GSOH :: Volume #4

#362: After the war

Regarding moving mountain Monster Saint was handled the Monster Race incident of countries' of these ten thousand monsters by oneself, Li Xuanzong shrugs in that side, had not opposed. 对于搬山妖圣让自己来处置这些万妖之国的妖族一事,李玄宗只是在那边耸了耸肩,并没有反对。 Moving mountain Monster Saint is the Monster Race present age powerhouse, the thing that but in his heart worries about were too many. 搬山妖圣妖族的当世强者,但他心中所牵挂的东西太多了。 Has entire Monster Race, there is Southern Territory Fire Continent. 有整个妖族,也有南域火洲 You can say that he is Holy Mother, can say that he is indecisive, how but regardless of saying that moves mountain Monster Saint actually wish to make Southern Territory Fire Continent and Monster Race well. 你可以说他是圣母,也可以说他是优柔寡断,但不论怎么说,搬山妖圣其实都想要让南域火洲妖族变得更好。 Only pitifully something are such people are just the victims of fate, will move mountain Monster Saint to consider for the Monster Race future for a lifetime, actually caused so the consequence. 只可惜有些事情就是如此的造化弄人,搬山妖圣为了妖族的未来思虑了一辈子,却是造成了如此后果。 Therefore he has the ability to go to the manages, but does not want to go to manage. 所以他不是没有能力去管,而是不想去管了。 Li Xuanzong also has no relations with Monster Race, works resolute always, or is indifferent. 李玄宗妖族又没有什么关系,做事一向都果决的很,或者说是冷漠的很。 This matter makes him be done, instead lets move mountain Monster Saint to do appropriately. 这种事情让他来做,反而比让搬山妖圣来做更加的合适。 Li Xuanzong swallows several Medicinal Pill, to holding up day of Monster Saint passes on the sound said: Sir Monster Saint, handling country of fellows ten thousand monster is actually very simple, kills one batch, closes one batch, putting one batch was good.” 李玄宗吞下几颗丹药,对擎天妖圣传音道:“妖圣大人,处置万妖之国这帮家伙其实很简单,杀一批,关一批,放一批就好了。” Holds up day of Monster Saint to knit the brows: Also can kill people? This Southern Territory Fire Continent Monster Race civil strife, dying are many enough.” 擎天妖圣一皱眉:“还要杀人吗?这次南域火洲妖族内乱,死的已经足够多了。” Li Xuanzong said lightly: „ Dying were many enough, lesson that but some people receive actually also insufficient. 李玄宗淡淡道:“死足够多了,但有些人所受到的教训却还不够。 Everyone was an adult, naturally wanted, for chose to be responsible. 大家都是成年人了,当然要为了自己选择来负责。 West side these unruly Monster King had known, before moving mountain Monster Saint , although the severity of manages, is actually also protecting them. 西边这些桀骜不驯的妖王已经知道了,搬山妖圣之前虽然管的严厉,却也是在保护着他们。 Changes into others, those who submit will prosper , those who resist shall perish, their fates are pitiful. 换成其他人,顺我者昌逆我者亡,他们的下场更是凄惨。 The countries of ten thousand monster, is some ambitious generations, in their hearts the greed is more abundant. 万妖之国这边呢,都是一些野心勃勃之辈,他们心中贪欲更盛。 Sometimes by speaking the truth is useless, only then can make them know that with the sword and blood anything can be done, anything cannot be done. 有些时候靠讲道理是没用的,只有用刀剑和鲜血才能够让他们知道什么事情可以做,什么事情不可以做。 These nine spirit Monster Saint and crack Monster Saint trusted aide must kill, cannot remain. 那些九灵妖圣和裂地妖圣的心腹必须要杀,一个都不能留。 Simultaneously suppresses nuclei of countries' of a number of ten thousand monster, decided a time limit to put them. 同时镇压一批万妖之国的中坚力量,定一个时限在放了他们。 Last floors of countries' of a number of ten thousand monster can not kill, but actually must confiscate their resources magical tool wait/etc things completely, smashes their cave mansions, making them degenerate into the minority groups in the middle of Southern Territory Fire Continent Monster Race thoroughly. 最后一批万妖之国的底层可以不杀,但却要全部没收他们的资源法器等等东西,捣毁他们的洞府,让他们彻底在南域火洲妖族当中沦为弱势群体。 Then they know to fear, knows the regret, knows when presents nine spirit Monster Saint this people again, follows their consequences is anything. 