GSOH :: Volume #4

#351: Northern Polar Wintry Continent

The magnificence abyss has the ability, is not inferior to Li Xuanzong, some scheme enrolments that but he thought before at sixes and sevens that Li Xuanzong that radical behavior stirs. 华九渊不是没有能力,也不是不如李玄宗,只不过他之前所想的一些招揽计划被李玄宗那激进的行为搅的乱七八糟。 But if country of that sides ten thousand monster give him the time, he pours can also harvest. 但万妖之国那边若是给他时间,他倒也是能够有所收获。 Under his statement, poured also two Monster King really somewhat to move, had some interests to the countries of ten thousand monster. 在他的陈述之下,倒也有两个妖王是真的有些动心了,对万妖之国还有了一些兴趣。 Pitifully that side the countries of ten thousand monster actually could not only allow him to delay the time here. 只可惜万妖之国那边却是容不得他在这里耽搁时间了。 First launches an attack naturally was eight Sir willow. 最先发难的自然就是八柳大人了。 Eight Sir willow looked that the magnificence abyss is uncomfortable, but long time. 八柳大人看华九渊不爽可是很长时间了。 At this time sees him to admit defeat, eight Sir willow complains in front of nine spirit Monster Saint immediately, said the magnificence abyss incompetently wait/etc. 此时看到他吃瘪,八柳大人立刻在九灵妖圣面前告状,说华九渊无能等等。 But nine spirit Monster Saint are some feelings is impatient at this time. 而九灵妖圣此时也是有些感觉不耐烦了。 That ya zi Monster King works does not have the brain crazily, simple killing has the effect, your magnificent abyss abandoned such big strength not to have the function, was the method has problems mostly. 那睚眦妖王做事疯狂无脑,就是一路简单的杀杀杀都有效果,你华九渊废了这么大的力气却是毫无作用,多半就是方法出了问题。 Therefore nine spirit Monster Saint approved of the viewpoint of Li Xuanzong at this time faintly. 所以九灵妖圣此时都隐隐赞同李玄宗的观点了。 West side these Monster King are some unruly generations, only the most intense method can surrender them usefully, probably moves mountain Monster Saint that conciliation method is incorrect. 西边这些妖王都是一些桀骜不驯之辈,唯有用最激烈的手段才能够降服他们,像是搬山妖圣那种怀柔手段是不行的。 Therefore that side nine spirit Monster Saint one month later also the magnificence abyss removing, changed into eight Sir willow. 所以九灵妖圣那边在一个月之后也是把华九渊给撤了下来,换成了八柳大人。 But eight Sir willow follows Li Xuanzong to cut two Monster King continually, naturally is knows that Li Xuanzong is what conduct way. 而八柳大人跟着李玄宗连斩两位妖王,自然是知道李玄宗是什么行事方式。 Therefore he comes up then to start to continue with the intense method, poured also really forces Monster King to surrender. 所以他一上来便又开始继续用激烈的手段,倒还真逼迫了一位妖王投降。 However this act is also makes the western these Monster Race influences think that the countries of ten thousand monster are capricious, were more regarding the disaffection and anger of countries' of ten thousand monster. 不过此举却也是让西边那些妖族势力认为万妖之国反复无常,对于万妖之国的不满和愤怒越加的多了起来。 The countries of ten thousand monster is messing things up, Li Xuanzong had actually arrived at Northern Polar Wintry Continent at this time. 万妖之国这边在胡搞,李玄宗此时却已经来到了北极寒洲 A continent that Five Continent World, most barren and most has not had the feeling possibly was Northern Polar Wintry Continent. 五洲世界,最为贫瘠和最没有存在感的一洲可能便是北极寒洲了。 Because was covered by the snow and ice all day long, therefore the Northern Polar Wintry Continent land is barren, the vitality is weak, the habitation is extremely scarce, let alone was Cultivator. 因为终日都被冰雪所覆盖,所以北极寒洲土地贫瘠,生机薄弱,就连人烟都极其稀少,更别说是修行者了。 Some people have counted probably, the entire Northern Polar Wintry Continent population puts together, possibly has not travelled to the East the population of Spirit Continent three counties to be many. 有人大概统计过,整个北极寒洲的人口加在一起,可能还没有东行灵洲三个郡的人口要多。 Since the northern bright king wields Northern Polar Wintry Continent, has gotten down the biggest regulation is Cultivator cannot slaughter innocents. 所以自从北明王执掌北极寒洲之后,所下过的最大律法就是修行者不许滥杀无辜。 