GSOH :: Volume #4

#375: Gathering

This time attacks the southern 17 counties, in most Cultivator hearts in allied armies is actually confident. 此次攻打南部十七郡,联军中的大部分修士心中其实都是有底的。 Central Yuan Divine Continent outstanding people and magical soil, cannot shoulder their four continent allied armies even again. 中元神洲就算是再人杰地灵,也是扛不住他们四洲联军的。 The key that therefore this fights lies in south Li Xuanzong and town/subdues on king these two powerhouses. 所以这一战的关键就在于李玄宗和镇南王这两位强者身上。 But the Li Xuanzong present condition is somewhat strange, said that he has not stepped into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary, he also has to endure compared with this boundary strength. 只不过李玄宗现在的状态有些奇怪,说他没踏入返虚合道境界吧,他还有堪比这种境界的战力。 Meanwhile he steps into Celestial Realm and not long, and oneself aura is also not right, therefore this also causes most people to think that Li Xuanzong has not stepped into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary. 但同时他踏入天人境并没有多久,并且自身气息也是不对,所以这也导致大部分人都以为李玄宗还没踏入返虚合道境界呢。 Reason that they have such energy, is because they think that Li Xuanzong has the card in a hand. 之所以他们还有如此底气在,就是因为他们都认为李玄宗是有着底牌在的。 After all the Li Xuanzong backstage are innumerable, has Ocean Overturning Monster Saint, has to move mountain Monster Saint, but also relates significantly with the northern bright king, has the friendship with Barbarian Race. 毕竟李玄宗后台无数,有着覆海妖圣,有着搬山妖圣,还跟北明王关系匪浅,跟蛮族也有交情。 So many Return to Emptiness Dao Unification big shot, which ground sufficiently hold down the southern king. 这么多返虚合道的大佬在,哪个都足以碾压镇南王了。 Only they have not thought is, the Li Xuanzong genuine card in a hand is not others, but is they. 他们唯一没想到的就是,李玄宗真正的底牌可不是别人,而是他们自己。 South Naling county town/subdues king city. 南陵郡镇南王城。 This place is south the town/subdues the fiefdom of king, but south the king by the town/subdues had been built a black great city at this time, all around covered entirely the formation protection, exceptionally grand. 此地原本是镇南王的封地,但此时已经被镇南王打造成了一座黑色巨城,四周布满了阵法防护,异常的雄伟。 This place actually in the central regions of south 17 counties, does not need to be worried about foreign enemy anything. 此地其实是在南十七郡的中心地域,也不用担心外敌什么的。 Finally south the town/subdues the king actually built this appearance his king city, actually he is guarding against whom to be needless to say. 结果镇南王却是把他的王城打造成了这幅模样,那他究竟是在防着谁就不用多说了。 Ten ten thousand Cultivator armies threaten the border, this strength let alone is to destroy king city, even if were moving mountains to fill the seas is enough. 十万修士大军压境,这股力量别说是摧毁一座王城,哪怕是移山填海都足够了。 When south the town/subdues the king subordinate these officers are just fearful and apprehensive, the golden god glow sparkle, wears the nine dragons armor, threw over the middle-aged person of red cloak to appear in the top, was south the town/subdues king Han Qinhu. 就在镇南王麾下那些将士正心惊胆战的时候,金色神芒闪耀而出,一名身穿九龙铠,披着红色披风的中年人出现在了城头,正是镇南王韩擒虎。 Ji Honglie has not accompanied the armed forces to come, he after all is a crown prince, exposing the status expedites some to be not quite good, is unsafe. 姬宏烈并没有随军而来,他毕竟是太子,暴露身份远征有些不太好,也不安全。 But Danyang True Daoist was actually follows Li Xuanzong to come. 但丹阳真人却是跟着李玄宗前来了。 Sees south the town/subdues king appearance, Danyang True Daoist complexion was instantaneously black. 一看到镇南王这幅打扮,丹阳真人的面色瞬间就黑了。 Before south town/subdues king, although the non- feudal official's heart is obvious, but has not lifted the flag rebellion at least blatantly. 之前镇南王虽然不臣之心已经是昭然若揭,不过起码还没有公然举旗造反。 However now he puts on the nine dragons armor unexpectedly, this clarified the supreme immortal toward not paying attention. 不过现在他竟然连九龙铠都穿上了,这摆明了就是没把至尊仙朝放在眼里了。 