GSOH :: Volume #4

#364: Supreme immortal toward

The strength deterioration of supreme immortal towards somewhat is above the Li Xuanzong imagination. 至尊仙朝的力量衰败着实有些超乎李玄宗想象的。 According to three pure gold toad kings said, the deterioration of supreme immortal towards has actually then set the foreshadowing for from several thousand years. 按照三足金蟾王所说,至尊仙朝的衰败从数千年其实便已经埋下伏笔了。 Supreme immortal toward taking the Ji imperial family to revere, his ancestor in the paradise it is said is also powerful, thinks that the prosperity of supreme immortal towards provided a stable backstage. 至尊仙朝以姬姓皇室为尊,其先祖在仙界当中据说也是位高权重,所以为至尊仙朝的兴盛提供了一个稳定的后台。 After antiquity great misfortune , the day passed certainly, the backstage of everyone upper boundary did not have, the supreme immortal toward should deteriorate is right. 上古大劫之后绝地天通,大家上界的后台都没了,至尊仙朝本应该衰败才对。 But after about 3000 , the supreme immortal toward that generation of kings actually is also generation of the outstanding ability and grand vision. 但大约三千年后至尊仙朝那一代的帝王却也是个雄才大略之辈。 Without the ancestor help of upper boundary, the supreme immortal toward is actually a large-scale aristocratic family focusing on Ji royalty, along with passing of time, likely under the even/including millenniums will unable to support then to deteriorate. 没有上界的先祖帮忙,至尊仙朝其实就是一个以姬姓皇族为主的大型世家,伴随着时间的流逝,很可能连下个千年都挺不到便会衰败的。 Therefore initially that emperor direct selection tried another method , to promote various Luke to enter Cultivator of not of the same surname supreme immortal towards, even regardless of family background, Monster Race Barbarian Race. 所以当初那位皇帝直接选择另辟蹊径,提拔各路加入至尊仙朝的外姓修行者,甚至不论出身,妖族蛮族都可以。 So long as loyal supreme immortal toward, for supreme immortal toward performing merit, can promote is to seal/confer Weiyi is even surnamed Wang. 只要忠心至尊仙朝,为至尊仙朝立下过功劳的,都可以提拔甚至是封为异姓王。 This act makes the supreme immortal toward continuing the life enough in 5000, is about several thousand years is to also let the supreme immortal are getting more and more toward the middle powerhouse not of the same surname, the strength of imperial family is also more and more weak. 此举又让至尊仙朝续命足足五千年,不过数千年的时间也是让至尊仙朝当中外姓的强者越来越多,皇室的力量也是越来越弱。 However was actually the life of this supreme immortal towards should not certainly, should reach the deterioration stage the supreme immortal toward actually to bump into another honored person, that was country master unreliably True Daoist of supreme immortal towards. 不过却也是这至尊仙朝的命不该绝,本应该又到衰败阶段的至尊仙朝却是碰到了另外一个贵人,那就是至尊仙朝的国师玄都真人 This profound True Daoist in name is the Daoism family background, in fact is actually the Buddha demon three cultivates, it is said cultivation base simply is earth-shaking general, reached eight Dao Unification peaks, it is said that has conducted ninth Dao Unification. 这位玄都真人名义上是道门出身,实际上却是道佛魔三修,据说一身修为简直就是惊天动地一般,达到了八次合道的巅峰,据说已经进行过第九次合道了。 Naturally this is only the legend, but its peak, the Barbarian Race old ancestor moves mountain Monster Saint, thinks that is not his opponent. 当然这只是传说,不过其巅峰时期,不论是蛮族老祖还是搬山妖圣,都自认为不是其对手。 Moreover he as Human Race, broke the life limit unexpectedly, lived about in 2000, even moving mountain Monster Saint also has the Barbarian Race old ancestor to be long-time. 而且他身为人族,竟然也打破了寿元极限,活了将近两千年,甚至比搬山妖圣还有蛮族老祖还要长久。 Moves mountain Monster Saint and Barbarian Race old ancestor the life has been close to the limit at this time, because the seal black tide the oil completely lamp is dry. 搬山妖圣蛮族老祖此时已经寿元接近极限,又因为封印黑潮才油尽灯枯的。 But that profound True Daoist in fact is also at the peak, but actually falls from the sky accidentally/surprisingly, majority said that he is because attacks the Dao Unification nine times, this dies under the day tribulation. 