GSOH :: Volume #4

#360: Vajrayana meddles

No matter nine spirit Monster Saint what kind of aggrievedness, mix heavenly palace one in brief, nine spirit Monster Saint were suppressed directly. 不管九灵妖圣如何的憋屈,总之混天宫一出,九灵妖圣直接被镇压。 Divine Ability cultivation base is completely all eliminated, the mortal body was also mixed the heavenly palace to pound the severe wound. 一身神通修为尽皆被剥夺,肉身也被混天宫砸成了重伤。 But at the same time, that side held up day of Monster Saint is also uses to decode that blood demon Monster Core full power. 而与此同时,那边的擎天妖圣也是用出了全力破解那血魔妖丹 His direct incarnation becomes hundred zhang (333 m) Green Cow, the strength of involvement world main roads whole body all vitalities, integrate that completely to the bull horn in the middle. 他直接化身成为一尊百丈青牛,周身所有气血之力勾连天地大道,全部融入那对牛角当中。 This pair of bull horn offered a sacrifice to by him just like Spirit Treasure that refining up to be common simply, may tear the world. 这一双牛角被他祭炼的简直犹如灵宝一般,可撕裂天地。 As he gathers the whole body vitalities and all strengths hits, the instantaneous world changes color, void was torn. 随着他汇聚周身气血和所有力量的一撞,瞬间天地变色,虚空都被撕裂。 The blood moon/month barrier was torn a trace to come, blood demon Monster Core also disrupts. 血月屏障被撕裂出了一道痕迹来,血魔妖丹也是随之碎裂。 But holds up day of Monster Saint actually is also extremely pitiful, his two horns had even presented the faint trace fissure, the peak has even disrupted. 但擎天妖圣却也是极为凄惨的,他的双角甚至都已经出现了丝丝裂痕,顶端甚至都已经碎裂。 Nine spirits, you lost, loses in an individual hand that in you most did not care about.” “九灵,你还是输了,输在了你最不在意的一个人手中。” Holds up day of Monster Saint to laugh, grasps the battle axe, the direct axe cut off three heads of nine spirit Monster Saint. 擎天妖圣大笑着,手持战斧,直接一斧将九灵妖圣的脑袋斩断了三个。 Nine spirit Monster Saint wailed, although own Monster Art Divine Ability was mixed the heavenly palace to prohibit, but he is actually supporting the strength, that giant snake body does not draw back instead enters, will hold up day of Monster Saint to be one of them directly to the winding. 九灵妖圣哀嚎了一声,虽然自己的妖法神通被混天宫所封禁,但他却是强撑着力量,那巨大的蛇躯不退反进,直接将擎天妖圣给缠绕在其中。 Lost? No! I have not lost!” “输了?不!我还没输!” Although nine spirit Monster Saint at this time are pitiful, but actually does not know that he also has what card in a hand. 九灵妖圣此时虽然凄惨,但却不知道他还有什么底牌在。 At this moment, holding up day of Monster Saint detected suddenly some are not right. 就在这时,擎天妖圣忽然察觉到有些不对。 Has not waited for him to respond, the horizon shone a flag hot Fokuang suddenly. 还没等他有所反应,天边忽然亮起了一道帜热的佛光来。 During the Buddha sound buddhist sang, a Vajrayana Buddhist priest crack emptied to come, the back cassock circled to fall, just like the net endless landscape was ordinary, prohibited to cover the space within dozens li (0.5 km) thoroughly thoroughly, but aimed holds up day of Monster Saint. 佛音梵唱当中,一名密宗僧人裂空而来,背后袈裟盘旋落下,犹如网罗无尽江山一般,彻底将几十里内的空间彻底封禁笼罩,而其中所对准的就是擎天妖圣 But at this time in the middle of Fokuang walked a younger Buddhist priest. 而这时佛光当中又走出来一名更加年轻的僧人。 The Buddhist priest is red the upper body, the whole body body just like with the gold the casting, is glittering radiant radiance. 那僧人赤着上身,浑身皮肉宛若用黄金所浇铸而成的,闪烁着璀璨的光华。 In his hand dragon Xingju bends/bow to open, a jet black arrow arrow has actually aimed is imprisoned in holds up day of Monster Saint! 他手中一柄龙形巨弓张开,一柄漆黑的箭矢却是已经对准了被禁锢在其中的擎天妖圣 The Li Xuanzong seeing that complexion suddenly changes. 李玄宗见状面色猛然一变。 South Vajrayana and town/subdues the person of king should be blocked to be right by Barbarian Race, now will present here two people? 密宗和镇南王的人应该都被蛮族拦下来了才对,现在会又出现在这里两人? It is not right! 不对! Vajrayana and nine spirit Monster Saint relations between had somewhat been above his imagination, Li Xuanzong thinks that both sides are only the pure benefit exchange collaborate. 