FSM :: Volume #4

#303: How do you want to inspect?

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Manchu-Qing Dynasty the well-trained soldiers and ample supply, you must overthrow it now, easier said than done.” Dongfang Muxue is not optimistic, knits the brows to say. 满清如今兵精粮足,你要推翻它,谈何容易。”东方暮雪并没有那么乐观,皱眉说道。 With my background, direct comes hardly definitely is incorrect,” Song Qingshu looks at Dongfang Muxue to smile, „, but had your fake Kangxi, will have the opportunity is not not possible probably to turn.” “以我的底子,直接硬来肯定是不行的,”宋青书看着东方暮雪笑了笑,“但是有你这个假康熙在,就有机会将不可能变成可能。” Dongfang Muxue shows an understanding smile: You put the blame on the other person the abacus well, so long as my Kangxi fainted to incur to happen frequently, you can sit slowly in a big way, but the Manchu-Qing Dynasty royal government was gradually disappointed about the emperor, the will of the people fluctuated, perhaps some influences will also side with you. Continuously, you want to replace Manchu-Qing Dynasty but are actually not not possible.” 东方暮雪露出一丝会意的笑容:“你倒打得好算盘,只要我这个康熙昏招迭出,你就能慢慢坐大,而满清朝廷渐渐对皇帝失望,人心浮动,说不定有些势力还会倒向你。此起彼伏,你想取代满清倒也不是不可能。” Miss Xue taught...... suddenly to remember Xia Qingqing worthily still in the one side, Song Qingshu hit hastily, concealed, anything could not hide the truth from you.” 雪姑娘不愧是一教之……”突然想起夏青青还在一旁,宋青书连忙打了个哈哈,掩饰了过去,“什么都瞒不过你。” Is only your is easy to allow the technique really to make others unable to see the flaw?” Dongfang Muxue suspected. “只是你这易容之术真的能让旁人看不出破绽么?”东方暮雪对此十分怀疑。 This ability from a Gusu Murong Family little miss hand study, is actually very easy-to-use, I will teach you carefully, should not have the issue.” The Song Qingshu ponder moment, hesitated suddenly, harem these imperial concubine there, you are very difficult to dodge.” “这个本领是从姑苏慕容家一个小姑娘手里学来的,倒是好用得很,我会仔细教给你,应该没问题。”宋青书沉思片刻,突然迟疑了一下,“不过后宫那些妃子那里,你很难搪塞得过去。” The Song Qingshu meaning is very obvious, although oneself are also fake, but the good and evil is also a man, the spend some method has hidden the truth from these imperial concubines, is not not possible. Dongfang Muxue is different, was not only fake Kangxi, but also the man was not, the nature was difficult. 宋青书意思很明显,自己虽然也是假的,但好歹也是个男人,花点手段瞒过那些妃子,也不是不可能。东方暮雪就不一样,不仅是假康熙,而且连男人也不是,自然难上加难。 Snort, this not work you take the trouble, so long as you can let me and Kangxi are the same, remaining I can solve.” Dongfang Muxue stared his one eyes ruthlessly, reveals color of being charmed quickly, „the Jianghu (rivers and lakes) rumor, Gusu Murong Family knows very well world martial learn/study, now looks like, really said not empty, had such masterstroke/divine skill including small girl.” “哼,这个不劳你费心,只要你能让我和康熙长得一样,剩下的我自己能解决。”