GSOH :: Volume #4

#374: Seeking an impossibility

South similar town/subdues king Han Qinhu this different early time surnamed Wang toward was also trained by the supreme immortal. 类似镇南王韩擒虎这种异姓王早期也是被至尊仙朝所培养出来的。 But as they are released externally a side, operated for several hundred years in this place, is deep-rooted. 但随着他们外放一方,在此地经营了数百年,早就已经是根深蒂固了。 When supreme immortal toward great strength, they naturally are the guard supreme immortal toward the border area great general. 若是至尊仙朝强大之时,他们自然是护卫至尊仙朝边疆大将。 But with this time supreme immortal toward the decline, they actually gradually had the ambition to come, to separate a side. 但随着此时至尊仙朝衰落,他们却是逐渐生出了野心来,割据一方。 Actually by their strengths, each has the strength of direct destruction supreme immortal towards, but no one is actually willing to take the lead to begin to undertake this infamy. 其实以他们的实力,每一个都有着直接覆灭至尊仙朝的力量,但却没有人愿意率先动手去承担这个骂名。 Their these four strongest different surnamed Wang who wants to overthrow the supreme immortal toward supporting oneself for the king, but is actually also manipulating strategically mutually, waits for the opposite party to begin. 他们这四位最强的异姓王谁都想要推翻至尊仙朝自立为王,但却也同时都在互相勾心斗角,等着对方去动手。 Finally when now, was actually that Ji Honglie wins over Li Xuanzong, gathered Sanzhou Cultivator to exterminate itself. 结果等到现在,却是等来了那姬宏烈拉拢了李玄宗,汇聚三洲修士来剿灭自己。 Thinks that this, Han Qinhu in the heart also regretted at this time, if we had known should hit the Exalted Immortal emperor city in advance, settled Ji that crowd of waste! 想到这一层,韩擒虎此时心中也是后悔不已,早知道如此自己应该先行打上仙帝城,了结了姬家那群废物! In the town/subdues southern king some advisers spoke of: „ Prince, at this moment we did not have other means that to request reinforcements other three. 镇南王内有谋士说到:“王爷,事到如今咱们也没别的办法了,去求援其他三位吧。 We had an accident, that three cannot obtain well! 咱们出事了,那三位也得不到好! When the time comes we must toward be defeated by the supreme immortal one by one, that throne no one can take! ” 到时候咱们都要被至尊仙朝逐个击破,那皇位谁都拿不到手!” Han seizes the tiger to beckon with the hand, sighs: „ Late, hadn't that three fellows I known? 韩擒虎摆了摆手,叹息道:“迟了,那三个家伙我还不知道吗? They will not act even with enough time, but first looks I put together badly beaten with that Li Xuanzong, actually several jin (0.5 kg) then has a look at that Li Xuanzong several two, this will choose whether jointly acts. 他们就算是来得及也不会出手的,而是会先看着我跟那李玄宗拼个头破血流,然后看看那李玄宗究竟有几斤几两,这才会选择是否联合出手呢。 I then am their explorer stones, they let alone acted, perhaps will also hit a person when he is down at crucial moments. ” 我便是他们的探路石,他们别说出手了,说不定还会在关键时刻落井下石呢。” The adviser clenches teeth saying: „ Really the incorrect words, the prince we surrenders to admit defeat for the time being! 那谋士一咬牙道:“实在不行的话,王爷咱们就暂且投降认输吧! The prince haven't you lifted the flag rebellion in any case officially, the immortal also do hold true the origin to subjugate us toward that side? 反正王爷您也没有正式举旗造反,仙朝那边又有什么理由来征讨咱们? Although this act somewhat loses face, but keeps the mountain not to worry not to have the firewood fever, I do not believe that Li Xuanzong to guarantee the supreme immortal toward for a lifetime! ” 虽然此举有些丢脸,不过留得青山在不愁没柴烧,我就不信那李玄宗能够保至尊仙朝一辈子!” Han seizes the tiger cold sound said: „ Is absolutely impossible! How will my Han also admit defeat like Ji that crowd of soft eggs? 韩擒虎冷声道:“绝对不可能!我韩某人又岂会像姬家那群软蛋服软? Past I guarded the southern border, how many distinguished service performed for Ji? Finally? Ji that several imperial clan waste are actually directs to me, added that what I slaughter excessive, confers the title of prince upon somewhat improper. 昔日我镇守南疆,为了姬家立下了多少的汗马功劳?