GSOH :: Volume #4

#371: Alone own road

Normally, if there is Celestial Realm exists to enter, so long as can shoulder the attacks of these main road elves, opposite party naturally because the strength consumption will fall into a cooling period. 正常情况下,若是有天人境的存在进入其中,只要能够扛得住这些大道精灵的一次攻击,对方自然就会因为力量消耗陷入一个冷却阶段。 So long as mounts to burst main road elf strength while this time, then can swallow to refine the main road. 只要趁此时机击溃大道精灵身上的力量,便能够将大道吞噬炼化。 This was profound the condition that initially True Daoist conceived, was the condition that Danyang True Daoist and Ji Honglie thought. 这是当初玄都真人所设想的状态,也是丹阳真人和姬宏烈以为的状态。 But they have not actually thought, Li Xuanzong is so unexpectedly valiant, the direct fist then can rumble completely broken several main road elves. 但他们却是没想到,李玄宗竟然如此彪悍,直接一拳便能够将数个大道精灵全部轰碎。 And Li Xuanzong also just stepped into shortly after Celestial Realm, he has not understood Return to Emptiness Dao Unification this boundary, where knows truth that what proceeds in an orderly way? 并且李玄宗也才刚刚踏入天人境不久,对于返虚合道这种境界他也没了解过,哪里知道什么循序渐进的道理? Therefore refining up from the beginning, he then refine oneself within the body the strength of all main roads completely. 所以这么一开始炼化,他便将所有的大道之力全部炼化到了自己体内。 From the beginning, the strength of water and fire is can also refine as for the strength of other wind and thunder smoothly. 一开始还可以,水火之力乃至于其他风雷之力还可以顺利的炼化。 However he actually forgot, Return to Emptiness Dao Unification in fact fuses with oneself a main road, by oneself strength fusion main road, to achieve the strength with a condition of the world rank. 不过他却忘了,返虚合道实际上是将一种大道跟自己相融合,以自身之力融合大道,以达到自身力量跟天地一个等级的状态。 Li Xuanzong strength of the fusion so many main roads altogether, actually somewhat bite off more than one can chew now. 李玄宗现在一股脑的融合这么多的大道之力,却是有些贪多嚼不烂了。 The strength of these main roads did not have to fuse with he in his within the body with enough time have then started to resist to backlash mutually. 这些大道之力还没来得及在他体内跟他自身融合便已经开始了互相对抗反噬。 Above law celestial phenomenon that huge body azure red, the strength has conflicted about, as if the next quarter Li Xuanzong body then must explode general. 法天象地那巨大的身躯之上青一块红一块的,力量已经在左右冲突,仿佛下一刻李玄宗的身躯便要爆裂一般。 Li Xuanzong is secretly thought one is not good, this situation is he has not expected. 李玄宗也是暗道一声不好,这种情况是他所没有料到的。 Others normal Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary is fights steadily to the powerhouses, after a Dao Unification time, comes the second time. 人家正常返虚合道境界的至强者都是稳扎稳打的,合道一次之后再来第二次。 Li Xuanzong so has not succeeded one time thoroughly, then wants the second time, at this time falls into the extremely critical plot. 李玄宗这般一次还没有彻底成功呢,便想要来第二次,此时已经是陷入极其危急的情节。 However at this time Li Xuanzong actually not flurried, at this time was more hurried is busier, his method is extremely numerous, suppresses the strength of this main road thoroughly is not not possible. 不过此时李玄宗却也没有慌乱,这种时候越慌越忙,他一身手段极多,彻底镇压这大道之力也不是不可能。 Eight nine Profound Technique books fuse their method with the main road, urging of Li Xuanzong simply unlimited combustion vitality eight nine Profound Technique, crushes the strength of all main roads directly, integrates in the middle of the mortal body. 八九玄功本就是以大道融合自身的法门,李玄宗索性无限制的燃烧气血之力催动八九玄功,将所有大道之力直接粉碎,融入肉身当中。 But this act is to also satisfy thirst by drinking poison general, if has not waited for eight nine Profound Technique to fuse these world main roads thoroughly, what to do own mortal body was then supported to break to pieces? 