GSOH :: Volume #4

#385: The strength of source

After profound and abstruse principles True Daoist said these words, nearby purple Chen True Daoist complexion some changed slightly, but has not said anything. 玄机真人说出这番话后,一旁的紫辰真人面色有些微微变化,但却也没说什么。 Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist put out a hand to pull out pulling out in the middle of oneself that messy and dirty spacious sleeve robe, put out a glittering and translucent carving spheroid unexpectedly. 玄机真人伸手在自己那脏乱宽大的袖袍当中掏了掏,竟然拿出了一个晶莹剔透的球体来。 The accurate point that is not a spheroid, but does not know cuts the polygons of becoming with anything, but its side many to being inconceivable, therefore seems like a spheroid. 准确点来说那并不是球体,而是不知道用什么切割而成的多边形,只不过其边多到难以想象,所以看上去才是一个球体。 What is this?” “这是何物?” Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist thought over two that spheroids, said: „ This is my Junior Brother studies, prepares to resist the thing of day of tribulation. 玄机真人掂量了两下那个球体,道:“这是我那个师弟研究出来,准备对抗天劫的东西。 The world said that Dao Unification are the peaks eight times, but my Junior Brother actually does not believe that therefore then wants to come out many methods to resist that ninth day tribulation. 世人都说合道八次便是巅峰,但是我那个师弟却是不信,所以便想出来许多方法对抗那第九次天劫。 But he is most departs from the classics and betrays principle, he wants after the Dao Unification nine times, routs a day of tribulation directly, as the matter stands does not have the threat of day tribulation, world of mortals Cultivator even to be able the unlimited strength, becomes an immortal in the world of mortals. 只不过他为人最是离经叛道,他是想要在合道九次之后,直接击溃天劫,这样一来没有天劫的威胁,下界修士甚至可以无限制的增强实力,以至于在下界成仙。 Although in fact and other strength has nothing to distinguish with the immortal by me, but is unable to control the fairyism. 虽然实际上以我等的实力已经跟仙人没有任何区别了,只是无法掌控仙气而已。 But the strength of day tribulation has actually been restraining our strength upper limit. ” 但天劫之力却是一直都在扼制着我们的实力上限。” The Li Xuanzong hear this time cannot bear feel panic-stricken, this profound True Daoist simply is a lunatic, lunatic on a cultivation. 李玄宗听完此时都忍不住觉得惊骇,这玄都真人简直就是疯子,一个修行上的疯子。 Others are thinking how Crossing Tribulation, he is actually good, is actually also thinking how to rout a day of tribulation. 人家都是想着怎么渡劫,他倒是好,竟然还想着怎么击溃天劫。 Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist continues saying: This thing is the quite credible way that Junior Brother finds to come out, is he a side microcosm that used 3600 materials to refine, what prohibited was the strength of the world source.” 玄机真人继续道:“此物算是师弟想出来的比较靠谱的办法,乃是他用了三千六百种材料所炼制的一方小世界,其中所封禁的乃是世界本源之力。” The Li Xuanzong doubts said: „The strength of the world source?” 李玄宗疑惑道:“世界本源之力?” Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist referred to the space saying: „ On this day under was a day of round place, beyond the day had nine heavy paradises since old times, wrapped our side universes. 玄机真人指了指天上道:“这天下自古便是天圆地方,天外自有九重仙界,将我们这方小千世界所包裹。 Therefore this world the strength of source, is the strength that your I comprehend actually originates from the day. 所以这世界的本源之力,也就是你我所领悟的力量其实都是来源于天。 However my Junior Brother actually tries another method, does not know that entered the bottom deep place ten thousand li (0.5 km) away from that earth cave. 但是我那师弟却是另辟蹊径,不知道从那个地窟进入了地底深处万里之遥。 The outside world is a day of round place, that bottom world is actually Arabia circle, has the universe, when is the world inaugurates the place of eternal good fortune. 外界是天圆地方,那地底世界却是天方地圆,另有乾坤,乃是天地初开时的万古造化之地。 