GSOH :: Volume #4

#365: Condition

Ji Honglie some do not press one that the repertoire plays a card also really to make Li Xuanzong somewhat accidental/surprised. 姬宏烈这有些不按套路出牌的一幕还真让李玄宗有些意外。 Gathers the person commonly, certainly must first draw exploits one's connections, then Chen Heng advantages said again. 寻常招揽人,肯定是要先拉一拉关系,然后陈衡利弊再说出来的。 Result Ji Honglie is actually good, comes up then to exhibit a treating worthies and scholars with courtesy appearance. 结果这姬宏烈倒是好,上来便摆出一副礼贤下士的样子。 Actually under this Taizi Dian is too confident, was some are too crude? 这位太子殿下究竟是太有信心呢,还是有些太鲁莽了? Helping up Ji Honglie of Li Xuanzong faint smile said: „ Your highness, you said that but gave to offend several on the scene. 李玄宗似笑非笑的扶起姬宏烈道:“殿下,你这么说,可是把在场几位都给得罪了。 But here Southern Territory Fire Continent, is the Monster Race domain. ” 这里可是南域火洲,是妖族的地盘。” Really, Ji Honglie so said, held up the day of Monster Saint complexion somewhat to be ugly. 果然,姬宏烈这般说,就连擎天妖圣的面色都有些难看了。 Ji Honglie this saying does helped their Monster Race work like Li Xuanzong somewhat did work beneath one's ability. 姬宏烈这话搞的像李玄宗帮他们妖族做事有些屈才了一样。 If not for looked that Ji Honglie is gathering Li Xuanzong, holds up day of Monster Saint definitely to act crazy. 若不是看姬宏烈是在招揽李玄宗,擎天妖圣肯定会发飙的。 In any case to him, crown princes in supreme immortal towards have no deterrent force, entire supreme immortal toward by Yuan phoenix Monster Saint puncturing, whom also supreme immortal toward being serious? 反正对于他来说,一个至尊仙朝的太子没什么威慑力,整个至尊仙朝都被元凰妖圣给打穿了,谁还会把至尊仙朝当回事? Ji Honglie shakes the head saying: „Below is not this meaning, the mister as Human Race outstanding, so many years have actually fought in the Monster Race sphere of influence, are actually the derelictions of duty of my supreme immortal towards.” 姬宏烈摇摇头道:“在下可不是这个意思,先生身为人族俊杰,这么多年却一直都在妖族的势力范围内打拼,其实是我至尊仙朝的失职。” Li Xuanzong shakes the head saying: „ Dereliction of duty does not neglect duty not to mention, Ocean Overturning Monster Saint waits me is not thin, moving mountain Monster Saint is my teacher, the supreme immortal toward the present is what appearance, your highness yourself should know. 李玄宗摇摇头道:“失职不失职的暂且不说,覆海妖圣待我不薄,搬山妖圣更是我的老师,至尊仙朝现在是什么模样,殿下你自己应该是知道的。 Therefore do I also hold true the supreme immortal that by going to that will soon deteriorate toward being the big commanding officer? ” 所以我又有什么理由去那个即将衰败的至尊仙朝当大都督呢?” Ji Honglie sinking sound said: „ Ocean Overturning Monster Saint one generation of outstanding were naturally needless saying that moving mountain Monster Saint is also the present age to the powerhouse, stood in the cultivation peak character. 姬宏烈沉声道:“覆海妖圣一代俊杰自然是不用多说,搬山妖圣也是当世至强者,站在修行界巅峰的人物。 They can Mr. Li, my supreme immortal toward giving not. 他们能给李先生的,我至尊仙朝给不了。 However my supreme immortal toward can, them actually unable to give! ” 但是我至尊仙朝能给的,他们却也给不了!” Nearby holds up day of Monster Saint to snort contemptuously: What thing was moves Sir mountain unable to give?” 一旁的擎天妖圣不禁嗤之以鼻:“什么东西是搬山大人给不了的?” In a short time, the accurate point the percentage hundred promotes Return to Emptiness Dao Unification in one year, this moves mountain Monster Saint or Ocean Overturning Monster Saint feared that can't achieve?” “短时间内,准确点来说是在一年之内百分百晋升返虚合道,这点不论是搬山妖圣还是覆海妖圣怕是都做不到吧?” Ji Honglie opens the mouth is earth-shaking general. 姬宏烈一开口便是石破天惊一般。 Such remarks, holds up day of Monster Saint is a shock of face and startled, said hastily: This is absolutely impossible!” 此言一出,就连擎天妖圣都是一脸的震惊和愕然,连忙道:“这绝对不可能!” From Qi Refining to Celestial Realm, these boundaries can train to teach, only has Return to Emptiness Dao Unification this unable to teach to the powerhouse boundary. 