GSOH :: Volume #4

#366: Gathering

Ji Honglie suddenly gathers the pricetag that also has him to ask for indeed is Li Xuanzong irrecusable. 姬宏烈的突然招揽还有他所开出的价码的确是李玄宗所不能拒绝的。 By present Li Xuanzong cultivation base, the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary is away from him to be very remote. 以现在李玄宗修为,返虚合道境界可是距离他十分遥远的。 Possibly regarding 99% Cultivator, their whole life cannot trace the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary the side, only then that few lucky fellow can comprehend the main road, steps into returns to the empty boundary. 对于90%九的修士来说,可能他们这辈子都摸不到返虚合道境界的边,只有那极少数的幸运儿能够领悟大道,踏入返虚境界。 Li Xuanzong has the self-confidence regarding own perception and talent, but actually steps into returns to the empty boundary to need how long, in his heart also lacks self-confidence. 李玄宗对于自己悟性和天赋有自信,但踏入返虚境界究竟需要多长时间,他心里面也是没底。 Moreover at present mixes the heavenly palace also to need a lot of materials and Spirit Qi can restore. 而且眼下混天宫还需要大量的材料和灵气才能够修复。 Spirit Qi said that material where looked? 灵气好说,材料哪里去找? Only has to have the supreme immortal of ten thousand years of background toward to have. 唯有拥有万年底蕴的至尊仙朝才会有。 The Ji Honglie two conditions make Li Xuanzong quite excited exactly, naturally lets is actually the present Central Yuan Divine Continent situation that he is interested. 姬宏烈的两个条件恰好都让李玄宗颇为心动,当然更让他感兴趣的却是现在中元神洲的局势。 Eastern Travels Spirit Continent cannot go back temporarily, the Southern Territory Fire Continent chaos caused by war has stilled, Central Yuan Divine Continent perhaps is a good destination. 东行灵州暂时回不去,南域火洲战乱已经平定,中元神洲或许才是个好去处。 Li Xuanzong stands up, said to the Ji great fierce ritual: „ Your highness so regards as important, then does not reject below. 李玄宗站起身来,冲着姬宏烈一礼道:“殿下如此看重,在下也便不拒绝了。 However behind me also has Ocean Overturning Monster Saint and moves the mountain Monster Saint two elders, needs to ask for instructions with them, can return to Central Yuan Divine Continent with your highness. ” 不过我背后还有覆海妖圣和搬山妖圣两位长辈在,需要跟他们请示一下,才能够跟殿下回中元神洲。” Ji Honglie said hastily: Mr. Li from going to be able.” 姬宏烈连忙道:“李先生自去便可。” He regards as important Li Xuanzong, also regards as important Li Xuanzong human relations. 他看重李玄宗,也是同样看重李玄宗身上的人脉关系。 Therefore he naturally cannot look that Li Xuanzong so offends the back two big backer. 所以他自然是不能看着李玄宗如此得罪背后的两尊大靠山。 After Li Xuanzong and the others go out, that middle-aged Daoist anxious to Ji great fierce say/way: „ Your highness, you how so easily then the future of entire supreme immortal towards will entrust that Li Xuanzong? 等到李玄宗等人都出去后,那中年道士焦急的对姬宏烈道:“殿下,你怎么就如此轻易的便将整个至尊仙朝的未来都托付了那李玄宗呢? Notwithstanding, do you really believe him certainly to be able the resurgence my supreme immortal toward? Moreover regarding his moral behavior, your highness you so trusts? ” 别的暂且不说,你真相信他就一定能够中兴我至尊仙朝吗?而且对于他的人品,殿下你就这般信任?” Ji Honglie shakes the head saying: Does not know, I looked the skill of person and is inferior to the ancestor, the ancestor can settle on profound True Daoist, but I am not actually able to determine that this Li Xuanzong is profound True Daoist second.” 姬宏烈摇摇头道:“不知道,我看人的本事并不如先祖,先祖能看中一个玄都真人,但我却无法确定这李玄宗是不是玄都真人第二。” „Did your highness you also make so many commitments?” “那殿下你还许下如此多的承诺?” Ji Honglie sinking sound said: „ I, although does not know oneself looked that the person is not accurate, but I actually know, Ocean Overturning Monster Saint and moves mountain Monster Saint to look at the person certainly is. 姬宏烈沉声道:“我虽然不知道自己看人准不准,但我却知道,覆海妖圣和搬山妖圣看人一定是准的。 Li Xuanzong actually becomes the East Sea trusted aide by the body of Human Race, even makes Ocean Overturning Monster Saint give him to handle own escape route. 