GSOH :: Volume #4

#363: Crown prince

This batch watch the war beyond hundred li (0.5 km), but can also have such mystical Magical Treasure is not others, is crown prince Ji Honglie of Central Yuan Divine Continent supreme immortal towards with his some trusted aide subordinates. 这批在百里之外观看战局,还能有如此神异法宝的不是别人,正是中元神洲至尊仙朝的太子姬宏烈跟他的一些心腹手下。 Central supreme immortal toward, although splits, but background , can therefore have so many rare treasures. 中央至尊仙朝虽然分裂,但是底蕴还是在的,所以才能够拥有如此多的秘宝。 This time Ji great fierce as crown prince's body, brings to arrive at Southern Territory Fire Continent numerously , is actually because south town/subdues the change of king. 这次姬宏烈身为太子之身,带着众多手下来到南域火洲,其实就是因为镇南王的异动。 Central supreme immortal, since that country master dies then had fallen into regional division of the country among warlords, the situation of being split up. 中央至尊仙朝自从那位国师死后便已经陷入了各地军阀割据,四分五裂的地步。 And the influence is strongest, the performance is also most rampant is south the town/subdues the king, the Pingxi king, the peace northern king and Anton king these four different surnamed Wang. 其中势力最为强大,表现也是最为嚣张的便是镇南王、平西王、靖北王、安东王这四位异姓王。 As of late south town/subdues king Han Qinhu, because is not in the fiefdom, instead is dispatches the large share influence on come Southern Territory Fire Continent, the supreme immortal also detected that toward here some were not right. 最近这段时间镇南王韩擒虎因为不在封地之内,反而是派遣大股势力来南域火洲,至尊仙朝这边也察觉到了有些不对。 Although supreme immortal toward deterioration, but some people throughout to supreme immortal toward loyal and devoted, south king the person of hand/subordinate including the town/subdues, then toward transmitted the information to the supreme immortal in secret. 虽然至尊仙朝衰败,不过还是有一些人始终对至尊仙朝忠心耿耿的,包括镇南王手下的人,便给至尊仙朝暗中传递了情报。 The supreme immortal toward only knows, originally south the town/subdues the king colludes with Vajrayana and nine spirit Monster Saint unexpectedly secretly, schemes the place of Southern Territory Fire Continent. 至尊仙朝这才知道,原来镇南王竟然秘密勾结密宗和九灵妖圣,图谋南域火洲之地。 Originally Han Qinhu then has the non- feudal official's heart, if were attained Southern Territory Fire Continent part of regions by him, was afraid of getting into trouble really must found a nation independently. 本来韩擒虎便已经有了不臣之心了,若是被他拿到南域火洲一部分地域,怕事真的要独立建国了。 But the supreme immortal toward here movement response was really slow. 只不过至尊仙朝这边的动作反应实在是太慢了。 When south the town/subdues king to come participates in Heavenly Fire Congress, they had then responded, but when waits for Ji Honglie to bring the person arrives at Southern Territory Fire Continent, this chaotic situation had finished. 等镇南王来参加天火大会,他们这才有所反应,而等着姬宏烈带人来到南域火洲时,这场乱局都已经结束了。 This also has Li Xuanzong to plan these in the layout in secret, if makes Ji great be fierce they to come, perhaps the day lily was cool. 这也就是有李玄宗在暗中布局谋划这些,若是让姬宏烈他们来,恐怕黄花菜都凉了。 At this moment, has congealed to be solid battlefield Ji great fierce to say suddenly: „ We have stayed in Central Yuan Divine Continent, actually somewhat underestimated the world hero. 就在这时,一直都凝实着战场的姬宏烈却是忽然道:“我们一直呆在中元神洲,却是有些小看了天下英雄。 These years influence unceasing deterioration of Central Yuan Divine Continent, on the contrary other Five Continent World, although does not have Central Yuan Divine Continent to be big, but actually is also the hero pours forth. 这些年来中元神洲的势力不断的衰败,相反其他五洲世界虽然没有中元神洲大,但却也是英豪辈出。 This Li Xuanzong is travels to the East the shore of family background Spirit Continent remote East Sea, most starts is only low level Cultivator of attachment evil spirit. 李玄宗乃是东行灵洲偏远的东海之滨出身,最开始只是一个依附妖魔的低级修士而已。 Now he can actually decide the entire Southern Territory Fire Continent situation by one's effort layout stratagem, but also cuts to kill nine spirit Monster Saint, might be considered as my Human Race outstanding. 