GSOH :: Volume #4

#352: Northern territory black tide

Feeling that the imposing manner of northern bright king extremely has not oppressed, probably common neighbor old people are common. 北明王的气势并没有太过压迫的感觉,就好像是寻常的邻家老人一般。 But at this time in the eye of Li Xuanzong, the northern bright king aura is actually too deep to see the bottom, imitating, if the abyss is common, cannot inquire into. 但此时在李玄宗的眼中,北明王身上的气息却是深不见底,仿若深渊一般,不可探究。 Li Xuanzong sinking sound said: „ Nine spirit Monster Saint wild ambitions, the countries of his ten thousand monster may want control Southern Territory Fire Continent Monster Race not only, but is entire Five Continent World. 李玄宗沉声道:“九灵妖圣狼子野心,他的万妖之国可不光是想要统御南域火洲妖族,而是整个五洲世界 Therefore regarding Northern Polar Wintry Continent, nine spirit Monster Saint also similarly is the single layer threat. ” 所以对于北极寒洲,九灵妖圣也同样是一重威胁。” Northern bright king Xiao saying with a smile: „ You can look obsolete, showed that you approved the obsolete strength. 北明王笑了笑道:“你能来找老朽,就证明你认可了老朽的实力。 Although my old man is not Monster Saint, but also indeed some methods can shoulder Monster Saint hardly, therefore you think nine spirit Monster Saint so easily then starts to my Northern Polar Wintry Continent? 我这老头子虽然不是妖圣,但也的确是有一些手段能够硬扛妖圣的,所以你认为九灵妖圣会如此轻易的便对我北极寒洲下手? The similar truth, the east side nine spirits do not dare. 同样的道理,东边九灵也是不敢的。 You are the East Sea family background, naturally is knows that the Ao Zheng strength, taking advantage of nine spirit two courage, he does not dare to go to East Sea to weed out the Ao Zheng dragon whisker. 你是东海出身,自然是知道敖峥的实力的,借九灵两个胆子,他也不敢去东海敖峥的龙须。 But west side there, local Monster Race was controlled by the Buddhism, became Protector of Buddhism with the goon, therefore nine spirit Monster Saint will not go. 而西边那里,当地的妖族都被佛门所掌控,成了佛门的护法跟打手,所以九灵妖圣也是不会去的。 Said over and over again, actually met with a disaster also only had Southern Territory Fire Continent one. 说来说去,其实遭殃的也只有南域火洲一家。 Your this reason, cannot touch me. ” 你这个理由,并不能打动我。” Li Xuanzong sinking sound said: „ Does that add on the Buddhism again? 李玄宗沉声道:“那再加上佛门呢? Western Sands Saint Continent there seems like some is not right, the Buddhism recent ambition is obvious. 西圣沙洲那里貌似有些不对劲,佛门最近的野心已经昭然若揭。 Zen lineage/vein ignore the plan, entered Eastern Travels Spirit Continent crazily, the local four immortal sects could not have blocked, they dreaded the Ocean Overturning Monster Saint power and influence, this does not dare to step into the shore of East Sea. 禅宗一脉不顾计划,疯狂进入东行灵州,当地四大仙宗已经挡不住了,他们只是畏惧覆海妖圣的威势,这才没敢踏入东海之滨的。 Southern Territory Fire Continent, king of Vajrayana south together with the town/subdues colludes with nine spirit Monster Saint to carve up Southern Territory Fire Continent together anxiously, the action exceptionally. 南域火洲这边,密宗连同镇南王勾结九灵妖圣共同瓜分南域火洲,行动异常的急切。 Even Northern Polar Wintry Continent also has the form of Vajrayana. 甚至就连北极寒洲这边也有密宗的身影。 Because they have not taken Southern Territory Fire Continent, therefore has not dispatched the large-scale strength to start to Northern Polar Wintry Continent at once. 只不过因为他们还没拿下南域火洲,所以一时之间没有派遣大规模的力量对北极寒洲下手。 Although I do not know that the Buddhism must make anything, but the opposite party recent action is some are not obviously right. 我虽然不知道佛门要做什么,不过对方最近的举动明显是有些不对头的。 If the lips are gone , the teeth will be cold, northern bright Sir king , to block the Buddhism, that best way first helps Southern Territory Fire Continent, strangles the ambition of Buddhism in Southern Territory Fire Continent, repulses outside the thousand li (500 km). ” 正所谓唇亡齿寒,北明王大人若是想要挡住佛门,那最好的办法就是先帮助南域火洲,把佛门的野心扼杀在南域火洲,拒敌于千里之外。” The northern bright king heaves a deep sigh, suddenly smiled bitterly: Buddhism, oh, Buddhism.” 