FSM :: Volume #4

#302: Ambitious

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Before the heart demon caused trouble, Song Qingshu has really thought continued to disguise as Kangxi like this, this emperor, when has done, returning to the harem also to try the taste of these concubines, but after Zhou Zhiruo, Dongfang Muxue and Xia Qingqing these women appeared together, the Song Qingshu subconsciousness cast behind these thoughts. 之前心魔作祟,宋青书倒真想过就这样继续假扮康熙,把这个皇帝当一直做下去,回到后宫还可以试试这些皇妃的滋味,不过周芷若东方暮雪夏青青这几个女人一起出现过后,宋青书下意识将这些念头抛诸脑后。 That is a strange psychology, as if oneself fool around with the sweetheart outside is actually discovered by the wife at the scene, the sense of shame that the later generation moral system brings scattered the Song Qingshu heart demon unexpectedly, letting him to ponder now the situation calmly. 那是一种奇怪的心理,仿佛自己在外面跟情人鬼混却被妻子给当场发现,后世道德体系带来的羞耻感居然无意间驱散了宋青书的心魔,让他能冷静地思考如今处境。 „Does emperor work as is very crisp?” Dongfang Muxue smilingly is looking at him. “皇帝当起来是不是很爽?”东方暮雪笑眯眯地望着他。 Also Ok,” Song Qingshu felt that immediately two murderous aura, changed a statement hastily, „was actually also same, the custom were many, was far from the beforehand comfortableness.” “还可以啦,”宋青书立马感觉到两股杀气,连忙改口道,“其实也就一般般,规矩多得很,远没有之前自在。” Such being the case, this emperor does not work as, Big Brother Song, we roam through the world to go.” Xia Qingqing swung his hand excitedly. “既然如此,这个皇帝不当也罢,宋大哥,我们遨游天下去吧。”夏青青兴奋地摇了摇他的手。 Sees Song Qingshu to reveal one to feel embarrassed the look, Dongfang Muxue titters smiles: Miss Xia, your family Big Brother Song made such big effort to take Kangxi, but generation it, he has not enjoyed the victory with enough time the fruit, you made him give up, he did not certainly prefer.” 宋青书露出一丝为难神色,东方暮雪噗嗤一笑:“夏姑娘,你家宋大哥花了这么大力气才取康熙而代之,他还没来得及享受胜利的果实,你就让他放弃,他当然不情愿啦。” He has not enjoyed, heard that Little Tong Empress by him...... by him was made could not get out of bed.” Xia Qingqing air/Qi and anxious. “他还没享受啊,听说小佟后都被他……被他弄得下不了床了。”夏青青又气又急。 „Are you so fierce?” Dongfang Muxue suspected that sized up Song Qingshu somewhere one. “你有这么厉害?”东方暮雪怀疑地打量了宋青书某处一眼。 Song Qingshu looked at shamelessly by her one red, complains of injustice: Where is so exaggerating, is which son-of-a-bitch chews the root of the tongue in behind randomly, We know certainly could not forgive her.” 宋青书被她看得老脸一红,不由叫屈起来:“哪有这么夸张,是哪个狗奴才在后面乱嚼舌根,朕知道了一定饶不了她。” Do not suspend spectrum of emperor before us.” Dongfang Muxue disdain curls the lip. “在我们面前就别摆皇帝的谱儿了。”东方暮雪不屑地撇撇嘴。 These days formed the habit.” Song Qingshu touches the head, hehe said with a smile. “这段时间养成习惯了。”宋青书摸了摸脑袋,嘿嘿笑道。 Big Brother Song, have you stayed in this Forbidden City like this?” Xia Qingqing calmly visits him, Big Brother Song you have thought that even if as the matter stands you, when the emperor crosses again merrily, was still Kangxi passes in the world eyes merrily, what Song Qingshu will forget quickly, such you really died.” 