GCSAT :: Volume #7

#617: Guidepost system

Together strolled one after the campus, two people as usual arrive at the fixed restaurant to have a food, later then goes various home respectively. Time actually also early, but Ye Zhou or forest zero, they work on hand does not allow them to waste the too much time, if after all the progress of key node slows, then the efficiency of secondary working procedure will seriously be damaged. Going home Ye Zhou to oneself. the tea, sent a while dull, rested after silent for a half hour, gently raps bracelet, entered in the simulator the cup According to him planned, the content that simulates next time should probably and „the riddle of life two in small Sun chooses one, because „the country of wisdom weapon the technology has not digested completely, the stack technology has no way to bring the maximized income. But today the communication with forest zero gives him to inspire. The quantum to pestering the experiment, perhaps really may give neighboring who human faces to invade the crisis to bring about the change. But happen , the next simulation of country's of wisdom weapon, is related with the entanglement. Void echo. This is the name that simulates next time, the brief simulation introduced that explained the main contents of simulation. How this one time is about made the entanglement quantum massively, and uses the existing quantum computation platform to coding to the quantum, thus realizes the technology of quantum communication in the true sense. This seems like a contradictory matter, because of the quantum communication, in most people's eyes is a familiar thing, even in 2010, the China aspect had declared that mastered the quantum communication technology. Why this technology can arrange, in bci does pass on behind the technology? In fact, this is a common erroneous zone. In most cases, so-called quantum communication, refers to the quantum coded communication, in other words through QKD, quantum secret sharing and quantum secure direct communication wait/etc patterns, realizes the protection to traditional electromagnetic wave network service. The core is encryption, rather than communication. Naturally, to realizing information transmission also has to succeed using the entanglement experiment of quantum, but must move toward the application stage from the laboratory stage, has not known that many difficult technical threshold needs to bridge over. Said literally, two years ago, China bases on the reverse-engineering foundation of quantum computer realized for the first time stably, the entanglement quantum of low attenuating effect on making, this was also Ye Zhou to forest zero said „the high sensitive normalizing device nation only had two reason. Because of two, satisfied China sufficiently and even in the world the current experiment demand. Therefore, the technology that in the simulator provides, still led the China current at least over 50 years, because of clearly, absolutely is not the single entanglement quantum that it brings to manufacturing method, but is one set of complete realization quantum communication plan. If can its application, human step up to a brand-new stair in the information transmission domain. Thinks of here, Ye Zhou selected the simulation to choose interface directly, selected void echo the menu, directly entered during the simulation., He does not count on a success as always, only when plans in the plot to look, first gives an approximate impression. The