深陷业障当中,堕入歧途魔道!”
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