FSM :: Volume #4

#301: The worry in deep palace

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Although has had own of flesh with her, but first Zhou Zhiruo was not forced twice belongs to yield with a show of reluctance. Song Qingshu has not expected this Zhou Zhiruo so to coordinate, to coordinate to respond to his kissing, coordinates to separate the both legs, coordinates to lift the small waist lightly...... 虽然已经与她有过肌肤之亲,但前两次周芷若不是被强迫就是属于半推半就。宋青书没料到这一次周芷若会如此配合,配合着回应他的接吻,配合着分开双腿,配合着轻抬小蛮腰…… Song Qingshu is overjoyed, has engaged in fierce battle the weather to turn white slightly, is hugging the Zhou Zhiruo suet white jade common body, heavy goes off. 宋青书大喜过望,一直鏖战到天色微微发白,才搂着周芷若羊脂白玉一般的身体,沉沉睡去。 When Song Qingshu wakes up slowly, the subconsciousness one touches toward the side, actually discovered that startled touched spatial. Awakens all of a sudden, discovered that the beautiful woman the fragrant trace is lost to view. 宋青书缓缓醒来,下意识往身边一摸,却愕然发现摸了个空。一下子惊醒过来,才发现佳人已经芳踪杳杳。 Completes each time walks, the artillery friends are not so simple.” Song Qingshu pinched the forehead reluctantly, when sets out suddenly sees on the bed to sew a jade hairpin, above also has a paper. “每次做完就走,炮友都没这么干脆吧。”宋青书无奈地捏了捏眉心,起身时突然看见床上钉着一根玉簪,上面还有一张纸条。 I returned to Emei, I need to be static.” “我回峨眉了,我需要静一静。” Above looks at the beautiful handwriting, the Song Qingshu corners of the mouth goes up, somewhat happily smiled, simultaneously jade hairpin and in paper cautious income bosom. 看着上面娟秀的字迹,宋青书嘴角上翘,有些得意地笑了起来,同时将玉簪和纸条小心翼翼收入怀中。 Aiya, forgot Youyou (faintly/spookily).” Suddenly Song Qingshu pats the forehead, thinks Xia Qingqing also rests in the next door, perhaps felt alarmed and anxious for night, then feeling sorry, ran hastily hurriedly. “哎呀,忘了幽幽了。”突然宋青书一拍脑门,想到了夏青青还睡在隔壁,恐怕担惊受怕了一夜,便歉疚不已,连忙匆匆忙忙跑了过去。 Yo, was willing to come out from the red light district?” “哟,舍得从温柔乡出来了?” When Song Qingshu pushes the gate enters, discovered that Dongfang Muxue unexpectedly also in room, a face despises looks at itself, in the tone was full of the meaning of ridicule. 宋青书推门而入的时候,发现东方暮雪居然也在房中,一脸鄙夷地看着自己,语气中充满了讥讽之意。 „, You how here?” Song Qingshu stares, observes the situation for a week, sees Xia Qingqing to be well-dressed, sits opposite of Dongfang Muxue, erratically is looking at itself surprisedly. “呃,你怎么在这里?”宋青书一愣,环视一周,才看到夏青青穿戴整齐,坐在东方暮雪对面,正惊疑不定地望着自己。 Now also brings that ghost mask to do?” Dongfang Muxue delicate eyebrows one pressed, looks that the Song Qingshu look is quite bad. “现在还带着那个鬼面具干什么?”东方暮雪秀眉一蹙,看着宋青书眼神颇为不善。 Has not been worried about in the person by palace to be seen,” Song Qingshu is preparing to pull the mask, suddenly referred to Xia Qingqing scruple, „have you told her?” He is worried to tear off the mask suddenly, Xia Qingqing will unable to bear the stimulation, the greatly sad great happiness bursts oneself very much. “还不是担心被宫里的人看见么,”宋青书正准备将面具扯下来,突然迟疑地指了指夏青青,“你已经跟她说了?”他担心突然扯掉面具,夏青青会受不了刺激,大悲大喜都很伤身的。 „Is Big Brother Song, really you?” Xia Qingqing such is looking at him, in the eye socket as if there is glittering and translucent carving liquid soon the drop to come out. 