但此举也是饮鸩止渴一般,万一还没等八九玄功彻底融合这些天地大道,自己的肉身便被撑碎了怎么办? Therefore Li Xuanzong must mix the heavenly palace in within the body summon, wish lets mix the heavenly palace to reveal some fairyism , helping suppress the mortal body. 所以李玄宗只得在体内呼唤混天宫,想要让混天宫露出一部分仙气来,帮忙镇压肉身。 But before mixing the heavenly palace, when suppressed nine spirit Monster Saint to act, at this time naturally did not want. 但混天宫之前在镇压九灵妖圣的时候已经出手过了,此时自然是不愿意了。 After it follows Li Xuanzong, but has not seen many advantage, the light strives. 它跟着李玄宗之后,可是没见过多少好处呢,光出力。 However this Li Xuanzong tried every means to persuade, after oneself went out, managed Ji Honglie to want the large amounts of resources to help mix the heavenly palace to patch itself, mixed the heavenly palace then to comply. 不过这次李玄宗好说歹说,等自己出关之后管姬宏烈要大量的资源帮助混天宫修补自身,混天宫这才答应下来。 The boundless fairyism arrives, suppresses the strength of main road, is to make the Li Xuanzong body finally somewhat balanced. 磅礴的仙气降临,镇压大道之力,总算是让李玄宗的身躯变得有些平衡。 But this is insufficient. 但这还不够。 Profound True Daoist to let strength of preservation shapes these main roads, therefore injected too many strengths to make him change to the main road elf. 玄都真人为了让这些大道之力保存形态,所以注入了太多的力量让其化作大道精灵。 If that above strength completely does not eliminate, will continue to refine also to support dead Li Xuanzong again. 那上面力量若是不完全消除,再继续炼化下去也会撑死李玄宗的。 Therefore Li Xuanzong direct selection combustion Primordial Spirit, above the forehead the vertical eye blooms, seizes the Yuan cold wind and burns the day of class/flow flame to condense the strength of chaos thoroughly, is strangling to death the strength in main road elf. 所以李玄宗直接选择燃烧元神,额头之上竖眼绽放,夺元阴风和焚天流炎彻底凝聚成混沌之力,绞杀着大道精灵中的力量。 The present strength is almost repeating the body soon by strength of tearing main road, then by the process that the strength of main road patches. 现在的力量几乎就是在重复着身躯快要被大道之力撕裂,而后又被大道之力所修补的过程。 His that can only be basic eight nine Profound Technique also finally is the accomplishment. 原本他那才只能算是入门的八九玄功也终于算是大成了。 After having waited for a long time, the surrounding darkness, did not have the main road elf again, did not have the main road fragment, Li Xuanzong actually as if bailed the well dry all strengths to be the same, fell in void middle. 等过了许久之后,周围一片漆黑,再也没有大道精灵了,也没有大道碎片,李玄宗却仿佛是被淘空了所有力量一般,跌坐在了虚空当中。 Looked at own both hands at a loss, supervised an own within the body, Li Xuanzong suddenly discovered a very awkward issue. 茫然的看了看自己的双手,又监察了一下自己的体内,李玄宗忽然发现了一个很尴尬的问题。 That is he does not know now, actually oneself stepped into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary. 那就是他现在也不知道,自己究竟算不算是踏入了返虚合道境界。 Normal Return to Emptiness Dao Unification fuses one main road between world, achieves with the world shoulder to shoulder boundary, can use the day to develop the main road, to reach the prestige of the world. 正常返虚合道乃是融合天地间的一种大道,达到跟天地并肩的境界,可以动用天演大道,以达天地之威。 But just now Li Xuanzong, because feared one were exploded to the brace by the strength of main road, therefore the strength of complete main road will after then give the smashing, integrated in the middle of eight nine Profound Technique. 但方才李玄宗因为怕自身被大道之力给撑爆,所以便将全部的大道之力都给粉碎之后融入了八九玄功当中。 Hasty under his where can also so careful leaves behind strength of the main road to fuse? 仓促之下他哪里还能如此细致的留下一种大道之力来融合? This causes him although now refine to melt all world main roads, but actually did not have strength of the main road to be fused by him. 这导致他现在虽然炼化了所有的天地大道,但却竟然没有一种大道之力被他融合。 