GSOH :: Volume #4

#353: Everything depends on human effort

The black tide has been found in three states, but Five Continent World Cultivator too many anxious appearances, except for Ao Zheng this distance black tide too near influence, others have not had respective plan probably. 黑潮已经遍布三个州了,但五洲世界修士却好像并没有太多急切的模样,除了敖峥这种距离黑潮太近的势力,其他人都有着各自的谋划。 Daoism wants to be in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent, the Buddhism does not know that what kind of ambition is planning. 道门想要入主中元神洲,佛门不知道在谋划着怎样的野心。 The Monster Race civil strife, the Barbarian Race old ancestor on the brink of old age, has been able saying that now entire Five Continent World is one group of chaotic aspects. 妖族内乱,蛮族老祖已经垂老,可以说现在整个五洲世界都是一团乱糟糟的局面。 This even gives Li Xuanzong one type soon the feeling of judgment day. 这甚至都给李玄宗一种即将世界末日的感觉。 Simultaneously Li Xuanzong also approximately understood, why the northern bright king will look at these to him. 同时李玄宗也大约明白了,为何北明王会给他看这些。 Barbarian Race old ancestor because of Bo regard as, but northern bright king actually because of the Li Xuanzong status. 蛮族老祖是因为卜算,而北明王却是因为李玄宗的身份。 He is the Ao Zheng trusted aide, regarding the East Sea black tide can say that understood very much. 他算是敖峥的心腹,对于东海的黑潮可以说很是了解。 Similarly Southern Territory Fire Continent he also obtained the Barbarian Race old ancestor and moved mountain Monster Saint two also regards as important, had also understood the situation of Southern Territory Fire Continent black tide. 同样南域火洲这边他也是得到了蛮族老祖和搬山妖圣两位的同时看重,对于南域火洲黑潮的情况也有所了解。 Now adds on Northern Polar Wintry Continent again, Li Xuanzong unexpectedly is entire Five Continent World Cultivator that the black tide situation most understands. 现在再加上一个北极寒洲,李玄宗竟然是整个五洲世界对于黑潮局势最为了解的一名修士 It can be said that the black tide start of Five Continent World will really erupt by some chance in the future, Li Xuanzong is together the core figure who linkage all parties resist the black tide. 可以说万一将来五洲世界的黑潮真的开始爆发,李玄宗将会是联动各方共同抵抗黑潮的核心人物。 The northern bright king looks to Li Xuanzong, sighed a sound said: You should also understand that the obsolete meaning, about this black tide, what view you can have?” 北明王看向李玄宗,叹息一声道:“你也应该明白老朽的意思了,关于这黑潮,你可有什么看法?” Li Xuanzong smiles bitterly is shaking the head saying: „ Light was such big black tide I have then seen three times. 李玄宗苦笑着摇头道:“光是这么大的黑潮我便已经见过三次了。 Especially the East Sea black tide, almost depended on Ocean Overturning Monster Saint also to have the strength resistance support of East Sea hundred clans in the past. 特别是东海的黑潮,几乎完全是靠着覆海妖圣还有东海百族的力量抵抗支撑过去的。 But the manpower is poor sometimes, wanting the light to depend on the manpower to resist the black tide is almost unlikely. 但人力有时穷,想要光靠着人力来抵抗黑潮几乎是不太可能的。 Even can resist for a while, is still opposeless first. 就算是能抵抗一时,却也难抵抗一世。 Therefore what needs is advances entire Five Continent World pulls together to do something is good. 所以必须要的是先行把整个五洲世界都拧成一股绳才行。 Only the strength of some set entire Five Continent World, can find the black tide the source, exterminates the black tide thoroughly. ” 唯有集合整个五洲世界之力,才能够找到黑潮的源头,彻底灭绝黑潮。” North bright king shakes the head to say gently: „ Gathers the strength of entire Five Continent World to be easier said than done? 北明王轻轻摇头道:“可是汇聚整个五洲世界之力谈何容易? Northern Polar Wintry Continent I can say then decide all , because the Northern Polar Wintry Continent strength is weak. 北极寒洲我能够一言便决定一切,是因为北极寒洲力量薄弱稀少。 If changes into other continents, the situation may be different. ” 若是换成其他洲,情况可就不一样了。” Li Xuanzong narrowed the eye to say at this time suddenly: „ Everything depends on human effort, has certainly actually possibility, but these actually must pay some blood. 