Hulagu Khanlooks atDuan Yanqing saying: „Mr. Duancanmeet a moon reflection in the waterlarge amount ofbladenot dead, obviously is also a expert, why the nestinXixia (Western Xia)thisborder regionsmall country, comingourMongoliato have a biggerstageto displayto the misterinevitably.”旭烈兀望着段延庆说道:“段先生能接水月大宗一刀而不死,可见也是个高手,何必窝在西夏这种边陲小国,来我们蒙古必然有更大的舞台给先生施展。”Duan Yanqinghehesmiledtwo, the soundis hoarse: „DuanverystaysinXixia (Western Xia)is familiar with, does not love the matter why goes to perform good deeds.”段延庆嘿嘿笑了两声,声音沙哑:“段某在西夏呆得挺习惯的,不爱去干什么建功立业的事情。”Hulagu Khanangry , to continue saying: „Hearing the Dalicountrythrone belongs to Mr. Duan, what a pitywas stolen the imperial thronebyDuan Zhengming, BrotherDuan Zhengchun, the misterinXixia (Western Xia)so manyyears, Xixia (Western Xia)apparentlydoes not have the abilityto help the misterreposition, Mongoliais not so, the mistercanconsider.”旭烈兀也不着恼,继续说道:“听闻大理国皇位本是属于段先生的,可惜被段正明、段正淳兄弟窃取大位,先生在西夏这么多年,西夏显然没能力帮先生复位,蒙古则不然,先生可以好好考虑一下。”Song Qingshushouted the badsecretly, thismatterhappen towas the Duan Yanqingheartknot, sure enough, after heheardthese words, seriousnoneflashed, suddenlyhas not refuted, butfell intosilent.宋青书暗暗叫糟,这件事正好是段延庆的心结,果不其然,他听到这番话后严重精光闪动,一时间没有反驳而是陷入了沉默。Moon reflection in the waterlarge amount ofdiscontentedHulagu Khansorecruit a defeated, coldlyin the nearbysaid: „Xixia (Western Xia)Ascendant Hall, the broadworldone, seestoday, no more than so.”
水月大宗不满旭烈兀这般招纳一个手下败将,在边上冷冷地说道:“西夏一品堂,广纳天下一品,今日一见,不过如此。”„Bigtone!” A charmingcoldsoundconveys.
The peopleturn headlooked,sees only a slenderbeautifulwhite clothingfemaleto dropfrom the midairslowly, the light breezemoves the front, floating, ifimmortal, althoughon the facehoodwinked a fine gauze, buthas a beautiful face, can still seeheris an extremelybeautifulfemale.
众人回头一看,只见一个苗条婀娜的白衣女子从半空中缓缓下降,轻风动裾,飘飘若仙,尽管脸上蒙了一层轻纱,但眉目如画,依然能看出她是一个极为美丽的女子。„Fairy Big Sister~”sees the female, the Duan Yuwhole personsuch asbythunderShi, the jadelinkOkdong-riFairy Big Sisterstatue, eachflesh, eachskirtsuspendsinhismindto rememberclearly, althoughthispersonwears a mask, butis just the sameasthatFairy Big Sister, evenalsowants the resemblescompared withMiss Wang.
“神仙姐姐~”看到女子,段誉整个人如遭雷噬,琅环玉洞里神仙姐姐的雕像,每一处肌肤,每一处裙摆他脑海中都记得清清楚楚,这人虽然蒙着面,但和那位神仙姐姐一模一样,甚至比王姑娘还要像。SomeSong Qingshusurprise, Li Qiushuicame, doesn't sheaccompanyWuyazitherapythat sideLeigushan?宋青书有些诧异,李秋水怎么来了,她不是在擂鼓山那边陪无崖子疗伤么?„TooImperial concubine!”Ascendant Hallsomesenior statesmanexpertsnoticed that Li Qiushui cannot help but excited, mustknow that in the pastAscendant Hallcanestablish, the backis the Li Qiushuiform.
“太妃!”一品堂的一些元老高手看到李秋水不由得激动起来,要知道当年一品堂之所以能建立,背后很多都是李秋水的身影。„That sidethatJapanese, was just yousaid that Ascendant Hallwas mediocre?”Li Qiushuienters the stage the bringingall at oncefield, is so casual a war, the warrior of Xixia (Western Xia)sidechanges the declining tendencyinstantaneously, facial expressionsrouse.
“那边那个倭人,刚刚就是你说一品堂不过如此?”李秋水出场自带一股气场,就那样随随便便一战,西夏方的武士瞬间一改颓势,一个个神情振奋。Moon reflection in the waterlarge amountand the otherstogetherwere uneven the look changes, Japanlong ago and Central Plainroyal governmentcontacts, was named as the dwarf, poureddoes not care, untilunderstandsafterwarddwarfwordfromevolvedshort, contained the insultingglossarytothis, was quite immediately sensitive.