东方暮雪狠狠瞪了他一眼,很快露出一丝神往之色,“江湖传言,姑苏慕容家熟知天下武学,如今看来,果然所言非虚,连一个小丫头都有如此神技。” You will not plan that the swallow shipyard kicks the hall,” Song Qingshu has a big shock, Young Master Murong has the graciousness to me, looks in my face, must show mercy ten million/countless.” “你不会打算去燕子坞踢馆吧,”宋青书大惊失色,“慕容公子对我有恩,看在我的面子上,千万要手下留情。” Cracks a joke, although Murong Fu can be the master class, but really walked by Dongfang Muxue, but also can not have what extermination massacre. In original works Murong Fu, although this not good that is not good, but this world, oneself can know that Divine Brilliance Scripture treats the meridians that performs, Murong Fu has lasting achievements. 开什么玩笑,慕容复虽然算得上一流高手,但真被东方暮雪找上门,还不得发生什么灭门惨案啊。原著中慕容复虽然这不好那不好,但这个世界,自己能够得知神照经来治疗尽断的经脉,慕容复功不可没。 You felt relieved that how I will give up changed/easy Rongcheng the Kangxi such interesting matter, instead runs to go to Gusu from afar?” On the Dongfang Muxue face offers color of the hesitation suddenly, let alone, the Jianghu (rivers and lakes) rumor, Murong Bo has not returned to the western paradise truly, my severe wound has not recovered, perhaps if bumps into him unable to flatter.” “你放心吧,我怎么会放弃易容成康熙这么有意思的事情,反而千里迢迢跑去姑苏?”东方暮雪脸上突然献出一丝犹疑之色,“更何况,江湖传言,慕容博并没真正归西,我重伤未愈,万一碰上他恐怕讨不了好。” Listened to her to say like this, Song Qingshu felt relieved finally nods. 听她这样说,宋青书终于放心地点了点头。 Because the day was about to shine, Song Qingshu cannot let the Xia Qingqing status exposition, then made her first return to the resting palace, continued to play her Consort Ping role. Xia Qingqing knows the present Kangxi was actually Song Qingshu, was naturally glad, when Consort Ping this role, departed still some did not abandon. 因为天快亮了,宋青书不能让夏青青身份暴露,便让她先回寝宫,继续扮演她平妃的角色。夏青青知道了现在的康熙其实就是宋青书,自然乐于当平妃这个角色,不过离去的时候依然有些不舍。 After Xia Qingqing walks, the Dongfang Muxue accent said with a smile: Appearance that Miss Xia that lets Monarch to pick, was miserable including as I of woman looks could not bear the heart movement, you were willing to put her to go back unexpectedly.” 夏青青走后,东方暮雪调笑道:“夏姑娘那副任君采撷的模样,楚楚可怜得连身为女人的我看了都忍不住心动,你居然舍得放她回去。” Has a lot of time for that in the palace has the custom in palace, if showed what flaw is not wonderful at this time,” Song Qingshu complained at this time with enough time, last night did you do such...... such...... I to plan severed completely with Zhou Zhiruo.” “来日方长,宫中有宫中的规矩,要是这个时候露出什么破绽就不妙了,”宋青书这时才来得及抱怨道,“昨晚你干嘛那样……那样……本来我都打算和周芷若一刀两断了。” „Don't you like taste?” Dongfang Muxue had not replied, instead asked. “难道你不喜欢其中的滋味?”东方暮雪并未回答,反而问道。 Indeed is also good,” Song Qingshu looked at the facial skin to feel hot by her, mutters said, just I planned with great difficulty the bright sword cuts the emotions, was done by you, now the heart is also chaotic.” “的确是还不错啦,”宋青书被她看得脸皮发烫,喃喃说道,“只不过我好不容易才打算慧剑斩情丝,被你一搞,如今心又乱了。” „Does bright sword cut the emotions? Miss Zhou like spatial valley orchid, the simple and beautiful local products, you really does not give up actually,” Dongfang Muxue receives the smile gradually, sincere said, I do not have that to be the matchmaker bored, but Miss Zhou as the Emei Sect leader, the influence in Sichuan is pivotal, since you plan the compete world, like this gives up some of her really non- wisdom.” “慧剑斩情丝?