GCSAT :: Volume #7

#618: The channel invades

After bypassing the remains of senior, does not have the mighty waves to pass through a long and narrow corridor again, Ye Zhou comes to the files tuart room that the woman said finally. He opened the front door of grade of tuart room with oneself jurisdiction, as the vacuum seal system relieves, large number of air wailing are welling up to the room, waited for fully for dozens seconds, on the screen springs the information that the air pressure security can enter. This is an area surpasses 1000 square meters ultra-large files tuart rooms, adds the way of traditional paper with the digit, saved acquired all information of this guidepost center from establishment. These information do not limit to the center completely, but contained the info clerk under the current time the society, technology, humanities wait/etc a series and human related important information. It can be said that here is not only still sea guidepost center files tuart room, is the entire China files tuart room. What information did you need me to find?” Ye Zhou opens the mouth to ask. All, I need to happen to start from the disaster, until now 7022 all records.” You determined that wants all records? The electrical document sizes of these records not possibly have...... over ten thousand tb, the communication channel sufficient.” I know, we make the remote analysis. I will establish to calculate strength sharing with you, we use the calculation strength of your side to analyze, after extracting the critical information, transmits to me again does further analyzes.” Ye Zhou nods, this probably was also the only means. As calculates that the strength sharing channel establishes, all core computation modules in entire files tuart room buzz are calling the start completely, these computation modules from do not have in the information the simple search is so simple merely, in fact, they are doing, is attempts to act according to Ye Zhou and information differences in woman respective two space and time, infers one most to have the possibility causes and effects chain. But this chain, after very may reveal the catastrophe, reason of guidepost system comprehensive expiration. In the process of waiting, Ye Zhou selects together the screen conveniently, chose the browsing pattern on the screen, starts to consult this in the past 5000 years human the historical development. He has a question indistinctly, remembers that in first several simulations he has seen, human had initiated to neighboring counter-attacking, even once closed the neighboring channel completely. But from the current result, such victory still temporary ---- The reason also seems simple, is unable to destroy thoroughly. Yes, the struggles of two dimensions are doomed to be life and death, the information that just like previously he gained is the same, breaks through the difficulty of neighboring space channel, must be lower than is far in excess of the speed of light to conduct the space navigation the difficulty. Therefore, even if human decodes the spatial technology that the neighboring channel involved, so long as cannot exterminate the opposite party in a short time completely, depends on exceeded the human technology, they can still regroup after a defeat rapidly. The weak ones' challenge to the powerhouse, are