结果呢?姬家那几个宗室废物却是对我指指点点,还说什么我杀戮过重,封王有些不妥。 Finally south this town/subdues hadn't the position of king been taken by me? 最后这镇南王的位置还不是被我拿到手了? You think that I admitted defeat even, then can remain assigns/life? 况且你以为我就算是服软了,便能够留得一命吗? The people of Ji are the mediocre generation, but that Li Xuanzong actually cannot slightly peep. 姬家的人都是庸碌之辈,但那李玄宗却是不能小窥。 I have asked for advice the method of this person in Southern Territory Fire Continent, this Li Xuanzong can strive to turn the tide by a person of strength, gives to defeat nine spirit Monster Saint thoroughly, you think that he will keep my life? 我在南域火洲领教过此人的手段,这李玄宗能以一人之力力挽狂澜,彻底把九灵妖圣都给打垮,你认为他会留我一命吗? The entire southern 17 counties, my Han Qinhu operates for several hundred years, why can give Ji that crowd of waste? 况且整个南部十七郡,我韩擒虎经营数百年,凭什么要让给姬家那群废物? Looks for Vajrayana day that lotus flower Baosheng revering according to temple, told him, so long as his Vajrayana helped me cross this disaster, my Han Qinhu then independence founding of the nation, presenting his Vajrayana was the national religion, the southern 17 counties built the Vajrayana temple, took his Vajrayana as to revere! ” 去找密宗天照寺的那位莲花宝胜尊者,告诉他,只要他密宗帮我渡过这劫难,我韩擒虎便自立建国,奉他密宗为国教,南部十七郡全部建立密宗寺庙,以他密宗为尊!” The adviser said hastily: „ The prince may not! 那谋士连忙道:“王爷不可啊! Vajrayana that group of monk wild ambitions, have not had the great idea! 密宗那帮和尚狼子野心,可没打好主意啊! Before they misled the prince independence founding of the nation, this clearly was satisfying thirst by drinking poison the say/way of taking dying! 之前他们蛊惑王爷自立建国,这分明就是饮鸩止渴的取死之道! My Central Yuan Divine Continent has not consecrated the Buddhism, let alone is Vajrayana these monks, recommends Vajrayana forcefully, will decide however will make the people common people in my southern 17 county resist. 况且我中元神洲从来就没供奉过佛门,更何况是密宗那些和尚,强行推举密宗,定然会让我南部十七郡的子民百姓心生抗拒的。 Zen had acted in Eastern Travels Spirit Continent at this time full power, conduct extremely overbearing, the sect that any does not revere the Buddhism made into the heresy, and plunders the large amounts of resources in the area, made people have no means to make a living. 禅宗此时已经在东行灵州全力出手了,行事极其的霸道,任何不尊佛门的教派都被打成了异端,并且在当地搜刮大量的资源,弄的民不聊生。 Southern Territory Fire Continent that Barbarian Race and Monster Race in place of Vajrayana these monks barbarian desolate want to insert one, that the Buddhism takes advantage absolutely is not that simple. 就连南域火洲那种只有蛮族妖族在的蛮荒之地密宗那些和尚都想要插一手,佛门打的算盘绝对不是那么简单的。 If we direct Vajrayana to be out, basically is the front door drives the wolf back door to enter the tiger, not only there is a danger, will also be reviled by south common people Cultivator. ” 我们若是引密宗下场,基本上就是前门驱狼后门进虎,不光有危险,还会被南部百姓修士唾骂的。” This adviser's level is not much, after all south the town/subdues king Han Qinhu strength suspends here, he does not need these advisers to plan too many things for him. 这谋士本身的水平并不怎么样,毕竟镇南王韩擒虎的实力摆在这里,他也不需要这些谋士为他谋划太多的东西。 Seizes the tiger regarding Han, sometimes the strength then can steamroll all. 对于韩擒虎来说,有时候力量便能够碾压一切了。 However at this time this adviser looks is actually very clear, Vajrayana schemes really in a big way, admits Vajrayana to come to the southern 17 counties, is not a great idea. 不过此时这谋士看的倒是很清楚,密宗图谋甚大,接纳密宗来南部十七郡,并不是一个好主意。 Han seizes tiger cold snort/hum one: „ This king had been compelled the dead end quickly, where can also manage them to resist? 韩擒虎冷哼一声:“本王都已经快被逼到绝路了,哪里还会管他们抗拒不抗拒? Does not make the monk of Vajrayana come, this king then must die now. 不引密宗的和尚前来,本王现在便要死。 Makes the monk of Vajrayana come, most is later has the risk. 