GSOH :: Volume #4

#370: The strength of main road

Digs the matter number that the grave digs up a grave not to say of pleasant to hear, but profound True Daoist is also the present age rare talent, the operation of this mass production Return to Emptiness Dao Unification can think. 挖坟掘墓的事情号说不好听,不过玄都真人也不过是当世奇才,这种批量生产返虚合道的操作都能够想得出来。 The Li Xuanzong doubts said: According to you said, profound True Daoist already all prepare, after the result he died, do you unexpectedly link existence of Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary not to train?” 李玄宗疑惑道:“按照你们所说,玄都真人都已经把一切都布置好了,结果等他死后,你们竟然连一个返虚合道境界的存在都没培养出来?” Danyang True Daoist forced smile said: „ Teacher was prepares, perhaps but we actually arranged. 丹阳真人苦笑道:“老师是准备好了,但我们却没准备好。 After the world main road fused strength of embodiment world , the elf prestige that forms can be very intrepid, is almost equivalent to strength of gathering body a walking randomly world. 天地大道融合了天地之力具象化之后所形成的精灵威能十分强悍,几乎就是相当于一个游走的天地之力汇聚体。 Said that the prestige that the opposite party strikes can then quite therefore the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary Cultivator use day develop the prestige that the main road acts to be able, how many Celestial Realm Cultivator there are able to shoulder day to develop the main road? 这么说吧,对方一击的威能便相当于是返虚合道境界的修士动用天演大道出手的威能了,有几个天人境修士能够扛得住天演大道? The teacher expected should be he gives us later some secret techniques and so on, making us resist day to develop the main road to strike directly, then can fuse. 老师原本的预想应该是他后期交给我们一些秘术之类的,让我们直接抵挡天演大道一击,然后才能够融合。 Finally has not waited to develop the secret technique to come, the teacher has then fallen from the sky. 结果还没等开发出秘术来呢,老师便已经陨落了。 Later my some Senior Brother younger brothers also want to depend on oneself strength to shoulder the world main road prestige energy hardly, steps into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary. 后期我的一些师兄弟也想要靠着自己的力量硬扛天地大道威能,踏入返虚合道境界。 The result goes in many people, no is actually living, this thing also becomes an endless loop. 结果进去好多人,却没一个活着出来的,此物也就成为了一个死循环。 Only has the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary to shoulder day to develop the main road hardly, but enters for Return to Emptiness Dao Unification, how then also to play? 唯有返虚合道境界才能够硬扛天演大道,但进入其中就是为了返虚合道,如此一来还怎么玩? Therefore this thing also gradually degenerated into the weak to be common. 所以此物也就逐渐沦为了鸡肋一般。 Until our time ran into Sir Li you, thought the use of this thing. 直到我们这次遇到了李大人你,才想起来了此物的用途。 Others are unable then to shoulder day to develop the main road in Celestial Realm hardly, but Sir Li you shoulders nine spirit Monster Saint several times of days to develop the offensive of main road hardly, can definitely be able to withstand in this attack of main road elf, thus random fusion main road. 其他人无法在天人境便硬扛天演大道,但李大人你可是硬扛九灵妖圣数次天演大道的攻势,完全可以顶得住这里面大道精灵的攻击,从而任意融合大道。 It can be said that this thing you promotes to prepare for Sir Li simply. ” 可以说此物简直就是为李大人你晋升而准备的。” Danyang True Daoist this act has really not been thinking highly of Li Xuanzong, but is the reality is so. 丹阳真人此举还真不是在恭维李玄宗,而是现实便是如此。 Entire cultivation, now known, can shoulder by Celestial Realm hardly day of develops the main road then only has two people. 整个修行界,现在已知的,能够以天人境硬扛天演大道的便只有两个人。 One is the northern bright king, one was Li Xuanzong. 一个是北明王,一个便是李玄宗了。 But what the northern bright king cultivates is Arhat fruit position, oneself have the boundary that endures compared with the immortal, does not need this type of thing to step into Return to Emptiness Dao Unification. 