GSOH :: Volume #4

#354: Decisive battle

Nine spirit Monster Saint intense actions with moving compared with the mountain Monster Saint conciliation action, naturally then fell leeward. 九灵妖圣的激烈举动跟搬山妖圣的怀柔举动相比,自然便是落了下风。 Therefore he was also becomes in the western progress slow. 所以他在西边的进展也是变得缓慢了起来。 But he is indefinite, was actually to intend to be extremely anxious, oneself started not is still very ruthless. 但他却并不确定,究竟是自己出手太过急切了,还是自己下手依旧不够狠。 Therefore he convened this discussing official business, wants to have a look at everyone's opinion, actually next should how walk. 所以他才召开了这次议事,想要看看大家的意见,究竟下一步应该怎么走。 magnificence abyss immediately access road/simply said: „ Adoptive father, cannot continue again! 华九渊当即便道:“义父,不能再继续下去了! West side these Monster King is been too ruthless, even has started to have the stance that jointly we forced. 西边那些妖王已经被我们逼迫的太狠了,甚至已经开始有联手的架势了。 Having a plan for the present conciliation intimidates to be useless, best with stratagem of sowing discord, advances scatters their alliance, cannot make them gather absolutely goes together! ” 为今之计不论是怀柔还是威逼都是无用的,最好是用反间计,先行把他们的联盟打散,绝对不能让他们凑到一起去!” Such remarks, the Li Xuanzong secretly thought, the brain of this magnificence abyss actually is very sober, many eggs have not only used pitifully. 此言一出,就连李玄宗都不禁暗道,这华九渊的脑子倒是真的很清醒,只可惜并没有多少卵用。 He does not stand in the western these Monster King standpoints speaks, but stands in the interests of countries' of ten thousand monster. 他并不是站在西边那些妖王的立场上说话的,只是站在万妖之国的利益上。 Therefore before he wanted with the conciliation method, but now actually wants with the mean scheme differentiation. 所以之前他想要用怀柔手段,而现在却想要用阴狠的计谋分化。 Only when pitifully does not wait for the person, nine spirit Monster Saint do not want with this method of very much obviously now wasting the time. 只可惜时不等人,九灵妖圣很显然现在并不想要用这种浪费时间的方法。 Eight Sir willow also wanted to speak at this time, but was actually blocked by Li Xuanzong in secret. 八柳大人这时也想要说话,不过却被李玄宗给暗中拦住了。 Eight Sir willow also surprise looked at Li Xuanzong, does not know that Li Xuanzong is what meaning. 八柳大人还诧异的看了一眼李玄宗,不知道李玄宗是什么意思。 He also feels at this time somewhat strangely, this ya zi Monster King works is always goes straight there and comes straight back, but does this attitude, how feel today somewhat sinisterly? 他此时还感觉有些奇怪,这睚眦妖王做事一向都是直来直去的,不过今天这态度,怎么感觉有些阴险呢? Also without and other Sir willow responded, nine spirit Monster Saint will then look at Li Xuanzong, the sinking sound said: ya zi Monster King, you are responsible for the time of western these things being longest, how do you see?” 还没等八柳大人反应过来,九灵妖圣便将目光转向李玄宗,沉声道:“睚眦妖王,你负责西边那些事情的时间最长,你怎么看?” Li Xuanzong drank liquor, mystifying say/way: „ If according to the father beforehand means that can definitely take western these Monster King in one vigorous effort. 李玄宗喝了一口酒,阴阳怪气道:“若是按照老子之前的办法,完全可以一鼓作气把西边那些妖王拿下的。 But Sir Monster Saint actually must listen to the words of others, but also induces somebody to capitulate with the way of what conciliation, simply is laughable! 妖圣大人却是偏偏要听其他人的话,还用什么怀柔的方式去劝降,简直就是可笑! So a loosen one tight, slapped to a sweet jujube, instead western these Monster King spoiling, causing them to forget hurting of palm of the hand, only knows that ate the sweet jujube. 如此一松一紧,打了一个巴掌给一个甜枣,反而是把西边那些妖王给惯坏了,导致他们早就忘了巴掌的疼,只知道去吃甜枣了。 Now the matter has created, the will of the people had changed, the method was how useless. ” 现在事情已经造成了,人心已经变了,怎么方法都没用了。” The magnificence abyss just wanted to angrily rebuke Li Xuanzong, then by nine spirit Monster Saint blocking. 华九渊刚想要怒斥李玄宗,便被九灵妖圣给拦下。 