GSOH :: Volume #4

#368: Central Yuan Divine Continent

Central Yuan Divine Continent is the five continents core, is the place of most outstanding people and magical soil. 中元神洲乃是五洲核心,是最为人杰地灵之地。 In the middle of Five Continent World, Eastern Travels Spirit Continent is also ordered, the region that Human Race Great Faction and Monster Race cave mansion wields has the difference respectively. 五洲世界当中,东行灵州还算是有序的,人族大派妖族洞府互相之间执掌的地域各有不同。 But the Northern Polar Wintry Continent actually not too suitable person to survive, Li Xuanzong from entering Northern Polar Wintry Continent has not seen many lives and Cultivator to Great Snow Mountain that the northern bright king is in. 北极寒洲其实并不太适合人生存,李玄宗从进入北极寒洲到北明王所在的大雪山就没见过多少生灵和修士在。 But Southern Territory Fire Continent, is almost stretch of place of barbarian desolate, only suits survivability powerful Monster Race and Barbarian Race survival. 南域火洲嘛,几乎就是一片蛮荒之地,只适合生存力强大的妖族蛮族生存。 Only has this Central Yuan Divine Continent to suit the place of Human Race housing truly. 唯有这中元神洲才是真正适合人族居住之地。 Li Xuanzong saw many grand big cities all the way, the communication common people are innumerable , some Cultivator doping in, although the quantity are many, but compared with lots of common people does not appear many. 一路上李玄宗见到了不少宏伟的大城,来往百姓无数,也有一些修士掺杂其中,虽然数量不少,但是跟大量的百姓相比就显得没多少了。 However Li Xuanzong actually can also detect, this line the atmosphere seemingly is quite tight, various path Dacheng have personnel who suppose the card examination. 不过李玄宗却也能察觉出来,这一路行来气氛貌似比较紧张,各路大城都有设卡查看的人员。 Enters Central Yuan Divine Continent from Southern Territory Fire Continent, passed by naturally is south the town/subdues the domain of king. 南域火洲进入中元神洲,所路过的自然是镇南王的地盘。 South this town/subdues the king is ambitious, has the non- feudal official's heart, therefore this action is actually normal. 这位镇南王野心勃勃,早就已经有着不臣之心了,所以这种举动倒是蛮正常的。 However Li Xuanzong and the others must conceal the whereabouts, quiet south the domain of king across the town/subdues, then goes to the supreme immortal toward. 不过李玄宗等人也是要隐瞒行踪,悄无声息的穿过镇南王的地盘,然后前往至尊仙朝。 Capital city of supreme immortal towards said the immortal emperor city, overwhelming grand, when Li Xuanzong saw for the first time when this immortal emperor city was also shocked. 至尊仙朝的都城名曰仙帝城,浩然宏伟,当李玄宗第一次见到这仙帝城时也被震惊了一下。 The entire immortal emperor city range is surrounding area over a thousand li (0.5 km) fully, the surroundings divided eight outer cities by the Eight Trigrams (gossip) position, the center was a imperial city. 整个仙帝城范围足有方圆上千里,周围更是以八卦方位分割成了八个外城,中央则是一个皇城。 That city wall enough hundred zhang (333 m) comes high, all around several li (0.5 km) rune/symbol writing crossbow bolt, splendid. 那城墙足够百丈来高,四周数里着符文弩箭,熠熠生辉。 The most central imperial city unexpectedly is the float in the middle of the midair, has a pearl top, the shining four directions, are to still be similar to the daytime even at night are ordinary. 最中央的皇城竟然是漂浮在半空当中的,最顶尖有着一颗明珠,照耀四方,就算是夜晚也是如同白昼一般。 Actually to have magnificently how toward the peak from the so magnificent great city not difficult to imagine past supreme immortal. 从如此辉煌的巨城不难想象昔日至尊仙朝巅峰时期究竟有多么的辉煌。 However thinks the so magnificent supreme immortal actually declined so the appearance toward present its strength, Li Xuanzong also somewhat sobbed. 不过一想到这般辉煌的至尊仙朝现在其实力却是衰落到了这般模样,李玄宗也是不禁有些唏嘘的。 Really under this day on the dynasty that nothing does not extinguish, falling from prosperity this matter is throughout unavoidable. 果然这天下就没有什么不灭的王朝,盛极而衰这种事情是始终都无法避免的。 Ji Honglie brings some said proudly: Sir Li you looks, this was the immortal emperor city of my supreme immortal towards, was consumed millennium, the innumerable artisan resources built.” 