但北明王所修的乃是阿罗汉果位,自身已经有了堪比仙人的境界,并不需要这种东西来踏入返虚合道 Therefore is most suitable it, was Li Xuanzong. 所以最适合它的,便是李玄宗了。 The Li Xuanzong nod said: „ Since is this, I was actually also disrespectful. 李玄宗点头道:“既然是这样,那我也就却之不恭了。 However around here was prohibited by formation, how can enter? ” 不过这里四周都被阵法封禁,如何才能够进入其中?” Danyang True Daoist said: „ The strength of main road keeps very difficult, must prohibit to be good with the special method. 丹阳真人道:“大道之力保持十分困难,必须要用特殊的方法封禁才行。 In this is actually a self-made microcosm, has not connected with the outside world. 这里面其实是一片自成体系的小世界,并没有跟外界连通。 However before teacher left behind formation, can enter through the formation tearing space. ” 不过之前老师留下了一座阵法,可以通过阵法撕裂空间进入其中。” Saying, Danyang True Daoist pinches seal to decide, formation before start body, the instantaneous space was torn, revealed black hole. 说着,丹阳真人手捏印决,启动身前的阵法,瞬间空间被撕裂,露出了一面黑洞。 Li Xuanzong steps into, the next quarter black hole seals up immediately instantaneously. 李玄宗踏入其中,下一刻黑洞立刻瞬间封闭。 This formation is the single item, wants to open, must have the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary prestige to be good. 阵法是单项的,想要打开,就必须拥有返虚合道境界的威能才行。 Therefore before entered these Cultivator, majority actually fell from the sky in these. 所以之前进入其中的那些修士,大部分其实都陨落在了这其中。 Li Xuanzong just stepped into the middle of formation, the surrounding space transmitted feeling of the intense trembling, the next quarter, he just like steps into the boundless starry sky universe to be common. 李玄宗刚刚踏入阵法当中,周围的空间传来了一股强烈的震颤之感,下一刻,他犹如踏入了无边的星空宇宙一般。 The surroundings are the endless blackness, this piece seems boundless endless general, even makes the Li Xuanzong sensation not inquire about the end. 周围都是无尽的漆黑,这片仿佛是无边无尽一般,甚至让李玄宗的感知都探寻不到尽头。 Li Xuanzong selected the eyebrow slightly, but he then can feel the great strength of past unreliably True Daoist from this formation. 李玄宗微微挑了挑眉毛,只是从这阵法当中他便能够感觉到昔日玄都真人的强大。 This space is not the pure formation space, but contained the strength of microcosm, that person is it can be said that too deep to see the bottom regarding the attainments of space main road. 这座空间可不是单纯的阵法空间,而是包含了小世界的力量,其人对于空间大道的造诣可以说是深不见底。 Dao Unification powerful Li Xuanzong have experienced to cross eight times, moves the mountain Monster Saint two moves cut to kill other to return to the empty boundary conveniently to the powerhouse indeed is astonishing, but compared with this profound True Daoist, fears or is not as good. 合道八次的强大李玄宗已经见识过了,搬山妖圣随手两招斩杀其他返虚境界的至强者的确是惊人的很,但跟这位玄都真人相比,怕还是要差一些的。 Li Xuanzong looks toward all around, sees only the surrounding twinkle star, sends out the assorted halo to come, seeming the stars Milky Way is ordinary. 李玄宗向着四周望去,只见周围星星点点,散发出各色的光晕来,好似星辰银河一般。 So it seems like that this place was more like the universe. 如此看来此地就更像是宇宙了。 However later Li Xuanzong actually felt some are not right. 不过随后李玄宗却感觉有些不对劲。 These did the stars Milky Way and other things gradually well up toward oneself? 那些星辰银河等东西怎么都逐渐向着自己涌来了? When these stars Milky Way then discovered close to Li Xuanzong, this where is what stars Milky Way, clearly is the aggregation of strength of bunch of main road! 等到那些星辰银河靠近李玄宗这才发现,这哪里是什么星辰银河,分明就是一团团大道之力的聚合体! Main road elf! 大道精灵! These main road elves condense are not the human form of becoming, but is various shapes. 这些大道精灵所凝聚而成的可不是人形,而是各色各样的形状。 For example hot attribute is one group of giant fireballs is the same, to far looked is the stars. 比如火属性的就是一团巨大的火球一样,离远了了看就是星辰。 