GSOH :: Volume #4

#358: law celestial phenomenon place

Holding up days, cracks, nine spirit three Monster Saint almost can say that moves the mountain Monster Saint disciple. 擎天、裂地、九灵三位妖圣几乎可以说都是搬山妖圣的弟子。 Although their respective race method is different, but they can be said as grow together, steps into the Monster Saint boundary together. 虽然他们各自的种族手段都不同,但他们可以说是都是一起成长起来,一起踏入妖圣境界的。 Therefore they actually also understood the respective strength very much. 所以他们对于各自的实力其实也很了解。 Nine spirit Monster Saint can press to hold up a day of Monster Saint head, but wants to beat him or is kills him is actually not an easy matter. 九灵妖圣可以压擎天妖圣一头,但想要击败他或者是杀他却也并非易事。 Similarly holds up that side day of Monster Saint is also knew about nine spirit Monster Saint very much, knows he has what card in a hand, similarly cannot threaten own. 同样擎天妖圣那边也是对九灵妖圣很了解,知道他有什么底牌,同样也是威胁不到自己的。 Blood moon/month that but today nine spirit Monster Saint bloom, is actually holds up day of Monster Saint not to find that even makes in his heart send cold existence. 但今日九灵妖圣所绽放出的血月,却是擎天妖圣所不曾了解的,甚至让他都心中发寒的存在。 Blood moon/month, the blood the place of vitality taking care of completely all was only swallowed to wither, even Spirit Qi was swallowed, became a Spirit Qi no war zone. 血月一出,血光所照应之地生机尽皆被吞噬枯萎,甚至就连灵气都被吞噬一空,成了一个灵气真空地带。 Three pure gold toad kings see this thing, suddenly called out in alarm one: Is blood demon Monster Core! How nine spirit Monster Saint will attain this thing!?” 三足金蟾王看到这东西,突然惊呼了一声:“是血魔妖丹!九灵妖圣怎么会拿到这东西!?” Hears the words of three pure gold toad kings, held up day of Monster Saint immediately in the heart thump. 听到三足金蟾王的话,擎天妖圣顿时心中咯噔了一下。 This blood demon Monster Core is several thousand years of previous has achieved Monster Core that Monster Saint of Dao Unification eight boundaries leave behind. 这血魔妖丹乃是数千年前一个已经达到合道八次境界的妖圣所留下的妖丹 The opposite party were known as that blood demon Monster Saint, it is said is drop of blood become a spirit that the upper boundary immortal reveres, very savage tyrannical, its practice depends then swallows the vitality promotion, even is unable through absorbing Spirit Qi restores the strength. 对方号称血魔妖圣,据说乃是上界仙尊的一滴鲜血成精所化,十分凶残暴虐,其修练靠的便是吞噬气血晋升,甚至无法通过吸纳灵气恢复力量。 Therefore at that time various human-monster Barbarian Race lives, so long as has existence of vitality then unable to escape swallowing of opposite party. 所以当时不论是人妖蛮族还是各种生灵,只要是有气血的存在便逃不过对方的吞噬。 Finally this blood demon Monster Saint brought in the popular anger, almost makes entire world all Cultivator make a move him to exterminate together. 终于这血魔妖圣引来了众怒,几乎使得整个天下所有的修行者一起出手将其剿灭。 Finally begins is the Buddhism, destroys its mortal body, Monster Core suppression in the middle of the Western Sands Saint Continent pagoda. 最后动手的便是佛门,将其肉身摧毁,妖丹镇压在了西圣沙洲的佛塔当中。 Wants resurrecting Monster Core, must use a lot of essence and blood to be good. 想要复活妖丹,就必须要用到大量的精血才行。 Now since nine spirit Monster Saint attain blood demon Monster Core, the proof Buddhism sufficiently meddles in this matter deep. 如今九灵妖圣既然拿到血魔妖丹,足以证明佛门在这件事情当中插手的有多深。 Moreover actually god knows nine spirit Monster Saint were killing many lives in secret, this activated this blood demon Monster Core. 而且天知道九灵妖圣究竟在暗中杀了多少生灵,这才激活了这血魔妖丹 At this time blood demon Monster Core, the boundless blood-color changes to the blood-color domain to hold up day of Monster Saint to cover directly is one of them. 此时血魔妖丹一出,无边的血色直接化作血色领域将擎天妖圣笼罩在其中。 How whatever holds up day of Monster Saint to intend to collapse, the great axe wields unceasingly cuts, is actually not able to break that blood moon/month domain at once. 任凭擎天妖圣如何出手破局,巨斧不断挥砍,一时之间却也无法破掉那血月领域。 And during the blood moon/month, a faint trace blood line unexpectedly from holding up day of Monster Saint within the body finds out, integrates in the middle of that blood-color. 