宋大哥,难道你就一直这样呆在这紫禁城里么?”夏青青静静地看着他,“宋大哥你有没有想过,这样一来就算你当皇帝过得再快活,在世人眼中也是康熙过得快活,什么宋青书很快就会被遗忘,那样你就真的死了。” If naturally Big Brother Song decides to stay in Forbidden City finally, I...... I am also willing to stay in the palace to accompany you by the Consort Ping status.” Since to Song Qingshu expression affections, Xia Qingqing discovered before being many, felt the words that feels ashamed, as if did not have is so difficult to say. “当然如果宋大哥最后决定留在紫禁城,我……我也愿意以平妃的身份留在宫里陪你。”自从对宋青书表达爱意过后,夏青青发现很多以前觉得羞人的话,似乎也没那么难说出口了。 Under Song Qingshu was moved closely gripped her small hand, for a while was deeply moved. 宋青书感动之下紧紧握住了她的小手,一时激动得说不出话来。 ~ Dongfang Muxue shows a not being able to bear expression, Song Qingshu, I thought actually you continue to be this emperor to be good, the ideal and aspiration that is not always able to display had the strength foundation. Now the world except for Mongolia, is the Manchu-Qing Dynasty strength to be most powerful, gave up somewhat being really a pity like this.” “啧啧~”东方暮雪露出一副受不了的表情,“宋青书,我倒是觉得你继续当这个皇帝挺不错的,很多一直以来无法施展的理想和抱负就有了实力基础。如今天下除了蒙古,就属满清实力最为强大,就这样放弃了实在有些可惜。” Before Song Qingshu, has thought continued to disguise Kangxi, then own real status was doomed dead, the seduction of power was too big, he thinks each time this issue, shifted the attention hastily, hid the issue of this headache in the mind deep place. 宋青书之前也想到过继续假装康熙,那么自己的真实身份就注定死亡了,不过权力的诱惑太大,每次他想到这个问题,就连忙转移注意力,将这个头疼的问题隐藏在脑海深处。 This time was punctured by Xia Qingqing, Song Qingshu has to face this issue finally, the additional careful demon abates, he soon realized the Kangxi just before the end last words outcome what's the matter. 这次被夏青青戳破,宋青书终于不得不面对这个问题,加上心魔消退,他很快意识到康熙临终的遗言究竟是怎么回事。 Before Kangxi died, has not considered to revenge, has not entreated Song Qingshu to kindly treat children anything, but requested him to be this emperor well. Song Qingshu was incomprehensible, to understand that at that time now the farsightedness of Kangxi, he concluded oneself is definitely out of control to work as the seduction of emperor, once wallows, naturally can only appear by his status in world, in that case, Kangxi died, is actually living, Song Qingshu is living, has actually died. 康熙死前没有考虑报仇,也没有哀求宋青书善待自己子女什么的,只是要求他好好当这个皇帝。宋青书当时不能理解,现在才明白康熙的深谋远虑,他料定了自己肯定禁不住当皇帝的诱惑,一旦沉迷进去,自然只能以他的身份出现在世间,那样一来,康熙死了,却又活着,宋青书活着,却已经死了。 After all a lot of years later, in the history book records all was the matter of Kangxi, regarding Song Qingshu, in the history book will only record his plot to assassinate the emperor, finally was frustrated the bone to raise grey one to bring. 毕竟千百年后,史书上记载的全是康熙的事情,对于宋青书么,史书上只会记载他阴谋刺杀皇帝,最后被挫骨扬灰一笔带过。 After Song Qingshu pretends him, can kindly treat the children or the filthy chaotic harem imperial concubine imperial concubine and so on, was not Kangxi cares. 宋青书假冒他之后,会不会善待自己子女又或者秽乱后宫嫔妃之类的,根本就不是康熙所在意的了。 