宋大哥,真的是你么?”夏青青就那样望着他,眼眶里似乎有晶莹剔透的液体即将滴出来。 Song Qingshu tears off the mask, fills is looking at her tender: Youyou (faintly/spookily), is I.” 宋青书扯下面具,充满怜惜地望着她:“幽幽,是我。” Big Brother Song!” Bound one group of fragrant winds, Xia Qingqing is jumping into him to cherish, closely held in the arms him, the mouth muttered, I think that could not see again you...... you do know I heard the news that your body died, I had hate me! I know that I am determined to revenge, was insufficient to be sealed by Kangxi is Consort Ping, you will not assassinate him harebrainedly......” 宋大哥!”裹着一团香风,夏青青扑入了他怀中,将他紧紧地搂住,嘴里喃喃自语,“我以为再也见不到你了……你知不知道我听到你身死的消息,我有多恨我自己!我知道要不是我决意报仇,也不至于被康熙封为平妃,你就不会冒冒失失去刺杀他……” Sees Xia Qingqing to misunderstand, Song Qingshu hesitated, finally had not explained, is patting her back gently, said gently: I had promised you before, certainly will help you revenge, now you ought to believe.” 夏青青有所误会,宋青书迟疑了一下,最终还是没有解释,轻轻拍着她的后背,温柔地说道:“我以前答应过你,一定会帮你报仇,现在你总该相信了吧。” Believed, believed.” The Xia Qingqing tears stopped the non- persistence, both hands hugged tightly. “相信了,相信了。”夏青青眼泪止不住留了下来,双手搂得更紧了。 Nearby Dongfang Muxue sees the so disgusting situation, cannot bear shiver, hastily to one group upside-down. the tea drank the cup 一旁的东方暮雪见到如此肉麻的情形,忍不住打了个冷颤,连忙到一帮倒了杯茶来喝。 Big Brother Song, I think that you comply with my matter finally.” Xia Qingqing raised the head, the tearful eyes are looking at Song Qingshu dimly. 宋大哥,我想你最后答应我一件事情。”夏青青抬起头来,泪眼朦胧地望着宋青书 I who what matter, can achieve comply certainly.” “什么事情,能做到的我一定答应。” Although can also feel Xia Qingqing before fuzzily to own favorable impression, because she must revenge for Yuan Chengzhi wholeheartedly, causing Song Qingshu unable to determine that she to oneself whether has the affection, until this moment, he felt opposite party that heart to be itself completely thoroughly. 虽然之前也能模模糊糊感受到夏青青对自己的好感,但因为她一心一意要为袁承志报仇,导致宋青书一直不能确定她对自己是否有情意,直到这一刻,他才完完整整感受到对方那颗芳心已经彻底属于了自己。 You killed chief criminal Kangxi for me, for...... is Big Brother Yuan has revenged, I am very satisfied. I did not need you to kill Dongfang Bubai again, you must promise me!” The Xia Qingqing manner looks at Song Qingshu anxiously, appearance that as if for fear that he does not comply with. “你替我杀了罪魁祸首康熙,也算为……为袁大哥报了仇,我已经很满足了。我不需要你再去杀东方不败了,你一定要答应我!”夏青青神态焦急地看着宋青书,仿佛生怕他不答应的样子。 ! 噗! Dongfang Muxue just drank the tea of mouth unable to bear spurt, the facial expression is staring Song Qingshu strangely. 东方暮雪刚喝到嘴里的茶忍不住喷了出来,神情古怪地瞪着宋青书 Song Qingshu puts aside the vision afraid, looks at Xia Qingqing curiously: Why?” 宋青书心虚地移开目光,好奇地看着夏青青:“为什么呢?” „The Dongfang Bubai martial arts is so high, I do not think that you took any risk again.” Xia Qingqing closely is nipping the lower lip, the vision brilliant visits him. 东方不败武功那么高,我不想你再冒任何风险了。”夏青青紧紧咬着下唇,目光灼灼地看着他。 „Are you...... really resigned?” Song Qingshu long sighs. “你……真的甘心么?”宋青书长长叹了一口气。 