如此一来他们才知道怕,知道后悔,知道再次出现九灵妖圣这种人时,追随他们的后果是什么。 The conciliation way constantly moved mountain Monster Saint to use, to them was no matter used. 一味的怀柔方式搬山妖圣已经用过了,对他们来说是不管用的。 Therefore should also use some different ways. ” 所以也该用一些不一样的方式了。” Holds up day of Monster Saint to sigh, said: Good, defers to doing that you said.” 擎天妖圣叹息一声,道:“那好,就按照你说的做吧。” This fights the end, the entire battlefield is chaotic one piece, the following matter did not need Li Xuanzong to worry, naturally had to hold up the day of Monster Saint subordinate to come to reorganize. 这一战终结,整个战场还是乱糟糟的一片,不过接下来的事情就不用李玄宗操心了,自然有擎天妖圣的手下前来整理。 At this time the land heard sounds of the trembling, Li Xuanzong also thinks that had the enemy to come, nine spirit Monster Saint had the card in a hand on as before uselessly. 这时大地传来一声声震颤之声,李玄宗还以为是有敌人前来了,九灵妖圣依旧有底牌没用上。 Has not thought is the head of the clan wind of Barbarian Race greatly Yi section is inexpensive. 没想到来的却是蛮族大羿部的族长风廉。 Sees the scene on the scene, some wind inexpensive complexion slightly changes. 看到在场的情景,风廉的面色微微有些变化。 He is gives support, never expected that the war has solved unexpectedly, this actually somewhat is above his expectation. 他是前来支援的,没想到战局竟然已经解决了,这却是有些超乎他的预料。 The wind found Li Xuanzong inexpensively, on the face brings some said guilty: „ Li young friend was sorry, you make our Barbarian Race help block south the town/subdues the person of king and Vajrayana, although my clan acted, but has not actually thought that Vajrayana this time actually sends out full power. 风廉找到李玄宗,脸上带着些许的愧疚道:“李小友抱歉了,你让我们蛮族帮忙拦住镇南王和密宗的人,我族虽然出手了,不过却没想到密宗这次却是全力出动。 We do not observe for a while, was used various formation to confuse by Vajrayana, finally has not actually thought that they had two revering to break through our defense line. 我们一时不察,被密宗动用各种阵法迷惑,结果却没想到他们有两位尊者突破了我们的防线。 My clan does not excel at various Secret Art, even if I am in the middle of my clan the speed quickest returns to the empty boundary, actually cannot catch up with them. ” 我族不擅长各种秘法,纵然我是我族当中速度最快的返虚境,却也没能追得上他们。” Barbarian Race this group of people are quite frank. 蛮族这帮人还是比较直爽的。 The wind has felt since inexpensively oneself complied with Li Xuanzong to help them intercept south Vajrayana and town/subdues the person of king, must achieve. 风廉一直都觉得自己这边既然答应了李玄宗帮他们拦截住密宗和镇南王的人,就一定要做到。 Finally now is actually given to play, this is to make them feel on the contrary somewhat embarrassed. 结果现在却被人给耍了,这反倒是让他们感觉有些不好意思。 Li Xuanzong shakes the head saying: „ Wind inexpensive head of the clan must be offended not, matter has been solved, this is not mistake, but was we misplaced the ambition of Vajrayana. 李玄宗摇摇头道:“风廉族长莫要介怀,事情已经解决了,这不是诸位的过错,而是我们错估了密宗的野心。 Now Eastern Travels Spirit Continent is occupied the most region by Zen, Vajrayana also coveted Southern Territory Fire Continent, should to be careful that is. ” 如今东行灵州已经被禅宗占据了大半的地域,密宗还如此觊觎南域火洲,诸位也应该要小心才是。” Followed to exchange greetings inexpensively several, Li Xuanzong then start allowed three pure gold toad kings and the others also to participate in the process of battlefield cleanup, naturally also assigns the spoils of war. 跟风廉寒暄了几句,李玄宗便开始让三足金蟾王等人也参与到打扫战场的过程中,当然也是分配战利品了。 After all the savings of countries' of entire ten thousand monster are very rich, Li Xuanzong performed such big merit, assigns the spoils of war certainly to take the big end. 毕竟整个万妖之国的积蓄还是很丰厚的,李玄宗立下了这么大的功劳,分配战利品肯定是要拿大头的。 Now Li Xuanzong, although is wealthy, does not lack the resources, but after obtaining mixed the heavenly palace, he actually felt oneself were somewhat down and out. 况且现在李玄宗虽然富裕,不怎么缺资源,但得到了混天宫之后他却感觉自己有些穷困潦倒了。 