GSOH :: Volume #4

#356: Did not do right by, actually I am an undercover

The law brightness monk seemingly saw the root foot of northern bright king, but said is muddleheaded. 法慧和尚貌似看出了北明王的根脚,但说的却是稀里糊涂的。 Nearby three pure gold toad king Zhoumei: My view brightness lesser monk, can you say thing that some we can understand? This what with what?” 一旁的三足金蟾王皱眉道:“我说法慧小和尚,你能不能说一些咱们能听懂的东西?这都什么跟什么?” law brightness is staring at the northern bright king, while knits the brows: „ Northern bright king cultivates is not Monster Art, but is my Buddhism Zen lineage/vein most authentic practice method, but he actually went out of alone own path of cultivation. 法慧一边凝视着北明王,一边皱眉道:“北明王所修的并非是妖法,而是我佛门禅宗一脉最为正宗的修练法门,不过他却走出了一条独属于自己的修行之路 The fruit position is the boundary rather than cultivation base, the northern bright king has been above my imagination regarding the attainments of Buddhist doctrine, can therefore result in Arhat fruit position by the Celestial Realm then card. 果位乃是境界而不是修为,北明王对于佛法的造诣已经超乎我的想象,所以才能够以天人境便证得阿罗汉果位。 But then, the northern bright king quite therefore is then controlling the boundary of far ultra immortal by Celestial Realm cultivation base, seems the child to brandish a great sword to be the same, although the lethality is huge, but regarding own load is also enormous. 但如此一来,北明王便相当于是以天人境修为驾驭着远超仙人的境界,就好似孩童挥舞着一柄巨剑一般,杀伤力虽然巨大,但对于自身的负荷也是极大。 Because the boundary suppresses, therefore cultivation base of northern bright king was quite therefore suppressed by his boundary, he is not possibly able to visit the Return to Emptiness Dao Unification boundary lifelong, therefore can only become has to endure Monster King that compares the Monster Saint strength. 并且因为境界压制,所以北明王的修为相当于是被他的境界镇压了,他可能终身都无法踏足返虚合道境界,所以只能成为拥有堪比妖圣战力的妖王 It is not right, his strength does not endure compared with Monster Saint, even there is possibility far ultra Monster Saint! 不对,他的战力也并不是堪比妖圣,甚至有可能远超妖圣 The prestige that Arhat fruit position institute can display can be above the imagination of normal person absolutely, but cultivation base of northern bright king is too low, therefore is unable to display the Arhat fruit position proper strength. 阿罗汉果位所能够发挥出的威能绝对超乎正常人的想象,只不过北明王的修为太低,所以无法发挥出阿罗汉果位应有的力量。 At this time his normal making a move strength enough has then suppressed crack Monster Saint, if the northern bright king ignores the safety to act full power, the strength that he can display is above the imagination simply. 此时他正常出手战力便已经足够镇压裂地妖圣了,若是北明王不顾自身安危全力出手,那他所能够发挥出来的战力简直超乎想象。 ! 啧! Never expected that my Buddhism numerous expert long-awaited boundaries of presented a body of Monster Race, seriously is the satire. 没想到我佛门众多高手梦寐以求的境界却是出现了一个妖族的身上,当真是讽刺的很。 However does northern bright king Arhat boundary prove ahead of time? This does not gather the common sense simply. ” 不过北明王这阿罗汉境界到底是如何提前证得的?这简直不合常理。” The law brightness seemed to be fascinated generally, closely was staring at the northern bright king, suddenly startled sound said: „ Great aspirations!? Is it possible that was the northern bright king just like the past Ksitigarbha to be the same, promised the big great aspirations, can therefore promote Arhat fruit position? 法慧仿佛入魔了一般,紧紧凝视着北明王,忽然惊声道:“宏愿!?莫非是北明王犹如当年的地藏王一般,许下了大宏愿,所以才能够晋升阿罗汉果位? But north his did Monster King, actually promise the big great aspirations to arrive this step? Feared that was this whole life is unable to complete. ” 但他一个北地妖王,究竟是许下了多大的宏愿才能够到达这一步?怕是这辈子都无法完成了。” Three pure gold toad kings have not gone to the manages law brightness to be surprised there, but narrows the eye saying: Good lesser monk, should not be surprised there, should be the time begins.” 