GSOH :: Volume #4

#369: Main road elf

Cultivator of supreme immortal towards drains is above the imagination of Li Xuanzong simply. 至尊仙朝的修士流失简直超乎李玄宗的想象。 Entire supreme immortal toward palace guard except security imperial city, Cultivator unexpectedly is less than ten thousand people, this somewhat was simply funny. 整个至尊仙朝除去保卫皇城的御林军,修士竟然只有不到万人,这简直都有些搞笑了。 However thinks carefully normally but actually. 不过仔细想想倒也正常。 Making use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions is the instinct, Cultivator is not these common soldiers, they fluctuate regarding the influence of cultivation are sensitive. 趋利避害乃是本能,修士又不是那些寻常士卒,他们对于修行界的势力变幻更是敏感。 Therefore even if the supreme immortal has the large amounts of resources toward here, finally actually cannot convene enough Cultivator is it devotes life, this is actually somewhat awkward. 所以纵然至尊仙朝这边有着大量的资源,结果却召集不到足够的修士为其效命,这却是有些尴尬的。 Naturally these is not Li Xuanzong should worry now, Ji Honglie first then brought Li Xuanzong to go to hole Xuangong in immortal emperor city back side of the mountain, making him have a look at the Central Yuan Divine Continent black tide. 当然这些现在不是李玄宗应该操心的,姬宏烈首先便带着李玄宗去了仙帝城后山的洞玄宫,让他看看中元神洲的黑潮。 Hole Xuangong is one floats floating empty mountain in the middle of midair with formation, the entire summit was bevelled, built a broad Daoist temple, was hole Xuangong. 洞玄宫是一座用阵法漂浮在半空当中的浮空山,整个山顶都被削平,建立了一座恢宏的道观,便是洞玄宫了。 However since profound True Daoist dies, hole Xuangong was then sealed up permanently, except for Ji great fierce with Danyang True Daoist, no one is able to enter. 不过自从玄都真人死后,洞玄宫便被永久封闭,除了姬宏烈和丹阳真人,谁都无法进入其中。 Steps into hole Xuangong, Ji Honglie brings Li Xuanzong to walk into the central great hall, points above was saying: Sir Li you looks, was here.” 踏入洞玄宫内,姬宏烈带着李玄宗步入中央大堂内,指着上方道:“李大人你看,就是这里了。” Li Xuanzong looks up, this is he has actually seen, strangest black tide. 李玄宗抬头一看,这却是他所见过的,最陌生的黑潮了。 Sees only the crown in entire central great hall to vanish completely, displacing is giant black hole. 只见整个中央大堂的顶部已经全部消失,取而代之的则是一个巨大的黑洞。 In the middle of that black hole imitates , if there is black nebula circulation to be the same, seems exceptionally mysterious, but actually and has no unusual strength to transmit. 那黑洞当中仿若有着黑色星云流转一般,显得异常神秘,但却并没有任何异常的力量传递下来。 It seems like initially was unreliable True Daoist really in the black tide internal layout many things, making this prohibit exceptionally stably, even cannot see black tide appearance. 看来当初玄都真人果真是在黑潮内部布置了许多东西,使得这封禁异常的稳固,甚至都看不到其中黑潮的模样。 Ji Honglie turns on a jade chest in main hall, in that impressively is some weapons of disruption, paint black, the pill pill of pigeon egg size. 姬宏烈又打开大殿内的一个玉匣,那里面赫然是一些碎裂的兵器,还有一枚漆黑色,鸽蛋大小的丹丸。 Li Xuanzong is checking these weapons carefully, later knits the brows slightly: „ Before these weapons, is extremely strong Magical Treasure even is Spirit Treasure, and some materials, I see have not seen. 李玄宗仔细查着那些兵器,随后微微皱眉道:“这些兵器之前都是极强的法宝甚至是灵宝,并且有些材料,我连见都没见过。 As for that black pill pill, what way is this thing? I always feel this inside some strengths, but is actually not in fact able to investigate the strength. ” 至于那黑色丹丸,这东西是什么路数?我总感觉这里面有些力量,但实际上却无法探查到力量。” A Ji Honglie eyes bright say/way: „ Sir Li you felt in seriously this pill pill has the strength to exist? 姬宏烈眼睛一亮道:“李大人你当真感觉这丹丸内有力量存在? This thing was then unreliable the thing that initially True Daoist left behind, but actually profound True Daoist has not actually left behind the last words is anything. 此物便是当初玄都真人所留下的东西,但玄都真人却也没留下遗言究竟是什么。 