李玄宗这时候忽然眯着眼睛道:“事在人为,倒是有一定可能性的,不过这其中却要付出一些鲜血来。 Takes Eastern Travels Spirit Continent for instance, the Buddhism invades on a large scale, has made into a hopeless mess with four immortal sects. 东行灵州为例,佛门大举入侵,已经跟四大仙宗打成一锅粥了。 Four immortal sects the deterioration is decayed, is already this/should that influence of elimination, when they make into after the Buddhism was mutually wounded, if Ocean Overturning Monster Saint can clean up the aftermath, will certainly be able series Eastern Travels Spirit Continent. 四大仙宗已经衰败腐朽,属于早就该淘汰的那种势力,等到他们跟佛门打成了两败俱伤之后,覆海妖圣若是能够收拾残局,必将能够一统东行灵州 Southern Territory Fire Continent, we, if can suppress nine spirit Monster Saint to rebel, pursued south the town/subdues again the strength of king and Vajrayana is successful. 南域火洲这边,我们若是能够压制九灵妖圣反叛,再驱逐镇南王和密宗的力量便已经算是成功了。 Moving mountain Monster Saint although at this time is close to the oil lamp being completely dry, so long as he does not die, has the absolute deterrent force to Monster Race, in addition experiences this time has rebelled later Monster Race to know that which side chose, when the time comes decided however also meets the thoughts of returning home. 搬山妖圣此时虽然接近油尽灯枯,但只要他不死,就对妖族有着绝对的威慑力,外加经历过这次叛乱之后妖族已经知道选择哪方了,到时候定然也会归心的。 Barbarian Race there was easier to do, Barbarian Race old ancestor spoke is very effective, in addition I to some Barbarian Race kindness, Southern Territory Fire Continent Monster Race and Barbarian Race can also abandon the gratitude and grudges to congeal a rope. 蛮族那里就更好办了,蛮族老祖说话还是很管用的,外加我对蛮族有些恩惠,南域火洲妖族蛮族也能够摒弃恩怨凝成一股绳。 But that side Central Yuan Divine Continent, Daoism if at this time really can series Central Yuan Divine Continent, toward gather the supreme immortal of being split up, can gather more strengths. 中元神洲那边,道门此时若是真能够一统中元神洲,把四分五裂的至尊仙朝重新聚拢起来,也能够汇聚更多的力量。 Only the western Buddhism I really cannot understand now, but when the time comes we, if gathered the strength of four continent, this strength is very terrifying. ” 只有西边的佛门我现在是真的看不太懂,不过到时候我们若是汇聚四洲之力了,这股力量已经很恐怖了。” The northern bright king shakes the head saying: But these are your conjecture, is almost the best result.” 北明王摇摇头道:“可是这些都是你的臆想,几乎是最好的结果。” Li Xuanzong indifferent lets go saying: „ Everything depends on human effort. 李玄宗无所谓的一摊手道:“事在人为嘛。 If these conjectures if no, can't even sit here can wait for the black tide to vanish automatically? ” 若是连这些臆想都没有的话,总不能在这里坐着就能等黑潮自动消失吧?” The northern bright king smiled bitterly: „ Your these young people have the sharp qi. 北明王苦笑了一声:“还是你们这些年轻人有锐气。 Good, everything depends on human effort, that first handled Southern Territory Fire Continent to say again. 不错,事在人为,那就先搞定南域火洲再说了。 Northern Polar Wintry Continent cannot be chaotic, I will not bring making a move of too many. 北极寒洲不能乱,同时我也不会带太多人的出手。 Only the critical moment, the old man will begin. 只有到了关键时刻,老夫才会动手的。 This thing you take, when prepared to begin, when told the old man again. ” 此物你拿着,什么时候准备动手了,什么时候再来告诉老夫。” Saying, northern bright king throw to Li Xuanzong together the jade pendant that used ten thousand years of thick ice to make, above inscribes marks. 说着,北明王扔给了李玄宗一块用万年玄冰制成的玉佩,上面铭刻着一道道阵纹。 However saw after that mark, Li Xuanzong actually stares. 不过看到那阵纹之后李玄宗却是一愣。 Because on a that mark actually has the aura of Buddhism, although is not the mark of exclusive Buddhism, but actually extends to come from a Buddhism mark absolutely. 因为那上面的阵纹竟然有着佛门的气息,虽然不是专属佛门的阵纹,但却绝对是从佛门阵纹上延伸而来的。 This makes Li Xuanzong immediately one startled, is it possible that is the northern bright king the person of Buddhism? 这让李玄宗顿时一惊,莫非北明王乃是佛门的人? However this is also unlikely, northern bright king Ruo is really the person of Buddhism, the strength of that Buddhism rather was extremely also abnormal. 