三足金蟾王没去管法慧在那里惊讶着,而是眯着眼睛道:“行了小和尚,别在那里惊讶了,该是时候动手了。” The present war may the light need to hold up day of Monster Saint and northern bright king not only acts, they must lend a hand to solve other country of these Monster King and Great Monster ten thousand monster. 眼下的战局可不光光是需要擎天妖圣和北明王出手,他们也是要出手解决万妖之国那些其他妖王大妖的。 Like such that nine spirit Monster Saint said that rebelling to move mountain Monster Saint is not nine spirit Monster Saint and crack Monster Saint two person ambition full houses causes. 就像九灵妖圣自己所说的那样,反叛搬山妖圣并不是九灵妖圣和裂地妖圣两个人野心爆棚所导致的。 But is under them has mountain Monster Saint of many Monster King and Great Monster to moving is discontented, wants to establish one to serve the self-interest, can let itself but recklessly for the countries of ten thousand monster. 而是他们麾下有不少的妖王大妖对搬山妖圣不满,想要建立起一个符合自己利益,能够让自己肆意而为的万妖之国。 Therefore to this kind of time, everyone almost did not die the continuous aspect, hardly has the open arms to keep hand and other matter. 所以到了这种时候,大家几乎都是不死不休的局面了,几乎不存在招降留手等事情。 But at this time Monster Saint that side battlefield, crack Monster Saint was beaten savagely on the ground by sudden northern bright king An, but nine spirit Monster Saint felt that the situation has gradually loses the control the meaning, but he has not actually arrived at the end of hills and rivers the situation. 而此时妖圣那边的战场当中,裂地妖圣被突如其来的北明王按在地上暴打,而九灵妖圣虽然感觉到局势有逐渐失去掌控的意思,不过他却还没到山穷水尽的地步呢。 The flying sword shortly was held up day of Monster Saint to ruin completely, nine spirit Monster Saint showed his main body immediately. 眼看着的飞剑全部都被擎天妖圣毁掉,九灵妖圣顿时展现出了他的本体来。 At that time nine great snakes of hundred zhang (333 m) size, each snake head was different, contains Divine Ability that is inconceivable. 那时一尊百丈大小的九头巨蛇,每一个蛇头都不一样,蕴含着难以想象的神通 Nine send out one after another, monster technique Divine Ability rotates, will hold up day of Monster Saint to give the suppression thoroughly. 九头接连出动,妖术神通轮转,彻底将擎天妖圣给压制。 Holding up day of Monster Saint is the Green Cow family background, excelled is also mortal body preying, although his technique law Divine Ability is not weak, but is actually inferior to nine spirit Monster Saint very much obviously. 擎天妖圣青牛出身,擅长的也是肉身搏杀,虽然他的术法神通并不弱,但很显然却是不如九灵妖圣的。 old ox, you cannot stand off! Is acquainted on the day of your me, you are not my opponent!” “老牛,你是敌不过的!从你我相识那天,你便不是我的对手!” In the middle of a snake head in hydra spout the endless black mist, that mist was unexpectedly similar to the Li Xuanzong seizing Yuan cold wind, the unceasing corrosion is consuming the monster qi strength of holding up day of Monster Saint, even his bull horn have started to corrode. 九头蛇中的一个蛇头当中喷涌出了无尽的黑色雾气,那雾气竟然跟李玄宗的夺元阴风类似,不断的侵蚀消耗着擎天妖圣的妖气力量,甚至连他的牛角都已经开始腐蚀了。 both sides four times are the Dao Unification boundaries, but concerns the strength, nine spirit Monster Saint are actually even better. 双方都是合道四次的境界,不过论及战力来,九灵妖圣却是更胜一筹。 But under this time, that side the countries of ten thousand monster also started to battle with the western Monster Race influence. 而此时下方,万妖之国那边也是开始跟西边的妖族势力激战了起来。 Eight Sir willow is catching up with making a move tightly, while said to behind Li Xuanzong: ya zi brother! Is quicker begins! The merit may by magnificence abyss that boy snatching again late!” 八柳大人一边紧赶着出手,一边对身后的李玄宗道:“睚眦道兄!快些动手!再晚功劳可就被华九渊那厮给抢去了!” At this moment, eight Sir willow felt suddenly behind has the change that sword air/Qi howls to transmit. 就在这时,八柳大人忽然感觉身后有着一股剑气呼啸的异动传来。 He absolutely does not have to think oneself some people will intend to sneak attack behind unexpectedly, therefore all attention and monster qi defenses of eight Sir willow almost before the body. 他根本就没想到自己身后竟然会有人出手偷袭,所以八柳大人的所有注意力和妖气防御几乎都在身前。 However finally is, eight Sir willow the whole person was executed the immortal sword to pass through by four handles thoroughly, is spooky is dissipating unceasingly, Primordial Spirit was also locked to melt thoroughly. 