姬宏烈带着些许的傲然道:“李大人你看,这便是我至尊仙朝的仙帝城了,乃是耗费了千年时间,无数匠人资源所打造成的。” However said, Ji Honglie is also the forced smile said: But my supreme immortal toward has not actually grasped to preserve now it, town/subdues southern king and the others the wild ambition, feared that was covets this immortal emperor city for a long time.” 不过说完,姬宏烈却也是苦笑道:“但现在我至尊仙朝却是没有把握将其保存下来,镇南王等人狼子野心,怕是觊觎这仙帝城许久了。” Li Xuanzong smiled saying with a smile: „ Your highness felt relieved, they have the ambition, but actually does not begin now. 李玄宗笑了笑道:“殿下放心,他们是有野心,不过却也不会现在就动手的。 The immortal emperor city is so broad, even if they move must think over, oneself had had confidence that swallows this immortal emperor city. 仙帝城如此恢宏,他们就算是动心也要掂量一下,自己有没有把握将这仙帝城吞下来。 If who first beginning, will be rally togethered to attack. ” 谁若是第一个动手,才会被人群起而攻之的。” Ji Honglie shakes the head, in advance brings Li Xuanzong to go to the imperial palace, sees emperor. 姬宏烈摇了摇头,先行带着李玄宗前往皇宫,去见皇帝。 The supreme immortal is Ji Ting is far toward this generation of emperors 's name, is plump and fair-complected, the appearance genial middle-aged person, its cultivation base with Ji great fierce same is Spirit Platform Realm, depends on the Medicinal Pill resources to build completely. 至尊仙朝这一代的皇帝名叫姬廷远,是一个白白胖胖,面相和善的中年人,其修为跟姬宏烈一样都是灵台境,完全是靠着丹药资源堆砌出来的。 But Ji Honglie cultivation base, although is impractical, but the good and evil is to also experience the Cultivator preying tempering evidently, but this Ji Ting estimated has not killed the chicken. 只不过姬宏烈的修为虽然虚浮,但看样子好歹也是经历过修士搏杀磨炼的,而这姬廷远估计连鸡都没杀过。 When Ji Honglie told after Ji Ting the Li Xuanzong matter, Ji Ting nods to say immediately fiercely: „ Does not have the issue, naturally does not have the issue! 当姬宏烈把李玄宗的事情跟姬廷远说了一遍之后,姬廷远立刻猛点头道:“没问题,当然没问题! Sir Li is my Human Race outstanding, is willing to join my supreme immortal toward, We am deeply grateful. 李大人乃是我人族俊杰,愿意加入我至尊仙朝,朕可是感激不尽。 The imperial jade seal is putting on the governing study room, when next crown prince you then went to write the imperial decree to be good, from now henceforth, Sir Li was the three services big commanding officer in my supreme immortal towards, commanded the immortal toward the officers! ” 玉玺就在御书房放着呢,等下太子你便去自己写圣旨好了,从今以后,李大人便是我至尊仙朝的三军大都督,统帅仙朝将士!” Feudal official many thanks your majesty.” “臣多谢陛下。” A Li Xuanzong complexion somewhat strange submissively ritual, not seem to believe that the matter so will be unexpectedly smooth. 李玄宗面色有些古怪的拱手一礼,似乎不相信事情竟然会如此顺利。 Did oneself become the big commanding officers in supreme immortal towards? 自己就这么成至尊仙朝的大都督了? This your majesty so trusts himself, even asked that isn't willing to ask one? 这位陛下就如此信任自己,甚至连问都不愿意多问一句? That imperial jade seal places there unexpectedly, casual Ji Honglie used, this also too child's play? 还有那玉玺竟然就是放在那里,随便姬宏烈取用了,这也太儿戏了点吧? Ji Honglie smiled bitterly, passes on the sound said to Li Xuanzong: Father sovereign is such character, he is really does not want to be this emperor, even only wants to wait till my age to be enough, then passes on the position to me.” 姬宏烈苦笑了一声,对李玄宗传音道:“父皇便是这样的性格,他是真不想当这个皇帝,甚至只想等到我年龄足够,便传位给我的。” Nearby Danyang True Daoist also explained to Li Xuanzong, Li Xuanzong only knows, now emperor in this supreme immortal towards, but also is not really good to work as. 一旁的丹阳真人也是给李玄宗解释了一下,李玄宗这才知道,现在这至尊仙朝的皇帝,还真不是那么好当的。 The supreme immortal toward will soon deteriorate, the building will soon lean this matter is the world who knows that but no one determined that is. 至尊仙朝即将衰败,快要大厦将倾这件事情是天下谁都知道的,只不过没人确定是什么时候而已。 