如今他却能够以一己之力布局谋定整个南域火洲的局势,还斩杀九灵妖圣,堪称是我人族俊杰。 If so the character can help our supreme immortal toward, can let my supreme immortal toward again the resurgence? ” 如此人物若是能够帮我们至尊仙朝,会不会能让我至尊仙朝再次中兴?” That middle-aged Daoist stares, later said looking pensive: „ Pours also possibly has. 那中年道士一愣,随后若有所思道:“倒也不是没有可能。 In recent years our supreme immortal toward the strength deterioration, it mainly is since the master died, was really no one can strive to turn the tide, manages the general situation. 近些年咱们至尊仙朝实力衰败,其主要便是自从师父死了之后,实在是没有人能够力挽狂澜,主持大局了。 Moreover under Taizi Dian do not blame me to talk too much, in the middle of the imperial family, majority are some generations of holding a job without doing any work, cultivation base depends on the Medicinal Pill resources to pile up. 而且太子殿下也别怪我多嘴,皇室当中,大多数都是一些尸位素餐之辈,修为都是靠着丹药资源堆积起来的。 Mental plans also compares that four place preying in border area, depends on the meritorious military service four of rise different surnamed Wang. 心智谋划也比不过那四位在边疆之地搏杀,靠着战功而崛起的四位异姓王。 Lets the supreme immortal by the fellow who this group has a high and respected position toward the resurgence, is purely has a dream. 靠这帮养尊处优的家伙让至尊仙朝中兴,纯属做梦。 If your highness can gather to this Li Xuanzong, resurgence non- resurgence first did not say, at least the opposite party absolutely be supreme immortal inward these fellow credible innumerable times compared with the present. 若是殿下能够招揽到这李玄宗,中兴不中兴的先不说,起码对方绝对要比现在至尊仙朝内的那些家伙靠谱无数倍。 However I feared that he will not agree with gathering of your highness. 但是我就怕他不会同意殿下的招揽的。 Now the supreme immortal toward where is the mess, who can look at the deterioration trend in my supreme immortal towards. 现在至尊仙朝哪里都是一团糟,谁都能够看出来我至尊仙朝的衰败趋势。 Han seizes tiger and the others also to dig the foundation of my supreme immortal towards in four sides, seized the chance to gather many outstanding Cultivator. 韩擒虎等人也都在四面挖我至尊仙朝的根基,趁机招揽了不少俊杰修士 What can my supreme immortal toward put out to gather that Li Xuanzong? 我至尊仙朝又能拿出什么来招揽那李玄宗呢? I had understood the material of this person before, although this Li Xuanzong is lowborn, but was actually regarded as important by Ocean Overturning Monster Saint, relies on for the trusted aide. 我之前了解过此人的资料,虽然这李玄宗出身卑微,但却被覆海妖圣看重,倚为心腹。 Meanwhile he moves the mountain Monster Saint last student, although moves mountain Monster Saint dead now, but Southern Territory Fire Continent also has to hold up day of Monster Saint, he also has to mix the heavenly palace, this war from now on the middle of Southern Territory Fire Continent Monster Race will also be the character of keeping promises. 同时他还是搬山妖圣的关门弟子,虽然现在搬山妖圣已死,不过南域火洲还有擎天妖圣在,他还有混天宫在,此战过后在南域火洲妖族当中也是说一不二的人物。 And hears him also to relate significantly with Barbarian Race, has the friendship with the northern bright king, even can ask him to act. 并且听闻他还跟蛮族关系匪浅,跟北明王也有交情,甚至能够请他出手。 But my supreme immortal toward having what? Besides some family properties that having the ancestor leave behind, but what did not have, how can gather that Li Xuanzong? 而我至尊仙朝有什么?除了有先祖留下的一些家底外,可是什么都没有了,如何能够招揽来那李玄宗 After all to this boundary powerhouse, but did not lack the resources. ” 毕竟到了这个境界的强者,可都不怎么缺资源了。” The feeling of that middle-aged Daoist is very pessimistic, after all their supreme immortal toward the present except for money, but anything did not have. 那中年道士的感觉很是悲观,毕竟他们至尊仙朝现在除了钱,可什么都没有了。 The powerhouse of similar Li Xuanzong this rank, even if Monster Race these bad operations Monster King can stockpile large quantities of resources wealth, let alone was Li Xuanzong. 类似李玄宗这种级别的强者,哪怕是妖族的那些不善经营的妖王都能够储备大批的资源财富,更别说是李玄宗了。 