GSOH :: Volume #4

#367: Profound True Daoist and black tide

Southern Territory Fire Continent nothing needs to confess that Li Xuanzong leads the person to follow Ji Honglie to go to the Central Yuan Divine Continent supreme immortal directly toward. 南域火洲这边没什么需要交代的,李玄宗直接带着人一路跟着姬宏烈前往中元神洲至尊仙朝。 On the road Li Xuanzong also great discussed with Ji fiercely about the supreme immortal toward with the present this time supreme immortal towards situation matter. 路上李玄宗也跟姬宏烈谈论了许多关于至尊仙朝和眼下此时至尊仙朝局势的事情。 That middle-aged Daoist with Ji Honglie has also had Celestial Realm cultivation base, and cultivation base is not weak, is the Celestial Realm peak, said number Danyang True Daoist. 一直跟着姬宏烈的那中年道人也有天人境修为,并且修为还不弱,乃是天人境巅峰,道号丹阳真人 He was the supreme immortal toward the rare loyal and devoted powerhouse, and his status was is not very ordinary, was the profound True Daoist recording a name disciple. 他算是至尊仙朝少有忠心耿耿的强者了,并且他的身份也是很不一般,乃是玄都真人的记名弟子。 Why as for is the recording a name disciple, is actually very simple, the profound True Daoist true successor, has almost not been several disciples. 至于为何是记名弟子,其实很简单,玄都真人没有真正的传人,几乎都是几名弟子。 These disciples subordinate in Cultivator of supreme immortal towards, therefore has the qualifications to follow profound True Daoist Cultivator. 这些弟子都是隶属于至尊仙朝的修士,所以才有资格跟着玄都真人修士 However after waiting for profound True Daoist dead, this group of person part of most loyal deaths in the attack of past Yuan phoenix Monster Saint, part were seeing that the supreme immortal toward deteriorating the later choice leaves to start own party. 不过等玄都真人死后,这帮人一部分最为忠心的死在了昔日元凰妖圣的侵袭当中,一部分在看到至尊仙朝衰败之后选择出走自立门户。 Part south king Han Qinhu and others by the town/subdues had to support oneself the counter- heart different wins over surnamed Wang. 还有一部分则是被镇南王韩擒虎等有自立反心的异姓王所拉拢。 Finally then was only left over Danyang True Daoist one to the present. 最后到了现在便只剩下丹阳真人一个。 Initially he can live under the attack of Yuan phoenix Monster Saint is completely being because the luck was good. 当初他能够在元凰妖圣的侵袭下活着完全就是因为运气好。 Because he was very young at that time, just achieved Golden Core Realm, therefore sees the qualifications of Yuan phoenix Monster Saint continually without, naturally , there would be no danger. 因为那时候他还很年轻,刚刚达到金丹境而已,所以连见到元凰妖圣的资格都没有,自然也就没有生命危险了。 The Li Xuanzong doubts said: „ Profound True Daoist are many in the time of supreme immortal towards, why doesn't have to receive how many true line disciples? 李玄宗疑惑道:“玄都真人在至尊仙朝的时间并不少,为何没有收几名真传弟子呢? The Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary indeed is unable to duplicate, wants the quantity base number to be enough, the Cultivator stack of mass trains, always has such 1-2 to achieve the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary. 返虚合道境界的确是无法复制的,不过只要数量基数足够,大批量的修士堆积培养下来,总有那么1-2能够达到返虚合道境界的。 The Barbarian Race old ancestors can train the head of the clan of seven big tribes, moving mountain Monster Saint, although is not considered as that a good teacher, but actually also elected to hold up days, cracks, nine spirit three Monster Saint. 蛮族老祖都能够培养出七大部落的族长,搬山妖圣虽然不算是一个好老师,但却也选出来了擎天、裂地、九灵三个妖圣 No truth by the resources and cultivation base that profound True Daoist has, close to 2000 has not trained existence of Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary unexpectedly. ” 没道理以玄都真人所掌握的资源和修为,接近两千年的时间竟然都没培养出来返虚合道境界的存在。” Danyang True Daoist forced smile said: „ Teacher he at that time very self-confident thinks own life also has long time, naturally takes promoting cultivation base as the main purpose, naturally cannot train lots of true line disciples. 丹阳真人苦笑道:“老师他当时很自信的认为自己寿元还有很长时间,当然是以提升自身修为为主要目的,自然不会培养大量真传弟子的。 