炼气天人境,这些境界都是可以培养教导出来的,唯有返虚合道这至强者境界是教不出来的。 Moves mountain Monster Saint and Ocean Overturning Monster Saint can teach anything on Li Xuanzong cultivation preying, promoted the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary is only they cannot teach. 搬山妖圣覆海妖圣能够教李玄宗修行搏杀上的任何东西,唯独晋升返虚合道境界是他们教不了的。 The main road that everyone can comprehend is different, even if the similarly hot attribute main road also has the fine distinction. 每个人所能领悟的大道都不一样,哪怕是同样火属性的大道也是有着细微差别的。 This world does not have two exactly the same people, therefore does not have two types of exactly the same main roads. 这世间不存在两个一模一样的人,所以也就不存在两种一模一样的大道。 Therefore the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary only possibly is becomes aware, rather than others teach. 所以返虚合道境界只可能是自己悟出来的,而不是别人教出来的。 Initially moved mountain Monster Saint to teach in own side many Monster Race belts, but also trained three Monster Saint merely. 当初搬山妖圣把诸多妖族带在自己身边教导,但也仅仅只是培养出了三位妖圣 This has the relations with their bloodline inheritance. 这还是跟他们三人本身的血统传承有关系。 Moreover on this day between various treasures only possibly make one grow regarding the sensibility of the world main road, increases steps into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification probability, but is actually not able 100% to step into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary. 而且这天地之间的各种宝物只可能让人增长对于天地大道的感悟,增加踏入返虚合道的概率,但却无法让人百分之百踏入返虚合道境界。 Even if therefore Ji Honglie said can make Li Xuanzong have 99% probabilities to step into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary is also more credible than the present. 所以哪怕姬宏烈说能够让李玄宗有90%九的几率踏入返虚合道境界也比现在靠谱。 The most important thing is who knows, at present supreme immortal toward deteriorated looked awful, even does not have a powerhouse protection of Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary. 最重要的是谁都知道,眼下至尊仙朝已经衰败的不成样子了,甚至都没有一个返虚合道境界的强者守护。 Can say if not for now south the town/subdues king and the others had scruples the reputation of rebellion is not of pleasant to hear, Central Yuan Divine Continent does not have the supreme immortal toward existing. 可以说现在若不是镇南王等人顾忌造反的名声不好听,中元神洲已经没有至尊仙朝存在了。 If supreme immortal toward having this method, why they do not make a Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary protects the supreme immortal to the powerhouse toward? 若是至尊仙朝有这种手段,他们为何不造出来一个返虚合道境界的至强者来守护至尊仙朝呢? Ji Honglie smiles bitterly to explain: „ I know that this matter possibly makes very difficult to believe that but in fact also indeed is so. 姬宏烈苦笑着解释道:“我知道此事可能让诸位很难置信,但事实上也的确是如此的。 And this thing others have more than enough, only then Mr. Li this grade of strength powerful extraordinary existence can use it to step into the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary. 并且此物其他人用不了,只有李先生这等战力强悍非凡的存在能够使用它踏入返虚合道境界。 Therefore my supreme immortal toward keeping this thing cannot be accomplishing Return to Emptiness Dao Unification to come, can only cheap others. 所以我至尊仙朝留着此物也造就不出一位返虚合道来,只能便宜了别人。 Moreover this thing is profound True Daoist stays behind, cannot do absolutely false. ” 而且此物乃是玄都真人留下的,绝对做不得假。” Nearby middle-aged Daoist noticed that Ji Honglie gave to say own ins and outs unexpectedly, the low acoustic resistance waylaid hastily: Your highness! Cautious word!” 一旁的中年道人看到姬宏烈竟然把自己的老底都给说出来了,连忙低声阻拦道:“殿下!慎言!” Ji Honglie shakes the head saying: „ Arrived the supreme immortal toward this situation , there is nothing does not dare to say. 姬宏烈摇摇头道:“到了至尊仙朝这种地步,已经没有什么不敢说的了。 The supreme immortal toward indeed had been in the critical situation, takes a powerhouse to strive to turn the tide urgently needed. 