GSOH :: Volume #4

#372: Six buddhist monk fire of karma red violets

Danyang True Daoist and Ji Honglie and other Li Xuanzong entered, they thought of a very serious concern. 丹阳真人和姬宏烈等李玄宗进入其中之后他们才想到了一个很严重的问题。 Before that is them, does not know before , the person who enters is actually how long dies in inside. 那就是他们之前并不知道之前进入的人究竟是多久才死在里面。 Therefore they are unable to analyze that Li Xuanzong is so long has not come out, actually to be fusing the strength of main road, has problems. 所以他们也无法判断李玄宗这么久都没出来,究竟是在融合大道之力,还是出了问题。 Even they were also discussing before must inquire about the Li Xuanzong life and death with other means. 甚至他们之前还商量着要不要用一些其他的办法来探寻一下李玄宗的生死。 Until three months from now on Li Xuanzong smooth from walks, they then relax. 直到三个月过后李玄宗顺利从其中走出来,他们这才松了一口气。 Sir Li you whether now has stepped into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary?” “李大人你现在是否已经踏入了返虚合道境界?” Ji Honglie hurried asking. 姬宏烈匆忙的问道。 Li Xuanzong some complexion strange say/way: „ Also was steps into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary. 李玄宗的面色有些古怪道:“也算是踏入返虚合道境界了吧。 In brief existence of Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary, even if nine spirit Monster Saint acts, I have confidence with its war. ” 总之返虚合道境界的存在,哪怕是九灵妖圣出手,我也有把握跟其一战。” Heard Li Xuanzong so saying that Ji Honglie and Danyang True Daoist was joyful. 听到李玄宗这般说,姬宏烈和的丹阳真人都是欣喜不已。 But some of their actually also doubts, what also steps into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary? 只不过他们却也有些疑惑,什么叫也算是踏入返虚合道境界了? Stepped into then stepped into, without stepping into has not then stepped into, what meaning was also? 踏入了便是踏入了,没踏入便是没踏入,也算是什么意思? However since they heard Li Xuanzong saying that can with nine spirit Monster Saint wars, that was definitely safe. 不过他们既然听到李玄宗说可以跟九灵妖圣一战,那肯定就是稳妥了。 Ji Honglie asked: At present Sir Li has stepped into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary, does not know whether to intend to help my supreme immortal toward solving these rebels different surnamed Wang?” 姬宏烈问道:“眼下李大人已经踏入了返虚合道境界,不知道可否出手帮我至尊仙朝解决那些反叛的异姓王?” Li Xuanzong sinking sound said: „ Under Taizi Dian must worry not, solving south a town/subdues the king is simple, but if solves all different surnamed Wang is actually some difficulties. 李玄宗沉声道:“太子殿下莫要着急,解决一个镇南王简单,但若是解决掉所有的异姓王却是有些难度的。 Therefore, has moved motionless then must solve these fellows completely. 所以不动则已,动便要将这些家伙全部解决。 Daoism this aspect also needs to consider. 还有道门这方面也是需要考虑的。 Daoism is in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent, four big different surnamed Wang are winning over the Daoism expert. 道门入主中元神洲,四大异姓王都在拉拢着道门的高手。 We before beginning, must think the means to strip good then Daoism. 我们在动手之前,必须想办法将道门剥离开这才行。 Therefore the present is not the good time of beginning, but also asked your highness to give me time to plan. 所以眼下并不是动手的好时机,还请殿下给我一点时间来谋划。 Right, whether your highness here can practice resources also Spirit Qi abundant place to me massively, I want to close up cultivation. 对了,殿下这里能否给我大量的修练资源还有一处灵气充裕之地,我想要闭关修行 , Winds and thunder these three materials, do not know that the supreme immortal does have toward here? ” 地、风、雷这三种材料,不知道至尊仙朝这里有没有?” Actually Li Xuanzong so does is somewhat excessive. 其实李玄宗这般做是有些过分的。 He just drew support from the blessings left by predecessors strength that profound True Daoist leaves behind to progress by leaps and bounds, finally he demanded that as before a lot of commodities, felt somewhat insatiably greedy. 他才刚刚借助玄都真人留下的遗泽实力突飞猛进,结果他却依旧索要大量的物资,感觉是有些贪得无厌的。 However Ji Honglie does not have the half a point to care. 