Xia Qingqing cheek tight post above the chest of Song Qingshu: I had lost Big Brother Yuan, I do not want to lose you again. When I know that you assassinate Kangxi failure body died, I incessantly ten million times prayed, if the time flowed backwards, I gave certainly up revenging, only strove for being able with you to go boating Jianghu (rivers and lakes), spent together the remaining years of life.” 夏青青将脸蛋儿紧紧贴在宋青书的胸膛之上:“我已经失去了袁大哥,我不想再失去你。当我知道你刺杀康熙失败身死的时候,我不止千万次祈祷,若是时光倒流,我一定放弃报仇,只求能和你泛舟江湖,共度余生。” Song Qingshu hears in the heart to hurt, this period of time she does not know that bore the tremendous pressure, puts out a hand to grasp her hastily. 宋青书听得心中一疼,这段时间她不知道承受了多大的压力,连忙伸手将她重新抱住。 Since Heaven gave me an opportunity, I naturally cannot miss again.” “既然上苍重新给了我一次机会,我自然不会再一次错过。” When Xia Qingqing said all these, suddenly detected that at heart relaxed many, gave up the hatred, regained the love, the feeling was very indeed happy. 夏青青说完这一切,突然发觉心里轻松了好多,放弃了仇恨,重新获得了爱,感觉的确很美好。 Good, I promise you.” Song Qingshu was hearing her beautiful hair delicate fragrance, the sinking sound said. Cracks a joke, Dongfang Bubai stands in the front, Xia Qingqing proposed that gives up being supposed better, but, in the future how otherwise he must have a headache resolves two female hatreds. “好,我答应你。”宋青书闻着她秀发的清香,沉声说道。开什么玩笑,东方不败就站在面前,夏青青自己提出放弃最好不过,不然他日后还得头疼怎么化解两女的仇恨。 „!” Dongfang Muxue has not expected to pull itself unexpectedly, stared Song Qingshu one ruthlessly, daughter, your such offering to volunteer pillow mat?” “咳咳!”东方暮雪万万没料到居然会扯到自己,狠狠瞪了宋青书一眼,“小娘子,你就这样自荐枕席了?” Xia Qingqing once was also a smart strange young girl, slowly tranquil mood, heard teasing of Dongfang Muxue, was not angry, instead is supine the chin, said ill-humoredly: This miss wants.” 夏青青曾经也是一个机灵古怪的少女,慢慢平静了心情,听到东方暮雪的打趣,也不恼怒,反而仰着下巴,没好气地说道:“本姑娘就是愿意。” But do you know that he does have the wife? The solemn Emei Sect leader, he came a moment ago late, perhaps lost in the Miss Zhou red light district.” Looks that two people hug intimately in the same place, Dongfang Muxue do not know stemming from what psychology, saw through all these. “可是你知不知道他已经有妻子了?还是堂堂峨眉派的掌门人,刚才他之所以这么晚才过来,恐怕就是迷失在周姑娘的温柔乡了吧。”看着两人亲密地搂在一起,东方暮雪不知道出于什么心理,拆穿了这一切。 Xia Qingqing really smells on Song Qingshu to have fragrance of share of other women, in the heart some unavoidable acids, but until now, has scruples about the status of own widow, pours has not thought must be the Song Qingshu wife frankly and uprightly. 夏青青果然嗅到宋青书身上有一股其他女人的香气,心中难免有些酸酸的,不过一直以来,对自己未亡人的身份十分顾忌,倒也不曾想过要正大光明地做宋青书的妻子。 Thinks through all these, Xia Qingqing both hands are hugging his neck, said with a smile lightly: How he has the wife, I am resigned to be his back sweetheart, so long as he does not shut out me.” Said that finally is looking at Song Qingshu affectionately. 想通这一切,夏青青双手勾着他的脖子,淡淡地笑道:“他有妻子又如何,我甘心做他背后的情人,只要他不嫌弃我。”说道最后深情地望着宋青书 Really was the regret saves you.” Dongfang Muxue is at a loss for words for a while, cold snort/hum. “真是后悔来救你了。”东方暮雪一时语塞,不由冷哼了一声。 A Xia Qingqing eyeball revolution, flashes through a cunning facial expression, „before , three of us attacked Kangxi jointly, one was the Big Brother Song name brand wife, one was his...... his sweetheart, what were you?” 