darkness arrives gradually, slowly retreat, when he opens eyes again, actually discovered oneself place in a piece of strange color light. The photic stimulation of high degree of saturation he cannot open eyes, slow some little time, he can narrow the eye to look straight ahead that rays reluctantly. That unexpectedly is together the total information screens. This makes him feel incomparably accidentally/surprisingly, the information that because according to him previously accepted from the simulator, according to the technology development way of this world infers, after the bci technology popularizes massively, the narrow screen should be eliminated was right, how possibly also to have this thing appearance? After calming down slightly, Ye Zhou stood up to look at a surrounding environment, this time he discovered, what his was one does not calculate spaciously, but the extremely neat room, the entire room was covered by the projection system total information screens, but on the wall, is actually hanging with the look exposure suit that Jane/simple style did not build extremely completely. This is a refuge shelter. Almost in instantaneous, Ye Zhou then made such judgment, then, as the information flow converges slowly, his guess was also confirmed. Accurate, this is one aims at dealing with neighboring invades the refuge shelter of construction, it deeply buries in the underground 600 meters specially, used at that time advanced and also the most reliable man-made ecosystem technology, over a thousand tons commodity that even if in the refuge shelter saves exhausts completely, enough everyone practices moderation for over 300 years. But now, in this refuge shelter, has only been left over Ye Zhou one person. The reason is very simple, after this is neighboring invades in 1100, human after experiencing long-term struggling, finally lost own all positions, even if draws back into the bottom, is unable to maintain the most basic multiplication. Ye Zhou goes out of own room, what heaving in sight is a long corridor, but in the corridor, finds at everywhere already the white bones that cannot withstand decayed. A ruined scene, making one almost unable to constrain the despair of innermost feelings. Even if long-tested Ye Zhou, at this time cannot help but the mind vacillates. This what's the matter? Is this human final destiny? After experiencing so many tribulation, neighboring has destroyed this universe the situation is still irreversible? Which link or was presented the misjudgment, causing the human civilization to move toward the abyss? ---- No, according to his understanding according to his confidence to Chinese, even if the misjudgment, is impossible to cause such serious consequence, because of the error correction capability of this nationality, enough they erupts to cause the ability that the world overturns at any time sufficiently. Crosses the rubicon? The information flow is still converging unceasingly, in brain that the word of fragmentation spreads to Ye Zhou. The guidepost, the entanglement, the ultra space and time quantum is right, the call letter, 7022 cs-yg 6998, the time coordinates ....... reaches the marginal value in the information transmission that moment, the eye of Ye Zhou opens suddenly! He understands suddenly, this refuge shelter is to make anything to use. This Is -sh-e 120 / 52 guidepost refuge shelter! After the neighboring crisis breaks out, 900 years, China ultra can the institute of physics when