水月大宗等人齐齐色变,东瀛早年和中原朝廷接触,被命名为倭,倒也不在意,直到后来明白了倭这个词是从矮演变出来的,对这个富含侮辱性的词汇,顿时极为敏感。„Bold!”Moon reflection in the waterlarge amountbehindmountainwaits onto seeherto insult the master, was angry, extractsto conduct the back a thickbackbladebladeto dividetowardher, hewas tall, thiswas thickandlong the blade, a bladededucted, as if a heavy cavalry of charge was the same, cankeeping offanyobjecton the roadcleaves in two, justcrashed in the Ascendant Hallexpert in courtyard injured byhimmostly.
The moon reflection in the waterknits the browslarge amount, buthas not preventedeventually, hesomewhatcannot find out the Li Qiushuiway, making the mountainwait onto probealsowell, underhandSamurai Banners, martial artshighestisthismountainShi, moreoverhedefendsverywell, even if not beatis still insufficientto be in danger.
水月大宗皱了皱眉,不过终究没有阻止,他有些摸不清李秋水的路数,让山侍去试探一下也好,手底下风林火山,武功最高的就属这山侍,而且他防御很好,就算不敌也不至于有生命危险。SawmountainShichong, Li Qiushuihas not caredslightly, insteadlooked at the wound on theseAscendant Hallwarriorsreceiving, discovered that manycovered with blood, injuredunderthisthickbackblade, in the eyethenflashed through a murderous intention.
见山侍冲了过来,李秋水丝毫没有放在心上,反而看了一下那些一品堂武士身上受的伤,发现很多血肉模糊,就是伤在这厚背刀之下,眼中这才闪过一丝杀机。Sees onlyherslenderelementto lift, althoughlooks that the cloudpoor business conditionsare light, butrushes to the mountain in halfwaywaits onactuallyto detect a capital stockto be able the crisis.
只见她纤纤素手一抬,虽然看着云淡风轻,但冲到半途中的山侍却察觉到一股本能的危机。„Be careful, retreat!” The moon reflection in the wateralsorealizes the improper, hurriedreminderlarge amount.
The mountainwaits onactuallysomewhatthinks otherwise, sheheld the strengthto separateagainvigorouslyspatiallymustloseeventuallymuch, healsohadanothersecret weaponlet alone!
山侍却有些不以为然,她掌力再雄浑隔了空终究要损耗不少,更何况他还有另一件秘密武器!Sees onlyhimfrom conducting the backto take down a tortoise shellshape the shield, theseyearsbythisshielddo not know that blockedmanyattacks, nowJapanis in the Warring States period, allinfluenceuses the firearm, his shieldevencanresistothersfirearmsalvo, thereforeis first in an impregnable position.
只见他从背上取下一个龟壳状的盾牌,这些年凭借这盾牌也不知道挡住了多少攻击,如今东瀛正处于战国时代,各方势力争相采用火器,他这盾甚至能抗住人家火器齐射,所以首先立于不败之地。Howeverhissmilesolidifiesquickly, becauseby the eartransmits a greatstrength, headimmediatelylikewatermelonsamehitsmashing, hislastthought is: Can thispalmstrengthdamnturn roundunexpectedly?
不过他的笑容很快凝固,因为耳旁传来一股巨力,脑袋顿时如同西瓜一样被打的粉碎,他最后一个念头便是:这掌力他妈的竟然能拐弯?Song QingshunaturallyrecognizesthisisLi Qiushuigives up studywhiterainbowto hold the strengthspecial, the mostmajorcharacteristicsare the right and wrongare then pleasant, seems likeopposes the enemydirectly, holds the strengthdirectionto walk randomlyactuallymomentarilyerratically.宋青书自然认出这是李秋水的独门绝学白虹掌力,最大的特点便是曲直如意,看似正面对敌,实则掌力方向随时游走不定。ShaolinFormless Tribulation Fingerwas known as that invisibledoes not have, actuallylooks likeinSong Qingshu, ininvisibledoes not haveinthis, cannot comparewhiteHongzhang the strength.少林的无相劫指号称无形无相,其实在宋青书看来,在无形无相这块上,还是比不上白虹掌力。„Mountainwaits on!”Surpluswindforest fireseveralpeoplecall out in alarmone, everyonefights bravelytogether for manyyears, nowsees the companion dead like thispitifully, rather the feelings of somelike grieve for like.