李玄宗人族之身却成为东海心腹,甚至让覆海妖圣将自己的后路都交给他来打理。 If this Li Xuanzong does not have the skill method seriously, cultivating the behavior is also double dealings, can give him to process these in the Ocean Overturning Monster Saint method? 若是这李玄宗当真没有本事手段,做人也是两面三刀,以覆海妖圣的手段能够将这些都交给他来处理吗? Moves mountain Monster Saint is so, that was lived several thousand years of antique, with the peak of profound True Daoist same time to powerhouse. 还有搬山妖圣更是如此,那可是活了数千年老古董,跟玄都真人同一个时代的巅峰至强者。 , since dares to give the Li Xuanzong layout to plan the Southern Territory Fire Continent future, even also receives him for the last student, these showed that moves mountain Monster Saint to his regarding as important. 对人既然敢把南域火洲的未来交给李玄宗布局谋划,甚至还收他为关门弟子,这些都证明搬山妖圣对他的看重。 Cultivator of Human Race family background can actually obtain two Monster Saint so to regard as important, it can be imagined Li Xuanzong the moral behavior of strength is absolutely credible. 一个人族出身的修士却能够获得两位妖圣如此看重,可想而知李玄宗的实力的人品是绝对可信的。 Although I do not believe my vision, but actually believes that Ocean Overturning Monster Saint and moves the mountain Monster Saint vision. ” 我虽然不相信自己的目光,但却相信覆海妖圣和搬山妖圣的目光。” That middle-aged Daoist stares, does not seem to think own crown prince chooses Li Xuanzong unexpectedly because of this reason. 那中年道人一愣,似乎没想到自家太子选择李玄宗竟然是因为这种理由。 Actually Ji Honglie idea is like the northern bright king, although they do not have too to understand Li Xuanzong, but can actually the attitude to Li Xuanzong thus understand Li Xuanzong through others. 其实姬宏烈的想法跟北明王是一样的,他们虽然没太了解过李玄宗,但却可以通过别人对李玄宗的态度从而了解到李玄宗 This way actually also in gambling, but Ji Honglie is quite radical boldly, once made the decision then to depress oneself all chips completely. 这种方式其实也是在赌,只不过姬宏烈比较激进大胆,一旦做了决定便把自己所有的筹码全部压下。 Otherwise if he plays the mind with Li Xuanzong, necessity that both sides have not cooperated. 否则他若是跟李玄宗玩心眼儿的话,双方也就没有合作的必要了。 But Li Xuanzong that side three pure gold toad kings were also is asking the Li Xuanzong similar issue, why must promise that Ji Honglie is so agile, what plot doesn't fear? 李玄宗那边三足金蟾王也是问了李玄宗差不多的问题,为何要答应那姬宏烈如此利索,就不怕有什么阴谋吗? Li Xuanzong said with a smile lightly: „ Plot? In the face of the absolute strength, any plot is the floating clouds. 李玄宗轻笑道:“阴谋?在绝对的实力面前,任何阴谋都是浮云。 At present supreme immortal toward, although some background, but by my strength background, the supreme immortal sits in Daoist meditation to me to move anything also to have no alternative. 眼下至尊仙朝虽然有些底蕴,但以我的实力底蕴,至尊仙朝真想对我动什么也是无可奈何的。 Let alone Ji Honglie knows that my background, Ocean Overturning Monster Saint and moves mountain Monster Saint is my energy is then. 更何况姬宏烈知道我的背景,覆海妖圣和搬山妖圣便是我的底气所在。 Does he dare to brave to offend two peaks to be disadvantageous to me to the fate of powerhouse? Only if he were insane, wanting the supreme immortal toward to be quicker the avalanche. ” 他敢冒着得罪两位巅峰至强者的下场去对我不利吗?除非他是疯了,想要至尊仙朝快些崩塌。” Explained after own idea, Li Xuanzong related Ocean Overturning Monster Saint also to move mountain Monster Saint. 说明了自己的想法后,李玄宗又联系了一下覆海妖圣还有搬山妖圣 Ocean Overturning Monster Saint naturally is the agreement, even after also lets Li Xuanzong becomes the big commanding officers in supreme immortal towards, open together and East Sea trade route, trades various types of cultivation commodities. 覆海妖圣自然是同意的,甚至还让李玄宗成为至尊仙朝的大都督后打开一道和东海的商路,交易各种修行物资。 Although the East Sea border corner/horn crystal palace the background is rich, but resistance black tide so many years, some efficacious medicine Medicinal Pill also formation talisman and so on thing has is in danger, treasure transaction that must therefore produce with some East Sea local area urgently needed. 