不过姬宏烈却没有半分在意。 The personnel does not doubt the person not to use. 用人不疑疑人不用。 Past moved mountain Monster Saint to be able to entrust to Li Xuanzong, finally Li Xuanzong actually closed up there, seemed easily bullied, was laughed by entire Southern Territory Fire Continent Monster Race. 昔日搬山妖圣都能够将一切都托付给李玄宗,结果李玄宗却只是在那里闭关,显得软弱可欺,被整个南域火洲妖族所嗤笑。 Finally knows to the final people, originally this is Li Xuanzong show the enemy intentionally to weakly, plans the overall situation, finally beat nine spirit Monster Saint to think of every means the countries of established ten thousand monster. 结果到了最后众人才知道,原来这是李玄宗故意示敌以弱,谋划全局,最后击垮了九灵妖圣费尽心机所建立的万妖之国。 Even if present Li Xuanzong does not have first to prepare to act, Ji Honglie had not felt discontented. 所以就算眼下李玄宗并没有第一时间就准备出手,姬宏烈也并没有感觉到不满。 The accumulation and background of supreme immortal towards really can be said as very rich, even is above the imagination of Li Xuanzong simply. 至尊仙朝的积累和底蕴真可以说是十分丰厚的,甚至简直超乎李玄宗的想象。 The refinement octupole octopole executes an immortal sword material to be very rare and precious difficult homing, finally comes in the hand of supreme immortal towards is actually incomparable simple easy. 炼制八极诛仙剑阵的材料本来应该是十分珍稀难寻的,结果在至尊仙朝的手中得来却是无比的简单容易。 Wind and thunder these three handles execute the immortal sword also to refine methodically, simultaneously Li Xuanzong is also considering, oneself next Cultivation Art should promote anything. 地风雷这三柄诛仙剑也是有条不紊的炼制着,同时李玄宗也是在思虑着,自己下一门功法应该升级什么。 After cutting kills nine spirit Monster Saint, Profound Laws Ring then can again promote, but Li Xuanzong has actually been considering, which Cultivation Art oneself should promote. 斩杀九灵妖圣之后,玄法戒便能够再次升级了,只不过李玄宗却一直都在思虑着,自己应该升级哪门功法 Mortal body has eight nine Profound Technique, the weapon Magical Treasure aspect octupole octopole executes immortal sword, so long as refines successfully, can fully steamroll all. 肉身方面有着八九玄功,兵器法宝方面八极诛仙剑阵只要炼制成功,足可以碾压一切。 Therefore regarding present Li Xuanzong, he only needs to consider one prestige in Divine Ability aspect can be enough. 所以对于现在的李玄宗来说,他只需要考虑自己在神通方面的威能就足够了。 Thinks it over, Li Xuanzong decides to promote to cancel to the burning sun fire. 思来想去,李玄宗还是决定升级勾离炎阳火。 Cancelled is indeed intrepid to the prestige energy of burning sun fire on ignition mortal body enough, but the external prestige can actually also need to promote. 勾离炎阳火在灼烧肉身上的威能的确是已经足够强悍了,但外在的威能却也需要提升一下。 After all this hot attribute Divine Ability technique law has not disappointed Li Xuanzong to the check to the burning sun fire from the part of great bear god fire. 毕竟这火属性的神通术法从天罡神火到勾离炎阳火从来都没让李玄宗失望过。 Promotes to think that to the pinnacle prestige it will also be more astonishing. 将其提升到极致的威能想必也会更加惊人的。 On Profound Laws Ring the coal ray sparkle, cancelled also to promote another Divine Ability in the Li Xuanzong mind to the burning sun fire. 玄法戒上黑金光芒闪耀,勾离炎阳火也是在李玄宗的脑海中升级成了另外一门神通 After seeing the introduction of this Divine Ability, on the face of Li Xuanzong also revealed to wipe the happy expression. 看到这门神通的介绍之后,李玄宗的脸上也是不禁露出了一抹喜色来。 Six buddhist monk fire of karma red violets! 六道浮屠业火红莲! This Divine Ability is the pinnacle of hot attribute technique law, is not the combustion mortal body is not combustion Primordial Spirit, but specially combustion person karmic hindrance fire of karma! 这门神通乃是火属性术法的极致,不是燃烧肉身也不是燃烧元神,而是专门燃烧人身业障的业火! So long as you have karmic hindrance, will then commit suicide by fire by the fire of karma, is unable to resist, is unable to defend, even can say, only the useful own strength shoulders the fire of karma to commit suicide by fire to be able hardly to support. 