夏青青眼珠一转,闪过一丝狡黠的神情,“之前我们三人联手攻击康熙,一个是宋大哥的正牌妻子,一个是他的……他的情人,那你又是什么呢?” Dongfang Muxue complexion slightly red, snort/hum: Friend.” 东方暮雪脸色微红,哼了一声:“朋友而已。” Friend?” Xia Qingqing smiles ambiguous, female friend, Big Brother Song always has the female personal connection very much.” “朋友?”夏青青暧昧地笑了笑,“红颜知己吧,宋大哥向来很有女人缘的。” Listened to two female diamond cut diamond, Song Qingshu somewhat unable to endure finally, he worried that Xia Qingqing saw Dongfang Muxue to aggravate, Dongfang Muxue revealed the Dongfang Bubai status directly. Xia Qingqing gives up seeking revenge is a matter, kills the husband personal enemy to stand in like this at present, is a different matter. 听着两女针尖对麦芒,宋青书终于有些吃不消了,他担心夏青青东方暮雪惹火了,东方暮雪直接表露出东方不败的身份。夏青青放弃寻仇是一回事,杀夫仇人就这样站在眼前,又是另外一回事。 Song Qingshu is enjoying now Xia Qingqing docilely such as the appearance of cat, is not naturally willing to have what accident/surprise, makes to lose all. 宋青书正享受如今夏青青温顺如猫的模样,自然不愿意出什么意外,弄得鸡飞蛋打。 Ok, since everyone is a person on one's own side, what to do we will discuss one next from now on the imperial palace.” “好了,既然大家都是自己人,那我们还是来商量一下今后在皇宫怎么办吧。” Who and you are a person on one's own side.” Dongfang Muxue disdain bah. “谁和你是自己人。”东方暮雪不屑地呸了一口。 This woman is so ominous, actually who?” Xia Qingqing looked at Dongfang Muxue one discontentedly, but realized suddenly before oneself, this, cannot help but does not smile frequently. “这个女人这么凶,究竟谁啊?”夏青青不满地看了东方暮雪一眼,不过突然意识到自己之前不也经常这样么,不由得会心一笑。 She can be my partner, Miss Xue.” Song Qingshu worries, signals with the eyes to Dongfang Muxue crazily, for fear that she roars flamboyant introduced oneself are what sunrise Dongfang (east), only my undefeated. “她算得上我的合伙人,雪姑娘。”宋青书捏了一把汗,狂对东方暮雪使眼色,生怕她牛逼哄哄地介绍自己就是什么日出东方,唯我不败。 Before Dongfang Muxue naturally knew Xia Qingqing at this time is, was struck the Yuan Chengzhi's widow who kills by oneself, she hesitant a while, similarly does not want to cause complications, then also tacitly approved the name of Song Qingshu. 东方暮雪这个时候自然知道夏青青是以前被自己击杀的袁承志的遗孀,她犹豫了一会儿,同样不想节外生枝,便也默认了宋青书的称呼。 Doesn't need to ask Sister Zhou to come to discuss together?” Thinks that beforehand Song Qingshu and Zhou Zhiruo stay in the room intimate, in Xia Qingqing heart some unavoidable acids, but the opposite party in name is the Song Qingshu name brand madame, thinks oneself and Song Qingshu relations, somewhat is on nettles. “不用请周姐姐过来一起商量么?”想到之前宋青书周芷若呆在房中亲热,夏青青心中难免有些酸酸的,不过对方名义上是宋青书正牌夫人,想到自己和宋青书的关系,又有些忐忑不安。 She...... has returned to Emei.” Song Qingshu sighed. “她……已经回峨眉了。”宋青书叹了口气。 This.” Why does not know, Xia Qingqing breathes a sigh of relief quietly. “这样啊。”不知道为什么,夏青青悄悄舒了一口气。 „, The boiled duck can fly, you also are really enough stupid.” Dongfang Muxue despises to say. “啧啧啧,煮熟的鸭子都能飞了,你也真是够蠢的。”东方暮雪鄙夷道。 Song Qingshu does not understand why Dongfang Muxue will such reconcile itself and Zhou Zhiruo, looked at her one eyes strangely, has not refuted. 宋青书不明白东方暮雪干嘛会那样撮合自己和周芷若,奇怪地看了她一眼,并没有反驳。 What to do we discuss a next future.” Xia Qingqing has a mind is Song Qingshu breaks through. “我们还是讨论一下今后怎么办吧。”夏青青有心为宋青书解围。 