a routine use non-linear crystal manufacture entangled photon pair, because the attraction unusual fluctuation of scope triggered the parameter transform imbalance, catches one pair for the first time, not only has to surpass away the effect, but also has the photon of overtime effect right! Or must be simpler, on that day, human achieved the forecast for the first time in the future, with change in the past! The time no longer is the linearity, but shows with the stance of plane in the face of human. From then on, China assembles the large-scale the scientific research resource, in a short time established the first time span to surpass 10 years of overtime quantum communication systems, with the way of iterative forecast, laid down to lead to the future infinite distance forecast system. The core that like this iteration forecasts, arranges the relay beacon in each critical time point, that is, guidepost! Refuge shelter that he is at now, is his time guidepost! If the guidepost system operation is normal, is very likely, he not only can continue to see the future through the system now, can through change the past to the past transmission information! Waits for...... such ability ....... own bracelet, came from this?? 一起在园区逛了一圈之后,两人照例到固定的餐厅吃了口饭,随后便各回各家。时间其实还早,但无论是叶舟还是林零,他们手头的工作都不允许他们浪费太多时间,毕竟关键节点的进度如果拖慢,那么次级工序的效率就会严重受损。回到家的叶舟给自己倒了杯茶,发了一会儿呆,沉默地休息了半小时之后,轻轻敲击手环,进入了模拟器中。按照他原本的计划,下一次模拟的内容应该是要在“小太阳”和“生命之谜”中二选一,因为“智械之国”的技术还没有完全消化,堆积技术没法带来最大化的收益。但今天跟林零的沟通给了他启发。量子对纠缠实验,也许真的有可能给人类所面临的相邻维入侵危机带来变化。而正好,智械之国的下一次模拟,就与量子纠缠有关。“虚空回响”。这是下一次模拟的名字,简短的模拟介绍里说明了模拟的主要内容。这是一次关于如何大规模制造纠缠量子对、并利用现有的量子计算平台对量子对编码,从而实现真正意义上的量子通信的技术。这似乎是一个矛盾的事情,因为量子通信,在大多数人的眼中已经是一个熟悉的事物了,甚至在2010年代,华夏方面就已经宣称掌握了量子通信技术。为什么这项技术会排在bci直传技术后面?实际上,这是一个常见的误区。在大多数情况下,所谓的“量子通信”,指的是量子加密通信,也就是说通过量子密钥分发、量子秘密共享和量子安全直接通信等等模式,实现对传统电磁波网络通信的保护。其核心在于“加密”,而非通信。当然,利用纠缠量子对实现信息传输的实验也并非没有获得成功,但要从实验室阶段走向应用阶段,其中还有不知道多少艰难的技术门槛需要跨过。不夸张地说,直到两年前,华夏才基于量子计算机的逆向工程基础上首次实现了稳定的、低衰减效应的纠缠量子对制造,这也是叶舟跟林零说“高敏度校准仪全国只有两台”的原因。因为两台,就足以满足华夏乃至全世界当前的实验需求了。所以,模拟器中所提供的技术,仍然领先华夏当前至少五十年以上,因为很明显,它所带来的绝对不是单个纠缠量子对的制造方法,而是一套完整的实现“量子通信”的方案。如果能将其应用,人类在信息传输领域将跨上一个崭新的台阶。想到这里,叶舟直接点开了模拟选择界面,选中“虚空回响”的选单,直接进入了模拟之中。一如既往的,他并不指望一次成功,只时打算去剧情中看一看,先给自己一个大致的印象。黑暗渐渐降临,又缓缓退去,等他再睁开眼时,却发现自己身处一片诡异的彩光之中。高饱和度的光线刺激得他睁不开眼,缓了好一会儿,他才能勉强眯着眼睛直视那片光线。那居然是一块全息屏幕。这让他感觉无比意外,因为按照他此前从模拟器中接受到的信息,根据这个世界的技术发展路径来推断,在bci技术大规模普及之后,狭义的屏幕应该早就被淘汰了才对,怎么可能还有这种东西出现?稍稍定了定神后,叶舟站起身看了一眼周围的环境,这时候的他才发现,他所处的是一个不算宽敞但极为整洁的房间,整个房间都被投影式的全息屏幕所覆盖,而在墙壁上,却挂着与极简风格完全不撘的神色防护服。这是一间避难所。几乎在瞬间,叶舟便做出了这样的判断,而后,随着信息流缓缓汇入,他的猜测也得到了确认。准确来讲,这是一间以应对相邻维入侵为目的专门建设的避难所,它深埋在地下600米,采用了当时最先进、也最可靠的的人造生态系统技术,哪怕避难所中存储的上千吨物资全部耗尽,也足够所有人自持300年以上。但现在,这间避难所中,已经只剩下叶舟一人了。原因很简单,这已经是相邻维入侵后的第一千一百年,人类在经历过长期的挣扎之后,最终失去了自己的所有阵地,哪怕是退入地底,也无法维持住最基本的繁衍。叶舟走出自己的房间,映入眼帘的是一条长长的走廊,而在走廊里,随处可见已经腐朽不堪的白骨。一片破败景象,让人几乎压抑不住内心的绝望。哪怕是久经考验的叶舟,此时都不由得心神动摇。这到底是怎么回事?难道这就是人类最终的命运吗?难道在经历过那么多的磨难之后、相邻维毁灭这个宇宙的大势仍旧不可逆转?或者说,是哪一个环节出现了误判,导致人类文明就此走向深渊?----不,按照他的理解按照他对华夏人的信心,哪怕是误判,也不可能导致这么严重的后果,因为这个民族的纠错能力,足够他们在任何时候爆发出足以使天地翻覆的能力。破釜沉舟?信息流还在不断汇入,碎片化的字词一个一个传入叶舟的大脑里。路标,量子纠缠,超时空量子对,呼号,7022cs-yg6998,时间坐标…….在信息传递达到临界值的那一刻,叶舟的眼睛霍然睁大!他突然明白,这个避难所是做什么用的了。这是-sh-e120/52号路标避难所!相邻维危机爆发后900年,华夏超能物理研究所在一次例行使用非线性晶体制造纠缠光子对时,因为观测设备的引力异常波动引发了参量转换失衡,首次捕获到一对不仅具有超距效应,还具有超时效应的光子对!或者说得更简单一些,在那一天,人类第一次做到了预测未来,和改变过去!时间不再是线性,而是以平面的姿态展现在人类面前。从那以后,华夏调集超大规模的科研资源,在极短的时间内建立起了第一个时间跨度超过十年的超时量子通信系统,采用迭代预测的方式,铺设了通向未来无穷远的预测系统。这样迭代预测的核心,就是在每一个关键时间点上布置中继信标,也就是,路标!他现在所在的避难所,就是他这个时间的路标!如果路标系统运作正常,那么极有可能,他现在不仅能通过系统继续看见未来,也可以通过向过去传递信息来改变过去!等等……这样的能力…….自己的手环,难道就来自于此??
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