Nine spirit Monster Saint attitudes rare kind asked to Li Xuanzong: „ ya zi Monster King, must have a fit of temper not, before you said that must close up, we poured not well to disturb you. 九灵妖圣态度少见和蔼的对李玄宗问道:“睚眦妖王,莫要发脾气嘛,之前你说要闭关,我们倒也不好去打扰你。 You have dealt with western these Monster King, you said how now should do? ” 你跟西边那些妖王都打过交道,你说说,现在应该如何去做?” Li Xuanzong narrows the eye saying: „ Very simple, some people are record to eat do not record to hit, really thinks that the countries of our ten thousand monster open inadequate of charitable institution? 李玄宗眯着眼睛道:“很简单,有些人就是记吃不记打,真以为我们万妖之国是开善堂的不成? Sir Monster Saint you convenes the countries' of entire ten thousand monster directly elite advances the west side horizontally, two Monster Saint make a move personally, gives them the ultimatum, actually whom having a look at not to dare to fall! ” 妖圣大人你直接召集整个万妖之国的精锐横推到西边,两位妖圣亲自出手,给他们最后通牒,看看究竟谁还不敢降!” The magnificence abyss stands to get angry the sound said immediately: Makes do! Your this is making do purely!” 华九渊顿时站起来怒声道:“乱搞!你这纯粹就是在乱搞!” Li Xuanzong is languid: Okay good, I make do, but you, if can do well, why today Sir Monster Saint holds the congress, making me and others offer advice?” 李玄宗懒洋洋道:“好好好,我是乱搞,但你若是能搞好,今日妖圣大人又何必召开大会,让我等来出主意?” Eight Sir willow also in nearby mystifying say/way: „ Precisely, we stilled well, some people that initially the western matter is done meddle to bother, finally makes the mess. 八柳大人也是在一旁阴阳怪气道:“就是嘛,当初咱们平定西边的事情做的好好的,偏偏有人来插手搅局,结果弄得一团糟。 If continuation makes us make a move, how matter will turn into now so the appearance? ” 若是继续让我们出手,事情又岂会变成现在这般模样?” magnificence abyss that side person also refuses to accept, both sides loudly quarrelled directly. 华九渊那边的人也是不服,双方直接大吵了起来。 At this time impatient nine spirit Monster Saint has waved the arms about directly, cold sound said: Shuts up to me!” 这时早就已经不耐烦的九灵妖圣直接一甩手,冷声道:“都给我闭嘴!” The prestige of instantaneous Monster Saint arrives, the people on the scene all shut up, does not dare to speak a few words again. 瞬间妖圣之威降临,在场的众人全都闭嘴,不敢再多说一句话。 Everyone assembles the manpower immediately, prepares the pressure western these fellows to surrender thoroughly. “所有人立刻集结人手,准备威压西边那些家伙彻底投降。 The countries of my ten thousand monster cannot only pester with them in Southern Territory Fire Continent fool around together, must surrender them with the quickest speed. ” 我万妖之国可不能只在一个南域火洲跟他们纠缠厮混,必须要用最快的速度降服他们。” Nine spirit Monster Saint is also disinclined with that help/gang unruly Monster King idle talk, the direct selection used the Li Xuanzong radical means. 九灵妖圣也是懒得去跟那帮桀骜不驯的妖王废话了,直接选择用李玄宗的激进办法。 After discussing official business ended, Li Xuanzong uses Secret Art immediately, for held up day of Monster Saint the information transmit, prepares to begin at any time. 议事结束之后,李玄宗这边立刻动用秘法,将消息传递给了擎天妖圣,随时准备动手。 Although the countries of entire ten thousand monster named country, but in fact also has the crack Monster Saint two Monster Saint subordinates to compose centered on nine spirit Monster Saint. 整个万妖之国虽然名为一国,但实际上却还是以九灵妖圣还有裂地妖圣两位妖圣为核心的手下所组成的。 The innumerable Great Monster small monsters add to have several tens of thousands of people fully uncommonly, the power and influence but actually. 无数大妖小妖加起来足有数万人,威势倒也不凡。 Initially moved mountain Monster Saint not to oppress subordinate Monster Race, therefore a side serving servant did not even have. 当初搬山妖圣不想要压迫麾下妖族,所以甚至身边连个侍候的下人都没有。 But unfortunately he does not want, but the classes of nine spirit also cracking places actually gather the subordinate wantonly, causing the tail unable to throw off now greatly. 但可惜的是他不愿意,但是九灵也裂地之流却是大肆招揽手下,导致现在已经尾大甩不掉了。 