Kangxi did not fear that Song Qingshu saw through his intention, after all this was the open and aboveboard open intrigue, the key looked that Song Qingshu can undergo the seduction of throne. 康熙也不怕宋青书识破他的意图,毕竟这是堂堂正正的阳谋,关键就看宋青书能不能经受住皇位的诱惑了。 Although warm Xiangnuan the jade in the bosom, Song Qingshu thought some behind round of cool, oneself has not tried to compete the political strategy layout with Kangxi luckily, but is the choice broken by the strength, becomes the final victor by luck. 虽然温香暖玉在怀,宋青书还是觉得有些背后发凉,幸好自己没有试图和康熙比拼权谋布局,而是选择以力破巧,才侥幸成为最后的胜利者。 Who said that I can give up?” Song Qingshu hesitates long time, long aspirates finally. “谁说我要放弃的?”宋青书沉吟良久,最后长长吐了一口气。 Hears his words, the Dongfang Muxue eye one brightly, Xia Qingqing actually look one gloomy, but thinks that in any event will accompany side him , was not so sad. 听到他的话,东方暮雪眼睛一亮,夏青青却神色一黯,不过想到无论如何自己都会陪在他身边,也就不那么难过了。 Emperor I must work as, Song Qingshu I must work as.” In the Song Qingshu look as if splits a sparkle the ray. “皇帝我要当,宋青书我也要当。”宋青书眼神中仿佛绽出一丝闪耀的光芒。 Xia Qingqing stares, Dongfang Muxue actually knits the brows: Has obtained must lose, in the world where has the good deed of satisfying both sides.” 夏青青一愣,东方暮雪却皱眉道:“有所得必有所失,世上哪有两全其美的好事。” That is only the fool cannot think of the solution, bored excuse.” Song Qingshu said lightly, I alone am not naturally able to accomplish, but there are you to assist, matter had a favorable turn.” “那只是蠢人想不到解决办法,无聊的借口而已。”宋青书淡淡说道,“我一个人自然无法办到,不过有了你们相助,事情却有了一丝转机。” You said actually looks.” Dongfang Muxue looking pensive, as if guessed correctly his idea indistinctly. “你倒是说说看。”东方暮雪若有所思,似乎隐隐约约猜到了他的想法。 East...... flatter Miss Xue, are you interested in being the emperor?” Song Qingshu is looking at Dongfang Muxue with a smile. “东……阿雪姑娘,你有没有兴趣当皇帝啊?”宋青书笑吟吟地望着东方暮雪 Dongfang Muxue stares, responded quickly, the corners of the mouth went up: Naturally, my anything has attempted for a lifetime, has not tried taste that is the emperor, is very certainly fun.” 东方暮雪一愣,很快反应过来,嘴角上翘:“当然,我这一辈子啥都尝试过了,就是没试过当皇帝的滋味,想必一定很好玩。” What has attempted?” Song Qingshu one dull, suddenly is quite somewhat uncomfortable at heart. “啥都尝试过了?”宋青书一呆,突然心里颇有些不是滋味。 Saw the Song Qingshu strange facial expression, Dongfang Muxue stunned, responded quickly: Your son-of-a-bitch, actually in the brain is thinking anything.” 见到宋青书古怪的神情,东方暮雪错愕了一阵,很快反应过来:“你个浑蛋,脑子里究竟在想什么啊。” Is has the different meanings that yourself said obviously.” Song Qingshu muttered. “明明是你自己说的有歧义。”宋青书咕哝不已。 Actually you are saying what, doesn't my how point understand what is heard?” Xia Qingqing interrupts their riddle common dialog depressed. “你们究竟在说什么啊,我怎么一点都听不明白?”夏青青郁闷地打断俩人哑谜一般的对白。 I meant that let Miss Xue changed/easy Rongcheng Kangxi, like this I can leave to complete my enterprise.” Song Qingshu puts aside the topic hastily. “我是说让雪姑娘易容成康熙,这样我就能抽身出来完成自己的事业了。”宋青书连忙将话题移开。 