但那位玄都真人实际上还处在巅峰时期,但却意外陨落,大部分都说他是因为冲击合道九次,这才死在天劫之下的。 Naturally the truth has not been possible to check, but since profound True Daoist dies, the supreme immortal suffers a disastrous decline toward then the real start. 当然事情的真相早就已经不可查了,但自从玄都真人死后,至尊仙朝便真正的开始一落千丈。 Profound True Daoist this to powerhouse's suppression, the supreme immortal different surnamed Wang has not started to have the change toward regional these governors, some powerhouses were also the choice left the supreme immortal toward. 没有玄都真人这位至强者的镇压,至尊仙朝各地那些封疆大吏异姓王们都开始有了异动,一些强者也是选择离开了至尊仙朝。 Then deeper single layer attack also transmits. 而后更深的一重打击也是随之传来。 It is said was the emperor who that generation of some were sends people to throw the Yuan phoenix Monster Saint phoenix egg to attempt to increase the life, finally was actually infiltrated the imperial palace to recapture the phoenix egg by Yuan phoenix Monster Saint directly. 据说是那一代某个作死的皇帝派人投了元凰妖圣的凤凰蛋企图增加寿元,结果却被元凰妖圣直接打入皇宫夺回凤凰蛋。 That fought the supreme immortal toward to be catastrophic, the emperors is fired the flying ash at the scene. 那一战至尊仙朝死伤无数,就连皇帝都被当场烧成了飞灰。 This matter is to the supreme immortal toward the most serious attack, letting Central Yuan Divine Continent be saw clearly as for the powerhouses of other continents, the supreme immortal of this behavior toward is the silver type la spear head, was useless. 这件事情才是对至尊仙朝最为沉重的打击,让中元神洲乃至于其他洲的强者都看清了,这所为的至尊仙朝已经是银样镴枪头了,不中用了。 Was entered the imperial palace by others directly, burnt the emperor, the fart does not dare to put one, what dignity but also there is to preserve? 直接被人家杀入皇宫,烧死了皇帝,屁都不敢放一个,还有什么威严留存? Therefore starting from that time, the supreme immortal toward then fell into the stage of truly being split up, town/subdues southern king Dengyi surnamed Wang in abundance separation place, let alone was listens to move does not listen to proclaim, wished one could to support oneself simply a country. 所以自那时候开始,至尊仙朝便陷入了真正四分五裂的阶段,镇南王等异姓王纷纷割据地方,别说是听调不听宣了,简直都恨不得自立一国了。 By this time, the supreme immortal toward almost on the remaining reputations, has no powerhouse in name, Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary could not look to the powerhouses. 到了此时,至尊仙朝几乎就剩下一个名头了,名义上已经没什么强者在了,连个返虚合道境界的至强者都找不出来了。 Now that emperor in supreme immortal towards also chooses one to succeed to the throne from the imperial clan casually, mediocre , the only advantage is honest, does not do. 现在至尊仙朝的那个皇帝也是从宗室里面随便挑选一个继位的,平庸的很,唯一的好处就是老实,不作死。 However that crown prince Ji Honglie actually high-profile very much, uses the name of supreme immortal towards to gather various group of powerhouses in Central Yuan Divine Continent frequently, wants to revive the dignity of supreme immortal towards, what a pity was actually regarded is the joke comes to see. 不过那位太子姬宏烈倒是高调的很,经常在中元神洲内打着至尊仙朝的名义招揽各路强者,想要重振至尊仙朝的威严,可惜却总被当成是笑话来看。 At this point, three pure gold toad king look suddenly to Li Xuanzong: „ The crown princes in this supreme immortal towards like treating worthies and scholars with courtesy this, should not be will have a liking for you, prepared also to gather you to enter that supreme immortal toward? 说到这里,三足金蟾王忽然看向李玄宗:“这至尊仙朝的太子就喜欢礼贤下士这一口,该不会是看上你,准备也招揽你进入那至尊仙朝了吧? However I urged you to be careful for on, the supreme immortal best not drip toward this turbid water. 不过我劝你还是小心为上,至尊仙朝这趟浑水最好还是别淌。 We help move mountain Monster Saint, that is because moves mountain Monster Saint also, has his old person family belongings subsequent hand, in our hearts also has the energy is not? 咱们帮搬山妖圣,那是因为搬山妖圣还在,有着他老人家当后手,咱们心里面也有底气不是? But the supreme immortal toward that was the family whose fortunes are on the decline, once mixed to with four Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundaries to the powerhouse was an enemy. 