GSOH :: Volume #4

#357: The stratagem decides

PS: Thank hitting that the book friend disregards to pay no attention to enjoy, congratulates to become this book's tenth hegemon() PS:感谢书友不管不顧不理的打赏,恭喜成为本书第十位盟主() Nine spirit Monster Saint with holding up day of Monster Saint both sides plan mutually, the beforehand all are also within the controls of nine spirit Monster Saint. 九灵妖圣跟擎天妖圣双方互有算计,不过之前的一切还算是在九灵妖圣的掌控之内。 Only has , after Li Xuanzong acts, balance of both sides is completely broken. 唯有等到李玄宗出手之后,双方的平衡彻底被打破。 Eight Sir willow was cut to kill by the Li Xuanzong surprise attack, at this time Li Xuanzong turns toward the magnificence abyss to kill directly. 八柳大人被李玄宗突袭斩杀,此时李玄宗又向着华九渊径直杀来。 The imposing sword air/Qi heads on, magnificence abyss immediately in heart one cold, revealed the true body of own land flood dragon, that is dozens zhang (3.33 m) brown huge alone corner/horn flood dragon. 凛然的剑气扑面而来,华九渊顿时心中一凛,亮出自己陆地蛟龙的真身,那是几十丈长的土黄色巨大独角蛟龙。 In flood dragon dragon mouth spouts a brown bead, bloomed a dark yellow ray to come instantaneously, the surrounding area the gravity within several li (0.5 km) aggravated instantaneously. 蛟龙口中喷出一枚土黄色的珠子来,瞬间绽放出了一股昏黄色的光芒来,方圆数里之内的重力瞬间加重。 That brown bead formed a domain, will execute the strengths of immortal four swords supporting reluctantly. 那土黄色的珠子形成了一个领域,勉强将诛仙四剑的力量给托住。 But the magnificence abyss can actually detect, own how long assigns/life Monster Core unable to block this terrifying four flying sword. 但华九渊却是能够察觉出来,自己的本命妖丹拦不住这恐怖的四柄飞剑多长时间。 Seeks Monster Race Monster Core is most precious existences, certainly must raise in own within the body. 妖族妖丹都是最为珍贵的存在,肯定要养在自己体内的。 But the magnificence abyss has Secret Art, can own assigns/life Monster Core to spit to oppose the enemy, the mystical of ten points. 但华九渊却是有一门秘法,可以将自己的本命妖丹吐出来对敌,十分的神异。 The flood dragon roared, magnificence abyss that huge body welcomed Li Xuanzong to go, wants directly with Li Xuanzong near body preying. 蛟龙咆哮,华九渊那巨大的身躯迎着李玄宗而去,想要直接跟李玄宗近身搏杀。 Only then gets rid of Li Xuanzong, can break that four flying swords thoroughly. 只有干掉李玄宗,才能够彻底破掉那四柄飞剑。 But just fought the magnificence abyss then to know oneself were wrong. 但刚刚一交手华九渊便知道自己错了。 ya zi Monster King mortal body that Li Xuanzong transforms then extremely powerful, but Li Xuanzong replied the main body at this time, cultivation base on his mortal body was in the terrifying situation simply! 李玄宗所幻化出来的睚眦妖王肉身便极其的强悍,但此时李玄宗回复了本体,他肉身上的修为简直到了恐怖的地步! The demon spear/gun swallows during the blood high and low fluttering, spear/gun broken dragon corner/horn, a spear/gun breaks Dragon's Tail, the long spear/gun selects the body of that giant flood dragon to pound directly forcefully to the ground, smashes the number hundred zhang (333 m) the ground loudly the giant pothole! 魔枪吞血上下翻飞当中,一枪碎龙角,一枪断龙尾,长枪直接挑中那巨大的蛟龙之身硬生生砸向地面,轰然一声将地面砸出数百丈的巨大坑洞来! In the middle of the body of Li Xuanzong that seemingly emaciated Human Race, probably an antiquity demon god was simply common! 李玄宗那看似孱弱的人族之躯当中,简直好像住了一尊上古魔神一般! What is fearful is that every gesture and motions borrows the implication main road highest good unexpectedly, the strength every minute will utilize the pinnacle, may be called the terrifying simply. 可怕的是那一招一式竟然借蕴含大道至理,将每一分的力量都运用到了极致,简直堪称恐怖。 As the Li Xuanzong last spear/gun falls, his back motley black empty shadow indistinct entanglement, seemed changed to an appearance of antiquity demon god, the roaring world! 随着李玄宗最后一枪落下,他背后斑驳的黑色虚影隐约纠缠,好似化作了一尊上古魔神的模样,咆哮天地! Although Li Xuanzong eight nine Profound Technique were just crosses the threshold at present, but integrated an eight nine Profound Technique strength, then above made Li Xuanzong own mortal body strength have the close combat to prey on strength crazy dramatic rise. 