GSOH :: Volume #4

#355: Northern bright Monster King praised the singing in praise of the Buddha

Regarding holding up day of Monster Saint makes a move nine spirit Monster Saint is not slightly strange. 对于擎天妖圣的出手九灵妖圣丝毫都不奇怪。 Their this batch of Monster Saint almost from moving the subordinate rise of mountain Monster Saint, even the accurate point, they can be counted are the Senior Brother younger brothers. 他们这批妖圣几乎都是从搬山妖圣的手下崛起的,甚至精准点来说,他们互相之间都可以算作是师兄弟了。 Holding up day of Monster Saint is Green Cow become a spirit, simultaneously his temperament is also just like the cow dead generally dies stubborn stubborn, will recognize a matter easily not to change. 擎天妖圣青牛成精,同时他的脾气也是犹如牛一般死犟死犟的,认准一件事情就轻易不会改变。 Therefore do not look at now the momenta of countries' of ten thousand monster noisily so big, holds up day of Monster Saint to make a move also to act. 所以别看现在万妖之国的声势闹的这般大,擎天妖圣该出手也还是会出手的。 Now looks is really so, even west side these Monster King also dare to cause trouble under his forcing, holds up day of Monster Saint to agitate in secret. 现在一看果然是这般,甚至西边那些妖王在他的逼迫之下还敢闹事,也都是擎天妖圣在暗中鼓动的。 Looks at nine spirit Monster Saint, holds up day of Monster Saint to sigh a sound said: „ Nine spirits, receive the hand, this was your last chance. 看着九灵妖圣,擎天妖圣叹息一声道:“九灵,收手吧,这是你最后的机会了。 I come time moved Sir mountain told me, so long as you can receive the hand, did not make Monster Race damage too many, he will forgive your life, will only suppress you in the azure radish lake bottom. 我来的时候搬山大人与我说过,只要你能够收手,不让妖族损伤太多,他会饶你一命的,只会将你镇压在青萝湖底。 Past your I had not become Monster Saint time, all day is moving Sir mountain to create a disturbance, how could also to have had so many ambitions with the worry? 昔日你我未成妖圣的时候,整日里在搬山大人手下打打闹闹,又何曾生出过这么多的野心跟烦恼? Now will actually turn into so the appearance? I really am somewhat cannot comprehend. ” 如今却怎么会变成这般模样呢?我真是有些搞不懂。” Nine spirit Monster Saint laughed wildly one: „ Forgives my life? Simply laughable! 九灵妖圣狂笑了一声:“饶我一命?简直可笑! What is done cannot be undone, I do not have the road back! 开弓没有回头箭,我也已经没有回头路了! You think that the countries of ten thousand monster are I want to be founded? At this time to turn head, you ask that the crack did agree, asks under countries of my entire ten thousand monster Monster Race did agree! 你以为万妖之国是我想建立的吗?此时若是想要回头,你问问裂地同不同意,问问我整个万妖之国麾下的妖族们同意不同意! That old thing is simply false, he thinks that oneself is the Monster Race sage? He just the way in by oneself thinking builds Monster Race, has not actually thought that does his way suit Monster Race! ” 那老东西简直虚伪,他以为自己是妖族的圣人吗?他只不过是在以自己所想的方式来打造妖族,却是根本就没想过,他这种方式到底适不适合妖族!” Holds up the day of Monster Saint unemotional say/way: Therefore you do think country of then more suitable Monster Race your ten thousand monster?” 擎天妖圣面无表情道:“所以你认为你的万妖之国便更适合妖族吗?” At least be more suitable than the custom that old thing sets!” “起码要比那老东西所定下的规矩更适合!” Holds up day of Monster Saint disappointed shaking the head of: It seems like you Demonic Path has gotten sucked, thorough was besotted.” 擎天妖圣失望的摇了摇头:“看来你已经魔道深陷,彻底执迷不悟了。” Nine spirit Monster Saint cold said: „ Few idle talk, old fogy person? Let him come out. 九灵妖圣冷声道:“少废话,那老家伙人呢?让他出来吧。 I know that perhaps his present condition, does not act full power over three moves, did he then want the oil lamp to be completely dry? 我知道他现在的状态,恐怕全力出手不超过三招,他便要油尽灯枯了吧? I wait for him to act here, after having a look at three moves, is actually he dead, I perish! ” 我在这里等着他出手,看看三招之后,究竟是他死,还是我亡!” At heart, nine spirit Monster Saint to moving mountain Monster Saint dread very much. 从内心上来说,九灵妖圣还是对搬山妖圣很是忌惮的。 However at this time he had anything to take advantage probably general, can under moving the mountain Monster Saint offensive self-confidently insists three moves. 