GSOH :: Volume #4

#359: Faces directly Monster Saint

Eight nine Profound Technique evolution main roads enter themselves, can say from the rank, is as good the day develops the main road, so can a fist bang broken day develop the main road. 八九玄功演化大道入自身,可以说从等级上来说,并不逊于天演大道,如此才能够一拳轰碎天演大道。 The two only difference is the day develops the main road is nine spirit Monster Saint has, can control at will. 二者唯一的区别就是天演大道是九灵妖圣自身所拥有的,可以随意掌控的。 But eight nine Profound Technique refine the world main road to oneself mortal body, although can change to evolve various Divine Ability to come willfully, but the shortcoming is if your own mortal body boundary is not strong, does not have too to use greatly. 而八九玄功则是将天地大道炼化到自己的肉身当中,虽然能够任意变化演化出各种神通来,不过缺点就是若是你自己的肉身境界不强,也是没太大用的。 On for example now, Celestial Realm Cultivator throughout is an enormous limit, after Li Xuanzong rumbles such a fist, the flesh of his whole body seems is burnt ripe generally, transmitted the fierce scalding hot pain feeling. 就比如现在,天人境修士始终是一个极大的限制,李玄宗轰出这么一拳之后,他全身的血肉都好似被烧熟了一般,传来了剧烈的灼热痛楚感。 The law celestial phenomenon is unable to maintain again, thoroughly loudly a collapse, even made Li Xuanzong almost fall on the ground. 法天象地再也无法维持,彻底轰然一声倒塌,甚至让李玄宗差点跌坐在了地上。 Before nine spirit Monster Saint , although can shock by eight nine Profound Technique prestige, but sees Li Xuanzong to restore the main body at this time, he also understands that this Divine Ability should unable to continue too for a long time. 九灵妖圣之前虽然被八九玄功的威能震撼到,不过此时看到李玄宗恢复本体,他也明白这种神通应该是无法持续太长时间的。 Therefore nine spirit Monster Saint then sneered immediately, in the middle of a snake mouth condenses the strength of age gold/metal, the opens the mouth then long sword puts out. 所以九灵妖圣当即便冷笑了一声,一个蛇口当中凝聚庚金之力,张口便有一柄长剑吐出。 That long sword as if condensed world all sharp, even the space can cut off. 那长剑仿佛凝聚了世间的一切锋锐,甚至就连空间都能够斩断。 Li Xuanzong pinches sword seal, the day attribute executes the immortal sword to cut, the surrounding space was torn instantaneously, the sharp long sword that is also evolved by the age gold/metal main road that completely swallows. 李玄宗手捏剑印,天属性诛仙剑斩出,周围的空间瞬间被撕裂,也将那完全由庚金大道所演化的锋锐长剑所吞噬。 The strength of that pinnacle sharp age gold/metal can indeed cut off the space, but actually is also the space attribute day attribute executed the immortal sword to restrain. 那极致锋锐的庚金之力的确是能够斩断空间,不过却也被本来就是空间属性的天属性诛仙剑所克制。 However on this day the attribute execution immortal sword consumption was really big, and was used to develop the main road to resist with the day, therefore Li Xuanzong only used a sword, is the mouth and nose overflowing blood. 不过这天属性的诛仙剑消耗实在是太大了,并且还是用于跟天演大道所对抗,所以李玄宗只出了一剑,便已经是口鼻溢血。 Method actually also seriously many!” “手段倒是还当真不少!” Twice uses the day to develop the main road unable to take Li Xuanzong, nine spirit Monster Saint some do not dare to believe simply. 两次动用天演大道都没能拿得下李玄宗,九灵妖圣简直有些不敢置信。 But he has not believed that was this Li Xuanzong method, difficult to be inadequate also compares favorably with existence of Monster Saint boundary seriously sufficiently? 但他还不相信了,这李玄宗一身手段,难不成还当真足以媲美妖圣境界的存在了? Nine simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform changes for the jet black color, the opens the mouth black gas cloud emits. 九头齐齐变化为漆黑之色,张口黑色毒雾喷吐而出。 That black gas cloud is snatching away any vitality, the place visited is almost infertile, Spirit Qi can also corrode completely prohibits. 那黑色毒雾侵夺着任何生机,所过之处几乎是寸草不生,就连灵气也能够侵蚀禁绝。 This almost is nine spirit Monster Saint days develops in the middle of the main road strongest one , after is his four Dao Unification , that chooses, even no one knows that actually that together is anything. 