并且血月当中,一丝丝血线竟然从擎天妖圣的体内探出,融入那血色当中。 That holds up day of Monster Saint the strength of vitality unexpectedly, the strength of his irresistibly this blood moon/month. 那竟然是擎天妖圣的气血之力,就连他都无法抵抗这血月的力量。 But at this time nine spirit Monster Saint have not actually gone to the manages to hold up day of Monster Saint, but is nine simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform transfers, looked to Li Xuanzong, the vision full was fierce. 而此时九灵妖圣却是没去管擎天妖圣,而是九头齐齐调转,看向了李玄宗,目光满是狰狞。 Holds up day of Monster Saint, although was suppressed by the blood moon/month temporarily, but wants to kill him is actually extremely difficult. 擎天妖圣虽然暂时被血月压制,不过想要杀他却是极难的。 Therefore must get rid of Li Xuanzong to be good in advance. 所以还是必须要先行干掉李玄宗才行。 Otherwise makes Li Xuanzong kill, even if he got rid of held up day of Monster Saint, founded the countries of ten thousand monster, finally must become one -man army. 否则让李玄宗这么杀下去,他就算是干掉了擎天妖圣,建立了万妖之国,最后也要成一个光杆司令了。 Nine spirit Monster Saint nine simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform spouts the flaming Divine Ability radiance to come, a strength can easily existence of steamroll Celestial Realm. 九灵妖圣的九头齐齐喷出炽盛的神通光华来,一头的力量都可以轻易碾压天人境的存在。 Nurses hatred facing nine spirit Monster Saint this strikes, properly speaking Li Xuanzong is unable to resist absolutely. 面对九灵妖圣这含恨一击,按理来说李玄宗是绝对无法抗住的。 But at this time Li Xuanzong was actually the hand pinched seal to decide, whole body say/way accumulated pasted, the vitality rushed, the instantaneous incarnation became number hundred zhang (333 m) the body of giant, a fist flew that nine Divine Ability radiance complete bang! 但这时李玄宗却是手捏印决,周身道蕴流转,气血澎湃,瞬间化身成了数百丈的巨人之躯,一拳将那九道神通光华全部轰飞! Eight nine Profound Technique! 八九玄功 law celestial phenomenon place! 法天象地! Eight nine Profound Technique are not always pure mortal body Cultivation Art, but evolves the mortal body to the Great Divine Ability method of the world. 八九玄功从来都不是单纯的肉身功法,而是将肉身演化至天地的大神通法门。 This law celestial phenomenon, is born general just like the demon god, blocked nine spirit Monster Saint this to strike unexpectedly seriously, but Li Xuanzong was actually also rumbled to draw back several steps, each retreat trod out a big hole. 这法天象地一出,宛若魔神降世一般,竟然当真拦住了九灵妖圣这一击,不过李玄宗却也是被轰退了数步,每一步后退都踩出了一个大坑来。 Simultaneously in internal organs of Li Xuanzong are just like burn down general, fights intent to upwell, cannot bear howls crazily, heads on just like the hurricane. 同时李玄宗的内腑都是犹如火烧一般,战意上涌,忍不住狂啸一声,宛若飓风扑面而来。 Eight nine Profound Technique regarding present Li Xuanzong have not calculated existence that can completely grasp, even can say that can only use reluctantly. 八九玄功对于现在的李玄宗来说还不算是可以完全掌握的存在,甚至可以说只能是勉强使用。 At this time he shoulders nine spirit Monster Saint to strike by small eight nine Profound Technique hardly, own mortal body is shivering, as if cannot withstand the steamroll of strength of eight nine Profound Technique that main roads to be the same. 此时他以小八九玄功硬扛九灵妖圣一击,自己的肉身都在颤抖,仿佛承受不住八九玄功那大道之力的碾压一般。 Saw that Li Xuanzong can shoulder itself to strike by Celestial Realm unexpectedly hardly, in the middle of nine spirit Monster Saint 18 eyes shows the expression that does not dare to believe immediately. 看到李玄宗竟然能以天人境硬扛自己一击,九灵妖圣十八只眼睛当中顿时露出了不敢置信的表情来。 The Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary is in cultivation to the powerhouse, regarding Celestial Realm is almost steamroll general existence. 返虚合道境界乃是修行界中的至强者,对于天人境来说几乎是碾压一般的存在。 Therefore in each class jumps the ranks the situation of instead killing to sometimes happen, but Celestial Realm anti- Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary to the powerhouse is actually extremely rare general existence. 所以里来各个阶层越级反杀的情况时有发生,但天人境返虚合道境界的至强者却是凤毛麟角一般的存在。 