GSOH :: Volume #4

#361: Moves the prestige of mountain

Moves the mountain Monster Saint several hundred years not to act, is looking like him mostly is an oil completely lamp is dry, old man of barely managing to maintain a feeble existence. 搬山妖圣数百年没有出手,在大部分看来他就是一个油尽灯枯,苟延残喘的老头子了。 Finally as moves mountain Monster Saint to appear three times then cuts to kill Vajrayana Dao Unification propitious day revering instantaneously, presented everyone shocking by this. 结果随着搬山妖圣一出现便瞬间斩杀密宗一位合道三次的吉祥天尊者,在场所有人都被这一幕给震慑住了。 In fact this war seemingly moves mountain Monster Saint from beginning to end besides receiving Li Xuanzong is the last student does not have any participation, but actually he is basic. 实际上这一场战局看似搬山妖圣从头到尾除了收李玄宗为关门弟子外没有任何参与,但其实他才是根本。 Li Xuanzong is knows that moves mountain Monster Saint to prepare to begin in the rear area at any time, he truly has the energy to face directly nine spirit Monster Saint. 李玄宗是知道搬山妖圣在后方随时准备动手,他才真正有底气直面九灵妖圣 Just now if mixes the heavenly palace not to begin, that will move mountain Monster Saint also definitely to begin at crucial moments. 方才若是混天宫没有动手的话,那在危急时刻搬山妖圣也是肯定会动手的。 But nine spirit Monster Saint is also so. 而九灵妖圣这边也是如此。 West side these unruly Monster King were held up day of Monster Saint to win over his side to have nothing, Li Xuanzong incarnation ya zi Monster King skids foundation this of countries' of his ten thousand monster also to have nothing. 西边这些桀骜不驯的妖王被擎天妖圣拉拢到他那边没什么,李玄宗化身睚眦妖王撬动他万妖之国的根基这也没什么。 That blood demon Monster Core or Vajrayana that two return empty to the powerhouse, actually to move the mountain Monster Saint preparation. 不论是那血魔妖丹还是密宗那两位返虚至强者,其实都是为了搬山妖圣准备的。 So long as moves mountain Monster Saint dead, entire Southern Territory Fire Continent can block him no one. 只要搬山妖圣一死,整个南域火洲将再也没人能够拦得住他。 Therefore now both sides seem like then exchanging pieces general, throws respectively the card in a hand. 所以现在双方便好像是在兑子一般,各自把底牌都扔出去。 Nine spirit Monster Saint think is very simple, the single layer card in a hand consumes does not die to move mountain Monster Saint, that adds the single layer again, oneself have the single layer. 九灵妖圣想的很简单,一重底牌耗不死搬山妖圣,那就再加一重,自己还有一重。 Pitifully only he neglected Li Xuanzong, gave to throw oneself all cards in a hand, waits till the final single layer also threw moves mountain Monster Saint also to come. 只可惜他忽略了李玄宗,把自己所有的底牌都给扔了出去,等到了最后一重也扔出来的时候搬山妖圣也现身了。 And he also neglected probably strength that moves mountain Monster Saint. 并且他好像也是忽略了搬山妖圣的实力。 Even moved mountain Monster Saint the oil lamp to be completely dry at this time, but he has the second to kill returns commonly empty to the strength of powerhouse! 就算搬山妖圣此时已经油尽灯枯了,但他却还是有着秒杀寻常返虚至强者的实力! Surplus that Vajrayana wonderful sound Fokuang revering looked the situation is not wonderful, turns around then to escape directly. 剩余的那位密宗妙音佛光尊者一看情况不妙,直接转身便逃。 But at this time moved mountain Monster Saint actually to wave, undertakes a vain enterprise general just like the monkey, drew out a more than ten li (0.5 km) giant mountain from the land unexpectedly forcefully! 但这时搬山妖圣却是一挥手,宛若猴子捞月一般,竟然从大地之上硬生生拔出了一尊十几里的巨大山岳来! The land trembles, turns over/stands up general just like the big dragon, sends out bang to recite the loud sound. 大地震颤,宛若巨龙翻身一般,发出一声声轰吟巨响来。 The thin and small apes and monkeys body moves more than ten li (0.5 km) giant mountain to turn toward that wonderful sound Fokuang revering to pound suddenly, that power and influence just like the day to collapse simply general. 瘦小的猿猴身躯挪动十几里的巨大山岳猛然间向着那妙音佛光尊者砸去,那威势简直犹如天崩一般。 Although wonderful sound Fokuang revering that giant cassock can block the sky, but actually cannot block to move mountain Monster Saint that genuine moving mountain to strike. 