Regardless of you are the person or the monster, so long as there is a behavior of slaughtering innocents, immediately puts to death, does not appease. 不论你是人还是妖,只要有滥杀无辜的行为,立刻诛杀,绝不姑息。 Under the severe laws, entire Northern Polar Wintry Continent is can be calm and steady, these years the strength grows gradually. 重典之下,整个北极寒洲才算是得以安稳,这些年来力量缓步增长。 The cave mansion that the northern bright king is in the Northern Polar Wintry Continent center, the name said Great Snow Mountain North Pole hole. 北明王所在的洞府就在北极寒洲中央,名曰大雪山北极洞。 Actually hears this name time Li Xuanzong also to feel somewhat strangely. 其实听到这个名字的时候李玄宗还感觉有些奇怪。 The entire Northern Polar Wintry Continent mountain peak is almost snow-covered, where isn't Great Snow Mountain? 整个北极寒洲的山峰几乎都是冰雪覆盖的,哪里不是大雪山? However waited for Li Xuanzong to see after that Great Snow Mountain, knows, Great Snow Mountain that the northern bright king was at really big. 不过等李玄宗见到了那大雪山之后才知道,北明王所在的大雪山是真的大。 The entire Great Snow Mountain reaches as high as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), is almost reaches to the sky general. 整座大雪山高达万丈,几乎是高耸入云一般。 The middle is snow gleams white, the top layer was almost covered by the glacier, the steps that only then casts with the ice crystal wind to arrive at the crown upwardly. 中部白雪皑皑,顶层几乎都被冰川所覆盖,只有一条用冰晶铸就的阶梯蜿蜒向上一直到达顶部。 East Sea Li Xuanzong, seeks an interview the northern bright king!” 东海李玄宗,求见北明王!” Stands before the Great Snow Mountain gateway, the Li Xuanzong clear and resonant voice spoke , the sound resounded through the entire snowy mountain immediately. 站在大雪山门户之前,李玄宗朗声说到,声音顿时响彻整座雪山。 The next quarter, the form of northern territory tiger king jumps down from the Great Snow Mountain peak directly, said ill-humoredly: „ What do you shout? Reveals your voice greatly not? 下一刻,北域虎王的身影直接从大雪山顶峰一跃而下,没好气道:“你嚷嚷个啥?显你嗓门大是不? The snow that the father just swept couple days ago, made you shout the avalanche to you again. ” 老子前几天刚刚扫完的雪,再让你给你喊雪崩了。” Li Xuanzong somewhat smiled saying with a smile slightly awkwardly: Sorry , the first time is came Northern Polar Wintry Continent below, forgot this actually.” 李玄宗略微有些尴尬的笑了笑道:“抱歉,在下也是第一次来北极寒洲,倒是忘了这点。” Northern territory tiger king some surprise looked at Li Xuanzong one: „ Your boy practice speed is very actually strong, at this time unexpectedly had arrived at the Heaven and Man uniting boundary. 北域虎王有些诧异的看了李玄宗一眼:“你小子这修练速度倒是真的挺强啊,此时居然已经到了天人合一境界了。 However you do not handle these at sixes and sevens things in Southern Territory Fire Continent, how did the thoughts come my Northern Polar Wintry Continent? ” 不过你不在南域火洲处理那些乱七八糟的事情,怎么还有心思来我北极寒洲了?” In the Li Xuanzong heart moves, in this northern territory tiger king words has the words. 李玄宗心中一动,这北域虎王话中有话啊。 He person who Southern Territory Fire Continent in these actually small range is knows, then after all he since was moved mountain Monster Saint receives after the disciple to have no news to pass on. 他在南域火洲所做的那些其实只有小范围内的人知道,毕竟他自从被搬山妖圣收为弟子之后便一直都没有任何消息传出去。 Finally the Northern Polar Wintry Continent great distance is so far, northern territory tiger king actually also knows, actually he is caring about the Southern Territory Fire Continent situation, is caring about itself? 结果北极寒洲相隔这么远,北域虎王竟然还知道,那他究竟是在关心着南域火洲的局势,还是在关心着自己? Li Xuanzong extremely has not gone into seriously, but said submissively: „Below also because of the Southern Territory Fire Continent matter, wants to ask northern bright king to discuss some important matters.” 李玄宗没有太过深究,只是拱手道:“在下也正是因为南域火洲的事情,想要找北明王商量一下一些要事。” Northern territory tiger king Shenshen looked at Li Xuanzong one, the faint smile: Ok, comes up, northern bright Sir king is waiting for you.” 