密宗跟九灵妖圣之间的联系已经有些超乎了他的想象,李玄宗以为双方只是单纯的利益交换而联手。 But looking back now, Vajrayana almost used must occupy certain situation in the Southern Territory Fire Continent situation full power. 但现在看来,密宗几乎是倾尽了全力也要在南域火洲的局势上占据一定的先机。 Barbarian Race is only the help, will therefore not go all out with Vajrayana. 蛮族只是帮忙,所以不会跟密宗去拼命的。 These two Vajrayana Dao Unification boundaries to powerhouse then after other person of Barbarian Race intercept, spares nothing to use Secret Art to rush to here. 这两位密宗合道境界的至强者便是在其他人蛮族拦截之后,不惜代价动用秘法赶到这里来的。 These two fellow what backgrounds?” Three pure gold toad king look hastily to the law brightness. “这两个家伙什么来路?”三足金蟾王连忙看向法慧。 law brightness complexion ugly say/way: „ Is two revering of Vajrayana Konrinji, wonderful sound Fokuang revering also has propitious day revering. 法慧面色难看道:“是密宗大金轮寺的两位尊者,妙音佛光尊者还有吉祥天尊者。 The immeasurable cassock of wonderful sound Fokuang revering ties was known as that the world firmest defense, except the day tribulation main road beside , without the thing may break. 妙音佛光尊者的无量袈裟结界号称天下最为坚固的防御,除去天劫大道之外,无物可破。 Heavenly Dragon of propitious day revering is reborn in paradise the arrow is best quality goods Spirit Treasure of Konrinji. 吉祥天尊者的天龙往生箭更是大金轮寺的极品灵宝 The bow and arrow is with, uses the day of demon skeleton that the dragon bone|keel and dragon muscle build as the arrow arrow, enters Primordial Spirit, destroys the mortal body, is the pinnacle that the two unite murders Spirit Treasure! 弓箭本身乃是用龙骨和龙筋所打造的,以天魔骸骨为箭矢,直入元神,摧毁肉身,乃是二者合一的极致杀伐灵宝 Although these two three times are the Dao Unification boundaries, might as well hold up day of Monster Saint, but strikes at this time full power, to hold up day of Monster Saint this condition actually also to resist without enough time! ” 这两位虽然都是合道三次的境界,不如擎天妖圣,但此时全力一击,以擎天妖圣这种状态却也是来不及抵挡的!” Li Xuanzong is to also want the crazy stimulation of movement at this time mixes the heavenly palace to resist, but mixes the heavenly palace actually to transmit the mood that had no alternative to Li Xuanzong. 李玄宗此时也是想要疯狂的催动混天宫来抵挡,但混天宫却是给李玄宗传递出了一个无可奈何的情绪来。 Mixes the heavenly palace to damage seriously, needs a lot of Spirit Qi materials to patch the reply. 混天宫本就破损严重,需要大量的灵气材料才能够修补回复。 These days but it has not obtained too many advantage Li Xuanzong here, the strength that makes a move to strike accumulates these days then has just now consumed completely. 这段时间它可是没在李玄宗这里得到太多好处,方才出手一击这段时间积累的力量便已经消耗殆尽了。 Therefore shouldered a that propitious day revering arrow not is also possible hardly. 所以硬扛那吉祥天尊者一箭也是不太可能了。 At this time a that propitious day revering arrow has fallen, the black demon air/Qi surrounding is lingering everywhere Fokuang, just like having buddhist of innumerable Buddha near the ear sang, was makes the person head probably explode simply general. 此时那吉祥天尊者一箭已经落下,黑色魔气外围萦绕着漫天的佛光,宛若有着无数佛陀在耳边梵唱,却是让人脑袋简直都要爆掉一般。 Holds up the good face of day of Monster Saint already red that suppresses, but is actually not able to work loose nine spirit Monster Saint also to have that immeasurable cassock ties the imprisonment at once. 擎天妖圣的牛脸已经憋的通红,但一时之间却也无法挣脱九灵妖圣还有那无量袈裟结界的禁锢。 Nine spirits! You were insane inadequate!? “九灵!你是疯了不成!? These monks of Vajrayana so work hard to help you, actually did you promise their how many things? 密宗的这些和尚如此下力气帮你,你究竟许诺了他们多少东西? You betrayed entire Southern Territory Fire Continent! ” 你这是出卖了整个南域火洲!” Nine spirit Monster Saint sneer saying: Southern Territory Fire Continent is not my, how betrays? Vajrayana offered many strengths, I then can many strengths, not be finally same.” 