北明王摇头叹息,忽然苦笑了一声:“佛门,唉,佛门啊。” During his forced smile contained many things, some were a pity, some resenting, even a fondly remembering mood. 他这声苦笑当中包含了许多东西,有可惜,也有愤恨,甚至还有一丝怀念的情绪。 But after the moment, the northern bright king said suddenly: „ Good, then promises you to act obsolete. 但片刻后,北明王却是忽然道:“那好,老朽便答应你出手。 However must want your Li Xuanzong to come the layout arrangement, I will so act. ” 不过一切必须都是要你李玄宗来布局安排,如此我才会出手的。” Li Xuanzong hears word stares immediately. 李玄宗闻言顿时一愣。 He also has a lot of words not saying that finally who becomes thinks that this northern bright king is actually some does not press the repertoire to play a card, complied? 他还有着一肚子的话没说出口呢,结果谁成想这北明王却是有些不按套路出牌,就这么答应了? Northern bright king faint smile: What's wrong, I comply so agile, are you difficult to be inadequate also some is not familiar with?” 北明王似笑非笑道:“怎么,我答应的如此利索,你难不成还有些不习惯吗?” The Li Xuanzong forced smile said: Is is not not familiar with, but has not thought northern bright Sir king you looks to the situation so clear.” 李玄宗苦笑道:“不是不习惯,而是没想到北明王大人您对局势看的如此清晰。” The northern bright king shakes the head saying: „ Wrong, except for Northern Polar Wintry Continent this little plot of land, the situation of entire world I actually looks is not clear. 北明王摇摇头道:“错,除了北极寒洲这一亩三分地,整个天下的局势我其实看的并不清晰。 Cannot see clearly the Buddhism to make anything like me to be the same now, actually I will not know this cultivation future to be able so. 就如同我看不清现在佛门想要做什么一样,我也不知道这修行界未来究竟会如此。 This time I comply to act, favors your Li Xuanzong purely. 这次我答应出手,纯粹就只是看好你李玄宗而已。 Today if not for your Li Xuanzong comes personally, even if changes into holds up day of Monster Saint, I will not comply. ” 今日若不是你李玄宗亲自前来,哪怕是换成擎天妖圣,我都不会答应的。” Why?” “为何?” Some Li Xuanzong also really surprise. 李玄宗还真有些诧异。 Because of entire Northern Polar Wintry Continent, he besides knowing the northern territory tiger king, actually not too many relations. 因为整个北极寒洲,他除了认识北域虎王之外,其实并没有太多的关系。 Even if the northern bright king favors him, this still rather some extremely favored. 北明王就算是看好他,这也未免有些太过看好了吧。 Northern bright king Ningshi Li Xuanzong, faint smile: „ Is obsolete I on looking at the person is not so is too always accurate, therefore my subordinate person, once followed to be obsolete my many years, can be completely understood the understanding by me truly. 北明王凝视着李玄宗,似笑非笑道:“老朽我在看人上面向来都不是那么太准,所以我麾下的人,都是曾经跟着老朽我许多年,才能被我真正看透认识的。 But your Li Xuanzong is different, you had been favored by many people. 但你李玄宗却不一样,你已经被许多人看好了。 Closes up for a long time Barbarian Race old ancestor to be willing to see you, moves mountain Monster Saint to be willing to receive you for the last student. 闭关许久的蛮族老祖愿意见你,搬山妖圣愿意收你为关门弟子。 Ao Zheng all rights beside East Sea gave you, your position even also above Ao the Chinese people. 敖峥更是将东海之外所有权利都交给了你,你的地位甚至还在敖氏龙种之上。 These stand in the cultivation peak powerhouses are not the blind people, since they like to believe you, that then proved your ability and moral behavior sufficiently. 这些站在修行界巅峰的强者都不是瞎子,他们既然愿意相信你,那便足以证明你的能力和人品了。 Is the old man is willing to believe you, is I am rather willing to believe these powerhouses. ” 与其说是老夫愿意相信你,不如说是我愿意相信那些强者。” Nod of Li Xuanzong understands clearly, he has not thought actually, can be unexpectedly for this reason. 李玄宗了然的点了点头,他倒是没想到,竟然会是因为这个原因。 