引密宗的和尚前来,最多就是以后有风险。 Does this matter also serve a need to elect? 这种事情还用得着选吗? don't must rubbish, immediately informs Vajrayana that lotus flower Baosheng revering, his all conditions, this king complied! ” 莫要废话了,立刻去通知密宗那个莲花宝胜尊者,他的一切条件,本王都答应了!” That adviser looks at face Han Qinhu decidedly, cannot help but sighed. 那名谋士看着一脸决然的韩擒虎,不由得叹息了一声。 He is local Cultivator of southern 17 county, reason that turns to Han Qinhu , because he had looked that the supreme immortal toward will soon deteriorate. 他是南部十七郡的本地修士,之所以投靠韩擒虎,是因为他早就看出来至尊仙朝即将衰败了。 In this situation he is the hope has a male lord to lead the southern 17 counties to rise, is in charge of the immortal emperor city. 这种情况下他是希望有一名雄主带领南部十七郡崛起,入主仙帝城的。 He thinks Han Qinhu is such male lord, finally now looks like, this Han Qinhu except for is powerful, actually he has no difference from the supreme immortal toward these people of Ji. 原本他以为韩擒虎就是这样的雄主,结果现在看来,这韩擒虎除了实力强大,其实他跟至尊仙朝姬家的那些人并没有任何区别。 To him, the common people and Cultivator in southern 17 county are just the tool in his hand, for the life and power and influence, these things is he can abandon to put down at will. 对于他来说,南部十七郡的百姓和修士都只不过是他手中的工具而已,为了活命和权势,这些东西都是他可以随意抛弃放下的。 But at present the aspects of Han Qinhu 17 county or effective and influential word south entire, the adviser must promise Han Qinhu so to do. 但眼下韩擒虎在整个南部十七郡还是一言九鼎的局面,那谋士也只得答应韩擒虎这般做。 But at this time Li Xuanzong also brought his four continent allied armies to advance in the southern 17 counties directly. 而此时李玄宗也带着他的四洲联军直接推进到了南部十七郡境内。 So under strength steamroll, even if under Han Qinhu is elite, he himself is still the soldier such as the god is also useless, the place visited is almost easily accomplished general, pushes directly horizontally. 如此力量碾压之下,就算是韩擒虎麾下都是精锐,他自己也是兵如神也是无用,所过之处几乎是摧枯拉朽一般,直接横推过去。 In the middle of the allied armies, sovereign Yuan Qingfeng of that beacon-fire sword sect disdains saying: Before had always heard this Central Yuan Divine Continent outstanding people and magical soil, the outstanding powerhouse pours forth, finally is actually such a group of soft eggs, even our day cannot block, is simply laughable.” 联军当中,那烽火剑宗的宗主袁青锋不屑道:“之前总听说过这中元神洲人杰地灵,俊杰强者辈出,结果却是这么一帮软蛋,连咱们一天都挡不住,简直可笑。” Nearby spirit say/way sect sovereign Zhang Songnian shakes the head saying: „ Yuan brother, you may probably underestimate this group of people not. 一旁的灵道宗宗主张松年摇摇头道:“袁兄,你可莫要小看这帮人。 Such smooth that we advance, is actually taking advantage of the power and influence personal connection of Sir Li. 咱们推进的如此顺利,其实还是依仗着李大人的威势人脉。 Changes into others, who has the ability Central Yuan Divine Continent, Eastern Travels Spirit Continent, Southern Territory Fire Continent and influence unions of Northern Polar Wintry Continent these four continents together? 换成其他人,谁有能力把中元神洲东行灵州南域火洲北极寒洲这四洲的势力联合在一起? Let alone was south a town/subdues the king, even if this strength Daoism and Buddhism saw will feel thornily. 别说是一个镇南王了,这股力量就算是道门和佛门看到了都会感觉到棘手的。 But has heard south that town/subdues the king, but Dao Unification three cultivation base to the powerhouse, Sir Li resists with what? 只不过听说过那镇南王可是合道三次修为的至强者,李大人拿什么抵挡? I always thought that Sir Li aura some are not right, was difficult to be inadequate he to break through the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary? 我总觉得李大人身上的气息有些不对劲,难不成他已经突破到了返虚合道境界? But on him has not returned to the empty boundary aura obviously, and how long does he break through Celestial Realm? Is seriously strange. ” 但他身上明明没有返虚境界的气息,并且他才突破天人境多久?当真是奇怪啊。”
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