Moreover there besides core, when some sources that has the world inaugurates leaves behind, is the strength of this side the world's most initial source, is the strength of source our grade of Cultivator can contact. 而且那里除了地核之外,还有着天地初开之时所遗留的一些本源,便是这方世界最为初始的本源之力,也是我们这等修士所能够接触的本源之力。 My that Junior Brother wants to come the hedge by the strength of two source, has a look whether to rout the day tribulation, but actually failure. 我那师弟想要以两种本源之力来对冲,看看能否将天劫击溃,但却失败了。 The strength of that source after all the bottom preserves was really small and weak, as our side world gradually consolidated, finally must dissipate, this matter then gave up. 毕竟地底所留存的那一丝本源之力实在是太弱小了,随着我们这方世界逐渐稳固,最终还是要消散的,此事便作罢了。 This thing common person is unable to refine, I and others is repeatedly the Dao Unification route, the strength of mortal body is limited, is unable to fuse the impact of the world source. 这东西寻常人是无法炼化的,我等走的都是反复合道的路线,肉身之力有限,无法融合世界本源的冲击。 It is estimated that entire cultivation can refine this thing then only had two -and-a-half. 估计整个修行界能够炼化这东西的便只有两个半了。 One is my Junior Brother, but he does not need this thing. 一个是我那师弟,但他已经不需要这东西了。 One is southern border that old barbarian, but I have no relations with him, long ago had also fought several. 还有一个便是南疆那老蛮子,不过我跟他却没什么关系,早年间还打过几架。 Remaining one were your Li Xuanzong, at your present mortal body intensity, can its refine actually. ” 剩下一个便是你李玄宗了,以你现在的肉身强度,倒是可以将其炼化。” Li Xuanzong but actually not polite, received the strength of that world source, one said to profound and abstruse principles True Daoist submissively: „ Many thanks senior. 李玄宗倒也没客气,接过那世界本源之力,冲着玄机真人一拱手道:“多谢前辈了。 When I return to the supreme immortal, then makes Ji great fierce the news of national religion to spread over entire Central Yuan Divine Continent Daoism immediately. 待我回到至尊仙朝后,便立刻让姬宏烈将道门成为国教的消息传遍整个中元神洲 Under the Daoism three schools can also send the disciple to build the Daoist temple in each region, disseminates the incense and candle. 道门三派麾下也可以派遣弟子在各地建立道观,传播香火。 As for the black tide incident, if there is a news or is the situation, me also immediately with share. ” 至于黑潮一事,若是有消息或者是情况,我这边也会立刻跟诸位分享的。” After Li Xuanzong walks, purple Chen True Daoist cannot bear say: „ Profound and abstruse principles Senior Brother, the world source so precious thing, why do you want to give that Li Xuanzong? 等到李玄宗走后,紫辰真人忍不住道:“玄机师兄,世界本源这般珍贵的东西,你为何要给那李玄宗 Although the opposite party now is the three services big commanding officer in supreme immortal towards, but is actually not the profound True Daoist successor, so gives him for no reason such big advantage, was extremely simply cheap this Li Xuanzong. ” 虽然对方现在乃是至尊仙朝的三军大都督,但却也不是玄都真人的传人,如此凭白给他这么大的好处,简直太过便宜这李玄宗了。” Profound and abstruse principles True Daoist shakes the head saying: „ Purple Chen, you must be so mean-spirited not, this world source I am unable to refine, you are unable to refine, gives others why not? 玄机真人摇头道:“紫辰,你也莫要这般小气嘛,这世界本源我无法炼化,你也无法炼化,给人家又何妨? Sometimes makes good friends actually yes right. 况且有些时候结一个善缘却是没错的。 Good that Li Xuanzong said that my Daoism is unable to control Five Continent World truly, even if the black tide approaches, my Daoism is also helpless. 李玄宗说的不错,我道门无法真正掌控五洲世界,哪怕是黑潮来临,我道门也是无能为力的。 At this time we are in charge of Central Yuan Divine Continent , is just walks one step to look at one step, actually the absolute assurance has not blocked the black tide in the future erupting. 此时我们入主中元神洲,也只不过是走一步看一步而已,其实并没有绝对的把握挡住将来爆发的黑潮。 But that Li Xuanzong is actually different, this opposite party stills Central Yuan Divine Continent, did his back relations involve you to see? 