Actually our these recording a name disciples are he train temporarily, the preparation will choose in the future elite becomes passes on the disciple. 其实我们这些记名弟子就是他暂时培养,准备日后挑选精锐成为亲传弟子的。 But has not thought that because the teacher left fell from the sky accidentally/surprisingly, this has not trained with enough time. 只不过没想到因为老师出了意外而陨落,这才没来得及培养。 The following a series of things also let the national strength rapid deterioration of supreme immortal towards, this created present this result. ” 后续一系列的事情也让至尊仙朝的国力迅速的衰败,这才造成了现在这种结果。” Li Xuanzong asked at this time suddenly: „ How profound does True Daoist die? 李玄宗这时候忽然问道:“玄都真人是怎么死的? The Dao Unification eight heavy strengths are almost the present age invincible conditions. 合道八重的实力几乎是当世无敌的状态。 With moving mountain Monster Saint of his same time confessed that is not his opponent, on this day under who can kill profound True Daoist? ” 跟他同时代的搬山妖圣都自认不是他的对手,这天下又有谁能够杀得了玄都真人?” Danyang True Daoist hesitant evil ways: „ Teacher not, because of protecting my Central Yuan Divine Continent that the person kills dies. 丹阳真人犹豫了一下道:“老师并不是被人所杀的,而是因为守护我中元神洲而死的。 This matter is connected somewhat in a big way, I cannot speak frankly. ” 这件事情关联有些大,恕我不能直说。” Li Xuanzong said suddenly: Profound True Daoist died because of the seal black tide in the past.” 李玄宗忽然道:“玄都真人当年可是因为封印黑潮而死的。” Such remarks, Danyang True Daoist and Ji Honglie looks with the panic-stricken vision simultaneously to Li Xuanzong, said surprisedly: How you know.” 此言一出,丹阳真人和姬宏烈同时用惊骇的目光看向李玄宗,惊疑道:“你怎么知道。” Li Xuanzong self-ridiculed that smiles: „ This Five Continent World possibly no one knew the black tide compared with me. 李玄宗自嘲一笑:“这五洲世界可能没有人比我更了解黑潮了。 The east side turned over to the sea of ruins the black tide already for the calamity hundred years, was Ocean Overturning Monster Saint depends on the strength of East Sea hundred clan then to resist temporarily. 东边归墟之海中黑潮已经为祸百年了,是覆海妖圣靠着东海百族之力这才暂时抵挡下来的。 Southern Territory Fire Continent is also moves mountain Monster Saint and Barbarian Race old ancestor detonates the strength of volcano jointly, this draws support from the world prestige to keep off the black tide, but the price is the Barbarian Race old ancestor with moving mountain Monster Saint almost the oil completely lamp is simultaneously dry, thus caused nine spirit Monster Saint to rebel, Southern Territory Fire Continent chaotic situation in abundance. 南域火洲这边也是搬山妖圣蛮族老祖联手引爆火山之力,这才借助天地威能挡下黑潮,不过代价便是蛮族老祖跟搬山妖圣几乎同时油尽灯枯,从而造成了九灵妖圣反叛,南域火洲乱局纷纷。 That side Northern Polar Wintry Continent, northern bright king Yinwei had front these two inspirations, therefore also changes to the thick ice to prohibit the black tide with the aid of the strength of extremely cold land features, but could not insist that was too long. 北极寒洲那边,北明王因为有了前面这两位的灵感,所以也是借助极寒地脉之力化作玄冰封禁黑潮,但也坚持不了太久。 The southeast north had the black tide, Central Yuan Divine Continent and Western Sands Saint Continent have no reason not to appear. 东南北部都出现了黑潮,中元神洲西圣沙洲没理由不出现。 That side Western Sands Saint Continent is extremely mystical I not to understand, but Central Yuan Divine Continent here is actually bounteous, and is populous, but had not actually heard the black tide news. 西圣沙洲那边太过神秘我不了解,但中元神洲这里却是地大物博,并且人口众多,但却一直都没听说过黑潮的消息。 That biggest possibility is the black tide appears in the place that was inconceivable or is prohibited. 那最大的可能性便是黑潮出现在了一个难以想象的地方或者是被人所封禁。 Associates to you again mentions the profound True Daoist incident, that was very obvious, profound True Daoist should to prohibit the black tide dies, and black tide appeared in the imperial palace, is right? ” 再联想到你们说起玄都真人一事,那就很明显了嘛,玄都真人应该就是为了封禁黑潮而死的,并且黑潮还是出现在了皇宫当中,对不对?” Ji Honglie looks at each other one with Danyang True Daoist, in the eye cannot conceal with amazement. 