After own these resources feed one time mixes the heavenly palace, perhaps also insufficiently mix the heavenly palace to set out. 自己这些资源喂养混天宫之后恐怕还不够混天宫出动一次的。 Therefore oneself must try harder, as far as possible mixing the heavenly palace restore is good. 所以自己必须要加把劲,尽量把混天宫修复才行。 After all mixes the heavenly palace the strength there swayed, strikes even nine spirit Monster Saint suppressed spitting blood full power under. 毕竟混天宫的实力在那里摆着呢,全力一击之下就算是九灵妖圣都被镇压的吐血。 But at this time Li Xuanzong had not actually discovered, beyond hundred li (0.5 km), some people are actually observing the battlefield. 而此时李玄宗却没发现,百里之外,却是有人正在观察着战场。 Moved mountain Monster Saint to discover actually, but his present mood is low, and that group of people did not have the hostility, therefore moved mountain Monster Saint actually not to reveal them. 搬山妖圣倒是发现了,只不过他现在心情低落,并且那帮人也并没有敌意,所以搬山妖圣却也没有揭穿他们。 On the mountain top hundred li (0.5 km) away, dozens people are examining in the middle of the battlefield trend through bronze ancient Jing at the same time carefully. 在百里之外的山头上,几十人正在通过一面青铜古镜仔细的查看着战场当中的动态。 Although that bronze ancient Jing is broken, the above image is actually clear incomparable, even above the battlefield the pore of everyone is clearly discernible. 那青铜古镜虽然残破,不过上面的图像却是清晰无比,甚至连战场之上每个人的毛孔都清晰可见。 They then watch there from the war from the beginning. 他们是从战局一开始便在那里观看的。 The Monster Saint war from the beginning, throws the card in a hand to late exchanging pieces mutually, shoulders Monster Saint to Li Xuanzong hardly, again to moving mountain Monster Saint making a move startled day, the second kills two revering, this almost made them look to stay the past. 从一开始的妖圣大战,到后期的兑子互扔底牌,到李玄宗硬扛妖圣,再到搬山妖圣出手惊天,秒杀两位尊者,这几乎让他们看呆了过去。 At this time the war ended, a middle-aged person of Daoist garments appearance long sighed: „ This poor Daoist has not actually thought, actually happened so earthly-shaking in this remote Southern Territory Fire Continent occupied, was worse then subverted the entire Southern Territory Fire Continent situation. 此时战局结束,一名道装打扮的中年人长叹道:“贫道却是没想到,在这偏远的南域火洲却是发生了如此惊天动地般的占据,差一些便颠覆了整个南域火洲的局势。 Yeah, nine spirit Monster Saint were defeated luckily, otherwise south the town/subdues the king colludes with nine spirit Monster Saint, even if obtained the Southern Territory Fire Continent 1/10 resources regions, the will influence certainly inflate, to my supreme immortal toward posing enormous threat. ” 哎,也幸亏九灵妖圣失败了,否则镇南王勾结九灵妖圣,哪怕只是获得了南域火洲十分之一的资源地域,势力都必将膨胀,对我至尊仙朝造成极大的威胁。” His wears the golden brocade robe, the surface crown such as the young people of jade actually smiles bitterly to say suddenly: „ Threat? Border area how many different have given birth to the non- feudal official's heart surnamed Wang, which isn't the threat? 他身边一名穿着金色锦袍,面冠如玉的年轻人却忽然苦笑道:“威胁?边疆那几位异姓王早就已经生出不臣之心了,哪个不是威胁? Supreme immortal toward? What supreme immortal currently also has toward? Some are only a reputation. ” 至尊仙朝?现在还有什么至尊仙朝吗?有的只是一个名头而已。” Such remarks, that Daoist is also silent, the atmosphere at once becomes extremely dignified. 此言一出,那道士也是沉默不语,气氛一时之间变得极其凝重。 That middle-aged Daoist smiles bitterly the comfort saying: Under Taizi Dian must so say not, the world situation is divided the long time to about probably divide about the long time, my supreme immortal toward having the principle of righteousness here, although at this time deteriorates, but not necessarily does not have the opportunity of resurgence again.” 那中年道士苦笑着安慰道:“太子殿下莫要这般说,天下大势分久必合合久必分,我至尊仙朝自有大义在此,此时虽然衰败,但却未必没有再次中兴的机会。”
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