不过此时他却好像是有了什么依仗一般,自信可以在搬山妖圣的攻势下坚持三招。 Holds up day of Monster Saint to shake the head saying: Moves Sir mountain not to begin to you, you should not die in moving mountain Daren the hand.” 擎天妖圣摇摇头道:“搬山大人不会对你动手的,你也不应该死在搬山大人手中。” That old thing does not begin, depends on you also to block me? Courts death!” “那老东西不动手,就凭你也想要拦我?找死!” As nine spirit Monster Saint voices fall, he wields single-handed, the back innumerable azure scale sword light appears, dense and numerous, obstructs the cloud to block out the sun general, directly soars to hold up day of Monster Saint! 随着九灵妖圣话音落下,他单手一挥,背后无数青鳞剑光浮现,密密麻麻,遮云蔽日一般,直奔擎天妖圣而来! Holds up day of Monster Saint to look up the day, voiced a anger to howl, the sound trembling world, a big axe appeared in his hands, an axe cut to fall, leaned general just like the day! 擎天妖圣抬头望天,发出了一声怒啸来,声音震颤天地,一柄大斧出现在他手中,一斧斩落,宛若天倾一般! Crack Monster King that had not spoken the long nose actually moves at this time suddenly, a scarlet red slender long sword puts out from his long nose, imitating, if tore the space to be the same, directly soared to hold up day of Monster Saint! 一直都没有说话的裂地妖王此时长鼻子却是忽然一动,一柄赤红色的纤细长剑从他那长鼻子当中吐出,仿若撕裂了空间一般,直奔擎天妖圣而来! Yuan slaughter immortal sword? Should this thing be a land bottom ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) filthy meteoric iron gathers the evil soldier who hundreds of thousands of people of vitalities can build? “元都屠仙剑?这东西应该是用地底万丈的污浊陨铁集合了数十万人的气血才能够打造出的邪兵吧? Crack Monster Saint, you outside continuously low-key, any wicked matter makes nine spirit Monster Saint do, I have not actually thought, you unexpectedly are most virulent that. ” 裂地妖圣,你在外一直低调,什么恶事都让九灵妖圣来做,我却是没想到,你竟然才是最为恶毒的那个。” A sound conveys suddenly, void middle Fokuang blooms, a hand stretches out from that Fokuang, grasps above small sword that unexpectedly directly, in that blood light soared to the heavens, just like picks flowers usually refers. 一个声音忽然传来,虚空当中佛光绽放,一只手从那佛光当中伸出,竟然直接握在了那血光冲霄的小剑之上,犹如拈花指一般。 The singing in praise of the Buddha writings, Fokuang fills the air, along with that Buddha rhyme picks flowers one finger/refers, crack Monster Saint Yuan slaughter immortal sword unexpectedly instantaneously by crumb, the instantaneous blood light fills the air, but was actually melted by Fokuang. 梵音大作,佛光弥漫,伴随着那佛韵拈花般的一指,裂地妖圣的元都屠仙剑竟然瞬间就被捏碎,瞬间血光弥漫,但却又被佛光所消融。 Buddhism to powerhouse! 佛门至强者! Nine spirit Monster Saint and crack Monster Saint facial colors simultaneously change. 九灵妖圣和裂地妖圣的面色同时一变。 They have had in secret the treaty of alliance with Vajrayana obviously, will the Buddhism lend a hand to help hold up day of Monster Saint? 他们明明已经跟密宗有过暗中盟约了,佛门怎么会出手帮助擎天妖圣这边? Evidently the one who acts is not the person of Vajrayana, but is Zen lineage/vein. 看样子出手的并不是密宗的人,而是禅宗一脉。 But that side Zen and Vajrayana should also have agreed in secret, Zen this time strength should in Eastern Travels Spirit Continent, how also to come to manage Southern Territory Fire Continent others 's business? 但禅宗和密宗那边也应该是有过暗中约定的,禅宗此时的力量应该都在东行灵州呢,又怎么会来管南域火洲的闲事? The next quarter, the figure of northern bright king finds out from that Fokuang, aura was still the Monster King boundary, but actually drifted from place to place, just like the bottomless trench was ordinary, making one ascertain airtight. 下一刻,北明王的身形从那佛光当中探出,一身气息仍旧是妖王境界,但却是飘忽不定,犹如无底深渊一般,让人捉摸不透。 Northern bright king! Unexpectedly is your old dog!” “北明王!竟然是你这条老狗!” The faces of nine spirit Monster Saint and on crack Monster Saint shows the expression that does not dare to believe that the first feeling situation seemingly somewhat is above own expectation. 九灵妖圣和裂地妖圣的脸上都露出了不敢置信的表情,第一次感觉局势貌似有些超乎自己的预料。 