In the past thousand years only has an example, that is the northern bright king. 最近千年来只有一个例子,那就是北明王。 Now although Li Xuanzong does not have instead to kill nine spirit Monster Saint, but nine spirit Monster Saint, but Dao Unification existences, place the entire Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary four times to the powerhouse among was also a expert. 现在李玄宗虽然没反杀九灵妖圣,但九灵妖圣可是合道四次的存在,放在整个返虚合道境界的至强者当中也算是高手了。 Finally as soon as he struck is to make Li Xuanzong blocking, how this did let him to believe? 结果他一击却是让李玄宗给挡住了,这让他如何能相信? During nine shout, bloomed the scarlet red halo to come, a land cuns (2.5 cm) to split open centered on Li Xuanzong, the surface break, was ordinary just like the volcano spout, erupted instantaneously! 九头嘶吼当中,其中一头绽放出了赤红色的光晕来,以李玄宗为中心的大地寸寸开裂,地面陷落,宛若火山喷涌一般,瞬间爆发而出! Day develops the main road! Nine spirit Monster Saint developed the main road to use unexpectedly day after day, is not concerned about face.” “天演大道!九灵妖圣竟然连天演大道都用出来了,也是不要脸了。” This is in the people heart on the scene the similar idea. 这是在场的众人心中同样的想法。 Return to Emptiness Dao Unification, gathers is a world main road, can achieve at own strength, the boundary of evolved world main road. 返虚合道,合的便是一种天地大道,可以达到以自身力量,演化天地大道的境界。 However generally this attack method almost will rarely have existence of Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary to use. 不过一般这种攻击方式几乎很少会有返虚合道境界的存在会动用。 It is said the world main road has 3000, although these 3000 main roads indeed have the division of strong and weak, the strength disparity of but evolving is not so big. 据说天地大道有三千,虽然这三千大道的确是有强弱之分的,但演化出来的力量差距却并不是那么大。 Therefore the use day develops the strength of main road to come with same step Cultivator to fight, that was almost the battle of attrition. 所以动用天演大道的力量来跟同阶修士交手,那几乎就是消耗战了。 Even if Dao Unification fights with Dao Unification Cultivator one time two times is also the same, can only use day to develop the main road each time a time, therefore to finally battle of attrition 哪怕合道一次跟合道二次的修士交手也是一样的,每次都只能动用一次天演大道,所以到了最后还是消耗战 Therefore the Cultivator almost few use day of Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary develops the main road to oppose the enemy, both sides put together cultivation base respectively, puts together the strength, puts together Magical Treasure, puts together Divine Ability also compared with this battle of attrition well. 所以返虚合道境界的修士几乎很少动用天演大道来对敌,双方各自拼修为,拼力量,拼法宝,拼神通也要比这种消耗战来得好。 However facing Li Xuanzong this Celestial Realm Cultivator, the day developed the main road is almost ultimate kills greatly, seems contending with the world simply general. 但是面对李玄宗这种天人境修士,天演大道几乎就是终极大杀器了,简直仿佛是在跟天地抗衡一般。 At this time the Li Xuanzong whole body strength gathering, law celestial phenomenon place makes him just like that antique demon god common. 此时李玄宗周身力量汇聚,法天象地之威让他宛如那太古魔神一般。 A fist falls, the surrounding space collapses at the visible speed, these magma flowing fire the thorough bang were been instantaneously broken by this fist, overflow to disperse the space of surrounding that distortion. 一拳落下,周围的空间都以肉眼可见的速度坍塌,那些岩浆流火瞬间被这一拳所彻底轰碎,溢散到了周围那扭曲的空间当中。 Moreover the people can feel, Li Xuanzong this fist may the light be the bang broke to pieces that volcano class/flow flame not only, but is develops the main road to give thorough tearing nine spirit Monster Saint that hot attribute days thoroughly! 而且众人能够感觉到,李玄宗这一拳可不光光是轰碎了那火山流炎,而是彻底将九灵妖圣那火属性天演大道给彻底撕裂! The prestige of eight nine Profound Technique, sufficiently the strength of disruption main road! 八九玄功之威,足以碎裂大道之力! The people on the scene looked changed in a flash to the Li Xuanzong complexion, actually this boy is what monster, cultivates is strange Divine Ability? 一瞬间在场的众人看向李玄宗的面色都变了,这厮究竟是什么怪物,所修的又是何等古怪的神通
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