妙音佛光尊者那巨大的袈裟虽然能够遮天蔽日,但却拦不住搬山妖圣那真正的搬山一击。 The cassock will be torn shortly thoroughly, that wonderful sound Fokuang revering also exploded to break to pieces one group of blood fog under that boundless great strength, was frightened out of one's wits thoroughly. 袈裟顷刻间就被彻底撕裂,那妙音佛光尊者也在那无边的巨力之下爆碎成了一团血雾,彻底魂飞魄散。 Existence that two moves solved two Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundaries, moves mountain Monster Saint that oil completely lamp dry old appearance, but Li Xuanzong can actually clear detects deathly stillness general being depressed from him. 两招解决了两位返虚合道境界的存在,搬山妖圣还是那副油尽灯枯的苍老模样,但李玄宗却是能够清晰的从他身上察觉到一股死寂一般的暮气。 Before moved the mountain Monster Saint limit then to act three moves, after three moves, he almost must die without doubt. 之前搬山妖圣的极限便是出手三招,三招之后他几乎是必死无疑的。 Now acts two moves, moved mountain Monster Saint really to reach the limit, to dying is not far. 现在出手两招,搬山妖圣是真的达到极限了,离死也是不远了。 But at this time nine spirit Monster Saint and crack Monster Saint two people actually revealed the desperate color. 而此时九灵妖圣和裂地妖圣两个人却是都露出了绝望之色。 Their miscount many things. 他们错算了许多东西。 One was the miscount Li Xuanzong, never expected that the beforehand not caring at all small role can actually cause the so huge losses to them, causing them to throw from the beginning all cards in a hand. 一个是错算了李玄宗,没想到之前一个毫不在意的小角色却是能给他们造成如此庞大的损失,导致他们一开始就把所有底牌都扔出去。 The second miscount has not then thought that moved mountain Monster Saint the oil completely lamp to be even dry, but also had strength so, can easily the second kill two Dao Unification times three to the powerhouse. 第二个错算便是没想到搬山妖圣就算是已经油尽灯枯了,但却还有这般实力,能够轻易秒杀两位合道三次的至强者。 Changes into them to come, must die. 换成他们两个前来,怎么也是要死一个的。 At this time they did not have the card in a hand toward leaving again threw, but can also resist with what? 此时他们再也没有底牌可以往出扔了,还能拿什么抵挡? Crack Monster Saint first wants to escape, but actually by the northern bright king pestering. 裂地妖圣第一个想要逃,但却被北明王给纠缠住了。 But holds up day of Monster Saint also to make a determined effort, the bull horn hit again, selected to fly nine spirit Monster Saint directly forcefully, tore his three heads again. 而擎天妖圣也是发了狠,牛角再次撞来,直接把九灵妖圣给硬生生挑飞了出去,再次撕裂他三个头。 both sides fight tooth and nail to slaughter, because before nine spirit Monster Saint, was mixed the heavenly palace suppression therefore injured seriously, oneself do not have the ample force to fight again, was held up day of Monster Saint to ruin his eight heads directly. 双方搏命厮杀,九灵妖圣因为之前被混天宫镇压所以受伤严重,自身已经没有余力再战了,直接被擎天妖圣毁掉了他八个头颅。 Nine spirit Monster Saint nine heads, but does not have nine lives. 九灵妖圣又九头,但却并非是有九条命。 At this time did not have eight heads, he actually damaged 90% strengths, held up day of Monster Saint again irresistibly. 此时没了八头,他却是损伤了90%的力量,再也无法抵抗擎天妖圣了。 Therefore nine spirit Monster Saint, gather the last strength with amazement, changed to a several feet small blacksnake, pierces unexpectedly directly flees void. 所以九灵妖圣骇然之下,汇聚起自身最后一丝力量,化作了一条数丈的小黑蛇,竟然直接洞穿虚空逃离。 Oh no!” “糟糕!” Holds up the day of Monster Saint complexion immediately changes. 擎天妖圣的面色顿时一变。 Nine spirit Monster Saint were the antiquity variation, even if he fell eight is not unimportant, but was only left over him to depend on swallows the essence and blood rebirth. 九灵妖圣乃是上古异种,哪怕他掉了八个头都不要紧,但只剩下一颗头他都可以靠着吞噬精血重生。 Therefore must cut to kill nine spirit Monster Saint thoroughly, otherwise no end of trouble for the future. 所以必须要将九灵妖圣彻底斩杀,否则后患无穷。 