GCSAT :: Volume #7

#619: Finally plan

Guidepost nuclear ventricle, this is the heart of entire guidepost system. Here, dozens ultra-large quantum computer uninterrupted revolutions, control are reaching several hundred pairs of overtime entanglement quanta to moving much. In order to guarantee the quantum to was not disturbed by any alien influence, the nuclear ventricle was designed the perfect close structure ---- In other words, in this, not only does not have the air, not to have the magnetic field, even the observer does not allow to exist. If must enter the nuclear ventricle, must first do interrupts all overtime communications, avoids in the computer generating process implementing the observation to cause to collapse. Ye Zhou must inspect the core room, means that the communication with Chengdu must interrupt temporarily, the point is that without the assistance of Chengdu, he is very difficult to discover problem that the guidepost system has. His status truly was the related technology personnel, the information flow also truly provided the sufficient knowledge to him, but like the large system, light/only by a person, not possible to complete the inspection of complete module in the section time absolutely. However, he has not chosen. The operating time of life-support system is only left over for 26 hours, if anything does not do, he will miss the opportunity of last time display function. Has the issue list? Judging from the present situation, which modules can be have problems?” Ye Zhou asked calmly. „Very difficult saying that we have not encountered this situation.” But, I suggested that you can first from positioning system, next is the frequency division system and timing system, if these three systems do not have the issue, that can only take the last road.” What road?” Closes still sea center thoroughly the guidepost system, destroying all entanglement quanta is right.” You determined that does that to make other guideposts restore to revolve?” Hears the Ye Zhou words, woman silent moment, opens the mouth to reply: Possibility not big...... does not arrive at the final time, I suggested that do not implement this plan, because that will make us lose all chips.” Ye Zhou nods, thinks long time, said with the low and deep tone: But, this is the choice that I can make only.” „The life-support system of this base must collapse immediately, I am in the base the only living person.” Even if not close the guidepost, after 26 hours, you do not have the means to gain any information from here again.” „The potential of this base had pressed out to do......, if destroys to make it play the final role, that did not use hesitant.” Opposite woman long sighed. In fact, how she is clearer than Ye Zhou should make the correct choice, knows to Ye Zhou, actually the life had started the countdown. However, must tell the opposite party in this time clearly the final result, she really does not have the heart. Hears his sound, as if is not old. The years of even if the deep sleep in the dormancy warehouse long time, he in this world experiencing actually were also the short dozens years. He should have a better life ---- Incessantly is he, lies in the neighboring war, many people should