虽然眼下李玄宗的八九玄功才算是刚刚入门,不过只是融入了一丝八九玄功的力量,便让李玄宗自身的肉身力量还有近战搏杀之上的战力疯狂的飙升。 Resembles magnificence abyss same step Monster King, he had almost not felt that has the too tremendous pressure, under makes a move to cut to kill the opposite party not difficult matter full power. 似华九渊这种同阶妖王,他几乎没感觉有太大的压力,全力出手之下斩杀对方并非什么难事。 Stop!” “住手!” Is roaring with nine spirit Monster Saint that holding up the day of Monster Saint entanglement slaughters, wants to support. 正在跟擎天妖圣纠缠厮杀的九灵妖圣怒吼一声,想要回来支援。 All day long hit the wild goose actually to be pecked the eye by the wild goose, planned nine spirit Monster Saint for a lifetime to wish one could to Li Xuanzong tearing to shreds simply! 终日打雁却被雁啄了眼,算计了一辈子的九灵妖圣简直恨不得要把李玄宗给碎尸万段! Present nine spirit Monster Saint is knows, ya zi Monster King that whatever oneself initially this Li Xuanzong transformed acted carelessly, actually in bad own foundation! 现在的九灵妖圣才算是知道,自己当初任由这李玄宗幻化的睚眦妖王胡乱施为,其实是在坏自己的根基! But at this time regretted was also late, he cannot think, Li Xuanzong dares to transform ya zi Monster King unexpectedly, under his eye hid plays this method! 但此时后悔也是晚了,他怎么也想不到,李玄宗竟然敢幻化成睚眦妖王,在他的眼皮子底下玩这种手段! At present eight Sir willow cutting to kill by Li Xuanzong, the magnificence abyss cannot die again. 眼下八柳大人已经被李玄宗给斩杀了,华九渊可不能再死了。 At this moment, just now continuously suppressed holds up day of Monster Saint is shouts angrily, opens mouth to put out a ring. 就在这时,方才一直在被压制的擎天妖圣却是怒喝一声,张嘴吐出一枚圆环来。 That ring by slightly is increased, imitates unexpectedly, if can cover lives in a side world, directly nine spirit Monster Saint imprisoning. 那圆环由小变大,竟然仿若可以罩住一方天地般,径直把九灵妖圣给禁锢住。 Such flash, nine spirit Monster Saint then look that helplessly Li Xuanzong gives to pass through the magnificence abyss whole person thoroughly, this land flood dragon king also died in the Li Xuanzong hand. 就这么一瞬间,九灵妖圣便眼睁睁看着李玄宗彻底把华九渊整个人给贯穿,这位陆地蛟王也是死在了李玄宗手中。 Then Li Xuanzong is bold does not stay, starts to start in countries of ten thousand monster teams to kill directly greatly kills especially. 而后李玄宗也是豪不停留,直接开始在万妖之国这边的队伍中开始大杀特杀。 Meanwhile, before many items of Monster King wait/etc., was broken turns to Monster King of countries' of ten thousand monster also to follow to defect, starts instead to kill unexpectedly. 与此同时,多目妖王等之前被破投靠万妖之国的妖王也都跟着反水,竟然也开始反杀起来。 Actually Li Xuanzong does not have to contact with many items of Monster King and the others actually intentionally. 其实李玄宗倒是没有故意去联系多目妖王等人。 This fellows are the person with no mind of his own general roles, not being able to need them to make anything, ahead of time divulges the news instead easy misdemeanor. 这帮家伙都是墙头草一般的角色,用不到他们来做什么,提前泄露消息反而容易坏事。 But they were not willing to join the countries' of ten thousand monster, at this time saw that forces them to join ya zi Monster King of countries' of ten thousand monster is the opposite party disguises as, this victory and defeat also with saying? 但他们原本就不是心甘情愿加入万妖之国的,此时看到逼迫他们加入万妖之国的睚眦妖王都是对方假扮的,这胜负还用说吗? Hits a person when he is down they most to excel, at this time doesn't defect treats? 落井下石他们是最擅长的,此时不反水更待何时? Therefore almost in this flash, the situation then reverses instantaneously, the national capitals of entire ten thousand monster fell into the middle of the mess. 所以几乎就是在这一瞬间,形势便瞬间逆转,整个万妖之国都陷入了一团糟当中。 Sees this, nine spirit Monster Saint shouted angrily, the whole body black is rising suddenly monster qi crazily, supported the pinnacle that ring, finally loudly, thorough disruption. 