Why cannot come changed/easy Rongcheng Kangxi by me, back then this miss was dressed as a man, mingles among the Jianghu (rivers and lakes) skill, but levers.” Although Xia Qingqing deliberately changes itself, but loves being jealous this point, did not say that changes to change. “为什么不能由我来易容成康熙,想当年本姑娘女扮男装,混迹江湖的本事可是杠杠的。”夏青青虽然刻意改变自己,但爱吃醋这一点,却不是说改就能改的。 You have a more important matter.” Song Qingshu fills to feel attached to visits her. “你还有更重要的事情啊。”宋青书充满爱怜地看着她。 A Xia Qingqing words exit|to speak on some regrets, oneself is not the past little miss, after untold hardships, can with great difficulty with Song Qingshu in the same place, why also to be the villain in vain, annoys him to dislike. Hears Song Qingshu not to blame her meaning, in the Xia Qingqing heart one warm, asked hastily: What more important matter?” 夏青青话一出口就有些后悔,自己已经不是当年的小姑娘了,历经千辛万苦,好不容易才能和宋青书在一起,又何必枉做小人,惹他讨厌呢。听到宋青书没有怪她的意思,夏青青心中一暖,连忙问道:“什么更重要的事情啊?” Accompanies me......” Song Qingshu to have the thoughts of practical joke. “陪我……”宋青书顿生恶作剧的心思。 „Ah?” Xia Qingqing elegant face one red, lowered the head un, good.” In her opinion, can stay side Song Qingshu, may, when what emperor was more interesting. “啊?”夏青青俏脸一红,低着头嗯了一声,“好呀。”在她看来,能呆在宋青书身边,可比当什么皇帝有意思多了。 Saw that Xia Qingqing is charming, the charming appearance for no reason, Song Qingshu stayed, just now then said: You accompany me toward Shandong and his party, the Golden Serpent Camp fission for a long time, was this/should conforms.” 看到夏青青娇羞无限,妩媚无端的模样,宋青书不由呆了呆,方才接着说道:“你陪我往山东一行,金蛇营分裂已久,是该重新整合起来了。” Golden Serpent Camp......” listens to him to raise this noun, in the Xia Qingqing heart a pain, the look also becomes gloomy. 金蛇营啊……”听他提起这个名词,夏青青心中一痛,神色也变得暗淡起来。 Song Qingshu then remembers her difficulty, said scruple: Sorry, almost forgot this is Yuan......” 宋青书这才想起她的难处,不由迟疑道:“对不起,差点忘了这是袁……” The Xia Qingqing finger presses gently on his lip, shakes the head slightly: Past on the past, do not raise him.” 夏青青手指轻轻按在他嘴唇上,微微摇了摇头:“过去的就过去了,不要提他了。” Dongfang Muxue smiled in the one side suddenly strangely: Is good your Song Qingshu, not only deceives to succeed in obtaining the Yuan Chengzhi's widow, now also prepares to receive his heritage, you may be really fierce.” 东方暮雪突然在一旁古怪地笑了起来:“好你个宋青书,不仅将袁承志的遗孀骗到了手,现在还准备接收他的遗产,你可真厉害。” Song Qingshu hears full Great Khan/sweat, is wanting to explain, who would have thought Xia Qingqing actually first pillages saying: Snort, so long as I liked Big Brother Song being good, this miss wanted. As for Golden Serpent Camp, the Big Brother Yuan entire life biggest desire is to overthrow Manchu-Qing Dynasty, he thinks that does not hope sees Golden Serpent Camp to turn in a state of disunity, Big Brother Song killed Emperor Manchu-Qing Dynasty, Big Brother Yuan had mystical powers in the day, was definitely glad to see that conformed with Golden Serpent Camp by Big Brother Song.” 宋青书听得满头大汗,正欲解释,哪知夏青青却先抢白道:“哼,只要我爱宋大哥就行了,本姑娘愿意。