姬宏烈跟丹阳真人对视一眼,眼中均是掩饰不住的骇然。 black tide matter they know, but the black tide they then only hear that side East Sea to have, the concrete degree they did not understand. 黑潮这件事情他们知道,但外界的黑潮他们便只听说过东海那边有,具体程度他们也不了解。 Now they know, Southern Territory Fire Continent really also has with Northern Polar Wintry Continent, critically this thing arrives unexpectedly is entire Five Continent World! 现在他们才知道,南域火洲北极寒洲竟然也有,这东西所危急到的竟然是整个五洲世界 Silent moment, but Danyang True Daoist said: „ Matter with similar that Sir Li you guessed, but the detail was actually some errors. 沉默片刻,但丹阳真人道:“事情跟李大人你所猜测的差不多,不过细节却是有些误差。 The black tide does not appear in the imperial palace, but appears in the imperial palace back side of the mountain, in the middle of the profound True Daoist Daoist temple hole Xuangong, at that time closed up profound True Daoist extinguished promptly kills. 黑潮不是出现在皇宫,而是出现在皇宫后山,玄都真人的道观洞玄宫当中,被当时闭关的玄都真人及时灭杀。 Has not said to us about black tide incident True Daoist unreliably too, but he himself deeply has actually known the black tide, even had also entered in the middle of the black tide, another world! ” 关于黑潮一事玄都真人并没有给我们说太多,但他自己却是深入了解过黑潮,甚至还曾经进入过黑潮当中,另外一个世界去!” Li Xuanzong hears word stares immediately. 李玄宗闻言顿时一愣。 He heard that for the first time some people can actually enter to the black tide. 他还是第一次听说有人竟然能够进入到黑潮当中去。 When the black tide erupts, Ocean Overturning Monster Saint wants to enter actually, but actually by that powerful strength keeping off. 黑潮爆发时,覆海妖圣倒是想要进入其中了,不过却被那强大的力量给挡了回来。 Moving mountain Monster Saint and Barbarian Race old ancestors are old, is not naturally able to enter. 搬山妖圣蛮族老祖都已经年老,自然是无法进入其中的。 Northern bright king empty/sky has Arhat boundary not to have cultivation base, does not dare to act unreasonably. 北明王空有阿罗汉境界却没有修为,也是不敢乱来的。 This profound True Daoist actually really valiant, dares to enter in the middle of the black tide unexpectedly solitarily. 这玄都真人倒是真的彪悍,竟然敢只身进入黑潮当中。 That afterward result how? What thing profound can True Daoist once see in the middle of the black tide to exist?” “那后来结果如何?玄都真人可曾见过黑潮当中有什么东西存在?” Danyang True Daoist forced smile said: „ Does not know, the teacher enters the black tide a long time, after he comes back, then direct severe wound, even Primordial Spirit is unable to give the message, so insisted less than the time of quarter of an hour has then died in a sitting posture, only leaves behind several types of things we not to learn. 丹阳真人苦笑道:“不知道,老师进入黑潮很长一段时间,等他回来之后便直接重伤,甚至连元神都无法传递消息,如此坚持了不到一刻钟的时间便已经坐化,只留下几样东西我们也没看明白。 However the teacher seemingly arranged some methods in the black tide, damages the black tide space channel in directly, causing the black tide is unable to proliferate. 不过老师貌似在黑潮内布置了一些手段,直接将黑潮的空间通道内部损坏,导致黑潮无法扩散出去。 That should be a formation kind of thing, so long as is formation then has the possibility of deterioration, how long god knows he can insist. ” 那应该是阵法一类的东西,不过只要是阵法便有衰败的可能,天知道他能够坚持多久。” Li Xuanzong nod of looking pensive. 李玄宗若有所思的点了点头。 Do not look at Ocean Overturning Monster Saint to resist the black tide for a long time, but knows the black tide truly, but also is fallen from the sky profound True Daoist. 别看覆海妖圣抵抗了黑潮这么长时间,但真正了解黑潮的,还要数已经陨落的玄都真人 This time goes to Central Yuan Divine Continent, he can investigate the thing that profound True Daoist leaves behind actually, could deeper understanding black tide. 这次去中元神洲,他倒是可以调查一下玄都真人留下的东西,或许能更深的了解一下黑潮。
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