At this moment, Li Xuanzong gathers the last strength, even overdraws strength of the part of Primordial Spirit directly, offers a sacrifice to a day of attribute to execute the immortal sword, sword air/Qi tearing that howls instantaneously is void, nine spirit Monster Saint that soon flees has passed through that thoroughly! 就在这时,李玄宗汇聚起自己最后一丝力量,甚至直接透支一部分元神之力,祭起天属性诛仙剑,瞬间呼啸的剑气撕裂虚空,将那已经快要遁走的九灵妖圣彻底贯穿! Sword intent howls to return, above the long sword brings a gigantic snake head. 剑意呼啸返回,长剑之上却是带着一颗硕大的蛇头。 The body of Li Xuanzong shook shaking, but actually long exhales. 李玄宗的身子晃了晃,但却长出了一口气。 At this time doesn't pick the head/number of people to treat? This is the Monster Saint head/number of people, can make Profound Laws Ring promote fully again time one. 此时不捡人头更待何时?这可是妖圣的人头,足可以让玄法戒再次升级一次了。 The people on the scene look at that head/number of people under Li Xuanzong body, first gawked staring, later immediately in an uproar. 在场的众人看着李玄宗身下的那颗人头,先是愣了愣,随后顿时哗然。 Li Xuanzong cut to kill Monster Saint unexpectedly! Has achieved Dao Unification nine spirit Monster Saint four times! 李玄宗竟然斩杀了一位妖圣!还是已经达到合道四次的九灵妖圣 Although said that nine spirit Monster Saint were held up day of Monster Saint to consume eight to be cut to kill, but he died in the hand of Li Xuanzong finally. 虽然说九灵妖圣是被擎天妖圣消耗掉八个头才被斩杀了,不过他最终还是死在了李玄宗的手中。 And holds up day of Monster Saint obviously is not nine spirit Monster Saint opponents. 并且擎天妖圣明显不是九灵妖圣的对手。 If not for Li Xuanzong shoulders nine spirit Monster Saint offensive in various methods hardly, but also the use mixes the heavenly palace to cause heavy losses to nine spirit Monster Saint, holds up day of Monster Saint unable to kill his. 若不是李玄宗以各种手段硬扛九灵妖圣的攻势,还动用混天宫重创九灵妖圣,擎天妖圣也是无法杀他的。 Therefore Li Xuanzong this score gold content high very much, it can be said that exceeded the northern bright king, becomes in the past several hundred years, cuts to kill to return to the empty boundary first person by the Celestial Realm counterattack! 所以李玄宗这战绩含金量可是高的很,可以说是超越了北明王,成为最近数百年来,以天人境逆袭斩杀返虚境界的第一人! But at this time looks at that side crack Monster Saint again, he is scared, was seized the opportunity to cause heavy losses by the northern bright king directly. 而此时再看裂地妖圣那边,他已经胆寒,被北明王抓住机会直接重创。 Holds up that side day of Monster Saint not to delay, besieges crack Monster Saint with the northern bright king directly together, finally exhausts after its strength, cuts to kill. 擎天妖圣那边也是没有耽搁,直接跟北明王一起围攻裂地妖圣,最终将其力量耗尽之后斩杀。 They do not move mountain Monster Saint, has the second to kill to return to the empty boundary to the strength of powerhouse. 他们可不是搬山妖圣,有着秒杀返虚境界至强者的实力。 Therefore when to war is cautious, in order to avoid crack Monster Saint counter-attacks at risk of life. 所以对战之时还是要小心翼翼的,以免裂地妖圣拼死反扑。 Brings the whole body blood, crack Monster Saint to walk, to moving mountain Monster Saint bows a ritual saying: Moves Sir mountain, that two rebels have suffered extreme penalty, how should the evils of countries' of other ten thousand monsters handle?” 带着满身的鲜血,裂地妖圣走过来,冲着搬山妖圣躬身一礼道:“搬山大人,那两个叛徒已经伏诛了,其余万妖之国的余孽该如何处置?” Moved mountain Monster Saint that old figure probably rickets, he sighed, seeming sadly was very same. 搬山妖圣那苍老的身形好像更加佝偻了起来,他叹息一声,好似十分悲伤一样。 The person who „ today dies are many enough, the old man does not want to reconstruct to kill the evil. “今天死的人已经足够多了,老夫也不想再造杀孽了。 However sometimes made a mistake made a mistake, they can also put. 不过有些时候错了就是错了,他们也能就这么放了。 The old men past at handling these things have then made mistakes, at this time actually does not know how should handle. 老夫昔日在处理这些事情上便已经犯了错,此时却也不知道该如何处置好了。 Gives Li Xuanzong to handle them, believes that he will have a sure card. ” 把他们交给李玄宗来处置吧,相信他会有一个万全之策的。”
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