But these weapons followed profound True Daoist to fall initially from the black tide entrance, should be unimportant. 而这些兵器则是当初跟着玄都真人从黑潮入口处掉出来的,应该是不重要的。 These years I also once asked many experienced people of high skill to come, but is actually not able to completely understand the root foot of this pill pill. 这些年来我也曾请过不少见多识广的高人前来,但却也无法看透这丹丸的根脚。 Even they are unable in sensation to existence of any strength. ” 甚至他们都无法在其中感知到任何力量的存在。” Li Xuanzong shakes the head saying: Actually my sensation does not arrive at any strength, but that feeling actually quite mystical, obviously sensation, but always thought that inside has I very familiar strength.” 李玄宗摇头道:“其实我也感知不到任何力量,但那种感觉却又颇为神异,明明感知不到,但却总觉得里面有我很熟悉的力量。” Also studied a round of that black pill pill, after does not have any harvest, Li Xuanzong then also gave up the research. 又研究了一发那黑色丹丸,没有任何收获之后了李玄宗便也放弃了研究。 Profound True Daoist prohibits the black tide the way unable to duplicate simply, actually god knows he arranged anything in the black tide, gave stops up the black tide from the space crack unexpectedly forcefully. 玄都真人封禁黑潮的方式简直无法复制,天知道他在黑潮内究竟布置了什么,竟然从空间裂缝内把黑潮硬生生给塞了回去。 Therefore even if even if Ocean Overturning Monster Saint wants to study the profound True Daoist method he unable to achieve, the scale of East Sea black tide is not a Ocean Overturning Monster Saint person of strength can puncture. 所以哪怕就算是覆海妖圣想要学玄都真人的方法他都做不到,东海黑潮的规模已经不是覆海妖圣一人之力所能够打穿的了。 After looking at these, Ji Honglie also brings the Li Xuanzong manhole Xuangong back room. 看完这些后,姬宏烈又带着李玄宗进入洞玄宫后堂。 That is a main hall that covers entirely formation, what is strange the entire main hall actually completely with the flourishing blood bronze of antiquity was the material, the surroundings covered entirely all kinds of formation. 那是一间布满阵法的大殿,奇怪的是整座大殿却全部都是用上古的殷血青铜为材料,周围布满了各种各样的阵法 Even this main hall does not have the windows and doors entrance, inside is dies radically, probably is prohibiting anything to be the same. 甚至这大殿都没有门窗入口,里面根本就是死的,好像是在封禁着什么东西一般。 Ji Honglie points at that main hall saying: Sir Li, this was I have told you, can the percentage hundred promote existence of Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary.” 姬宏烈指着那大殿道:“李大人,这就是我跟你说过的,可以百分百晋升返虚合道境界的存在。” Li Xuanzong is surprised the different way: What thing is this?” 李玄宗诧异道:“这是什么东西?” Danyang True Daoist, this thing is profound True Daoist stays behind, you give Sir Li to introduce.” “丹阳真人,此物是玄都真人留下的,还是你给李大人介绍一下吧。” Danyang True Daoist nods, in the eye has the color of respect: „ Teacher initial cultivation base has reached present age the peak, therefore he not does not want toward to train a group of powerhouses for the supreme immortal, but is the preparation duplicates a group of powerhouses directly! 丹阳真人点了点头,眼中带着崇敬之色道:“老师当初的修为已经达到当世巅峰,所以他并不是不想为至尊仙朝去培养一批强者,而是准备直接复制一批强者来! Therefore actually the teacher has been studying diligently the thing in this aspect before death, this is also the teacher last batch of masterpieces. 所以其实老师生前一直都在钻研这方面的东西,这也是老师最后一批杰作。 In this prohibits, is the main road elf! ” 这里面所封禁的,乃是大道精灵!” Li Xuanzong stares: Main road elf, what thing is that?” 李玄宗一愣:“大道精灵,那是什么东西?” Danyang True Daoist flexure said difficultly: „ Sorry, this name is the teacher gets up at will, others had not heard is also normal. 丹阳真人挠了挠头道:“抱歉,这个名字是老师随意起的,其他人没听说过也属正常。 The world main road is most illusory existence, although has 3000 main roads, but in fact actually needs the person slowly senses, fuses. 天地大道乃是最为虚无缥缈的存在,虽然有着三千大道,但实际上却需要人缓慢的去感悟,去融合。 