周姑娘有如空谷幽兰,清丽不可方物,你倒是真舍得,”东方暮雪渐渐收起笑容,正色说道,“我倒没那么无聊非要来当媒婆,只是周姑娘身为峨眉派掌门,在四川境内势力举足轻重,你既然打算逐鹿天下,这样放弃她实在有些不智。” On the Song Qingshu face floats off a disfavor: Son wins the world, from working as by real skill, what with the aid of the woman is?” 宋青书脸上浮起一丝不悦之色:“男儿得天下,自当靠真本事,借助女人算什么?” Dongfang Muxue sneers saying: Past the Emperor Guangwu having god-given wisdom rare talent, the skill in fine arts and in military arts, which type did not exceed your hundred times. In the same old way do not depend on the Empress Guo Shengtong this woman behind 100,000 armies, has the capital compete world? Ruler who these start from scratch thoroughly, earlier cannot leave the support of woman, does Lu Zhi in Liu Bang, Lou Zhaojun in Gaohuan, Ma Xiuying in Zhu Yuanzhang, how could the later generation therefore look down upon them?” 东方暮雪冷笑道:“昔日光武帝天纵奇才,文韬武略,哪样不胜过你百倍。不照样要靠郭圣通这个女人身后的十万大军,才有资本逐鹿天下?那些彻底白手起家的帝皇,前期更是离不开女人的支持,吕雉于刘邦,娄昭君于高欢,马秀英于朱元璋,后人又何曾因此看不起他们?” Song Qingshu is startled, expressed gratitude submissively: Many thanks the Miss Xue direction, I was indeed stodgy.” 宋青书一怔,拱手道谢:“多谢雪姑娘指点,我的确迂腐了。” Miss Xue?” The Dongfang Muxue look is difficult to be bright, „do you plan to deceive that Madam Yuan for a lifetime? In the future she knows that was I killed Yuan Chengzhi, but you related closely with me, you guess how she does think?” 雪姑娘?”东方暮雪神色难明,“你打算骗那位袁夫人一辈子么?日后她知道是我杀了袁承志,而你又与我关系密切,你猜她会怎么想?” Sometimes does not know that true understanding compares to know the truth is happier,” Song Qingshu deep sigh one breath, hope can hide the truth from her reluctantly for a lifetime.” “有时候不知道真相比知道真相更幸福,”宋青书无奈地长叹一口气,“希望能瞒她一辈子吧。” Will unable to conceal the truth eventually.” Dongfang Muxue said gently, two people fell into gradually silent. Your disguise technique outcome what's the matter, demonstrates quickly to me.” Saw Song Qingshu to pretend the effect of Kangxi, Dongfang Muxue is hard to suppress own curiosity. “终究会瞒不住的。”东方暮雪轻轻说道,两人渐渐陷入了沉默。“你的易容术究竟是怎么回事,快给我演示一遍。”见了宋青书假冒康熙的效果,东方暮雪难以抑制自己的好奇心。 This is not anything is but actually difficult, the key is the appearance, the sound, before your performing skill......” in any case , a school of court eunuch informs not to have an audience with the emperor today, Song Qingshu had greatly the time, then the careful teaching in the room got up. “这倒也不算什么难的,关键就是容貌,声音,还有你自身的演技……”反正之前派太监通知了今天不上朝,宋青书倒有大把时间,便在房中仔细教学起来。 That several dead court eunuch clever eyes glance toward here once for a while, is really annoying.” Dongfang Muxue listens to listen, suddenly both hands pound on the table, puts out several embroidery needles to shoot. “那几个死太监一双贼眼睛时不时往这边瞟,真是烦人。”东方暮雪听着听着,突然双手一拍桌子,拿出几根绣花针就要射出去。 Aiya my great-aunt.” Song Qingshu throws to press firmly between the fingers her both hands hastily, you shoot dead their matter certainly to cause the person with high aspirations to suspect noisily greatly, we now are very special periods, wants low-key low-key again low-key.” “哎呀我的姑奶奶。”