GSOH :: Volume #4

#373: Four continent allied armies

The immortal emperor city of supreme immortal towards is the Central Yuan Divine Continent largest city, similarly is also the entire Five Continent World largest city, but at this time is actually flustered. 至尊仙朝的仙帝城乃是中元神洲第一大城,同样也是整个五洲世界的第一大城,但此时却是人心惶惶。 Since five big different start to separate surnamed Wang, everyone then knows, this supreme immortal toward is about to collapse, does not know when will collapse thoroughly. 自从五大异姓王开始割据之后所有人便都知道,这至尊仙朝已经快塌了,就是不知道什么时候会彻底崩溃。 At this time south the town/subdues king Han Qinhu is ready and waiting in the south, who thinks that his is the preparation to the supreme immortal toward beginning, therefore in the immortal emperor city also many people flee at once unexpectedly in abundance. 此时镇南王韩擒虎在南部整装待发,谁都以为他这是准备对至尊仙朝动手,所以一时之间仙帝城内竟然也有不少人纷纷逃离。 The present supreme immortal towards is only a spatial shell, this Central Yuan Divine Continent person is waiting, actually has a look is who can a finger puncture this spatial shell thoroughly. 现在的至尊仙朝只是一个空壳子,这中元神洲的人都在等着,看看究竟是谁能够一指头把这空壳子彻底戳破。 In Danyang True Daoist and Ji Honglie in scared, Li Xuanzong went out at this time finally. 就在丹阳真人和姬宏烈都在恐慌的时候,李玄宗终于是在这个时候出关了。 Under True Daoist and Taizi Dian are not flustered, even if the town/subdues southern king has prepared, he does not dare to begin for a short time. 真人和太子殿下莫要慌张,镇南王就算是有所准备,他一时半刻也是不敢动手的。 Supreme immortal toward basing Central Yuan Divine Continent so many years, although has deteriorated now, but many people approve the supreme immortal toward. 至尊仙朝立足中元神洲这么多年,虽然现在已经衰败,但不少人还是认可至尊仙朝的。 Even if therefore is the supreme immortal toward can crash, but destroys the people in supreme immortal towards not to have the good end truly mostly. 所以哪怕是至尊仙朝可以崩塌,但真正摧毁至尊仙朝的人多半也是没有好下场的。 Han seizes the tiger, if dares to take the lead to act in this time, that result was picked up a bargain by others mostly. ” 韩擒虎若是敢在此时率先出手,那结果多半就是被其他人捡便宜。” Li Xuanzong at this time actually seems calm. 李玄宗此时倒是显得从容的很。 Ji Honglie smiles bitterly saying: „ But south the town/subdues the king has not begun, my supreme immortal toward must then unable to support, in the immortal emperor city has even started some people to retreat. 姬宏烈苦笑道:“但是镇南王还没动手,我至尊仙朝便已经要撑不住了,仙帝城内甚至已经开始有人溃逃了。 Sir Li, at present future of my supreme immortal towards actually how, but must entrust to you. ” 李大人,眼下我至尊仙朝的未来究竟如何,可就要托付给你了。” Li Xuanzong sinking sound said: „ Your highness felt relieved, took the supreme immortal toward so many things, I must perform a nice merit to be good. 李玄宗沉声道:“殿下放心,拿了至尊仙朝这么多东西,我怎么也要立下点像样的功劳才行。 Actually at present south town/subdues other king several different surnamed Wang, they, were waiting for the supreme immortal toward voluntarily the rout. 其实眼下不论是镇南王还是其他几个异姓王,他们都在等,等着至尊仙朝自行溃败。 Even if has prepared the good Han captures tiger possibly not to think that we will act personally. 哪怕是已经准备好的韩擒虎可能都不会觉得我们会亲自出手。 Since is this, we then begin in advance, hit their one to be caught off guard. ” 既然是这样,那我们便先行动手,打他们一个措手不及。” Helpless Danyang True Daoist said: But no one, Central Yuan Divine Continent Cultivator knows that what situation at present supreme immortal towards is, at this time where will jump toward this fiery pit in the middle of toward the supreme immortal? Definitely is escapes without enough time.” 丹阳真人无奈道:“但是没有人啊,中元神洲修士都知道眼下至尊仙朝是什么情况,此时又哪里会往至尊仙朝这个火坑当中跳?肯定是逃都来不及呢。” Li Xuanzong narrows the eye saying: „ You cannot look for me, I actually yes. 李玄宗眯着眼睛道:“你找不来我,我却是可以的。 Five Continent World, is not only then the Central Yuan Divine Continent powerhouse pours forth. 