这几乎便是九灵妖圣天演大道当中最强的一道,也是他四次合道之后所选择的一道,甚至没人知道那一道究竟是什么。 Li Xuanzong stares at that black fog, the hand is pinching seal to decide, the combustion that whole body Spirit Qi boils, a boundless strength was blooming in his whole body. 李玄宗凝视着那黑雾,手捏印决,周身灵气沸腾的燃烧了起来,一股磅礴的力量在他周身绽放着。 On the forehead the vertical eye splits, on the black under gold/metal, two strengths each same contain the pinnacle strength, but is actually fusing at this time strangely. 额头上竖眼裂开,上黑下金,两种力量每一样都蕴含着极致的力量,但此时却是在诡异的融合着。 Seizes the Yuan cold wind to burn the day of class/flow flame is extremely powerful Divine Ability, even seizes the Yuan cold wind the effect somewhat to be similar to the gas cloud that these nine spirit Monster Saint put out. 不论是夺元阴风还是焚天流炎都是极其强大的神通,甚至夺元阴风的效果还跟这九灵妖圣吐出的毒雾有些类似。 But which type, Li Xuanzong has not grasped with them comes hard anti- this day to develop the main road. 但不论是哪种,李玄宗都没有把握用它们来硬抗这天演大道。 However one type cannot shoulder, that two types? 但是一种扛不住,那两种呢? As in the middle of the Li Xuanzong vertical eye ray is getting more and more abundant, the coal two color indistinct fusions in one, actually changed to the color of mixing the white chaos. 随着李玄宗竖眼当中的光芒越来越盛,黑金两种颜色隐约融合在了一起,却是化作了一种混白的混沌的颜色。 As in the middle of the vertical eye the ray of that grayish white chaos blooms, the place visited any existed to be decomposed the most initial chaos pellet thoroughly, just like repeats the scene of when the world's first took shape to be the same in a small area. 随着竖眼当中那股灰白混沌的光芒绽放而出,所过之处任何存在都被彻底分解成了最为初始的混沌颗粒,犹如在小范围内重演了混沌初开的场景一般。 This power and influence makes everyone shock, developed the main road to dissipate to dissolve in front of the light of that chaos including that nine spirit Monster Saint day, changed to the strength of chaos. 这股威势让所有人都为之震惊,包括那九灵妖圣的天演大道都在那混沌之光面前消散溶解,化作了混沌之力。 Only with such a strength, the next quarter Li Xuanzong then whole body trembles, a faint trace blood line infiltrates from his mortal body surface. 只用出这么一眼的力量,下一刻李玄宗便周身震颤,一丝丝血线从他肉身表面渗透而出。 Seizes the Yuan cold wind and burns the day of class/flow flame to fuse, this Li Xuanzong has long known. 夺元阴风和焚天流炎可以融合,这点李玄宗早就知道了。 But these two Divine Ability consumptions are too big, fuses the later consumption it definitely is more terrifying. 只不过这两门神通消耗太大,将其融合之后消耗肯定是更加恐怖。 Before Li Xuanzong had then had the idea, but did not have the opportunity to use, this used its strength of backlash accusation against be then inconceivable for the first time, even almost lit Li Xuanzong Primordial Spirit. 之前李玄宗便有过想法,不过却也没机会动用,这第一次动用其反噬之力便已经难以想象了,甚至差点点燃了李玄宗元神 What strength this is!?” “这是什么力量!?” Nine spirit Monster Saint are in the heart shocks, this Li Xuanzong obviously is only Celestial Realm, the strength why he grasps is to even return to the empty boundary is hard to imagine existence that to the powerhouses? 九灵妖圣更是心中震惊,这李玄宗明明只是天人境而已,为何他所掌握的力量甚至是返虚境界的至强者都难以想象的存在? Three days develop the main road to be blocked by Li Xuanzong, nine spirit Monster Saint do not want to come for the fourth time, he directly by mortal body steamroll on, nine snake heads just like blocking the sky general, 三次天演大道都被李玄宗所挡住,九灵妖圣也不想来第四次了,他直接以肉身碾压而上,九条蛇头宛若遮天蔽日一般, In the Li Xuanzong heart smiles bitterly, oneself are almost the method performs, but facing existence of nine spirit Monster Saint this grade of ranks, even if many methods , can only barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, delays the time that died reluctantly. 