不过这也不太可能,北明王若真是佛门的人,那佛门的实力也未免太过变态了。 In that case, the Buddhism was OK by the forcing person directly, why bother to make so many at sixes and sevens methods to deceive itself? 若是那样的话,佛门直接以力压人就可以了,何苦弄这么多乱七八糟的手段来蒙骗自己呢? Therefore Li Xuanzong has not indulged in flights of fancy but actually, after surprised, then returns to Southern Territory Fire Continent immediately. 所以李玄宗倒也没有胡思乱想,惊讶了一番之后便立刻回到南域火洲去了。 After all he is still pretending to close up at this time, the time of if staying grew, by nine spirit Monster Saint they were really found that is not good. 毕竟他此时还在假装闭关呢,若是停留的时间长了,真被九灵妖圣他们发现就不好了。 In Li Xuanzong escapes shortly after the countries of ten thousand monster, nine spirit Monster Saint then spread the news, making him plan to participate in discussing official business, the countries of ten thousand monster feared that has the big sound. 就在李玄宗神不知鬼不觉遁回万妖之国不久,九灵妖圣便传来消息,让他准备参加议事,万妖之国怕是有大动静。 Li Xuanzong reorganized a figure, discovered after own aura has not revealed the least bit flaw questionable point, then the small monster with transmitting orders arrived at the main hall. 李玄宗整理了一下身形,发现自身气息并没有露出半点破绽疑点后,便跟着传令的小妖来到大殿。 At this time in main hall, nine spirit Monster Saint and crack Monster Saint two people, magnificence Jiuyuan, eight Sir willow and other trusted aides in countries' of monster. 此时大殿内,九灵妖圣和裂地妖圣两人都在,还有华九渊、八柳大人等万妖之国的心腹。 It can be said that the nuclei of countries' of entire ten thousand monster almost here, looked that its appearance then must have the big movement. 可以说整个万妖之国的中坚力量几乎都在这里了,看其模样便是要有大动作。 Nine spirit Monster Saint are frowning saying: „ Recently the progress of countries' of my ten thousand monster are somewhat slow. 九灵妖圣皱着眉头道:“最近一段时间我万妖之国的进展有些缓慢。 Before also some Monster King turned, but recently western these Monster King restless was actually more and more happy, seemingly in secret sign of union. 之前还有一些妖王投靠,不过最近西边那些妖王闹腾的却是越来越欢了,貌似还有了暗中联合的迹象。 South Vajrayana and town/subdues that side the king were blocked by Barbarian Race, at this time is very impatient, if we do not solve western these Monster King to support them, feared that will be these two will leave to retrocede. 密宗和镇南王那边被蛮族拦住,此时已经很不耐烦了,我们若是再不解决西边这些妖王去支援他们,怕是这两家会抽身后退。 How therefore at present you to see regarding the western situation? ” 所以眼下对于西边的局势你们都如何看?” Nine spirit Monster Saint make eight Sir willow process these Monster King according to the method that Li Xuanzong leaves behind, these person with no mind of his own spineless people naturally were the earliest possible time surrendered, but actually gave lip-service. 九灵妖圣让八柳大人按照李玄宗留下的方法去处理那些妖王,那些墙头草软骨头自然是第一时间投降了,但却是口服心不服。 But these unruly, and character staunchness is not actually willing to submit to the countries of this nuisance ten thousand monster. 而那些桀骜不驯且性格刚烈者却是并不愿意臣服这劳什子万妖之国。 In addition holds up day of Monster Saint still to agitate them in secret, making this group of people also reverse to gradually moved mountain Monster Saint. 外加擎天妖圣还在暗中鼓动他们,使得这帮人也渐渐倒向了搬山妖圣这边。 Before they also felt that moved the width of mountain Monster Saint manages, how was so severe to them. 之前他们还感觉搬山妖圣管的宽,对他们如此严苛如何如何。 But currently has the contrast, they actually felt that moves mountain Monster Saint to do also seriously good. 但现在有了对比,他们却感觉搬山妖圣做的还当真不错。 At least past moved mountain Monster Saint, even if severe to them, even makes a move to suppress them directly, but actually is also reasonable, without saying then began to kill people directly is not? 起码昔日搬山妖圣哪怕对他们再严苛,甚至直接出手镇压他们,但却也是讲道理的,也没说直接便动手杀人不是? Therefore quality thing obvious boundary, completely do not look at the contrast. 所以好坏这种东西并没有明显的界限,完全是要看对比的。
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