只要你身有业障,便会被业火焚身,无法抵挡,无法防御,甚至可以这么说,唯有用自己的力量硬扛业火焚身才能撑得过去。 Various group of Cultivator which not karmic hindrance in this cultivation? Who dares to say haven't oneself wrong killed one person? 修行界中的各路修士哪个没有一身的业障?谁又敢说自己没有错杀过一人? Therefore almost everyone will commit suicide by fire under these six buddhist monk fire of karma red violets, the difference is only their karmic hindrance many. 所以几乎人人都会在这六道浮屠业火红莲之下焚身,区别只是他们身上的业障多少而已。 Even if some cultivation base powerhouses can cover up the secret with the huge main road, shields oneself karmic hindrance, but will only need strength of the fire of karma then to be burnt down thoroughly completely. 哪怕是有一些修为较强者可以用天大大道遮掩天机,屏蔽自己身上的业障,但只需要一丝业火之力便会被彻底焚烧殆尽的。 Six buddhist monk fire of karma red violets practice successfully, other three handles execute the immortal sword are also the refinement complete, in addition Li Xuanzong let mix the heavenly palace to swallow large quantities of treasures and strengths, finally patched some own damages, he then prepared to intend to cope with the supreme immortal toward that several different surnamed Wang. 六道浮屠业火红莲修练成功,其余三柄诛仙剑也是炼制完成,外加李玄宗又让混天宫吞噬了大批的宝物和力量,终于修补了一部分自身的损伤,他这才准备出手对付至尊仙朝那几位异姓王。 These days Li Xuanzong closed up for a year, but that four big different between surnamed Wang change is also bigger and bigger. 这段时间李玄宗足足闭关了一年的时间,而那四大异姓王之间的异动也是越来越大。 Ji Honglie looks for Li Xuanzong, and sealed Li Xuanzong is the matter of big commanding officer has disappeared without a trace, spread over entire Central Yuan Divine Continent. 姬宏烈找来李玄宗,并且封李玄宗为大都督的事情早就已经不胫而走,传遍了整个中元神洲了。 This was not Ji Honglie disseminated intentionally, but is the present supreme immortal toward the high and low offcenter, definitely has various path strange/different scouts surnamed Wang, therefore this matter could not conceal the truth. 这倒也不是姬宏烈故意传播了,而是现在至尊仙朝上下离心,其中肯定有着各路异姓王的探子,所以这种事情瞒不住的。 Majority think that this was Ji Honglie turned to any doctor one can find when critically ill, looked for other continents Cultivator to come casually, then wanted to save the supreme immortal toward? Simply is dream of a fool. 大多数都认为这是姬宏烈病急乱投医了,随便找个其他洲的修士来,便想要拯救至尊仙朝吗?简直就是痴人说梦。 Profound True Daoist only has one, this Li Xuanzong possibly is not profound True Daoist second. 玄都真人只有一个,这李玄宗也不可能是玄都真人第二。 However only then south the town/subdues the king knows, this Li Xuanzong cannot slightly peep. 不过只有镇南王知道,这李玄宗可不能小窥。 Before he took risk to collaborate with nine spirit Monster Saint, attempts to occupy Southern Territory Fire Continent part of region development influences, discussed well, can definitely carve up Southern Territory Fire Continent. 之前他冒险跟九灵妖圣联手,企图占据南域火洲一部分地域发展势力,原本商议的好好的,完全可以瓜分南域火洲 Finally whose to become thinks actually kills Li Xuanzong finally, confuses all thoroughly, causing him to fall short. 结果谁成想最后却是杀出来一个李玄宗,把一切都彻底搅乱,导致他功亏一篑。 Even if this Li Xuanzong has not stepped into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary not to allow slightly to peep, therefore south town/subdues king Han Qinhu, but has not looked like others to display like that with ease. 李玄宗就算是没有踏入返虚合道境界也是不容小窥的,所以镇南王韩擒虎可是没有像其他人那般表现轻松。 He starts to catch the recruit in the Central Yuan Divine Continent southern region, appoints to office various group of Cultivator, the southern several big county starts to declare martial law, even also gathers the wartime forcefully the large amount of tax revenue, exhibits an appearance in formation, to deal with Li Xuanzong. 他在中元神洲南部的地域开始抓壮丁,征辟各路修士,南部数个大郡都开始戒严,甚至还强行收取战时的巨额税收,摆出一副严阵以待的模样,就是为了应对李玄宗
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