He actually does not know, now Li Xuanzong seems like anything does not lack, but the light is one mixes the heavenly palace then to commit suicide the hole to be common, but wants the huge resources urgently needed. 他却是不知道,现在李玄宗看似什么都不缺,但光是一个混天宫便是吞金窟一般,可是急需要大量资源的。 In Ji Honglie hears Yanyan actually revealed wiped the exciting color: „ Then, I actually wanted to gather this Li Xuanzong. 姬宏烈闻言眼中却是露出了一抹兴奋之色:“如此一来,我却是更想要招揽这李玄宗了。 Although this person has not arrived returns empty to the powerhouse boundary, but a strength can actually be able to block nine spirit Monster Saint fully. 此人虽然还未到返虚至强者境界,不过一身战力却是足可以挡得住九灵妖圣 And it is the relations are significant with other Sanzhou, can for my supreme immortal toward providing the boost. 并且其跟其余三洲都是关系匪浅,也能够为我至尊仙朝提供助力。 This grade of character has not met, at this time meets, how possibly to gather? ” 这等人物没有遇上也就罢了,此时遇到,怎么可能不去招揽?” That middle age looks at the Ji Honglie so exciting appearance actually, pours not well to break him, must shake the head, prepares to accompany him to try. 那中年倒是看着姬宏烈如此兴奋的模样,倒也不好去打断他,只得摇了摇头,准备陪他试试。 The supreme immortal toward has deteriorated, can have Ji Honglie this type is also willing for the dynasty to run, without giving up the crown prince is not then easy, is he also good to attack the opposite party? 至尊仙朝已经衰败,能有姬宏烈这种还愿意为王朝奔走,没有放弃的太子便已经算是不容易了,他又怎么好去打击对方? At this time the war had ended, Li Xuanzong is the preparation returned to pick arch well cultivation one. 此时战局已经结束,李玄宗原本是准备回到摘月洞好好修行一番的。 After all he just with the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary has fought to the powerhouse, needs to close up one to digest these sensibility. 毕竟他刚刚跟返虚合道境界的至强者交手过,需要闭关一番去消化这些感悟。 However at this time some people said, supreme immortal towards the Ji great fierce interview of crown prince, this makes Li Xuanzong stare immediately. 不过这时候却有人过来说,至尊仙朝的太子的姬宏烈求见,这让李玄宗顿时一愣。 The supreme immortal toward regarding Li Xuanzong is actually a very strange name. 至尊仙朝对于李玄宗来说其实是一个很陌生的名字。 Although he always heard how the supreme immortal toward, has not actually thought some day will have the relations with oneself, moreover comes seemingly is a crown prince. 虽然他总听说至尊仙朝如何如何的,却没想到有朝一日会跟自己扯上关系,而且来的貌似还是一位太子。 Li Xuanzong draws three pure gold toad king to ask: „Does friend you know that what background the information and this crown prince of this supreme immortal towards are?” 李玄宗拉来三足金蟾王问道:“老兄你知不知道这至尊仙朝的情报和这太子是什么来头?” Three pure gold toad kings operate the information in Eastern Travels Spirit Continent are, but the information about this supreme immortal towards, he definitely too did not find that but actually also knows. 三足金蟾王在东行灵州的时候经营情报是很有一手的,不过关于这至尊仙朝的情报嘛,他肯定是不太了解的,不过却也知道一些。 Heard that the word three pure gold toad kings scratch the head saying: „ Actually I know does not calculate too, but always listens to peddler of communication and so on to say many. 闻言三足金蟾王挠挠头道:“其实我知道的也并不算太多,但总是听一些来往的行商之类的说过许多。 Now that supreme immortal toward ten thousand years ago that supreme immortal of antiquity period toward compared with, simply was two concepts, deteriorated looking awful. 现在那至尊仙朝跟万年前上古时期的那至尊仙朝相比,简直就是两个概念,已经衰败的不成样子了。 Especially since its country master True Daoist dies unreliably, the strength of supreme immortal towards suffers a disastrous decline, it can be said that already no longer the dignity of antiquity period. 特别是自从其国师玄都真人死后,至尊仙朝的力量一落千丈,可以说是早就不复上古时期的威严了。 Said that at present is loyal to the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary of supreme immortal towards truly to the powerhouse, does not have. ” 这么说吧,眼下真正忠于至尊仙朝的返虚合道境界至强者,一个都没有。”
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