How can the lord of northern bright king Northern Polar Wintry Continent meddle his Southern Territory Fire Continent matter? 北极寒洲之主北明王又怎么会来插手他南域火洲的事情? Crack Monster Saint clenches jaws saying: Northern bright king, this is internal fight between my Southern Territory Fire Continent Monster Race, what do you mix?” 裂地妖圣咬牙切齿道:“北明王,这是我南域火洲妖族之间的内斗,你过来掺合什么?” Northern bright king Dandan said: „The national capitals of your ten thousand monster must be known as that control Five Continent World all Monster Race, how I can not join in the fun?” 北明王淡淡道:“你万妖之国都要号称统御五洲世界所有妖族了,我又怎能不来凑个热闹呢?” As the northern bright king voice falls, his hand pinches seal to decide, endless Fokuang integrates in his palm. 随着北明王话音落下,他手捏印决,无尽的佛光融入他的掌中。 Sang along with Buddha seal buddhists arrives, giant character Buddha seal dropped from the clouds, passed through all Spirit Qi to protect directly, directly crack Monster Saint suppressing bottom! 伴随着佛印梵唱降临,巨大的卍字佛印从天而降,直接贯穿所有灵气防护,径直把裂地妖圣给镇压到了地底! This let the people on the scene all there. 这一幕让在场的众人全都愣在了那里。 Although who knows, the northern bright king is not common Celestial Realm Monster King like that is absolutely simple, but no one has actually thought of northern bright king unexpectedly strong to this situation. 虽然谁都知道,北明王绝对不是寻常天人境妖王那般简单,但却谁都没想到北明王竟然会强到这种地步。 That has Dao Unification tertiary boundary crack Monster Saint, was given the so relaxed suppression by Monster King unexpectedly, is this scene what kind of humor? 那可是有着合道三重境界的裂地妖圣,竟然被一个妖王给如此轻松的镇压,这种场景是何等的滑稽? The world said that this northern bright king is eighth Monster Saint, this strength arrives at also worthily the eighth Monster Saint reputation. 世人都说这北明王是第八妖圣,这种实力到也不愧第八妖圣的名声。 But this northern bright king uses is actually not Monster Art, even he own main body has not used, he uses actually seems like Buddhism lineage/vein Cultivation Art. 只不过这北明王所用的却并不是妖法,甚至他连自己的本体都没有动用,他所用的却好像是佛门一脉的功法 But holds up that side day of Monster Saint, the law brightness that has not acted is actually looks at the northern bright king, the body has shivering slightly, loses the sound said: „ Arhat! The northern bright king card resulted in Arhat fruit position unexpectedly! 而擎天妖圣那边,还没出手的法慧却是看着北明王,身体有着微微的颤抖,失声道:“阿罗汉!北明王竟然证得了阿罗汉果位! Without the flying upwards paradise, how does he prove to result in Arhat fruit position? ” 没有飞升仙界,他是如何证得阿罗汉果位的?” Nearby three pure gold toad king Cha different ways: What are you saying? What fruit position?” 一旁的三足金蟾王诧异道:“你在说什么?什么果位?” The law brightness closely is staring at the northern bright kingly way: „ My Zen is divided into three fruit positions, respectively is Arhat, Bodhisattva and Buddha. 法慧紧紧盯着北明王道:“我禅宗共分三个果位,分别是阿罗汉、菩萨、佛。 But which type, is needs the Buddhist doctrine to be the certain extent, and after flying upwards paradise, can prove to obtain enlightenment the position. 但不论是哪种,都是需要佛法达到一定程度,并且飞升仙界之后才能够证得果位。 Since the northern bright king can be said as my Buddhism ten thousand years, first has not flown upwards then the card to result in existence of Arhat fruit position. 北明王可以说是我佛门万年以来,第一个还没有飞升便证得阿罗汉果位的存在。 No wonder he can suppress crack Monster Saint by the Celestial Realm peak. 怪不得他能够以天人境巅峰去镇压裂地妖圣 Although his cultivation base is Celestial Realm, but the boundary is actually Arhat. 修为虽然是天人境,但境界却已经是阿罗汉了。 Wait! It is not right! 等等!不对! He resulted in Arhat fruit position in this time card, certainly the road of own promotion? ” 他在此时证得了阿罗汉果位,岂不是绝了自己的晋升之路?” PS: Wish everyone National Day joyful() o PS:祝大家国庆快乐()o National Day does not prepare the going out wave, but must go to the father-in-law home to report, asks for leave for two days, but also asked everyone to excuse me. 国庆不准备出去浪,但要去岳父家报道,请假两天,还请大家见谅。
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