“山侍!”剩余的风林火几人惊呼一声,大家一起奋战多年,如今看到同伴死得这样凄惨,未免有些兔死狐悲之感。„Eight! The girlsrathermake a moveextremelysinisterly.” The moon reflection in the watergoes forwardlarge amount ofonestep, is staring atLi Qiushuistubbornly.
“八嘎!姑娘未免出手太过毒辣。”水月大宗上前一步,死死盯着李秋水。„Miss?”NearbySong Qingshucomplexionis strange, thought that thismoon reflection in the waterlarge amount is really a gruffness, whenothersLi Qiushuiageyourmothersenoughreturned the miss, naturallyLi Qiushuiin the facehas the technique, now the semblancelookswithlittle miss, the person who does not know the circumstances of the matteris indeed easyto admit mistakes.
The Li Qiushuieyebrowwas curvedhad the faint tracehappy expression, obviouslyalsoenjoyedtothismissextremely: „YouinjuremyAscendant Hallpersoninfirst, thisis only a smalllesson, looksinthismissshare, todaythenkeeps your life.”李秋水眉弯间有了丝丝笑意,显然也对这声姑娘极为受用:“你们伤我一品堂的人在先,这只是个小小的教训,也罢,看在这声姑娘份上,今天便留你一命。”„Killing peopleto wantsucheven?” The moon reflection in the wateris large amount, iftodaydoes not recover the gathering place, it may be said thatiscompletely discredited, don'tsaid that underMongolia the expertis numerous, because the competitiveresourceswill engage in factional strifemutually, perhapsthesepeople, will have the ideatohimhand/subordinate.
A deepmoon reflection in the waterappears, he long bladehas come out of the sheath, Song Qingshulooks at the secretnod, thismoon reflection in the waterlarge amount ofknife skillsindeedalreadyaccomplishment . Moreover the knife skillis faint and full moonsicklesomewhatthinks through, butcompared withthatdemonblade, missedseveralpoints.
Before Li Qiushuicomplexionreallyno longerresembles, waits onto the mountainrelaxeslike that an opposite partybladechops, herfigureflashes, avoids a blade that the opposite partywonat the extremelyingeniousstep, herfigureis slender, a whiteskirtdodgesseriouslyisstartled, ifflies fast the great wild goose, displayscompared with a Duan Yuman, godmarrow of fittingRising Waves Micro Step.李秋水脸色果然不再像之前对山侍那般放松,对方一刀劈来,她身形一闪,以极为巧妙的步伐避开了对方志在必得的一刀,她身形窈窕动人,一席白裙闪避起来当真是惊若翩鸿,比起段誉一个男子施展,更贴合凌波微步的神髓。„Whatmysteriousmovement art is this?”Hulagu Khan that the one sidewatchesalsoreveals a shockingcolor.
“这是什么神奇的轻功?”一旁观看的旭烈兀也露出一丝惊艳之色。NearbysideYeyureplied: „ShouldbeFree and Unfettered SectRising Waves Micro Step, before the Dalisectionheir apparentalsodisplayedin the arena, has been organizingto dodge the aspect, worldmovement artis second to none.”
一旁的方夜羽答道:“应该是逍遥派的凌波微步,之前大理段世子也在擂台上施展过,在腾挪闪躲方面,天下轻功无出其右。”Heis called the youngdemonmaster, not only is the demonmasterPang Banapprentice, but alsodepends onhisstrategy, hisitself/Benwill be the military strategistbrain trustersamerole, the Mongoliasouthernheart of invadingin the course of time, henosedahead of timevariousCentral Plainall partiesnews, will therefore mentionfamiliarthese.
他被称作小魔师,不单单凭借是魔师庞斑的徒弟,还靠着他本身的智谋,他本就是军师智囊一样的角色,蒙古南侵之心日久,他提前查探了中原各方各面的消息,所以说起这些如数家珍。Hulagu Khanlicked the lip: „Is thiswomangood, does have the possibilitynetto enter the palace?”旭烈兀舔了舔嘴唇:“这个女人不错,有没有可能网罗进王府?”sideYe the featherlookis strange, followsHulagu Khanin the course of time, naturallyknows that thisprinceis thinkinganythingat this time, cannot help butconsiders the sentenceto remind: „Perhapsis not quite realistic, sheis the Xixia (Western Xia)tooimperial concubine, althoughlooksyoung, perhapsbut the actualagecompared withGreat Khan/sweat must greatlyseveral years old, thisliving with the bride's familyprincess, behergranddaughter.”
The Hulagu Khanalsohappy expressionabundantfacecongealedimmediately, as iflikeeatingonlyfly, long timefrom now onwill just now put out the one breath: „Thatconsiders as finished.”旭烈兀本来还笑意盎然的脸顿时凝住了,仿佛像吃了只苍蝇一样,良久过后方才吐出一口气:“那算了。”
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