have a better life. I understood.” No matter what, first inspects.” „The degree of protection of guidepost nuclear ventricle in all guidepost centers is highest, particularly as still sea and Chengdu that the disaster prepares the center, each quantum computer has the stand-alone armored protection.” If must thoroughly destroy the entanglement quantum to be right, you need to do is not only shuts off the power source of nuclear ventricle so to be simple...... the permanent magnetism system to maintain the quantum to existing, waits for the next electric power to restore.” Therefore, you at least need to destruct the permanent magnetism system.” „Can you understand my meaning?” Ye Zhou understands certainly, in fact, in most starts, the information that the information flow integrates has made him see the final result. A brilliant explosion is inevitable. He can certainly after being far away from the nuclear ventricle detonates, but the interior explodes the sharp shakes and massive oxygen consumptions that creates, the uncontrolled dust and shock-wave, each acceleration the collapse speed of frail incomparable life-support system. Very possibly, detonates the time of blasting explosive in him, is his life comes to the end the time. However, who will care? His footsteps left the grade of tuart room firmly, out the guidepost system nuclear ventricle, according to the direction took off all electronic devices, wore the complete set exposure suits, later, the communication with Chengdu shut off, near his ear turned into a silence. Ye Zhou deeply inspires, after adopting the identification authentication, the nuclear ventricle No. 1 gate slowly opens, after he enters the gate closes. No. 1 gate and No. 2 gates preparation cabin between pulled out the vacuum rapidly. No. 2 gate opens, a profound tunnel exposes in front of Ye Zhou. The length of this tunnel, over 500 meters. Yes, nuclear ventricle, although is called room, but it is actually a giant space that hidden in guidepost center most lower level, must enter this space, Ye Zhou must completely depend upon own physical strength, dragging the heavy exposure suit to walk several hundred meters. Just regained consciousness soon his physical strength unable to follow from the dormancy completely, walked merely was less than 100 meters, then has panted. The mist of sweat transpiration fills the air on the lens of exposure suit, he draws the rope of air vent, manual discharges in the exhaust gas while the rest gap the gas tank. This makes him feel somewhat funnily, his front is the entire human civilization, even in the entire universe most advanced can forecast the future equipment, the equipment that but on him puts on, actually with different that the 18 th century diver puts on. The contradiction on technology, sometimes is that incredible. Rested the moment, Ye Zhou continued to climb mountains and cross rivers forward, after entire a half hour, he saw finally exhibited in the ground, by the overtime quantum computer that the heavy metallic plate covered. These computers once sent out the innumerable information to the past and future, but there is a good chance that they must totally be destroyed shortly. Overhauled the control bench