北域虎王深深看了李玄宗一眼,似笑非笑道:“行,上来吧,北明王大人正在等着你呢。” Li Xuanzong nods, is climbing Great Snow Mountain with the northern territory tiger king from the steps fast. 李玄宗点了点头,跟着北域虎王从阶梯之上快速的攀登着大雪山。 Above entire Great Snow Mountain halfway up the mountainside also some pavilions and so on, but seemingly has not occupied too many Cultivator. 整座大雪山半山腰之上也有一些亭台楼阁之类的,但貌似并没有居住太多修士 Even some, still focusing on Human Race, rarely has Monster Race and Barbarian Race on the contrary. 就算是有一些,也是以人族为主的,反倒是很少有妖族蛮族 Northern territory tiger king as if saw the doubts in Li Xuanzong heart, said lightly: „ The Northern Polar Wintry Continent three clans altogether revere the northern bright king, but Monster Race has the respective cave mansion, Barbarian Race also has the respective tribe, therefore usually in not in Great Snow Mountain cultivation. 北域虎王仿佛是看到了李玄宗心中的疑惑,淡淡道:“北极寒洲三族共尊北明王,不过妖族都有各自的洞府,蛮族也都有各自的部落,所以平日里也不会在大雪山修行 Some Human Race Sect have some powder to cultivate/repair actually often in Great Snow Mountain cultivation, because they can consult the issues on some cultivation to northern bright Sir king. ” 人族一些宗门还有一些散修倒是常在大雪山修行,因为他们可以向北明王大人请教一些修行上的问题。” Li Xuanzong nods, in heart some actually doubts. 李玄宗点了点头,心中倒是有些疑惑。 But the northern bright king Monster Race, Monster Race does not consult the northern bright king issue finally, is actually these Human Race Cultivator customs consults the northern bright king issue. 北明王可是妖族,结果妖族不来请教北明王问题,却是那些人族修士习惯请教北明王问题。 Is it possible that the northern bright king practices is the Human Race time is also inadequate? 莫非北明王所修练的也是人族的功夫不成? A moment later the northern territory tiger king then brought Li Xuanzong to mount top Great Snow Mountain. 片刻之后北域虎王便带着李玄宗登上了大雪山顶部。 The cave mansion of northern bright king named the North Pole hole, in fact is actually the palace that a glacier builds. 北明王的洞府名叫北极洞,实际上却是一座冰川所打造的宫殿。 Enters , is actually very rarer the servant of serving and so on, this situation Li Xuanzong is only moving the body of mountain Monster Saint to see. 进入其中之后,倒是很少见一些侍候的下人之类的,这种情况李玄宗只在搬山妖圣的身上见过。 A center of North Pole hole main hall, the northern bright king then sits well on chair that in builds with the glacier completely. 北极洞一座的大殿的中央,北明王便端坐在一张完全用冰川所打造的椅子上。 This is the first time that Li Xuanzong the northern bright king who sees this control entire Northern Polar Wintry Continent, sees first actually somewhat to come as a surprise to Li Xuanzong. 这还是李玄宗第一次见到这位主宰整个北极寒洲的北明王,所见第一面却是有些出乎李玄宗的预料。 The opposite party are not what imposing manner dignified powerhouses, instead is only a wear white clothing, the appearance is kind, even also some rickets man olds before his time. 对方并非是什么气势威严的强者,反而只是一个穿着白衣,容貌和蔼安详,甚至还有些佝偻的小老头。 Sees Li Xuanzong to come, the corners of the mouth of northern bright king showed a genial smile: „Are you then Li Xuanzong Li young friend? Hears about the given name early, today sees, if really worthily is the outstanding character of younger generation.” 看到李玄宗前来,北明王的嘴角露出了一丝和善的笑容来:“你便是李玄宗李小友?早闻大名,今日一见,果真不愧是年轻一代的俊杰人物。” Li Xuanzong lowers the head said submissively: Northern bright king Miuzan, this time came below, actually had the matter to want with the northern bright king to consult.” 李玄宗低头拱手道:“北明王谬赞了,这次在下前来,其实是有事想要跟北明王相商的。” The northern bright king nods saying: „ I approximately can guess correctly that you come for what, to cope with that attempts to establish nine spirit Monster Saint of countries' of ten thousand monster? 北明王点了点头道:“我大约能猜到你是为了什么前来,可是为了对付那妄图建立万妖之国的九灵妖圣 However why you think that I will then act? Please Monster King cope with Monster Saint, you did not think that this is very laughable? ” 不过你凭什么认为我便会出手?请一位妖王来对付妖圣,你不觉得这很可笑吗?”
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