五洲世界,又不是只有中元神洲强者辈出。 So long as we can destruction different surnamed Wang, revives the supreme immortal toward dignified, believes that by the supreme immortal toward the reputation that these years accumulates, some people will definitely hear a rumor to throw. ” 只要我们能够覆灭其中一家异姓王,重振至尊仙朝威严,相信以至尊仙朝这么多年来所积累的名声,肯定会有人闻风来投的。” Ji Honglie eyes immediately one bright: Is difficult to be inadequate Ocean Overturning Monster Saint, to move mountain Monster Saint two also to act.” 姬宏烈的眼睛顿时一亮:“难不成覆海妖圣、搬山妖圣两位也会出手。” Li Xuanzong decisive certainly Ji Honglie fantasy. 李玄宗果断的绝了姬宏烈的幻想。 Is impossible, that two will be will not act absolutely. “不可能的,那两位是绝对不会出手的。 Moved mountain Monster Saint to be close to the oil completely lamp dry condition at this time, acts critically to the life again. 搬山妖圣此时已经接近油尽灯枯的状态了,再次出手会危急到性命的。 Ocean Overturning Monster Saint is, the East Sea black tide has not so blocked at this time thoroughly, moves mountain Monster Saint to come ashore continually difficultly, how also to act? 覆海妖圣也是如此,此时东海的黑潮还没有彻底挡住,搬山妖圣连上岸都困难,又怎么会出手? However is unimportant, without them, I is also same has confidence to eradicate south the town/subdues the king. ” 不过不要紧,没有他们,我也是一样有把握铲除镇南王的。” By the relations of Li Xuanzong although at this time cannot draw existence of Monster Saint rank, but others. 李玄宗的关系此时虽然拉不来妖圣级别的存在,但其他人还是可以的。 Eastern Travels Spirit Continent that is the Li Xuanzong supreme headquarters, especially that side the shore of East Sea, almost takes Li Xuanzong as to revere. 东行灵州那便是李玄宗的大本营,特别是东海之滨那边,几乎都是以李玄宗为尊的。 Therefore Li Xuanzong direct transmitting orders made Huang Tianqing assemble Cultivator and Monster Race of influence shore of East Sea comes Central Yuan Divine Continent to lead a cheer. 所以李玄宗直接传令让黄天清调集东海之滨的修士妖族势力前来中元神洲助阵。 Eastern Travels Spirit Continent there, Li Xuanzong is also makes three pure gold toad kings go back with own given name to convene various group of Cultivator to come. 东行灵州那里呢,李玄宗也是让三足金蟾王回去以自己的名号召集各路修士前来。 Especially Eastern Travels Spirit Continent present situation actually not be considered well. 特别是东行灵州现在的局势其实并不算好。 The Buddhism the whole has been in charge of Eastern Travels Spirit Continent, the pressed four immortal sects cannot breathe, both sides have made into the mess. 佛门已经整体入主东行灵州,压的四大仙宗喘不过气来,双方已经打成了一团糟了。 These door small factions submit to the Buddhism either, either is helping four immortal sects, these of surplus neutrality were somewhat helpless. 那些小门小派要么臣服佛门,要么帮着四大仙宗,剩余中立的那些则是有些不知所措了。 For example spirit say/way sect Zhang Songnian who then knows in the middle of Heavenly Fire Congress with Li Xuanzong also has beacon-fire sword sect Yuan Qingfeng this Cultivator then to be the neutral nature. 比如那跟李玄宗天火大会当中所结识的灵道宗张松年还有烽火剑宗袁青锋这种修士便都属于中立性质的。 At this time with Li Xuanzong orders one, they choose immediately are separated from Eastern Travels Spirit Continent this chaotic situation temporarily, comes Central Yuan Divine Continent to lead a cheer. 此时随着李玄宗命令一来,他们立刻选择暂时脱离东行灵州这个乱局,前来中元神洲助阵。 One was they are once rescued by Li Xuanzong in the middle of Heavenly Fire Congress, therefore naturally trusted Li Xuanzong. 一个是他们曾经在天火大会当中被李玄宗所救,所以自然是信任李玄宗的。 In the Li Xuanzong strength and method, they believes Li Xuanzong will definitely not suffer a loss, will not treat unjustly their. 还有一个就是以李玄宗的实力和手段,他们是相信李玄宗肯定不会吃亏的,也不会亏待他们的。 Then, the light is Eastern Travels Spirit Continent then has large quantities of influences on come. 如此一来,光是东行灵州便有大批的势力前来。 But Southern Territory Fire Continent that side Li Xuanzong was also sends people to inform. 