Southern Territory Fire Continent near four climate has the difference respectively, Barbarian Race close to the east side, the climate most pleasant, close to the north side is the like spring all year round, is the locations in countries' of ten thousand monster. 南域火洲四边的气候各有不同,蛮族靠近东边,气候最为怡人,靠近北边则是四季如春,乃是万妖之国的所在地。 But is moves mountain Monster Saint close to the south side in it place, the climate is burning hottest, as for this west side, is the climate worst place, changeable variable. 而靠近南边则是搬山妖圣所在之地,气候最为炎热,至于这西边嘛,则是气候最为恶劣之地,多变无常。 And enters Southern Territory Fire Continent western one biggest mountain pass to say buries Paradise Valley, stretches across several hundred li (0.5 km) greatness, magnificent magnificent, even had the immortal to fall from the sky it is said here. 其中进入南域火洲西部一处最大的关隘名曰葬仙谷,横跨数百里之巨,蔚然壮观,甚至据说曾经有仙人在这里陨落过。 Naturally this was rumored that mostly, if the immortal can fall from the sky here, that this place estimates for ten million years to be able infertile. 当然这多半是谣传,若是仙人能够在这里陨落,那这地方估计千万年来都会寸草不生的。 At this time nine spirit Monster Saint just led the person to arrive at that to bury the edge in Paradise Valley, nine spirit Monster Saint actually call a halt suddenly, the rear numerous Great Monster small monsters also stopped the footsteps, does not know nine spirit Monster Saint what is this. 此时九灵妖圣刚刚带着人来到那葬仙谷的边缘,九灵妖圣却是突然一停手,后方众多大妖小妖也都是停下了脚步,不知道九灵妖圣这是什么意思。 Holds up the day, comes out, be not hiding you. “擎天,出来吧,别藏着你。 Your I intersect for several hundred years, who does not know, you also plays this ghost legendary creature trick to be interesting? ” 你我相交数百年,谁不知道谁啊,你还玩这种鬼蜮伎俩有意思吗?” As nine spirit Monster Saint voices fall, entire buried in Paradise Valley actually to hear sound of the fierce strength vibration. 随着九灵妖圣的话音落下,整个葬仙谷内却是传来了一股剧烈的力量振动之声。 Under the revolution of large share formation, holds up day of Monster Saint together with three pure gold toad kings and the others, west Southern Territory Fire Continent almost more than ten Monster King also appear, several tens of thousands of people, the momentum does not lose nine spirit Monster Saint fully at once unexpectedly. 在大股阵法的运转之下,擎天妖圣连同三足金蟾王等人,还有南域火洲西部差不多十多位妖王同时出现,也足有数万人,声势一时之间竟然不输九灵妖圣这边。 Hydra, you are actually smart, how you know that I will ambush here?” “九头蛇,你倒是机灵,你怎么知道我会埋伏在这里?” Held up day of Monster Saint to be called to break the place of ambush, he was actually not surprised, instead stood naturally. 擎天妖圣被叫破了埋伏之地,他倒是一点都不吃惊,反而是大大方方的站了出来。 Nine spirit Monster Saint look gloomy say/way: „ You are loyal and devoted to that old apes and monkeys, how possibly to look that the countries of my ten thousand monster really do do in a big way? 九灵妖圣神色阴沉道:“你对那老猿猴忠心耿耿,怎么可能看着我万妖之国真的做大? When if I enter western pressure numerous Monster King, you may not have the slight opportunity. 若是等到我进入西部威压众多妖王,你们可就没有丝毫机会了。 Burying Paradise Valley is the final single layer mountain pass, you do not ambush here I, but where can also? 葬仙谷便是最后一重关隘,你不在这里埋伏我,还会在哪里? I pour also strangely, how west side these fellows suddenly then had the courage to revolt against the countries of my ten thousand monster, originally was you works as the backer in the back. 我倒还奇怪,西边这些家伙怎么突然便有胆气来反抗我万妖之国了,原来是你在背后当靠山。 That old apes and monkeys the oil lamp is completely dry, you are still working these for him, is worth? 那老猿猴已经油尽灯枯了,你还在为他奔走这些,值得吗? Today facing the countries of my ten thousand monster, he also has the courage to act? 今日面对我万妖之国,他还有胆气出手吗? Courage no Monster Saint that acts continually, but also is worth old ox you so giving loyalty to for him? ” 一个连出手的胆气都没有的妖圣,还值得老牛你为他如此效忠吗?”
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