always so. This just wore the knight of good sword like one, went out then ran upon the martial arts world hegemon of first under heaven. You do not have the escape route, can only after was overthrown time and time again crawls, spells to go all-out to beat the opposite party. In this process, the sword technique of knight will progress, but martial arts of first under heaven has actually neared the upper limit, so long as the knight were not overthrown in the attack thoroughly, has will turn defeat into victory hopefully. This is the process that a screw rises, each attack of human, is striving to develop the time that for oneself. Ye Zhou sighed, he selected the critical time log sheet, really saw from that several of historically recording time counter-attacked the action massively. Establishes after the beacon-fire system, depends on the cross dimension of spatial technology locks the plan, to based on outer space billiards the energy flows in backward the plan, again after the human own first water pump is born balanced plan, human in 5000 years, altogether experienced to win three times, but each time, neighboring will stage a comeback. And, a recent large-scale attack, happens 300 years ago. This attack, making human almost destroy thoroughly. Therefore...... you think that we can also stand? I mean, by foundation that the present preserves, how long do we need to complete the restoration of industrial system?” The Ye Zhou tone somewhat hesitates, according to information that the beforehand woman said that this large-scale disaster destroyed 80 surface constructions time. In other words, the entropy production jump area almost swept the entire earth's surface, in this case, must reconstruct, human faces is not only the difficult position on resources, but also invades influence in a series of climate and environment that brings including neighboring. Even in extreme situations, the entire earth's surface, possibly is a deathly stillness. Without the oxygen, without the heat, is found in the entropy production jump area of danger...... I not to know everywhere, takes several hundred years probably.” Don't worry, this is only the temporary failure. When monitoring large-scale invasion, we adopt the countermeasure immediately, preserved the basic resource to the full, therefore, the present situation is actually is not too bad.” Moreover, we beyond two departments the star base is also revolving at present normally, they may undertake to be the responsibility of Ms. Yu star not necessarily...... to hear here gradually, Ye Zhou gawked gawked, later smiled. Yes, will Chinese possibly be resigned to place in a basket the egg? In smooth for own spreads all escape routes ahead of time, is they chooses comfortably. Calculates the module still to revolve, Ye Zhou notices, several critical information had been derived, but also packs with these information related all background materials completely, following the vulnerable communication channel, has passed on to 300 years ago Chengdu. A little not right...... your documents records very entire, but the logic is completely chaotic.” „...... You are at the completely different time to be logically same as us probably.” I cannot understand these records, they are loose.” Hears the words of woman, Ye Zhou frowns slightly. What is disperses?” Is