GSOH :: Volume #4

#376: Strength pinnacle

Between the real villains and hypocrites, often are the latter are actually more disgusting. 真小人和伪君子之间,其实往往是后者更令人厌恶。 Han seizes south tiger town/subdues the king is a from head to tail hypocrite. 韩擒虎这个镇南王便是个彻头彻尾的伪君子。 If he directly acknowledged oneself have the ambition, is to overthrow the supreme immortal toward, oneself are this emperor, Li Xuanzong will also be regarded as the true opponent to regard him at least. 他若是直接承认自己就是有野心,就是想要推翻至尊仙朝,自己当这个皇帝,李玄宗起码还会把他当做是真正的对手来看待。 Finally he actually exhibits a pompous appearance, seeming oneself is considering to be the same for entire Central Yuan Divine Continent, this made people feel some nauseas. 结果他却是摆出一副冠冕堂皇的模样,好似自己是在为整个中元神洲所考虑一样,这就让人感觉有些恶心了。 Therefore Li Xuanzong also punctured his rumors decisively, the ridicule disregards another's feelings slightly. 所以李玄宗也是果断的戳破了他那些谎言,讥讽的丝毫都不留情面。 Li Xuanzong thinks direct beginning that Han Qinhu can become angry out of shame, but whose to become Xianghan seizes the tiger to sigh a sound said: „ Li Xuanzong, you by Ji that boy misleading. 原本李玄宗以为韩擒虎会恼羞成怒的直接动手,但谁成想韩擒虎却只是叹息一声道:“李玄宗,你是被姬家那小子给蛊惑了。 You said that my seemingly heroically actually thoughts evil and cruel, is a hypocrite, but how you know that Ji that boy on does not treat worthies and scholars with courtesy outwardly, in fact actually is also such as I so? ” 你说我看似豪迈实则心思歹毒,是个伪君子,但你又怎么知道姬家那小子不是明面上礼贤下士,实际上却也是如我这般呢?” Li Xuanzong said lightly: „ That also has nothing to do with me, I make a move also to fulfill the commitment now. 李玄宗淡淡道:“那也与我无关,我如今出手也只是履行承诺而已。 Regarding entire Central Yuan Divine Continent, if can present hero outstanding who strives to turn the tide truly to be naturally good. 况且对于整个中元神洲来说,若是能出现真正力挽狂澜的英豪俊杰自然是好的。 But if no such person to appear, makes entire Central Yuan Divine Continent fall into the middle of the flames of war with it, might as well maintains the present situation. 但若是没有这样的人出现,与其让整个中元神洲都陷入战火当中,还不如维持现在的局势。 This person I do not know that who can be, but at least is not your Han Qinhu. ” 这个人我也不知道会是谁,但起码不会是你韩擒虎。” Han seizes the tiger sinking sound said: Indeed is not I, but your Li Xuanzong , if willing to help me, that this person can be I!” 韩擒虎沉声道:“的确不会是我,但你李玄宗若是肯帮我,那这个人就一定会是我!” The Li Xuanzong knitting the brows head, said slightly suddenly: You in protracted time! Han seizes the tiger, behind you actually also who?” 李玄宗微微皱了皱眉头,忽然道:“你是在拖延时间!韩擒虎,你背后究竟还有谁?” Sees Han Qinhu unexpectedly still there with him empty with the winding, Li Xuanzong detected that suddenly some are not right. 看到韩擒虎竟然还在那里跟他虚与委蛇,李玄宗忽然察觉到有些不对劲。 This Han Qinhu is the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary to powerhouse, is extremely ruthless spicy resolute fierce and ambitious character. 这韩擒虎乃是返虚合道境界的至强者,也是极其狠辣果决的枭雄人物。 Therefore he should be able clear sees own attitude, he wants to gather itself is almost the not possible matter. 所以他应该能清晰的看到自己的态度,他想要招揽自己几乎就是不可能的事情。 Finally now this Han Qinhu actually sees with own eyes not possibly, is also actually pestering with oneself, except for the protracted time, Li Xuanzong cannot think of other possibility. 结果现在这韩擒虎却是眼见不可能,却是还在跟自己纠缠,除了拖延时间,李玄宗想不到别的可能。 But the issue is he even if at this time delays is also useful? 但问题是他此时就算是拖延又有什么用? Han seized behind the tiger should no influence dispute to be right, most was also other three different surnamed Wang. 韩擒虎背后应该没有什么势力纠葛了才对,最多也就是其他三个异姓王。 But Li Xuanzong can guarantee, another three different surnamed Wang are will not act absolutely. 李玄宗敢保证,另外三个异姓王是绝对不会出手的。 