但至尊仙朝那就是破落户了,一旦掺合进去可是要跟四位返虚合道境界的至强者为敌的。 That supreme immortal toward except for some resources treasure that ten thousand years leave behind, but nothing can take acts. 那至尊仙朝除了万年时间留下的一些资源宝贝的,可没什么东西能拿得出手了。 If the crown prince asked you to handle anything, you may knock his one greatly ruthlessly, that fellows had money in any case. 那太子若是求你办什么事情,你大可狠狠敲他一笔,反正那帮家伙有钱。 But if he wants to gather you, you may probably consider clearly. ” 但如果他想要招揽你,你可要考虑清楚了。” Hears that supreme immortal toward also to have the large amounts of resources, both eyes of Li Xuanzong actually somewhat shines. 听到那至尊仙朝还有大量的资源,李玄宗的双目却是有些放光。 What did you say? Does that supreme immortal toward have a lot of resources treasures in? But that supreme immortal toward has not deteriorated, how can also preserve so many treasures?” “你方才说什么?那至尊仙朝还有大量的资源宝物在?可是那至尊仙朝不是已经衰败了嘛,如何还能留存这么多宝物?” Three pure gold toad king somewhat wonder looks at Li Xuanzong, when was this fellow so greedy for money? How to study own hobby? 三足金蟾王有些纳闷的看着李玄宗,这家伙什么时候如此贪财了?怎么学起自己的爱好了? Three pure gold toad kings do not have to care, but explained: „ Deterioration is the deterioration, when first year phoenix Monster Saint gets the imperial palace in supreme immortal towards to also recapture the phoenix egg, although killed the emperor, has not actually taken away these resources anything. 三足金蟾王也没太在乎,只是解释道:“衰败是衰败,不过当初元凰妖圣打上至尊仙朝的皇宫也只是为了夺回凤凰蛋,虽然杀了皇帝,却也没拿走那些资源什么的。 Subdue southern king Han Qinhu and the others, although is ambitious, but which actually does not want to be the person who takes the lead, the first rebellion founds a nation to attack the supreme immortal toward, after all supreme immortal toward preserving ten thousand years, is some loyal fellows. 镇南王韩擒虎等人虽然都是野心勃勃,但哪一个却都不想做出头鸟,第一个造反立国攻打至尊仙朝,毕竟至尊仙朝留存万年,还是有一些忠心的家伙在的。 The first rebellion breaks through the supreme immortal toward, was too big regarding the influence of reputation. 第一个造反攻破至尊仙朝,对于名声的影响太大了。 Then, the supreme immortal toward had not been plundered truly, therefore these resources treasures also nothing strange. ” 如此一来,至尊仙朝又没被人真正掠夺过,所以那些资源宝物都在也没什么奇怪的。” Nod of Li Xuanzong understands clearly, said: „ Since others had come, we very do not see. 李玄宗了然的点了点头,道:“既然人家都已经来了,那咱们也不好不见。 Walks, greets with us under that Taizi Dian. ” 走吧,跟我们迎接一下那位太子殿下。” Crown prince type of thing, Li Xuanzong is not unusual. 太子这种东西嘛,李玄宗已经不稀奇了。 The crown princes in merman country's he has also seen, obedient. 鲛人国的太子他也是见过的,听话的很。 However the crown princes in supreme immortal towards with the crown princes in merman country's naturally do not have the means ratio, a both space underground. 不过至尊仙朝的太子跟鲛人国的太子当然是没办法比的了,两者一个天上一个地下。 The crown prince Ji Honglie strength of that supreme immortal towards is not evidently strong, cultivation base also piles with the Medicinal Pill resources, impractical, but also has Spirit Platform Realm cultivation base. 那至尊仙朝的太子姬宏烈看样子实力不强,一身修为也都是用丹药资源堆出来的,虚浮的很,但也有灵台境修为 However on the opposite party that noble air actually cannot cover up. 不过对方身上那股贵气却是遮掩不住的。 Just saw Li Xuanzong, Ji Honglie then moves toward hastily the first three steps, long executed a ritual, the attitude said sincerely: „ Mr. Li is my Human Race outstanding, for these years has actually fooled around together under Monster Race, is was really a pity. 刚刚见到李玄宗,姬宏烈便连忙走向前三步,长施一礼,态度诚恳道:“李先生乃是我人族俊杰,这么多年来却一直都在妖族麾下厮混,实属可惜。 This Mr. king YuanBai Li is the big commanding officer, commands my immortal toward the officers, revives the dignity, but also looks at the mister to comply. ” 本王愿拜李先生为大都督,统领我仙朝将士,重振威严,还望先生能够答应。”
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