powder in the literal sense, according to the truth, the time line of each guidepost center is linear, still sea center that for example you are, actually after can only have first 300 years , 300 years two communication nodes.” When you when communicate with me, our time pass in the synchronization, I not possible to exchange with 301 years later you, thus knew that your future, you not possible to exchange with 301 years ago me, thus knew my past.” But...... all records of still sea center are the linearity are now continual ---- At least in these 300 years, is the linearity is continual!” Its call frequency band was expanded.” „Is this good deed or the misdemeanor?” Ye Zhou asked hastily. The women smile bitterly, replied: How this possibly is the good deed......, if still sea center really spanned the node limit, that means, it likely invaded all communication channels, causing other neighboring guideposts to be paralyzed!” This perhaps was the reason that our guidepost systems had problems...... Ye Zhou, I needed you to have a look to the guidepost nuclear ventricle, there had certainly the issue!” 绕过前辈的遗骨之后,再毫无波澜地走过一条狭长的走廊,叶舟终于来到了女人所说的档桉室。他用自己的权限打开了档桉室的大门,随着真空密封系统解除,大量空气尖啸着向房间内部涌去,整整等待了数十秒,屏幕上才弹出了气压安全可以进入的信息。这是一间占地面积超过一千平方米的超大型档桉室,采用数字加传统纸张的方式,存储了这间路标中心从建立起所收集到的所有信息。这些信息并不完全局限于中心本身,而是包含收纳了当前时间下社会、科技、人文等等一系列与人类相关的重要信息。可以说,这里不仅仅是尚海路标中心的档桉室,更是整个华夏的档桉室。“你需要我找到什么信息?”叶舟开口问道。“所有,我需要从灾难发生开始,直到现在7022年的所有记录。”“你确定要所有记录?这些记录的电子文档大小有……上万tb,通讯信道不可能够用。”“我知道,我们做远程分析。我会跟你建立算力共享,我们用你那边的算力来做分析,提取出关键信息之后,再传递给我做进一步分析。”叶舟点点头,这大概也是唯一的办法了。随着算力共享通道建立,整个档桉室中的所有核心计算模块全部嗡鸣着启动,这些计算模块绝不仅仅是从已有信息中简单搜索那么简单,实际上,它们正在做的,是尝试根据叶舟和女人所属两个时空中的信息差异点,去推导出一条最具有可能性的因果链条。而这条链条,很有可能会揭示出大灾难之后,路标系统全面失效的原因。在等待的过程中,叶舟随手点开一块屏幕,在屏幕上选择了浏览模式,开始查阅这近5000年来人类的发展历史。他心里隐约有个疑问,记得在前几次的模拟中他看到过,人类曾经发起过对相邻维的反攻,甚至一度将相邻维通道全部关闭。但从目前的结果来看,那样的胜利仍然是暂时的----原因似乎也很简单,无法彻底毁灭。是的,两个维度的斗争注定是你死我活的,正如此前他获取到的信息一样,突破相邻维空间通道的难度,要远远低于超越光速进行宇宙航行的难度。所以,即使人类破解了相邻维通道涉及的空间技术,只要不能在短时间内将对方全部灭绝,依托于本就超越人类的科技,他们也可以迅速重整旗鼓。弱者对强者的挑战,向来就是如此。这就像一个刚刚佩好剑的侠客,一出门便撞上了天下第一的武林盟主。你没有退路,只能在一次一次被打倒之后再爬起来,拼尽全力去击败对方。在这个过程里,侠客的剑术会进步,可天下第一的武功却已经接近上限,只要侠客不在进攻中被彻底打倒,就有会有希望反败为胜。这是一个螺旋上升的过程,人类的每一次进攻,都是在为自己争取发展的时间。叶舟叹了口气,他点开关键时间记录表,果然从那里面看到了历史上记载的好几次大规模反攻行动。从烽火系统建立之后、依托于空间技术的跨维度锁计划,到以“太空撞球”为基础的能量倒灌计划,再到人类自己的第一台抽水机诞生后的“均衡计划”,人类在5000年的时间里,总共经历了三次大胜,但每一次,相邻维都会卷土重来。并且,最近的一次大规模进攻,就发生在300年前。这一次进攻,让人类几乎彻底毁灭。“所以……你认为我们还能重新站起来吗?我的意思是,以现在留存下来的基础,我们需要多久才能完成工业体系的恢复?”叶舟的语气有些犹豫,根据之前女人所说的信息,这一次的大规模灾害摧毁了80的地表建筑。也就是说,熵增跳变区几乎是将整个地球表面扫了一遍,在这种情况下,要进行重建,人类所面临的不仅仅是资源上的困境,还包括相邻维入侵所带来的一系列气候和环境上的影响。甚至在极端情况下,整个地球表面,可能都已经是一片死寂了。没有氧气,没有热量,到处遍布着危险的熵增跳变区……“我不知道,大概需要数百年吧。”“不用担心,这只是暂时的失败而已。在监测到大规模入侵时,我们立刻采取了反制手段,最大程度地保住了基本资源,所以,现在的情况其实算不上太糟糕。”“另外,我们目前还有两处系外星球基地在正常运转,他们或许会渐渐承担起原本属于母星的责任也不一定……”听到这里,叶舟愣了一愣,随后又笑了起来。是啊,华夏人怎么可能会甘心把鸡蛋放在一个篮子里呢?在顺利的时候提前为自己铺好一切的退路,才是他们习以为常的选择。计算模块还在运转,叶舟注意到,已经有数条关键信息被导出,而与这些信息相关的所有背景资料也全部打包,顺着已经脆弱不堪的通讯信道,向三百年前的蓉城传去。“有点不对劲……你们的文档记载很全,但是逻辑完全是混乱的。”“就好像……你们跟我们处在完全不同的时间逻辑上一样。”“我看不懂这些记录,它们是散的。”听到女人的话,叶舟微微皱起了眉头。“什么叫‘散的’?”“就是字面意义上的散,按道理来说,每一个路标中心的时间线都是线性的,比如你所在的尚海中心,其实就只能具有前三百年、后三百年两个通信节点而已。”“当你在跟我通信时,我们双方的时间在同步流逝,我不可能跟301年之后的你交流,从而得知你的未来,你也不可能跟301年前的我交流,从而得知我的过去。”“但现在……尚海中心的所有记录都是线性连续的----至少在这三百年里,是线性连续的!”“它的呼叫频段被扩展了。”“这是好事还是坏事?”叶舟连忙问道。女人苦笑一声,回答道:“这怎么可能是好事……如果尚海中心真的跨越了节点限制,那就意味着,它很可能侵占了所有的通讯信道,导致其他相邻路标全部陷入瘫痪!”“这恐怕就是我们的路标系统出问题的原因了……叶舟,我需要你到路标核心室去看看,那里一定有问题!”
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