Therefore steps into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary is patient and persistent work with the fusion that sees the light suddenly instantaneously, the time perception chance is indispensable. 所以踏入返虚合道境界是水磨工夫跟瞬间顿悟的融合,时间悟性机缘缺一不可。 But the teacher actually sprouts up the fantasy, whether to prohibit a main road, then gives its mortal body at the homogeneous strength. 而老师却是突发奇想,能否将一种大道封禁,然后再以同种力量赋予其肉身。 For example catches the strength of hot attribute main road, then injects the strength of hot spirit, will then be born existence of strength of embodiment main road, this thing was the main road elf. 比如捕捉火属性的大道之力,然后注入火灵之力,便会诞生一种大道之力具象化的存在,此物便是大道精灵了。 According to teacher initial idea, so long as your own mortal body Primordial Spirit also had the cultivation base strength to reach a qualified standard, so long as fused the main road elf, then can step into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary smoothly. 按照老师当初的想法,只要你自己肉身元神还有修为战力都达到了一个合格的标准,那只要去融合大道精灵,便能够顺利踏入返虚合道境界了。 But this way belongs to be opportunistic, stepping into time Dao Unification was easy two times, wants to step into Dao Unification to see the light suddenly by oneself. 只不过这种方式属于投机取巧,踏入一次合道容易,想要踏入二次合道就必须要靠自己顿悟了。 Otherwise yourself are unable to understand thoroughly thoroughly regarding both strengths, after the fusion, perhaps will also make a false counter-accusation by the main road. ” 否则你自己对于两种力量都无法彻底理解透彻,融合之后恐怕也会被大道所反噬的。” After listening Danyang True Daoist thinks, amazed of Li Xuanzong face: Capture world main road? Does the world main road invisible material, how possibly catch?” 听完丹阳真人所想之后,李玄宗一脸的惊诧:“捕捉天地大道?天地大道无形物质,怎么可能捕捉?” Danyang True Daoist awkward said with a smile: „ Has the possibility. 丹阳真人尴尬的一笑道:“还是有可能的。 For example a powerhouse of after Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary falls from the sky, his mortal body is decayed, Primordial Spirit dissipates, but the strength of surrounding main road will not actually dissipate, will occupy in its periphery. 比如一位返虚合道境界的强者陨落之后,他的肉身腐朽,元神消散,但周围的大道之力却是不会消散,也会盘踞在其周围的。 Therefore the Buddhism has the stupa, Daoism has Michidzuka , helping condense the world main road in its periphery cultivation. 所以佛门有舍利塔,道门有道冢,在其周围修行都有助于凝聚天地大道。 Some single layer main road mystical that the in addition teacher comprehends, this can catch the world main road. 外加老师所领悟的一重大道有些神异,这才能够捕捉天地大道的。 Therefore the teacher searched for a long time, collected over a hundred types of the world main roads. ” 为此老师可是搜寻了许久,足足凑齐了上百种天地大道。” Nod of Li Xuanzong understands clearly, gathering profound True Daoist to is being digs the grave to dig up a grave finally unexpectedly, digs these past Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundaries to the imperial mausoleum of powerhouse, this attains so many world main roads. 李玄宗了然的点了点头,合着玄都真人到最后竟然是去挖坟掘墓,去挖那些昔日返虚合道境界至强者的陵寝,这才拿到这么多天地大道的。 No wonder Danyang True Daoist covers up, after all this matter did not say of pleasant to hear. 怪不得丹阳真人遮遮掩掩的,毕竟这种事情好说不好听嘛。 The country master in solemn supreme immortal towards, Dao Unification ran to rob a grave to the powerhouse eight times unexpectedly, this highly improper. 堂堂至尊仙朝的国师,合道八次的至强者竟然跑去盗墓了,这成何体统。 Moreover past these Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundaries to the powerhouse, will perhaps have the disciples and followers to stay behind, was known by them, perhaps will be rally togethered to attack. 而且昔日那些返虚合道境界的至强者,说不定也会有徒子徒孙留下的,被他们知道了,恐怕会被群起而攻之的。 Even if they cannot be victorious profound True Daoist, should still affect the reputation of supreme immortal towards. 就算他们打不过玄都真人,也会影响到至尊仙朝的名声的。
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