Does not propose gratitude and grudges between their three, they will then not collaborate by their standpoints, but sits looked that Han Qinhu puts together life and death with oneself. 不提他们三个之间的恩怨,就以他们的立场他们便不会联手的,而是坐看韩擒虎跟自己这边拼个你死我活。 Therefore is he difficult to be inadequate also waits for that three parties to rescue him? 所以他难不成还等着那三方来救援他? Li Xuanzong at this time no matter also so many, his direct sinking sound said: Gold/Metal toad king, the northern territory tiger king and Danyang True Daoist, trouble your three to lead the person to start to attack a city from other three parties together, the town/subdues southern king gave me.” 李玄宗此时也不管那么多了,他直接沉声道:“金蟾王、北域虎王、丹阳真人,麻烦你们三位带着人从另外三方齐齐开始攻城,镇南王这边就交给我了。” Heard Li Xuanzong so saying that the people gawked. 听到李玄宗这般说,众人都是一愣。 What is Li Xuanzong this must make? Direct shakes Return to Emptiness Dao Unification existences hardly three times, was his insane inadequate? 李玄宗这是要做什么?直接硬撼一位返虚合道三次的存在,他这是疯了不成? Also without and other people responded, Li Xuanzong has then acted. 还没等众人反应过来,李玄宗便已经出手了。 Almost is in the wink of an eye, the people only hear tearing the sound of howling to delimit air-splitting oversized, the Li Xuanzong body advantage of terrain has vanished instantaneously does not see. 几乎是瞬息之间,众人只听到一声破空撕裂的呼啸之声划过大地,李玄宗的身形便已经瞬间消失不见。 The next quarter his whole person has appeared before Han Qinhu body, a fist rumbles, will respond directly south the town/subdues that the king rumbled directly among his back king city, pounded a giant cavity. 下一刻他整个人都已经出现在了韩擒虎的身前,一拳轰出,直接将反应不及的镇南王直接轰进了他背后的王城当中,砸出了一个巨大的空洞来。 Instantaneous formation starts, the dazzling say/way ray sparkles, king city the defense system this was struck unexpectedly gives the activation thoroughly. 瞬间阵法启动,刺目的阵道光芒闪耀,王城的防御系统竟然被这一击彻底给激活。 Subdue southern king Langbei walks from the crack city wall, looks fist seal on own that nine dragons armor, a face does not dare to believe. 镇南王狼狈的从破洞的城墙当中走出来,看着自己身上那九龙铠上的拳印,一脸的不敢置信。 Actually did you arrive at what boundary? Have you stepped into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary? Isn't right? This strength and aura are not right!” “你究竟到了什么境界?你已经踏入返虚合道境界了?不对?这力量和气息都不对!” Han seizes the tiger itself/Ben to think that Li Xuanzong is depends on back taking advantage to dare to begin, he has not actually thought that Li Xuanzong have then achieved so the boundary unexpectedly. 韩擒虎本以为李玄宗是靠着背后的依仗才敢动手,他却没想到李玄宗自己竟然便已经达到了这般境界。 Boundary? Only some strengths can weigh the boundary, rather than depends on the boundary to plan the strength!” “境界?唯有力量才能够衡量境界,而不是靠着境界去规划力量!” As the Li Xuanzong voice falls, his hand being possessed by a demon spear/gun swallows the blood to pass through directly, the specters malignant influences imitate, if opened the gate of hell like that direct impact Han Qinhu surface gate. 随着李玄宗话音落下,他手中魔枪吞血直接贯穿而出,魔影煞气仿若打开了地狱之门那般,直冲韩擒虎面门。 Han seizes the tiger whole body to sparkle a dim white glow, the surrounding Spirit Qi flash becomes deep cold incomparable. 韩擒虎周身都闪耀着一层朦胧的白芒来,周围的灵气一瞬间变得深寒无比。 As he puts out a hand to grasp, the demon spear/gun swallows the blood to be grasped by him in the hand, exudes the sound of neighing gold/metal Tiejiao strikes unexpectedly. 随着他伸手一抓,魔枪吞血被他握在手中,竟然发出一声声金铁交击的嘶鸣之声。 These white glow unexpectedly are the air/Qi of pure age gold/metal, is ordinary just like the blade edge pointed weapons. 那些白芒竟然都是精纯至极的庚金之气,宛若刀锋兵刃一般。 Drank one lowly, the demon spear/gun swallows the blood to be seized the tiger flinging by Han to fly directly, simultaneously his fist fell, sound of the tiger's roar resounded through in the world instantaneously, the white tiger law that completely comprised of the air/Qi of age gold/metal condensed. 