Therefore most starts these emperors do not have the ability resurgence supreme immortal toward, but leads a life of comfort, at least can the natural several hundred years. 所以最开始的时候那些皇帝没能力中兴至尊仙朝,不过享乐还是可以的,起码能潇洒个数百年。 However as Yuan phoenix Monster Saint goes into the imperial palace, after burning that in the presence of everyone wants to depend on the phoenix egg again natural several hundred years of emperors, the people of entire Ji royalty knew, this emperor is not good to work as. 不过随着元凰妖圣闯入皇宫,当众烧死那想要靠着凤凰蛋再潇洒数百年的皇帝后,整个姬姓皇族的人都知道了,这皇帝可不是那么好当的。 First you must face exterior these ambitious and powerful different surnamed Wang, and must be entered the immortal emperor city along with oneself momentarily, when Mr.'s of perishing country fear. 首先你要面对着外部那些野心勃勃且实力强大的异姓王,并且还伴随着自己随时都要被人打进仙帝城,当亡国之君的恐惧。 Moreover you, even to be a last emperor, running amuck some is still incorrect, after all the lesson of former generation emperor on the swayed there, this emperor you must to do trembling, cannot have the half a point unnecessary movement. 而且你就算是想要当一个末代皇帝,胡作非为一些也是不行的,毕竟上代皇帝的教训就摆在那里,这个皇帝你必须当的战战兢兢的,不能有半分多余的动作。 Therefore this where is an emperor, simply is a prisoner. 所以这哪里是皇帝,简直就是囚犯嘛。 After that provokes the Yuan phoenix Monster Saint emperor dies, his heir by the imperial clan of Ji royalty is also abolished, chose other collateral branch imperial clans to inherit the throne casually, that was the Ji Ting's far ancestor. 那招惹元凰妖圣的皇帝死后,他的子嗣也都被姬姓皇族的宗室废除,随便挑选了一个其他旁支宗室继承皇位,那便是姬廷远的先祖了。 Originally this emperor can work as for several hundred years, but Ji Ting this lineage/vein, were almost 100 years of emperor then to start to turn over the throne to another, oneself slipped away. 本来这个皇帝是能当几百年的,不过姬廷远这一脉,几乎都是当了一百年的皇帝便开始禅让,自己溜之大吉了。 Therefore this Ji Ting also so thinks, he had not been fantasizing from the start wants the hyphenated name supreme immortal toward, so long as supreme immortal toward don't perishing country in own hand on line. 所以这姬廷远也是如此想的,他压根就没幻想着要复姓至尊仙朝,只要至尊仙朝别在自己手中亡国就行了。 Therefore now the entire supreme immortal toward is Ji Ting in the control, rather is Ji Honglie and other part also wants to revive the royalty of supreme immortal towards to control. 所以现在整个至尊仙朝与其说是姬廷远在控制的,不如说是姬宏烈等一部分还想要复兴至尊仙朝的皇族在掌控。 Hears Danyang True Daoist to explain, Li Xuanzong also shakes the head. 听到丹阳真人解释完,李玄宗也是不禁摇头。 When did country emperors become the hot sweet potato? By this kind of time, the supreme immortal toward the destruction is too normally. 什么时候一国皇帝都成了烫手的山芋了?到了这种时候,至尊仙朝覆灭可是太正常不过了。 But since oneself promised Ji Honglie, at this time but actually cannot regret. 但自己既然答应了姬宏烈,此时倒也不能后悔。 After all these conditions that Ji Honglie pledges, Li Xuanzong is very excited. 毕竟姬宏烈所开出的那些条件,李玄宗还是很心动的。 The imperial decree lowers, circular entire supreme immortal, Li Xuanzong then official became the three services big commanding officers in supreme immortal towards. 圣旨降下,通告整个至尊仙朝后,李玄宗便正式的成为至尊仙朝的三军大都督了。 Naturally this accepts fate is somewhat careless, and entire supreme immortal toward besides immortal emperor city, only then less than ten big cities completely grasp in the hand of supreme immortal towards. 当然这个认命是有些草率的,并且整个至尊仙朝除了仙帝城外,也就只有不到十座大城是完全掌握在至尊仙朝的手中。 The soldiers who therefore Li Xuanzong this three services big commanding officers, can grasp are very actually limited, have cultivation base Cultivator possibly less than 10,000 people, person who even might as well Li Xuanzong controls when Eastern Travels Spirit Continent. 所以李玄宗这三军大都督嘛,所能够掌握的士卒其实很有限,有修为修士可能才不到一万人,甚至还不如李玄宗东行灵州时所掌控的人。
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