Han seizes the tiger to stare at Li Xuanzong, the sinking sound said: „ Li Xuanzong, this king has not really thought that the person who today gets my king city can be you unexpectedly. 韩擒虎凝视着李玄宗,沉声道:“李玄宗,本王是真的没想到,今日打上我王城的人竟然会是你。 I had thought that can the supreme immortal toward counter-attack to perish together with this king at the point of death, or is other three fellows will hit a person when he is down to me, thus gets my king city. 我原本曾经想过,至尊仙朝会不会临死反扑来跟本王同归于尽,又或者是其他三个家伙会对我落井下石,从而打上我的王城。 Finally to finally, is actually your unrelated person, seriously was people are just the victims of fate. ” 结果到了最后,却是你这个不相干之人,也当真是造化弄人了。” Li Xuanzong said lightly: Pouring is not unrelated, Southern Territory Fire Continent one line, if not for there is Barbarian Race to intend to block the prince, perhaps when the time comes I will be many a opponent.” 李玄宗淡淡道:“倒也不是不相干,南域火洲一行,若不是有蛮族出手拦住王爷,恐怕到时候我还会多一个对手呢。” Han seized the tiger actually to laugh at this time suddenly, the laughter was heroic, vibration world. 韩擒虎此时却忽然大笑了起来,笑声豪迈,震动天地。 Li Xuanzong, you are king these several hundred years come to see, most outstanding Human Race outstanding! 李玄宗,你是本王这数百年来所见过的,最为出色的人族俊杰! Although my Human Race huge quantity, but actually inborn emaciated, the mortal body is inferior to Barbarian Race to be powerful, the talent was inferior that Monster Race is powerful. 人族虽然数量庞大,但却天生孱弱,肉身不如蛮族强大,天赋不如妖族强悍。 Therefore most common people can only degenerate into the Monster Race blood food, and must be humiliated the oppression by the powerhouse. 所以大部分百姓只能沦为妖族血食,并且还要受强者欺凌压迫。 You come the negligible, can rise from the Monster Race cave mansion is really not easy, can arrive is greatly is not today easier. 你出身微末,能从妖族洞府当中崛起实属不易,能够走到今日更是大不易。 Actually you with this king is a kind of person! 其实你跟本王是一类人! This king initially was also only common soldiers, because ate does not sate the appetite then joins the army. 本王当初也只是个寻常士卒,因为吃不饱饭这才去从军的。 Finally was actually treated as the bait to lure and kill the evil spirit by the boss, the accident/surprise swallows Monster Core, this steps into path of cultivation. 结果却是被上司当做诱饵去诱杀妖魔,意外吞服妖丹,这才踏入修行之路 These for several hundred years, this king, for his royal government of Ji risks one's life, guards the border area to strangle to death the evil spirit, finally trades what is actually? 这数百年来,本王为了他姬家的朝廷出生入死,镇守边疆绞杀妖魔,结果换来的却是什么? Is their Ji these waste imperial clans leads a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming in the immortal emperor city, luxurious excessive! That unceasing suppression in secret! 是他们姬家那些废物宗室在仙帝城内醉生梦死,奢华无度!还有那暗中的不断打压! You think south this town/subdues the position of king are his Ji reward to this king? 你以为这镇南王的位置是他姬家赏赐给本王的吗? It is not! 不是! That is king hits step by step! 那是本王自己一步一步所打出来的! What significance for such royal government potency does have? Even if True Daoist such several thousand years have present age outstanding even unreliably, still just can for the supreme immortal toward continuing the life in 2000. 为了这样的朝廷效力有什么意义?哪怕就算是玄都真人这样数千年才出一个当世俊杰,也只不过能为至尊仙朝续命两千年而已。 Li Xuanzong, you are also my Human Race present age outstanding, actually does not need, for such a dynasty of decayed deterioration continues the life! 李玄宗,你也是我人族的当世俊杰,却是没必要为了这么一个腐朽衰败的王朝来续命! What did Ji Jia give you? A behavior army big commanding officer, nominal. 姬家给了你什么?一个所为的大军大都督,有名无实而已。 They different surnamed Wang do not even hate to give you one! 