至于金蛇营,袁大哥生平最大的愿望就是推翻满清,他想必也不希望看到金蛇营变成一盘散沙,宋大哥杀了满清皇帝,袁大哥在天有灵,肯定也乐于见到由宋大哥重新整合金蛇营的。” „The woman of breaking faith is really fearful,” Dongfang Muxue does intentionally said exaggeratingly, „, is not only giving itself other man anxiously, even/including husband's heritage is also giving to him anxiously.” “变了心的女人真可怕,”东方暮雪故作夸张地说道,“不仅急着把自己送给别的男人,连老公的遗产也急着送给他。” A Xia Qingqing powder face was said a while to be red by her, a while is white, suddenly unfolds the face to smile, one room lives the spring: Why Miss Xue is in sharp opposition, feels embarrassed me everywhere. I only asked Big Brother Song not to shut out me, did not seek what status, naturally could not threaten your position, said, your true this object of coping should be that Emei Sect Sect Master Zhou was right.” 夏青青一张粉脸被她说得一会儿红,一会儿白,突然展颜一笑,一室生春:“雪姑娘何必针锋相对,处处为难我呢。我只求宋大哥不嫌弃我,又不求什么名分,自然也威胁不了你的地位,说起来,你真正该对付的对象应该是那位峨眉派周掌门才对啊。” Dongfang Muxue has not expected to draw fire to oneself, hears her words, was immediately anxious: You think that I am struggling for favor with you? Laughs simply, his Song Qingshu what virtue what can, I with his woman struggle? Irritates me simply.” 东方暮雪没料到引火烧身,听到她的话,立马急了:“你以为我是在跟你争宠?简直笑话,他宋青书何德何能,我会跟他的女人争?简直是气死我了。” Xia Qingqing smiles lightly: Miss Xue could not possibly have seen clearly own conscience, initially I also came like this, later Miss Xue naturally understood.” 夏青青淡淡一笑:“雪姑娘可能还看不清自己的本心,当初我也是这样过来的,以后雪姑娘自然就明白了。” Two great-aunts, stop, my quick was big.” Seeing more said is odder, Song Qingshu holds breath cold air, breaks two females to speak hastily, we study the later strategic concept well.” “两位姑奶奶,打住打住,我头都快大了。”见越说越离谱,宋青书倒吸一口凉气,连忙打断二女说话,“我们还是好好研究以后的战略方针吧。” Dongfang Muxue was made moodily by the Xia Qingqing words, has to ask: You spoke frankly, actually do you want to do with Golden Serpent Camp?” 东方暮雪夏青青的话弄得心烦气躁,只好问道:“你直说吧,你究竟想用金蛇营干什么?” At present I place in the palace, seems like that the hand will grasp the world crack troops good, actually all these will be the castles in the air, all established above the status of Kangxi, once exposed, my anything was not.” Song Qingshu sinking sound said, „, therefore I plan to form own secondary roles, had the domain, had the soldiers and horses, has the space in this tumultuous times.” “目前我身处宫中,看似手握天下精兵良将,其实这一切都是空中楼阁,全是建立在康熙的身份之上,一旦暴露,我什么都不是。”宋青书沉声道,“所以我才打算组建属于自己的班底,有了地盘,有了兵马,在这个乱世才有一席之地。” You plan to be based on Golden Serpent Camp, establishes own influence I to understand, what I am curious,” Dongfang Muxue calmly visits him the eye, actually do you want this expansion of influence what degree?” “你打算以金蛇营为基础,建立属于自己的势力我能理解,但我好奇的是,”东方暮雪静静地看着他得眼睛,“你究竟想将这个势力发展到什么程度?” Topples the Manchu-Qing Dynasty political power, establishes a country of Han people, again with the Mongolia compete world.” Song Qingshu crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the body has an inexplicable power and influence indistinctly. “推翻满清政权,重新建立一个汉人的国家,再与蒙古逐鹿天下。”宋青书负手而立,身上隐隐约约有一股莫名的威势。 ... ...
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