至尊仙朝的确是已经到了危急的地步,急需要一位强者力挽狂澜。 Not is only in the strength stronger, mental method, indispensable. 不光是实力上要强,心智手段,缺一不可。 In my opinion, this person is Mr. Li your not. 在我看来,这个人为李先生你莫属。 But my supreme immortal can result in the thing that acts toward the present, then be only these ten thousand years of treasures that came to accumulate, remaining, were the unconditional trusts. 而我至尊仙朝现在能得出手的东西,便只有这些万年来所积累的宝物了,剩下的,便是无条件的信任。 The seat of honor had heard my supreme immortal toward sealing profound True Daoist is the country master, making my supreme immortal toward continuing the life 2000 matter. 主位都听说过我至尊仙朝封玄都真人为国师,让我至尊仙朝续命两千年的事情。 But everyone knows that country master unreliably True Daoist, who remembers the emperor who initially that sealed profound True Daoist is country is who? 但大家都知道国师玄都真人,谁又记得当初那位封玄都真人为国师的帝王是谁? The historical record, my ancestor actually ability of Ji was very initially mediocre, even mediocre to not slightly emperor plan. 史料记载,当初我姬家的那位先祖其实能力很是平庸,甚至平庸到没有丝毫帝王心术。 Then his whole life only merit is to look at the person is extremely accurate, after regarding as important profound True Daoist, utilizes the resources of entire supreme immortal towards to provide for profound True Daoist, finally enables its to become stands in the cultivation peak to powerhouse, for my supreme immortal toward continuing life in 2000. 他这辈子唯一的优点就是看人极准,看重了玄都真人后便动用整个至尊仙朝的资源供养玄都真人,终于让其成为站在修行界巅峰的至强者,为我至尊仙朝续命两千年。 Also mediocre below strength method, therefore then can only study a study ancestor, is more sincere. 在下实力手段也很平庸,所以便只能学一学先祖,真诚一些。 So long as Mr. Li you complies, my supreme immortal toward is then willing to use all, puts out the saved treasure , helping Mr. Li you promote the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary full power! ” 只要李先生你答应,我至尊仙朝便愿意倾尽所有,拿出所积蓄的宝物,全力帮助李先生你晋升返虚合道境界!” One side that middle age Daoist has been sweating. 一旁那中年道士已经急得满头大汗了。 He thinks the crown prince wants to probe is gathering this Li Xuanzong. 他原本以为太子只是想要试探着招揽这李玄宗 Never expected that he actually meets all disclosed that to Li Xuanzong, does he so trust this is only the fellow of meeting? 没想到他竟然一见面就把所有都透露给了李玄宗,他就如此信任这个才只是见了一面的家伙? Li Xuanzong is also some stares slightly, later then narrows the eye to ask: „ Your highness, you so regard as important me, trusts me, actually did not fear that I am a perfidious disciple? 李玄宗也是有些微微一愣,随后便眯着眼睛问道:“殿下,你如此看重我,信任我,却不怕我是个背信弃义之徒? Took the thing of your supreme immortal towards to be then gone forever, did you owe in a big way? 拿了你们至尊仙朝的东西便一去不复返,你们岂不是亏大了? You should also see my strength before, without existence of Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary cannot block absolutely my. ” 你之前应该也见过我的实力了,只要没有返虚合道境界的存在是绝对拦不住我的。” Ji Honglie shakes the head saying: „ Doubts the person not to need, to choose a person does not doubt. 姬宏烈摇摇头道:“疑人不用,用人不疑。 Seemed like me that ancestor to choose to believe that in the past profound True Daoist was the same, I also chose to believe Mr. Li you. ” 就好像是我当年那位先祖选择相信玄都真人一样,我也选择相信李先生你。” Held up day of Monster Saint also to give Li Xuanzong to send greetings in one side at this time: „ Careful Daoism. 擎天妖圣这时在一旁也给李玄宗传音:“小心道门 The situation in supreme immortal towards is complex, Central Yuan Divine Continent is more complex. 至尊仙朝的情况复杂,中元神洲更加复杂。 If you complied, if also wants to handle Daoism that side matter. 你若是答应了下来,还要想好处理道门那边的事情。 Three big Daoism may not be affable existences, moves Sir mountain the peak not to provoke Daoism. ” 三大道门可都不是好惹的存在,搬山大人巅峰时期也是不愿意去招惹道门的。”
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