李玄宗心中苦笑,自己几乎已经是手段尽出了,但面对九灵妖圣这等级别的存在,哪怕是再多的手段,也只能是苟延残喘,勉强延缓一下死亡的时间而已。 His time was a little turned over, has not actually thought nine spirit Monster Saint with Buddhism involvement was so unexpectedly deep, even/including Xuemo Monster Core this type of thing can take unexpectedly by the Buddhism. 他这次算是有点翻车了,却是没想到九灵妖圣跟佛门勾连的竟然这般深,连血魔妖丹这种东西竟然都能被佛门拿出来。 Must know regarding the Buddhism, this type of thing is also promoted. 要知道对于佛门来说,这种东西也算是晋级。 Initially was to take now and gave Monster Race by the thing of your Buddhism suppression, what matter was this? Doesn't the Buddhism want the face? 当初被你佛门镇压的东西现在却是拿出来又给了妖族,这算是什么事情?佛门连脸面都不要了? Hey, you do not act, I may really probably unable to block.” “喂喂喂,你再不出手,我可就真要挡不住了。” Li Xuanzong meditates to summon that to mix the heavenly palace in the heart. 李玄宗在心中默念呼唤着那混天宫。 But this thing the past mixed the palace of day of Great Sage, finally actually can only work as an ultra-large storage space to own hand, this lets the Li Xuanzong imbalance. 这东西可是昔日混天大圣的宫殿,结果到了自己的手中却是只能当一个超大型的储物空间,这可是让李玄宗不平衡的很。 But this thing is intelligent, since it chose himself, Li Xuanzong will not believe it to be aloof at this time. 但这东西是有灵性的,它既然选择了自己,李玄宗倒也不信这种时候它会无动于衷。 Really, after nine spirit Monster Saint, the Li Xuanzong whole body is surging suddenly fairyism. 果然,在九灵妖圣袭来之后,李玄宗周身忽然涌动着一股仙气。 A seemingly broken bronze palace departs from Li Xuanzong within the body suddenly, was almost the flash inflates infinitely great general, blocked the sky, then gave to cover nine spirit Monster Saint that huge figure in instantaneously its under. 一尊看似残破的青铜宫殿骤然从李玄宗的体内飞出,几乎是一瞬间就膨胀到了无限大一般,遮天蔽日,瞬间便将九灵妖圣那庞大的身形都给笼罩在其下。 Plain desolate aura flash sending out, mixes the heavenly palace to fall, the fairyism prisoner's cage suppression, pounds to fall just like a great seal loudly. 古朴苍凉的气息一瞬间散发而出,混天宫落下,仙气囚笼镇压,宛若一个大印般轰然砸落。 Nine spirit Monster Saint wail, his all Divine Ability Secret Art actually had not responded under this fairyism shackles, was mixed the mouth that the heavenly palace pounds to spit the blood directly. 九灵妖圣哀嚎一声,他一身所有神通秘法在这仙气牢笼之下竟然没有丝毫反应,直接被混天宫砸的口吐鲜血。 Mixes the heavenly palace! Mixing the heavenly palace is really in your hands! “混天宫!混天宫果真是在你的手中! But why mixes the heavenly palace to choose you!? Why your Human Race boy can urge to mix the heavenly palace!? ” 但为什么混天宫会选择你!?凭什么你这人族的小子能够驱使混天宫!?” Nine spirit Monster Saint struggle crawls, nine heads full are the dripping blood, is actually a face does not dare to believe and aggrieved. 九灵妖圣挣扎的爬起来,九个脑袋满是淋漓的鲜血,却是一脸不敢置信和憋屈。 Since he after moving mountain Monster Saint there knew that mixes the heavenly palace the news, linkage Buddhism Vajrayana also has south the town/subdues the king, spent such big price to seek to mix the heavenly palace. 自从他在搬山妖圣那里得知混天宫的消息后,联动佛门密宗还有镇南王,花费了这么大的代价去寻找混天宫。 Finally whose to become Xianghun heavenly palace unexpectedly really in the hand of Li Xuanzong! 结果谁成想混天宫竟然真的在李玄宗的手中! That is the cave mansion that the past Monster Race Great Sage left behind, moved mountain Monster Saint dead, in the middle of entire Southern Territory Fire Continent Monster Race only then he had the qualifications to wield to mix the heavenly palace! 那可是昔日妖族大圣所留下的洞府,搬山妖圣一死,整个南域火洲妖族当中只有他有资格执掌混天宫! Why to mix the heavenly palace not to choose itself actually to choose the Li Xuanzong this Human Race boy? 凭什么混天宫不选择自己却选择李玄宗这个人族的小子? Spirit Monster Saint the aggrievedness of innermost feelings may on the injury compared with his mortal body be more serious at this time. 妖圣此时内心的憋屈可比他肉身上的伤势更加严重。
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