南域火洲那边李玄宗也是派人去通知了一下。 Held up day of Monster Saint here almost successfully to control Southern Territory Fire Continent Monster Race, therefore here was almost his practice of "what I say goes". 擎天妖圣这里几乎已经成功把控住了南域火洲妖族,所以这里几乎是他的一言堂了。 Besides he himself needs to assume Southern Territory Fire Continent, under several him Celestial Realm Great Monster also brings numerous Monster Race to join. 除了他自己需要坐镇南域火洲之外,数位他麾下天人境大妖也是带着一众妖族前来助阵。 But the Barbarian Race that side owes the Li Xuanzong favor, but the previous families make a move to help resist Vajrayana, this favor also almost already, therefore makes Barbarian Race make a move at this time, obviously is some are inappropriate. 蛮族那边虽然是欠李玄宗的人情,不过上次人家出手帮忙抵挡密宗,这个人情也差不多已经都还了,所以此时让蛮族出手,显然是有些不合适的。 However what that side Barbarian Race most lacks is what? Naturally is the resources, all kinds of resources. 不过蛮族那边最缺的是什么?当然是资源,各种各样的资源。 Because Heavenly Fire Congress by nine spirit Monster Saint stirring mess, therefore causes this Barbarian Race not to trade the sufficient resources above Heavenly Fire Congress, the feeling somewhat loses money. 天火大会因为被九灵妖圣给搅的一团糟,所以导致这次蛮族并没有在天火大会之上交易到足够的资源,还是感觉有些亏本的。 This Li Xuanzong puts out the supreme immortal to trade toward various resources that so many year of institutes accumulate directly, that side Barbarian Race was almost one then complied. 这次李玄宗直接拿出至尊仙朝这么多年所积累的各种资源进行交易,蛮族那边几乎是一口便答应了下来。 Northern Polar Wintry Continent there is also so. 北极寒洲那里也是如此。 The place of this type of bitter cold also lacks various resources very much, the similarly northern bright king also wants to make good friends with Li Xuanzong, therefore after receiving the Li Xuanzong news, acts decisively, making the northern territory tiger king bring part of Monster Race and Barbarian Race gives support. 这种苦寒之地也是很缺各种资源的,同样北明王也是想要跟李玄宗结一个善缘,所以在接到李玄宗的消息之后,也是果断出手,让北域虎王带着一部分妖族蛮族前来支援。 Gathered the Sanzhou strength, under Li Xuanzong various group of Cultivator has achieved 100,000, and it can be said that had no mediocre generation, the Gathering Yuan boundary was the floor. 汇聚三洲实力,李玄宗麾下各路修士已经达到了十万,并且可以说是没什么庸碌之辈,就连归元境都算是底层。 This strength copes different surnamed Wang can be said as simple, this makes Ji great fierce be in high spirits immediately. 这股力量去对付一个异姓王可以说是简单的很,这让姬宏烈顿时精神振奋。 South the Naling county town/subdues that at this moment, the town/subdues southern king is in the king is actually one piece with deep veneration, the atmosphere is low and deep. 此时此刻,镇南王所在的南陵郡镇南王内却是一片肃然,气氛低沉。 No one has thought, is seizes tiger not to think as for Han, Li Xuanzong can actually then draw such big weaponry in a short time, the Sanzhou powerhouses gets together, this where was south a town/subdues king Nenggou resists? 谁都没想到,乃至于韩擒虎自己都没想到,李玄宗竟然能够在短时间内便拉来这么大的阵仗,三洲强者齐聚,这哪里是一个镇南王能够抵抗得了的? Until now appears south the town/subdues that has victory in the hand the king at this time is also some complexion blanches. 一直以来都显得胜券在握的镇南王此时也是有些面色发白的。 His Han Qinhu is the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary to the powerhouse, has Dao Unification cultivation base three times, but south his entire town/subdues king may be unable to collect dozens Celestial Realm Cultivator also 100,000 Sanzhou elite Cultivator. 他韩擒虎是返虚合道境界的至强者,有着合道三次的修为,但他整个镇南王的可凑不齐数十名天人境修士还十万三洲精锐修士 Such powerhouse Cultivator coming in swarms altogether, can say person of saliva sufficiently south the king his town/subdues being drown to death, how does this also hit? 这么强者修士一股脑的蜂拥而至,可以说一人一口唾沫都足以将他镇南王给淹死了,这还怎么打?
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