宋青书扑过去连忙捏住她的双手,“你射死他们事情闹大肯定要引起有心人怀疑,我们现在是非常时期,要低调低调再低调。” Lets loose your claw.” Dongfang Muxue complexion one red, she had not planned really to shoot the needle, even if otherwise the present has the wound in the body, Song Qingshu still gave up any idea of that so blocks with ease. “放开你的爪子。”东方暮雪脸色一红,她本来也没打算真将针射出去,不然就算如今有伤在身,宋青书也休想如此轻松拦下来。 Song Qingshu receives to reach behind the back embarrasedly, to reduce and solve awkwardly, has to attend to about other: That several court eunuches do not know that is the person in which palace sends to pry the information, the news estimate of my on towards has not spread over in the palace early, in addition Duo Long that bastard adds inflammatory details, perhaps many people think that I in...... am bullying your three, caused toward not to go early on.” 宋青书讪讪地收回手,为了化解尴尬,只好顾左右而言其他:“那几个太监不知道是哪个宫里的人派来刺探情报的,我不上早朝的消息估计早就传遍了宫里,再加上多隆那混蛋添油加醋,恐怕不少人以为我正在……正在欺负你们三个,导致连早朝都不去上了。” If the leaders are not virtuous , the people cannot expected to virtuous.” Dongfang Muxue said bitterly. “上梁不正下梁歪。”东方暮雪恨恨说道。 The Song Qingshu forced smile said: You also saw, I thought that you harem that considers how to deal with this to manipulate strategically in the future.” 宋青书苦笑道:“你也看到了,我看你还是考虑日后怎么应对这勾心斗角的后宫吧。” Snort!” Dongfang Muxue raised the head proudly, this I may excel compared with you.” “哼!”东方暮雪骄傲地扬起了头,“这个我可比你擅长。” Why?” Song Qingshu is startled. “为什么?”宋青书一怔。 You forgot me are the solemn Sun Moon Divine Cult founder, but past the concubine, among them struggled for favor in groups is not perhaps worse than this imperial palace.” Dongfang Muxue happily said. “难道你忘了我可是堂堂的日月神教教主,昔日可是姬妾成群的,她们之间争宠恐怕不比这皇宫差。”东方暮雪得意地说道。 The Song Qingshu look is strange: They have anything to be good to struggle, in any case you are not a male...... 宋青书神色古怪无比:“她们有什么好争的,反正你又不是个男……嘿嘿。” Dongfang Muxue spat one: You underestimated me, I naturally had the skill to satisfy these women, lets skill that they led a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming, you perhaps could not have compared me.” 东方暮雪啐了一口:“你太小看我了,我自然有本事满足那些女人,让她们醉生梦死的本事,你说不定还比不上我。” Actually do you how accomplish?” Sees her facial expression like not lying, Song Qingshu has doubts, he is very curious, a Dongfang Muxue woman, how lets other women...... that anything. “你究竟怎么办到的?”见她神情不像说谎,宋青书不由疑惑起来,他实在很好奇,东方暮雪一个女人,是怎么让其他女人……那啥的。 This inner chamber private matter, why do I want to tell you?” Dongfang Muxue white his eyes, said lightly. “这种闺阁私密的事,我干嘛要告诉你?”东方暮雪白了他一眼,淡淡地说道。 You, if did not tell me, I did not teach your disguise technique.” Song Qingshu hates the tooth to be itchy, speaks the threat to say. “你要是不跟我说,我就不教你易容术了。”宋青书恨得牙痒痒,出言威胁道。 Does not teach not to teach, yourself are for a lifetime rotten in this deep palace, making Song Qingshu this name pass with the wind.” Dongfang Muxue does not change countenance, instead lies on one's side gracefully on the cot, rests the cheek on the palm by the hand, star pupil semi-closure. “不教就不教,你自己一辈子烂在这深宫里,让宋青书这个名字随风而逝吧。”