九灵妖圣冷笑道:“南域火洲本就不是我的,出卖又如何?密宗出了多少力气,我便能够得到多少力量,结果还不是一样的。” Nine spirit Monster Saint want to found the countries of ten thousand monster extremely arrogantly not really ignorant, but before is him, then has the multiple preparations. 九灵妖圣想要建立万妖之国可不是真的狂妄无知,而是他之前便已经有了多重准备。 Even if mixes the heavenly palace not to take at present, even if he were planned by Li Xuanzong, the foundation is damaged. 就算眼下混天宫没拿到手,就算他被李玄宗算计了一把,根基受损。 But has Vajrayana full power to support in behind, so long as opposing his person all kills off, the countries of that ten thousand monster same can smooth establishment. 但有着密宗在后面全力支持,只要把反对他的人全都杀光,那万妖之国一样能够顺利的建立。 What must scheme as for Vajrayana in Southern Territory Fire Continent, what matter does that close his? 至于密宗要在南域火洲图谋着什么,那关他什么事情? Southern Territory Fire Continent is not always him in any case, at this time betrays the entire Southern Territory Fire Continent interests, nine spirit Monster Saint do not have the half a point to be guilty. 反正南域火洲从来都不属于他,此时出卖整个南域火洲的利益,九灵妖圣也是没有半分愧疚的。 Saw that arrow will soon fall, a sigh actually transmits suddenly. 眼看着那一箭即将落下,一声叹息却是忽然传来。 Nine spirits, you rebelled in the azure radish lake before, that is the Monster Race natural disposition unseemly behavior, I have not blamed you, but brings to teach in the side suppression you. “九灵,你之前在青萝湖作乱,那是妖族本性作怪,我没有怪你,只是将你带在身边镇压管教。 Afterward your strength gradually grew, the ambition caused trouble, that was the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, the greed basis, is unable to prevent. 后来你实力逐渐增长,野心作祟,那是七情六欲,贪欲根本,也是无法阻止的。 Finally you want instead me while my oil completely lamp dry, founds the countries of ten thousand monster, I also understood. 最后你趁我油尽灯枯想要反我,建立万妖之国,我也理解。 Southern Territory Fire Continent Monster Race needs a leader, I do is unqualified, you think that yourself want instead me competently, is the way things should be. 南域火洲妖族需要一个领袖,我做的不合格,你认为你自己够资格想要来反我,也是人之常情。 But you should not only is actually colludes with south Vajrayana and town/subdues the king, betrays my Southern Territory Fire Continent interests. 但你唯一不应该的却是勾结密宗和镇南王,出卖我南域火洲的利益。 You are born in this Southern Territory Fire Continent, was Southern Territory Fire Continent accumulated raised you. 你诞生在这南域火洲,是南域火洲蕴养了你。 Finally you actually regard to give birth to your Southern Territory Fire Continent to trade in the cargo generally at will. 结果你却视生养你的南域火洲于货物一般随意交易。 Nine spirits, you were really disappoint me. 九灵,你真是太让我失望了。 So the bearing, you could not become the lord of Monster Race, could not become the lord of this Southern Territory Fire Continent. 如此气度,你成不了妖族之主,更成不了这南域火洲之主。 Monster Race in the future on your body, the countries of your so-called ten thousand monster, finally is not only a joke. ” 妖族的未来不在你的身上,你所谓的万妖之国,最终也只是一个笑话而已。” Falls along with that sound, nine spirit whole bodies shake suddenly. 伴随着那声音落下,九灵周身猛然一抖。 Next quarter, an old apes and monkeys step waning treads from void, extends a hand, grips that the arrow arrow that uses the day of demon skeleton to build, that light backhand throws! 下一刻,一个苍老的猿猴步履阑珊的从虚空当中踏出,伸出一只手来,握住那用天魔骸骨所打造的箭矢,就那么轻飘飘的反手一掷! Void as if presented stagnation of flash, the next quarter, that propitious day revering does not dare to believe looks to own chest. 虚空中仿佛都出现了一瞬间的凝滞,下一刻,那吉祥天尊者不敢置信的看向自己的胸口。 A black arrow arrow pricks his chest, passes through his body thoroughly. 一支黑色的箭矢刺入他的胸膛,将他的身躯彻底贯穿。 The black demon air/Qi winds around, radiant Fokuang backlashes, lets his mortal body cuns (2.5 cm) to split open, the Primordial Spirit radical dissipation! 黑色魔气缭绕,璀璨佛光反噬,让他的肉身寸寸开裂,元神彻底消散!
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