Song Qingshu looked at her one eyes grateful, Xia Qingqing is never expected that gentle so to be unexpectedly intimate. 宋青书感激地看了她一眼,没想到夏青青温柔起来居然如此贴心。 What to do can also, before your Big Brother Song, does not ramble in the imperial palace very much, I found him the time, he presses the head of Little Tong Empress to help him...... help his such.” Dongfang Muxue in Sun Moon Divine Cult, although has also played with the woman, but after all are also a woman, before saw that Song Qingshu that scene still shocks to her is very big. “还能怎么办,你这位宋大哥之前不是在皇宫里逍遥得很么,我找到他得时候,他按着小佟后的脑袋帮他……帮他那样呢。”东方暮雪日月神教中虽然也玩弄过女人,但毕竟自己也是女人,之前见到宋青书那个场景依然给她震撼很大。 Xia Qingqing then responded, this period of time deliberately asked the young court eunuch palace maid to inquire the Kangxi news, is planning revenging, naturally knows that Kangxi stayed in Little Tong Empress there this period of time daily seeks pleasure, monopolizes favor one person, made that the harem quite had the complaint. 夏青青这才反应过来,这段时间刻意找小太监宫女打听康熙消息,计划着报仇,自然知道康熙这段时间天天呆在小佟后那里寻欢作乐,专宠一人,弄得后宫颇有怨言。 Right, yourself look for Little Tong Empress to go.” Some Xia Qingqing also vitality/angry. “对啊,你自己找小佟后去吧。”夏青青也有些生气了。 That is I am obsessed for a while, you let off me.” Song Qingshu like the cow, asked for mercy greatly hastily. “那是我一时鬼迷心窍,你们就放过我吧。”宋青书头大如牛,连忙告饶。 Snort, that and we together Consort Hui Miss Ma that comes back from Shengjing.” Thinks that I see a young young married woman who still pities, the Xia Qingqing complexion said strangely. “哼,还有那个和我们一同从盛京回来的慧妃马姑娘呢。”想到那个我见犹怜的个小少妇,夏青青面色奇怪地说道。 Where I dare to bump her. slow Zheng, Fu Kang’an, the great experience even was better than Kangxi, which bumped her man to die a natural death.” The Song Qingshu forced smile said. “我哪敢碰她啊。徐铮,福康安,弘历甚至强如康熙,碰过她的男人哪一个有善终的。”宋青书苦笑道。 Your bastard, she was so obviously pitiful, you also said her like this.” Xia Qingqing reprimanded suddenly tenderly. “你个混蛋,她明明这么可怜了,你还这样说她。”夏青青突然娇斥道。 Powerhouse transports/fortunes, what does only woman have to be good to fear? In the evening I go to tie up her, is cheap your one time. I must have a look, to have me but actually to assist, you can have anything.” Dongfang Muxue cold sound said, a past demon taught the founder the air/Qi of looking disdainfully to scatter in all directions. “强者强运,区区一个女人有什么好怕的?晚上我就去把她绑来,便宜你一次。我倒要看看,有我相助,你能出什么事情。”东方暮雪冷声说道,一股昔日魔教教主睥睨之气四散开来。 We first did not say this.” Song Qingshu said with a smile embarrasedly. “我们还是先不说这个了。”宋青书讪讪地笑道。 How can not say this, you live in the imperial palace, always cannot escape the imperial concubine to wait on the matter of bedroom. In the imperial palace besides Little Tong Empress, Big Tong Empress, in the noble concubine has guar good, Niu Gulu, section Jiashi, Consort Mi, the suitable imperial concubine...... each one is the beautiful woman of one in a hundred cream of the crop, what to do when the time comes do you plan?” Xia Qingqing is rousing the mouth, is waiting for the Song Qingshu reply. “怎么能不说这个,你住在皇宫里,总逃不过妃子侍寝的事情。皇宫里除了小佟后,还有大佟后,贵妃里有瓜尔佳氏,钮钴禄氏,章嘉氏,还有宓妃,宜妃……个个都是百里挑一的美人儿,到时候你打算怎么办?”夏青青鼓着嘴,等着宋青书回答。 ... ...
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