看到这一幕,九灵妖圣一声怒喝,周身黑色妖气疯狂暴涨着,将那圆环撑到了极致,最后轰然一声,彻底碎裂。 This is not your Magical Treasure! Moves mountain that old thing, really gave you oneself all Magical Treasure!” “这不是你的法宝!搬山那老东西,果然是把自己所有的法宝都给了你!” Holds up day of Monster Saint coldly said: „ This indeed is not my Magical Treasure, according to the attribute, should use more appropriate to the crack. 擎天妖圣冷冷道:“这的确不是我的法宝,按照属性来看,应该是给裂地用更合适。 But pitifully moves Sir mountain to prepare many things unable to fill up your ambitions to you. 但可惜搬山大人给你们准备再多的东西也是填不满你们的野心的。 The words such being the case, that was used to give you to participate in funeral ceremony. ” 既然如此的话,那就都用来给你们送葬好了。” Nine spirit Monster Saint cold say/way: Okay good! Holds up the day, I have not really thought, you can give to compel this step me unexpectedly!” 九灵妖圣冷然道:“好好好!擎天,我是真的没想到,你竟然能将我给逼到这一步!” Holds up day of Monster Saint to say lightly: „ Who your I did not understand who? If this time I make a move, I may lead the person to get your azure radish lake to fight to the death with you directly. 擎天妖圣淡淡道:“你我谁不了解谁?这次若是我出手的话,我可早就带着人直接打上你那青萝湖跟你决一死战了。 This time copes with all your strategies, is Li Xuanzong is arranging, listens to his command including me. 这次对付你的所有计策,都是李玄宗在布置,包括我都是听他的号令。 This Li Xuanzong moved Sir mountain receives is the last student, said that but actually was also your my Junior Brother. 李玄宗已经被搬山大人收为关门弟子,说起来倒也算是你我的师弟了。 The defeat in his hands, you pour are not injust, how saying that defeated in own hand that is also loses. ” 败在他手中,你倒也算是输的不冤了,怎么说都是败在了自己的手中。” Hears this word, nine spirit Monster Saint actually stares in a big way the eye, even is not willing to believe this reply. 闻听此言,九灵妖圣却是瞪大了眼睛,甚至不愿意去相信这个回答。 He also thinks that all these all move mountain Monster Saint to plan, holds up day of Monster Saint to come the concrete implementation. 他还以为这一切的一切都是搬山妖圣来算计的,擎天妖圣来具体实施的。 Defeats and with oneself have one holds up in the day of Monster Saint hand in the Monster Race peak moving mountain Monster Saint hand, nine spirit Monster Saint can accept. 败在妖族巅峰的搬山妖圣手中和跟自己同出一门的擎天妖圣手中,九灵妖圣都可以接受。 But he is actually not able to accept itself to defeat in the hand of Li Xuanzong! 但他却是无法接受自己败在了李玄宗的手中! Must know when has just been moved mountain Monster Saint receives Li Xuanzong for the news of disciple, he also thinks that was moves the mountain Monster Saint dotard. 要知道刚刚得到搬山妖圣李玄宗为弟子的消息时,他还以为是搬山妖圣老糊涂了呢。 Afterward this Li Xuanzong also and had nothing to indicate that but condemned that he established the behaviors of countries' of ten thousand monster, at that time he also felt that this Li Xuanzong radically was a joke. 后来这李玄宗也并没有什么表示,只是谴责他建立万妖之国的行为,那时候他还感觉这李玄宗根本就是一个笑话。 Finally now looks like, became the joke instead is he! 结果现在看来,成了笑话的反而是他! Nine spirit Monster Saint that nine head 18 eyes have become the blood red. 九灵妖圣那九个脑袋十八只眼睛都已经成了血红色。 Nine open together, the endless courage vigor spews out, changed to one blood moon/month in the middle of the midair unexpectedly. 九头齐齐张开,无尽的血气喷涌而出,竟然在半空当中化作了一轮血月。 This thing I to guard to move, today then first leaves you who the thing of mountain that old codger prepares to use! “这东西我原本是为了防备搬山那老不死的东西所准备的,今日便先留给你用了! Holds up the day, you think that depends on these pandemonium methods that Li Xuanzong uses you then to win? 擎天,你以为靠着那李玄宗使出的那些鬼域手段你便赢定了吗? No matter what you many plots plan, must look at the strength to all finally! ” 任你们再多的阴谋算计,到最后一切都是要看实力的!” In flash that blood moon/month presents, to hold up the day of Monster Saint strength, even the subconscious feeling in some hearts sends coldly. 在那血月出现的一瞬间,以擎天妖圣的实力,甚至都下意识的感觉到有些心中发寒。
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