他们甚至连一个异姓王都舍不得给你! If you choice helps this king, when this king will capture the world in the future, entire Central Yuan Divine Continent, so long as is you in a day the footsteps can achieve the place, is completely your fiefdom! ” 你若是选择帮助本王,等到将来本王夺得了天下,整个中元神洲,只要是你一日之内脚步所能达到之地,全部都是你的封地!” No one has thought, Han Qinhu comes out not to come a life and death to prey with Li Xuanzong, he starts the angrily rebuking supreme immortal unexpectedly toward, later also wants to gather Li Xuanzong unexpectedly. 谁都没想到,韩擒虎一出来不是跟李玄宗来一场生死搏杀,他竟然开始怒斥至尊仙朝,随后竟然还想临阵招揽李玄宗 Moreover in most people opinion, the reputation of supreme immortal towards is indeed not much . Moreover the person of Ji seemingly really did not have Han Qinhu to come naturally. 而且在大部分人看来,至尊仙朝的名声的确是不怎么样的,而且姬家的人貌似还真没有韩擒虎来得大方。 In their eyes Li Xuanzong was still Celestial Realm Cultivator, but Celestial Realm could have been the powerhouse in cultivation, trod the spatial and good speed endures compared with the flying sword simply. 在他们眼中李玄宗仍旧是天人境修士,但天人境修行界已经算得上是强者了,踏空而行速度简直堪比飞剑。 Therefore in a day Li Xuanzong even can walk the scopes of dozens counties, was Han Qinhu this gives Li Xuanzong less than half Central Yuan Divine Continent? 所以一日之内李玄宗甚至能走几十个郡的范围,韩擒虎这是把小半个中元神洲都给李玄宗了? Nearby Danyang True Daoist said anxiously: „ Sir Li you must listen to this to rebel not to talk nonsense! 一旁的丹阳真人更是焦急道:“李大人你莫要听这个逆贼胡说八道! Under Taizi Dian does not give you different surnamed Wang is because the different these three characters surnamed Wang had been rebelled by these making smelly. 太子殿下不给你异姓王是因为异姓王这三个字都已经被这些逆贼给弄臭了。 Your highness must exterminate different surnamed Wang, finally actually seals you as different surnamed Wang, this cannot be justified. 殿下要剿灭异姓王,结果却又封你为异姓王,这根本就说不过去啊。 You could rest assured that waits to remove Han Qinhu these to rebel, will be will not treat unjustly the Sir with the personality of your highness absolutely you. ” 你放心,等除掉韩擒虎这些逆贼,以殿下的性格是绝对不会亏待大人你的。” After seeing Li Xuanzong that terrifying rallying point, Danyang True Daoist has been regarded as the Savior in supreme immortal towards Li Xuanzong. 在见到了李玄宗那恐怖的号召力之后,丹阳真人已经把李玄宗当做是至尊仙朝的救世主了。 At this time if makes Li Xuanzong be seized the tiger winning over by Han, that is the nightmare of supreme immortal towards. 此时若是让李玄宗被韩擒虎给拉拢过去,那才是至尊仙朝的噩梦。 Li Xuanzong beckoned with the hand, broke Danyang True Daoist. 李玄宗一摆手,打断了丹阳真人 Han Qinhu who looks at a sincere appearance, Li Xuanzong shakes the head saying: „ Han Qinhu, you, even if said again give an exaggerated account of things, is unable to conceal your ambition. 看着一副真诚模样的韩擒虎,李玄宗摇摇头道:“韩擒虎,你就算是说的再天花乱坠,也是无法掩饰你的野心的。 The supreme immortal toward deteriorates decayed this is everyone can see that I, although favors Ji Honglie, but whether is actually not able to determine the Ji Honglie resurgence supreme immortal toward. 至尊仙朝腐朽衰败这点是所有人都能看到的,我虽然看好姬宏烈,但却也无法确定姬宏烈能否中兴至尊仙朝。 However your Han Qinhu is actually not the lord of that resurgence, you at the matter that the southern 17 counties handle think seriously others don't know? 但是你韩擒虎却也不是那个中兴之主,你在南部十七郡所做的事情当真以为其他人不知道吗? You said that the Central Yuan Divine Continent common people were bullied by the powerhouse, in fact applies the coercive policy in the southern 17 counties, the plundering oppression common people, squeezes Cultivator is your Han Qinhu! 你说中元神洲的百姓都被强者欺压,实际上在南部十七郡施行高压政策,掠夺欺压百姓,压榨修士的就是你韩擒虎! All that you make to not overthrow decayed supreme immortal toward, is only for your ambition! 你所做的一切可不是为了推翻腐朽的至尊仙朝,只是为了你那野心而已! You are seemingly heroic, the thoughts are actually sinister and ruthless, with you, can seriously compared with the supreme immortal toward? I look not necessarily. ” 你这人看似豪迈,实则心思阴毒,跟了你,当真就要比跟着至尊仙朝更好吗?我看不见得。”
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