东方暮雪毫不动容,反而优雅地侧卧在榻上,以手支颐,星眸半闭。 „, The good elder sister, I to make a mistake, you direct my one.” Song Qingshu sees hardly is not good, has to come softly, in the heart is talking over silently, to seek truth, henceforth the moral integrity is a passer-by, simply is bitter tears. “呃,好姐姐,我错了,你指点我一下吧。”宋青书见硬的不行,只好来软的,心中默默念叨着,为了追求真理,从此节操是路人,简直是一把辛酸一把泪啊。 Feared you,” Dongfang Muxue his bothersome is not good, has to beckon, puts one's mouth close to another's ear.” “怕了你了,”东方暮雪被他烦的不行,只好招招手,“附耳过来。” Song Qingshu collected the ear joyfully, is listening to the Dongfang Muxue careful explanation, the complexion splendidly: Like this on line?” 宋青书欣喜地将耳朵凑了过去,听着东方暮雪细细讲解,脸色精彩不已:“这样就行?” „Only the woman can realize the gentleness that the woman needs, where looks like your male only knows to act recklessly, but also thinks female will enjoy very much.” With Song Qingshu discussed that this private matter, Dongfang Muxue also feels somewhat improper, but also has an unusual excitement. “只有女人才能体会到女人需要的温柔,哪像你们男的只知道蛮干,还以为女的会很享受。”和宋青书讨论这种私密之事,东方暮雪也觉得有些不妥,不过同样也有一丝异样的兴奋。 Really opened other aspect world.” Song Qingshu expressed admiration, on face an eager facial expression. “真是打开了另外一面天地。”宋青书啧啧称奇,脸上一幅跃跃欲试的神情。 What's wrong, can't wait to ask an imperial concubine to test?” Dongfang Muxue snort/hum, not thought about it, before I learn your disguise technique, cannot you leave.” “怎么,等不及想去找个妃子来实验一下?”东方暮雪哼了一声,“想都别想,在我学会你的易容术之前,不许你离开。” Pointed out frankly the thoughts by her, Song Qingshu smiles embarrasedly: Right, later was disguised as Kangxi by you, your big skill ?” 被她道破心思,宋青书讪讪地笑了笑:“对了,以后由你假扮康熙了,你那么大本事,?” Thinks that but actually somewhat is really excited.” Dongfang Muxue look one bright. “想起来倒真有些兴奋。”东方暮雪眼神一亮。 „,” Song Qingshu did not mind but actually, after all was the imperial concubines of Kangxi, other I no matter, but you cannot bump Little Tong Empress.” “呃,”宋青书倒也不怎么介意,毕竟都是康熙的妃子,“其他的我也不管,不过你不能碰小佟后。” Why?” Dongfang Muxue is looking at him, the look quite teased. “为什么?”东方暮雪望着他,眼神颇为戏谑。 She calculates my woman, making you play with really some...... that anything.” Song Qingshu thought that this called anything, oneself feared unexpectedly a woman undermined a wall. “她怎么也算我的女人,让你玩弄实在有些……那啥。”宋青书心想这叫什么事啊,自己居然怕一个女人挖墙脚。 My skill is high, is a woman, what will not really cause to injure to them, what do you fear?” Dongfang Muxue said. “我本事再高,也不过是一个女人,又不会真的对她们造成什么伤害,你怕什么?”东方暮雪说道。 I really somewhat suspect that actually now you were a woman.” Song Qingshu more said more thought that behind round of cool, looked the Dongfang Muxue facial expression is stranger. “我现在真有些怀疑你究竟是不是女人了。”宋青书越说越觉得背后发凉,看东方暮雪神情就越古怪。 The Dongfang Muxue hears word willow eyebrows want vertically, but relaxes quickly, shows a light happy expression: What's wrong, wanted me to take off the clothes to inspect to you?” 东方暮雪闻言柳眉欲竖,不过很快放松下来,露出一丝淡淡笑意:“怎么,要不要我脱了衣服给你检查一下?” ... ...
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