urgently in the left side of computation hall, the Ye Zhou fast-cooling down the self-check program, the short two minutes, all self-checking fully were then completed. Obviously, has not discovered any issue. Afterward, he deferred to the instruction of woman to inspect three to affect the main system of communication anchor point before one by one, actually the operations of discovery these three systems almost can describe with perfect. Therefore, where has problems? Ye Zhou squats to sit near the wall slowly, in the brain was recalling unceasingly the woman to he has mentioned the information. The communication anchor point of guidepost system was chaotic, originally should the communication to lead to fixed time, be coursed other nodes. Guidepost system's operation is completely good. Causes all these, should be the exogenic process. Matter is 300 years ago happened , after that disaster. It is not able to launch the rescue, because of the surrounding of still sea center, covered entirely the entropy production jump area. Ye Zhou stands up suddenly. He understands suddenly, oneself should make anything. 路标核心室,这是整个路标系统的心脏。在这里,有数十台超大型量子计算机不间断运转,控制着多达数百对超时纠缠量子对活动。为了保证量子对不受任何外来影响干扰,核心室被设计成完美封闭结构----也就是说,这里面不仅没有空气、没有磁场,甚至连观测者也不允许存在。如果要进入核心室,首先要做的就是中断所有超时通信,避免计算机运转过程中实施观测而导致坍缩。叶舟要去检查核心室,就意味着与蓉城的通信要暂时中断,可问题是,如果没有蓉城的协助,他很难发现路标系统存在的问题。他的身份确实是相关技术人员,信息流也确实给他提供了充足的知识,但像这样的大型系统,光靠一个人,是绝对不可能在段时间内完成全部模块的检查的。但是,他也没有选择。维生系统的工作时间只剩下26小时,如果什么都不做,那他将会错过最后一次发挥作用的机会。“有没有问题清单?从目前的情况来看,有可能是哪些模块出了问题?”叶舟冷静地问道。“很难说,我们从来没有遇到过这种情况。”“但是,我建议你可以先从定位系统查起,其次是分频系统和计时系统,如果这三个系统都没有问题,那就只能走最后一条路了。”“什么路?”“彻底关闭尚海中心的路标系统,摧毁所有纠缠量子对。”“你确定这么做能让其他路标恢复运转吗?”听到叶舟的话,女人沉默了片刻,开口回答道:“可能性不大……不到最后时刻,我建议不要实施这个方案,因为那会让我们失去所有筹码。”叶舟点点头,思索了良久,才用低沉的语气说道:“可是,这是我唯一能做的选择。”“这个基地的维生系统马上就要崩溃了,我是基地里唯一的活人。”“哪怕不关闭路标,在26个小时之后,你们也没办法再从这里获取到任何信息。”“这个基地的潜力已经被榨干了……如果毁灭能让它发挥最后的作用的话,那就不用犹豫了。”对面的女人长长叹了口气。实际上,她比叶舟更明白应该怎样去做出正确的选择,也知道对叶舟来说,其实生命早就已经进入了倒计时。但是,要在这种时刻明明白白地告诉对方最终的结局,她实在是于心不忍。听他的声音,似乎年纪并不算大。哪怕在休眠仓里沉睡了良久,他在这世上所经历的岁月其实也不过是短短的几十年而已。他应该拥有更好的人生的----不止是他,在于相邻维的战争中,有许多人都应该拥有更好的人生。“我明白了。”“不管怎样,先去检查吧。”“路标核心室的防护等级在所有路标中心都是最高的,尤其是作为灾备中心的尚海和蓉城,每一台量子计算机都有独立装甲保护。”“如果要彻底摧毁纠缠量子对,你需要做的不仅仅是切断核心室的电源那么简单……永磁系统会维持量子对存在,等待下一次电力恢复。”“所以,你至少要破坏掉永磁系统。”“你能明白我的意思吗?”叶舟当然明白,实际上,在最开始,信息流融入的信息就已经让他看到了最终的结局。一场绚烂的爆炸是不可避免的。他当然可以在远离核心室之后再引爆,但内部爆炸造成的剧烈震荡、大量的氧气消耗、不受控制的尘埃和冲击波,每一项都会加速已经脆弱无比的维生系统的崩溃速度。很可能,在他引爆炸药的时刻,就是他生命走到尽头的时刻。不过,谁又会在意呢?他脚步坚定地离开了档桉室,在路标系统核心室门外,按照指引摘下了所有电子设备,穿上了全套防护服,随后,与蓉城的通信被切断,他的耳边又变成了一片寂静。叶舟深吸了一口气,通过身份验证之后,核心室一号门缓缓打开,又在他走进门之后关闭。一号门和二号门之间的准备舱迅速被抽成真空。紧接着,二号门打开,一条幽深的洞道暴露在叶舟面前。这条洞道的长度,超过五百米。是的,核心室虽然被称为“室”,但它实际是一片隐藏在路标中心最下层的巨型空间,要进入这片空间,叶舟必须完全依靠自己的体力,拖着沉重的防护服步行数百米。刚刚从休眠中苏醒不久的他体力完全跟不上,仅仅走了不到一百米,便已经气喘吁吁。汗水蒸腾的雾气弥漫在防护服的镜片上,他拉动排气口的绳索,趁着休息的间隙手动将废气排出到储气罐中。这让他觉得有些好笑,他的面前是整个人类文明、甚至整个宇宙中最先进的能够预测未来的设备,但他身上所穿的装备,却跟18世纪的潜水员穿的没什么两样。科技上的矛盾,有时候就是那么荒诞。休息了片刻,叶舟继续向前跋涉,整整半小时之后,他终于看到了陈列在地面上的、被重型金属装甲笼罩的超时量子计算机。这些计算机曾经向过去和未来发出无数条信息,但很有可能,不久后他们就要被全部摧毁。紧急检修控制台在计算大厅的左侧,叶舟快速启动了自检程序,短短的两分钟,所有自检便全部完成。显而易见地,没有发现任何问题。随后,他又按照之前女人的指示逐一检查了三个有可能影响通信锚点的主要系统,却发现这三个系统的运行状况几乎可以用完美来形容。所以,到底是哪里出了问题?叶舟慢慢蹲坐在墙边,脑子里不断回想着女人对他提起过的信息。路标系统的通信锚点乱了,本来应该通向固定时间的通信,被引向了其他节点。路标系统本身的运行完全良好。导致这一切的,应该是外力作用。事情是三百年前发生的,也就是在那场灾难之后。无法展开救援,因为尚海中心的外围,布满了熵增跳变区。叶舟霍然站起。他突然明白,自己应该做什么了。
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