但那李玄宗却是不一样,这次对方平定中元神洲,他背后的关系牵连你可看到了? East Ao Zheng, the Monster Race moving mountain, Barbarian Race that old barbarian, that northern bright king, which is easy with it generation? 东边敖峥,妖族的搬山,蛮族那老蛮子,还有那个北明王,哪个是易与之辈? Even if I make a move unable to persuade them personally to collaborate, but Li Xuanzong actually yes. 就算是我亲自出手都无法说动他们联手,但李玄宗却是可以。 Therefore if in the future the black tide erupts truly, must look that Li Xuanzong assembles the Five Continent World powerhouse, common resistance. ” 所以将来若是黑潮真正爆发,说不定还是要看李玄宗来集结五洲世界的强者,共同抵抗呢。” Purple Chen True Daoist knits the brows: „ Builds up the Five Continent World powerhouse? He? 紫辰真人皱眉道:“集结五洲世界的强者?就他? Is a Buddhism he does not handle only. ” 单就是一个佛门他都搞不定。” Heard purple Chen True Daoist to say the Buddhism, on the face of profound and abstruse principles True Daoist cannot help but appears haze, looked to the west side. 听到紫辰真人说佛门,玄机真人的脸上不由得浮现出了一丝阴霾来,看向了西边。 At this time he does not make clear, actually the Buddhism is thinking anything, had/left what accident. 此时就连他都搞不清楚,佛门究竟在想些什么,出了什么变故。 But at this time after Li Xuanzong returns to the immortal emperor city, Anton king Shen Qingxi the desperate choice had surrendered, the prince who even from please remove Anton king, seals up king city, cultivated/repaired in this clear. 而此时李玄宗回到仙帝城后,安东王沈清溪已经绝望的选择投降了,甚至自请去除安东王的王爷,封闭王城,在此清修。 Behind Shen Qingxi the biggest backer was Daoism, now the Daoism standpoint, he does not have the having courage air hardening to shoulder again. 沈清溪背后最大的靠山便是道门了,如今道门立场,他却是再也没有胆气硬扛了。 Although he does not hate to put down the power and influence in hand, but is very obvious, is own life is more important. 他虽然舍不得放下手中的权势,但很显然,还是自家的性命更重要。 However Ji Honglie works but actually also the atmosphere, has not eliminated Shen Qingxi throne, still gives the position of his Anton king, gave back to one pile to reward, but deprived his all military authorities. 不过姬宏烈做事倒也大气,并没有剥夺沈清溪的王位,仍旧是给他安东王的位置,还给了一堆赏赐,只是剥夺了他的所有兵权而已。 Meanwhile becomes regarding Daoism national religion Ji Honglie is also excited, immediately the imperial edict considers the world, and contacts three big Daoism people on own initiative, in various county capitals, by supreme immortal toward donating money, is three big Daoism builds the Daoist temple. 同时对于道门成为国教姬宏烈也是兴奋的很,立刻诏告天下,并且主动联络三大道门的人,在各郡首府,由至尊仙朝出钱出力,为三大道门建立道观。 Even he must ask three big Daoism to establish Daoist temple Sect in the immortal emperor city on own initiative, but was actually given the rejection by profound and abstruse principles True Daoist. 甚至他还主动要请三大道门在仙帝城内建立道观宗门,不过却被玄机真人给拒绝了。 At this time the supreme immortal toward with Daoism definitely is the honeymoon, therefore the supreme immortal toward will start out all kinds of benefits to Daoism. 此时至尊仙朝跟道门肯定是蜜月期的,所以至尊仙朝会给道门开出各种各样的福利来。 However if in the future both sides really got angry to have the enmity, that distance was closer more and convenient is troublesome and awkward, therefore Daoism might as well stayed the east, in any case at three big Daoism strengths, even if were not the valuable land with good feng shui, they can also accomplish a valuable land with good feng shui forcefully. 但是将来若是双方真的翻脸产生了嫌隙,那距离越近便越是麻烦和尴尬,所以道门还不如就停留在东部这边,反正以三大道门的力量,哪怕不是风水宝地,他们也能够硬生生造就出来一个风水宝地的。 But at this time following matter Li Xuanzong has not gone to the manages actually, how he has been studying the strength of that source to refine. 而此时接下来的事情李玄宗倒是没怎么去管,他一直都在研究着那本源之力该如何去炼化。
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