Therefore according to the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary, he is not definitely considered as that Return to Emptiness Dao Unification. 所以按照返虚合道的境界来说,他肯定不算是返虚合道的。 But he definitely is not Celestial Realm. 但他又肯定不是天人境 Li Xuanzong wields conveniently, the surrounding strength has then come in swarms, is almost instantaneously then his mortal body filling up. 李玄宗随手一挥,周围的力量便已经蜂拥而至,几乎是瞬间便将他的肉身给填满。 Then Li Xuanzong refers to like the sword, a stroke, the present space had then been torn forward. 而后李玄宗并指如剑,向前一划,眼前的空间便已经被撕裂。 This strength before him is almost huge difference, even if meets nine spirit Monster Saint again, the Li Xuanzong passive use card in a hand will not come under attack, but has the qualifications to dispute with it, naturally the victory and defeat also cannot know. 这种力量跟他之前几乎是天壤之别,哪怕是再遇到九灵妖圣,李玄宗都不会被动的动用底牌挨打了,而是有资格跟其较量一番,当然胜负还未可知。 Therefore now the Li Xuanzong condition is almost equal to endure to compare the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification strength, but does not have the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary. 所以现在李玄宗的状态几乎等同于有了堪比返虚合道的战力,但却没有返虚合道的境界。 Considered a moment later, Li Xuanzong then no longer intertwined this matter. 思虑了片刻之后,李玄宗便不再纠结这件事情了。 Having the boundary to him is the indifferent matter, in the middle of cultivation, the strength is all. 有没有境界对于他来说是无所谓的事情,修行界当中,实力就是一切。 Cultivator to peak, does not need to pursue the boundary that the predecessor leaves behind. 况且修行者到了巅峰,也不必去追求前人所留下的境界。 Initially the peak of cultivation was only the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary, later was the flying upwards paradise. 当初修行界的巅峰只是返虚合道境界,之后便是飞升仙界了。 Also does not know that was which rare talent invented two Dao Unification, subsequently developed pinnacle nine Dao Unification, cultivation peak battle efficiency then one rise rose again. 也不知道是哪个奇才发明了二次合道,继而发展到了极致的九次合道,修行界的巅峰战斗力这才一升再升的。 And even so, nine times is not every Cultivator defers to Dao Unification so to develop to promote the boundary. 并且就算是如此,也不是每个修行者都是按照九次合道这般发展而提升境界的。 For example the Barbarian Race old ancestor went out of alone own path of cultivation, the bystander, although is unable to study the imitation, his strength actually also endures compared with the Dao Unification eight times. 比如蛮族老祖就是走出了一条独属于自己的修行之路,外人虽然无法学习模仿,不过他的战力却也是堪比合道八次的。 Northern bright king, although he is not possibly able lifelong the little advance, but has Arhat fruit position, his strength 34 times is to also press up to the Dao Unification boundaries, is very astonishing. 还有北明王,虽然他可能终身都无法寸进,不过拥有阿罗汉果位,他的战力也是直逼合道三四次的境界,十分惊人。 Has so many precedents here, Li Xuanzong wants to go out of alone own path of cultivation, although is shocks everybody, but is actually not the not possible matter. 有着这么多的先例在此,李玄宗想要走出一条独属于自己的修行之路,虽然算是惊世骇俗,不过却也不是不可能的事情。 After thinking through, Li Xuanzong one step treads, stepped forward this microcosm directly. 想通了之后,李玄宗一步踏出,直接跨出了这片小世界。 Li Xuanzong actually does not have the concept of time in the microcosm, but outside world actually already over the past three months. 李玄宗在小世界内其实没有时间的概念,但外界却是已经过去三个月了。 These three months of Ji Honglie and Danyang True Daoist have been defending outside, waited is also in the heart anxious, actually does not know inside situation how. 这三个月的时间姬宏烈和丹阳真人一直都在外面守着,等的也是心中焦急,不知道里面情况究竟如何。 Until saw that the present space was torn, Li Xuanzong successful after treads, they then relax. 直到看到眼前的空间被撕裂,李玄宗成功从其中踏出之后,他们这才松了一口气。
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