不过结果便是,八柳大人整个人都被四柄诛仙剑彻底贯穿,妖气在不断消散,元神也被彻底锁定消融。 Eight Sir willow does not dare to believe then looks to Li Xuanzong: ya zi brother!? Why!......” 八柳大人不敢置信的回头看向李玄宗:“睚眦道兄!?为什么!……” The words have not said, he then saw that oneself have trusted ‚a ya zi brother changed to the Li Xuanzong appearance unexpectedly, is having an apology of face to visit him. 话还没有说完,他便看到自己一直都信任的那位‘睚眦道兄’竟然化作了李玄宗的模样,正带着一脸的歉意看着他。 Did not do right by, actually I am an undercover.” “对不住了,其实我是卧底。” Li Xuanzong very innocent letting go, executes the immortal four sword simultaneous/uniform firing strength simultaneously, then strangles to death eight Sir willow instantaneously thoroughly. 李玄宗很无辜的一摊手,同时诛仙四剑齐齐发力,瞬间便将八柳大人彻底绞杀。 Actually these eight Sir willow are very good, although is nine spirit Monster Saint direct line descendants, but cultivation base is actually depends on the self-torture to come, is not that type depends on the bloodlines relations purely the waste. 其实这八柳大人还是很不错的,虽然是九灵妖圣的直系后裔,不过一身修为却都是靠着自己苦修得来的,并非是那种纯粹靠着血脉关系的废物。 And the opposite party personality is also frank lovable, does not have too many plans city mansion, only the matter also has the status by the opposite party has sat pitifully, Li Xuanzong actually must kill him. 并且对方性格也是直爽的可爱,没有太多的心机城府,只可惜以对方坐过的事情还有身份,李玄宗却是必须要杀他。 That side magnificence abyss was also shocked. 那边的华九渊也愣住了。 Although he with eight Sir willow is the enemy for a long time, but has not actually thought must get rid of eight Sir willow truly. 虽然他跟八柳大人为敌这么长时间,但却从来都没想过真正要干掉八柳大人。 The opposite party are also Monster King, is the mainstay of countries' of ten thousand monster, how possibly casually the opposite party killing? 对方也是妖王,也是万妖之国的中流砥柱,怎么可能随便就把对方给干掉? Finally now the opposite party actually dies in oneself at present . Moreover the humor of so death. 结果现在对方却是死在了自己眼前,而且还死的这般滑稽。 Although he had detected that ya zi Monster King some were not right, even is some plays the fool intentionally, the intention is illegal. 虽然他早就察觉到了那睚眦妖王有些不对头,甚至是有些故意装傻,心怀不轨。 But how he has not actually thought, the opposite party can be unexpectedly Li Xuanzong disguises as! 但他却怎么都没想到,对方竟然会是李玄宗假扮的! Even the opposite party also dares under the eyes of two Monster Saint hide are the undercover, moreover nine spirit and crack two Monster Saint had not discovered unexpectedly! 甚至对方还敢在两位妖圣的眼皮子底下当卧底,而且九灵和裂地两位妖圣居然没有发现! In the magnificence abyss still in the time of god, Li Xuanzong waves, executes the immortal four swords then already under the arrange/cloth sword, directly soars the magnificence abyss to go! 在华九渊还在愣神的功夫,李玄宗一挥手,诛仙四剑便已经布下剑阵,直奔华九渊而去! Simultaneously the demon spear/gun swallowed the blood also to appear in the Li Xuanzong hand, air/Qi of his blood ghost erupted thoroughly, blood shadow numerous, changed to the demon god empty shadow in him behind, the straight thrust magnificent abyss! 同时魔枪吞血也是出现在了李玄宗手中,他一身血煞之气彻底爆发,血影重重,在他身后化作魔神虚影,直刺华九渊! In the middle of the countries of ten thousand monster, two people are Li Xuanzong must attack remove. 万妖之国当中,有两个人是李玄宗必须要突袭除掉的。 One is eight Sir willow, one was this magnificence abyss. 一个就是八柳大人,还有一个便是这华九渊了。 The opposite party strength is not weak, what is rarer is the brain is also sober very much, killed him is similar to was then cut off nine spirit Monster Saint arms. 对方实力不弱,更难得的是脑子也是清醒的很,杀他便如同断掉了九灵妖圣一臂。 PS: Recommended friend Yundong class/flow new book «To have Risk Right», the beginning senior author, on this «I Can Extract some Skilled» quality quantity guarantees, the new book was not bad. PS:推荐朋友云东流的新书《有风险就对了》,起点老作者了,上本《我能提取熟练度》质量数量都有保证,新书也不差。
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