低喝一声,魔枪吞血直接被韩擒虎给甩飞了出去,同时他一拳落下,身后虎啸之声瞬间响彻天地之间,一尊完全由庚金之气所组成的白虎法相凝聚而出。 Roared, just like myriad sharp blade across the sky, surrounding Spirit Qi was torn the powder instantaneously thoroughly. 咆哮之间,犹如万千利刃横空,周围的灵气瞬间都被彻底撕裂成了粉末。 Han seizes the tiger work battlefield several hundred years, the air/Qi of gold/metal murdering has permeated the marrow, the main road that therefore he gathers is also the age gold/metal main road, Western white tiger the air/Qi of murdering does not even lose in the air/Qi of blood ghost Li Xuanzong that quenchings. 韩擒虎耕耘战阵数百年,金戈杀伐之气已经渗入骨髓,所以他所合的大道也是庚金大道,西方白虎的杀伐之气甚至不输于李玄宗那淬炼出来的血煞之气。 Next quarter Li Xuanzong eight nine Profound Technique display, the Divine Ability evolution law celestial phenomenon place, changes to the hundred zhang (333 m) giant, that giant age gold/metal white tiger according to the ground, arrives at just like the demon god directly general, crazy beats savagely. 下一刻李玄宗八九玄功施展而出,神通演化法天象地,化作百丈巨人,直接将那巨大的庚金白虎按在地上,宛若魔神降临一般,疯狂的暴打起来。 Each fist falls just like the landslide, that age gold/metal white tiger law scattered in all directions by rumbling the air/Qi of age gold/metal, unexpectedly getting smaller. 每一拳落下都宛若山崩,那庚金白虎法相被轰的庚金之气四散,竟然越来越小。 Han seizes the tiger not to dare to believe general, gathers whole body everywhere the air/Qi of age gold/metal, changes to a number hundred zhang (333 m) size the blood-color long sword to cut suddenly to the Li Xuanzong law celestial phenomenon place. 韩擒虎不敢置信一般,汇聚周身漫天的庚金之气,化作一柄数百丈大小的血色长剑骤然斩向李玄宗的法天象地。 Holds their palms together, that blood red long sword was grasped by the Li Xuanzong law celestial phenomenon in the hand, but the next quarter that courage vigor actually changed to the black demon air/Qi, starts to dissolve his law unexpectedly. 双手合十,那血红色的长剑被李玄宗的法天象地握在手中,但下一刻那血气却是化作了黑色魔气,竟然开始溶解他的法相。 The Li Xuanzong knitting the brows head, this Han Qinhu also minored in slightly unexpectedly Demonic Path Cultivation Art. 李玄宗微微皱了皱眉头,这韩擒虎竟然还兼修了魔道功法 That blood sex fiend air/Qi very strangely, probably offered a sacrifice to general that refining up becomes with the innumerable filthy essence and blood, is corroding the Li Xuanzong method unceasingly strength. 那血色魔气十分的诡异,好像是用了无数污浊精血所祭炼而成的一般,不断侵蚀着李玄宗法相的力量。 Finally the law celestial phenomenon was broken thoroughly, that blood sword also cuts directly to Li Xuanzong. 终于法天象地彻底被破,那血剑也是径直斩向李玄宗 But the next quarter, eight handles execute the immortal sword also to reappear, the instantaneous world changes color, the wind and thunder gets up suddenly! 但下一刻,八柄诛仙剑同时浮现,瞬间天地变色,风雷骤起! World wind and thunder, Volcán de Agua Ze! 天地风雷,水火山泽! Eight extremely strength include the world, the sword air/Qi howl the rotation, the point place visited almost steamroll stir to break to pieces to exist, the sharpness and great strength of that sword air/Qi, just like opening another world were ordinary. 八极之力囊括天地,剑气呼啸转动,锋芒所过之处几乎碾压搅碎一切存在,那剑气的锋锐和强大,宛若开辟了另外一个世界一般。 The blood sword was stirred thoroughly broken, Han Qinhu complexion suddenly changes, the strength of age gold/metal changes innumerably keeps off before his body sharply, but was actually strangled to death by that eight pinnacle sword intent thoroughly! 血剑被彻底搅碎,韩擒虎面色骤然一变,庚金之力化作无数锋锐挡在他身前,但却都被那八种极致的剑意所彻底绞杀! With sword air/Qi tearing, Han Qinhu that the nine dragons armor that uses the innumerable rare and precious god irons to build by cuns (2.5 cm) tearing. 伴随着一声声剑气撕裂,韩擒虎那用了无数珍稀神铁所打造的九龙铠都在其中被寸寸撕裂。 Less than the time of three breaths, that nine dragons armor then already loudly, thorough disruption! 不到三息的时间,那九龙铠便已经轰然一声,彻底碎裂!
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