But water attribute is enormous and powerful, just like one float to be the same in the in the air river, magnificent profound wonderful. 而水属性的则是浩浩荡荡,犹如一条悬浮在空中的大河一般,瑰丽玄奇。 These main road elves all turn toward Li Xuanzong to come in swarms at this time, actually the truth is very simple, is wants destruction his heresy. 这些大道精灵此时全都向着李玄宗蜂拥而来,其实道理很简单,就是想要覆灭他这个‘异端’。 In this space is the day develops the main road completely, only Li Xuanzong is the heresy strength, therefore main road elf subconscious then wants the destruction he. 这处空间内全部都是天演大道,唯有一个李玄宗是异端力量,所以大道精灵下意识的便想要覆灭他。 But at this time Li Xuanzong is actually some scalp tingles. 但此时李玄宗却是有些头皮发麻的。 Danyang True Daoist had not said these main road elves make a move together, he also thinks that. 丹阳真人可没说这些大道精灵是一起出手的,他还以为是一个一个呢。 However this but actually also no wonder Danyang True Daoist and that crown prince Ji Honglie, they do not intend. 不过这点倒也怪不得丹阳真人和那位太子姬宏烈,他们也不是有意的。 Their all information about this main road elf must come from profound True Daoist there, profound True Daoist will certainly not tell them so detailed. 他们关于这大道精灵的所有信息都是从玄都真人那里得来的,玄都真人当然不会跟他们说的这般详细。 Moreover other these wanted to borrow this picture Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary Cultivator also dead here, therefore these main road elf true details also took seriously no one to know. 而且其他那些想要借此图片返虚合道境界的修士也都死在了这里,所以这些大道精灵真正的底细还当真没人知晓。 Saw that these main road elves have come in swarms, Li Xuanzong pinches seal to decide, eight nine Profound Technique strengths stimulated to movement the pinnacle by him. 眼看那些大道精灵都已经蜂拥而来,李玄宗手捏印决,八九玄功的力量被他催动到了极致。 The law celestial phenomenon displays, the huge figure opens this side little world, a fist falls loudly, when first these main road elves were rumbled thoroughly broken, changes to the pinnacle the world main road fragment to reappear in front of Li Xuanzong. 法天象地施展而出,巨大的身形撑开这方小天地,一拳轰然落下,当先的那些大道精灵彻底都被轰碎,化作极致的天地大道碎片浮现在李玄宗面前。 The main road does not die, Li Xuanzong this fist wrapping their strength is broken to the bang, so long as after a period of time, these strengths will naturally then adhere to stick cohere above the world main road, evolves for the main road elf. 大道不死,李玄宗这一拳只是将包裹着它们的力量给轰碎,只要过段时间,这些力量自然便又会附着在天地大道之上,演化为大道精灵的。 Meanwhile, the day attribute executes the immortal sword to come out of the sheath, divides other main roads by the strength of space, then before Li Xuanzong direct gathers own these main road fragments, starts to absorb to refine to melt. 与此同时,天属性诛仙剑出鞘,以空间之力分割其余大道,然后李玄宗直接一把将那些大道碎片聚拢到自己身前,开始吸收炼化着。 In the middle of the mind a loud sound transmits loudly. 脑海当中轰然一声巨响传来。 The Li Xuanzong state of mind seemed fell into the middle of the boundless flame, witnessed one group of fires born from the world in the middle, takes to the person to hope, took to people the strength, actually took to the life that the person destroyed. 李玄宗的神魂好似陷入了无边的火焰当中,见证了一团火自天地当中诞生,带给人希望,带给人力量,却又带给人毁灭的一生。 This is strength of the purest hot attribute main road, such smooth fuses with Li Xuanzong. 这是最为纯粹的火属性大道之力,就这么顺利的跟李玄宗融合。 And this has not ended, Li Xuanzong just now also absorbed the strength of other main roads, he as if places oneself in the middle of the boundless waters, looks at that to the water of breeding life softening, actually changes to the angry wave to be dreadful, destroys the life one after another. 并且这还没完,李玄宗方才还吸纳了其他大道之力,他又仿佛置身于无边水域当中,看着那至柔之水孕育生命,却又化作怒浪滔天,毁灭生命的一幕一幕。
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