东海涯角水晶宫虽然底蕴丰厚,但抵御黑潮这么多年,灵药丹药还有一些阵法符箓之类的东西还是有一些告急的,所以急需要拿一些东海本地所产的宝物交易。 At present Eastern Travels Spirit Continent has become one group randomly, under Buddhism Zen acts full power, what if East Sea also meddles is involved very much easily. 眼下东行灵州已经是乱成了一团,佛门禅宗全力出手之下,东海若是也插手的是很容易被卷入其中的。 Therefore Ao Zheng before several years has then started to stop all foreign contact, takes the Changhai county as the final boundary, closes the shore of entire East Sea, stops all foreign contact, does not participate in the East Sea dispute. 所以早在数年前敖峥便已经开始闭关锁国了,以长海郡为最终边界,关闭整个东海之滨,闭关锁国,不参与东海纷争。 But Southern Territory Fire Continent the situation is also same. 南域火洲这边情况也是一样。 At present suppressed the countries of ten thousand monster to rebel, but Monster Race also needed a lead talent is. 眼下镇压住了万妖之国叛乱,但妖族还需要一个领头人才是。 Although Li Xuanzong facilitates this war victory and defeat the key, plans the character, but he is the Human Race family background, even if even if moves the mountain Monster Saint last student not to have the qualifications to command entire Southern Territory Fire Continent Monster Race. 李玄宗虽然是促成这场大战胜负的关键,也是谋划人物,但他是人族出身,哪怕就算是搬山妖圣的关门弟子也是没资格来统领整个南域火洲妖族的。 Therefore this position must let hold up day of Monster Saint to sit is good, only then he can stabilize present Monster Race. 所以这个位置还是必须要让擎天妖圣来坐才行,也只有他才能够稳定现在的妖族 The southeastern two sides are all right, Li Xuanzong naturally can also look at Central Yuan Divine Continent. 东南两边没事,李玄宗自然也就可以把目光转向中元神洲这边去了。 This time goes to Central Yuan Divine Continent, Ao Ya and Ao Hong naturally must return to East Sea. 这次去中元神洲,敖雅和敖洪自然是要回东海的。 The Li Xuanzong Black Wind Mountain secondary roles must bring to go to Central Yuan Divine Continent, three pure gold toad kings also choose to follow Li Xuanzong to go. 李玄宗原本黑风山的班底也是要带到中元神洲去,三足金蟾王也选择跟着李玄宗前去。 Three pure gold toad kings most start with Li Xuanzong are the cooperation, finally both sides felt that the temperament was congenial then became the friend. 三足金蟾王最开始跟李玄宗算是合作,最后双方感觉脾气相投便成了朋友。 Especially Li Xuanzong also helped him do having a low opinion of the enemy, three pure gold toad kings could also be said as the gratitude to Li Xuanzong. 特别是李玄宗还帮他搞死了轻敌,三足金蟾王对李玄宗也可以说是感激的很。 And he also admires regarding the Li Xuanzong strength method very much, at least these follow Li Xuanzong to act times, which time has not suffered a loss. 并且他对于李玄宗的实力手段也是很佩服的,起码这几次跟着李玄宗出手,哪次都没有吃亏。 In brief the income with Li Xuanzong wanted to sit the well view day to be many in Mt. Tianjing Mangwol-dong, therefore he will certainly not go back. 总之跟着李玄宗的收益可是要比自己在天井山望月洞坐井观天多多了,所以他当然不会回去。 But the law brightness monk is also very unusual choice follows Li Xuanzong. 而法慧和尚则也是很稀奇的选择跟着李玄宗 He does not return to Eastern Travels Spirit Continent is because he first was 25 young with Monster Race jointly, felt that betrayed the Buddhism, at this time goes back embarrassed. 他不回东行灵州是因为他首先跟妖族联手做了二五仔,感觉背叛了佛门,此时不好意思回去。 The single layer reason is he abbots in immeasurable zen temple and other high-level companies contacts with him and other, he feels is somewhat strange now suddenly to the Buddhism. 还有一重原因就是他在等无量禅院的方丈等高层连联系他,他现在忽然感觉对佛门有些陌生。 The beforehand Buddhism suddenly ahead of time the east-bound action or Vajrayana are so careful to Southern Territory Fire Continent, these before him the situation of knowing is different. 不论是之前佛门忽然提前东进的举动还是密宗对南域火洲这般上心,这些都跟他之前所了解的情况不一样。 Therefore at this time situation un- clear(ly), the law brightness felt oneself first follow Li Xuanzong is quite credible. 所以此时情况未明,法慧觉得自己还是先跟着李玄宗比较靠谱。
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