Abatement reason, a matter is also the obsolete my reason meddles the Southern Territory Fire Continent matter reason. “除却这个原因,还有一件事情也是老朽我原因插手南域火洲的事情原因。 Li young friend, looks with the old man. ” 李小友,跟老夫过来看一看吧。” Northern bright king sighed, before waving the body of Li Xuanzong, then raised the steps that thick ice condensed becomes, was upward. 北明王叹息一声,挥手之间李玄宗的身前便升起了一道玄冰所凝聚而成的阶梯,一路向上。 Li Xuanzong follows the northern bright king along the steps upward, has climbed the end of Great Snow Mountain, has penetrated the fog. 李玄宗跟着北明王沿着阶梯上行,一直攀登到了大雪山的尽头,已经深入云雾当中了。 In the end of that fog, does not know tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m) distance, after seeing the thing of top of the head, Li Xuanzong held breath immediately cold air. 在那云雾的尽头,已经不知道几万丈的距离,当看到头顶的东西后,李玄宗顿时倒吸了一口凉气。 Sees only in the middle of that fog end midair, has a huge space fissure. 只见在那云雾尽头的半空当中,有着一个巨大的空间裂痕。 That fissure have several the hundred zhang (333 m) size fully, endless black fog from surges. 那裂痕足有数百丈大小,无尽的黑雾从其中涌动而出。 In the center of that black fog can also see that has some pale hands and feet limbs to wave indistinctly, some bodies exceptionally gigantic, simply not normal person. 在那黑雾的中央还能够看到隐约有着一些苍白的手脚肢体才舞动着,有些身躯异常的硕大,简直不似正常人。 This thing Li Xuanzong was familiar unexpectedly is the black tide! 这东西李玄宗可是太熟悉了竟然是黑潮! But this black tide frozen was actually lived, at the same time several hundred li (0.5 km) thick ice in the middle of the fog, was isolating the black tide strength horizontally. 只不过这处黑潮却是被冰封住了,一面数百里的玄冰横在了云雾当中,隔绝着黑潮的力量。 Northern bright king Tanxi: This thing should you not be strange? In East Sea and southern state volcano, you should see it.” 北明王叹息道:“这东西你应该不陌生吧?在东海和南州火山,你应该都见过它了。” Li Xuanzong nods saying: „ I think the black tide only appears in East Sea, never expected that Southern Territory Fire Continent and Northern Polar Wintry Continent also had the black tide. 李玄宗点了点头道:“我原本以为黑潮只在东海出现,没想到南域火洲北极寒洲也出现了黑潮。 So calculates the words that the Western Sands Saint Continent that side does have? Central Yuan Divine Continent does there have? ” 如此算下来的话,西圣沙洲那边有没有?中元神洲那里有没有?” Northern bright king Yaotou said: „ Does not know, perhaps has, even the change of Buddhism possibly is also related with the black tide. 北明王摇头道:“不知道,或许是有的,甚至佛门的异动也可能跟黑潮有关。 This black tide is almost the same time appears with the Southern Territory Fire Continent black tide, I when heard that Southern Territory Fire Continent changes then sends people to have the exchange with Barbarian Race, has known the black tide incident. 这处黑潮跟南域火洲的黑潮几乎是同一时间出现的,我在闻听南域火洲异动的时候便派人跟蛮族有过交流,得知过黑潮一事。 Also was the Barbarian Race old ancestor also has to move the mountain Monster Saint approach to give me to inspire. 也是蛮族老祖还有搬山妖圣的做法给了我启发。 Great Snow Mountain is the place of entire Northern Polar Wintry Continent land features cold air gathering, I then arrange/cloth next formation under Great Snow Mountain, gather the strength of land features cold air to condense the thick ice in the middle of the midair, resists the black tide with the aid of the strength of the world. 大雪山乃是整个北极寒洲地脉寒气汇聚之地,我便在大雪山下布下一座阵法,汇聚地脉寒气之力在半空当中凝聚成玄冰,借助天地之力来抵抗黑潮。 Pitifully only borrows the strength of world comes to be limited throughout, during these years, the glacier of Great Snow Mountain has melted had the hundred zhang (333 m) fully, and speed is still intensifying. 只可惜借用而来的天地之力始终是有限的,这些年当中,大雪山的冰川已经融化了足有百丈了,并且速度还在加剧。 How long therefore this thick ice can block black tide, I am indefinite. ” 所以这玄冰能够挡住黑潮多长时间,我也不确定。”
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