Song Qingshu of distant placehearscleartwo peopledialogues, somewantto smile, however, Li Qiushuiage, althoughis big, but the semblancelooks atindeedlikely a youngyoung married woman, has the fraudulenceactually.
远处的宋青书将两人的对话听得一清二楚,不禁有些想笑,不过话说回来,李秋水年纪虽大,但外表看着的确像个小少妇,倒是蛮有欺骗性的。Does not know that Li Qiushuihearstheirdialoguesnot to have, butshouldnot hear, notperhaps, but have't hertemper, canripthisnuisanceprince?
不知道李秋水到底听到他们的对话没有,不过应该没听到吧,不然以她的性子,恐怕还不得来撕了这个劳什子王爷?At this timeLi Qiushuiandmoon reflection in the waterlarge amount ofbattlesare just luxurious, the moon reflection in the waterlarge amount is the entireJapanis rankedworthily the thirdexpert, the homemademoon reflection in the waterknife skillhas traced a trace, wipes the cold lightto just like the cool breezeto stroke the hump, just like the bright moonlightaccording to the great river, allarethatnaturallythat the passing clouds and flowing water, butin the knife skillis actually hiding the god of deathwill.
The Li Qiushuiwhole personjust likeundermoon/month the elf, displayed the pinnacleRising Waves Micro Step, the whole personchanged to the innumerablesay/waywhiteremnantshadow, avoided the opposite partyknife skill the murderous intention, whileheld the strengthto wait for an opportunityto counter-attackbywhiterainbow.李秋水整个人犹如月下精灵,将凌波微步施展到了极致,整个人化作无数道白色残影,一边躲避对方刀法的杀机,一边以白虹掌力伺机反击。
The moon reflection in the waterlarge amountjustwitnessedmountainShi dead underthispalm, naturallyhits12spiritprotection, two peoplefiercely compete and successfully compete, no onedaresto have the least bitto lose concentration.
水月大宗刚刚亲眼目睹了山侍死于此掌之下,自然打起十二分精神防备,两人越战越勇,谁也不敢有半点分神。sideYeyu of distant placeknits the browsgently: „Prince, yousaid that the moon reflection in the wateris victoriouslarge amount ofthatwoman?”
远处的方夜羽轻轻皱眉:“王爷,你说水月大宗打得过那个女人么?”„Did not say,” the Hulagu Khanlookwas dignified, „a moon reflection in the waterlarge amount ofmartial artswas extremely high, even ifinourMongolia were also one of the peakthatbatch of experts, butthiswomanmovement artwas too mysterious, it may be said thatwas first in an impregnable position, the timewas long, perhapswas large amount to the moon reflection in the water. Naturally, the expertcontends, every so oftenisthatflash'smatter, does not arrive atanyonenot to talk clearly the resultfinally.”
“不好说,”旭烈兀神色凝重,“水月大宗武功极高,哪怕在我们蒙古也是最顶尖的那一批高手之一,可这个女人轻功太神奇了,可谓是先立于不败之地,时间一长,恐怕对水月大宗不利。当然,高手相争,很多时候就是那一刹那的事,不到最后谁也说不清结果。”sideYeyuwhisperedinhisear: „Prince, the eaglefliestheyto estimate that completed the taskto come backquickly, in my opinionwas inferior that...... sentas soon as possiblethem, in order to avoida long delay usually means many problems.”
The eagleflieswith the youngexpert who heshares the honor, ishemost respectablegood friend, regardless ofwisdomideamartial artsis not under him, even/includingdemonmasterPang Banregards as importantvery much.
鹰飞是与他齐名的年轻高手,同时也是他最尊敬的好朋友,无论智计武功都不在他之下,连魔师庞斑都很看重。Thistimewas sentto assistHulagu Khantogether, beforealsoattended the martial arts contestto live with the bride's family, tonighthisotherlead(er) a dutywent out.
这次被派来一同协助旭烈兀,之前也参加了比武招亲,今晚他另外领了一项任务外出了。„Alsoright,”Hulagu Khannods, proceedsto treadonestep, saidloudly,„twostopfor the time being, todayall thesemisunderstand, youthought that weslaughtered the KoreanMission, but alsohidKoreancrown prince, wehave a clear conscience, makingyousearch foris.”
“也对,”旭烈兀点了点头,往前踏出一步,高声说道,“两位暂且住手,今天这一切不过是误会,你们觉得我们屠戮了高丽使团,还藏匿了高丽太子,我们问心无愧,让你们搜就是。”Was sayingthenhintsmakes wayhand/subordinate a road, appearance that no matter whatyoucheck.
说着便示意手下让开一条路,一副任你们查的样子。Fu Junyucannot bearscoldlow voice: „Justsimilarly was also thesewords, theywere not serious, finallysawXixia (Western Xia)to come a superexpert, letimmediately, was some bastards of bullying the weak and fearing the strong.”傅君瑜忍不住小声骂道:“刚刚同样也是这些话,他们根本不当一回事,结果见西夏这边来了个超级高手,立马就让查了,都是些欺软怕硬的混蛋。”Fu Junnaoshookyounger sister'shand, the facial expressionis somewhat dehumanizing, presentKoreaindeedisweaklymostweak.傅君婥握了握妹妹的手,神情有些凄苦,如今的高丽的确是最弱最可欺的。Song Qingshuat this timeactuallybrowbigwrinkle, Hulagu Khan, since makes one go insecurely, thenKoreancrown princemostlynotininside.宋青书此时却眉头大皱,旭烈兀既然这么有恃无恐让人进去查,那么高丽太子多半没在里面。Yelu Nanxiandid not fall the traceto look athisoneeyes, obviouslyshealsothinks that wenttogether, butat this moment, theyhave been unable to back down, only the expertwielded, makingsubordinatewarriorenterotherinstituteto nose.耶律南仙也不落痕迹望了他一眼,显然她也想到一块儿去了,但事到如今,她们已经骑虎难下,只能手一挥,让麾下武士进别院查探。
The moon reflection in the waterlarge amountnaturallyalsocalled a haltwithLi Qiushui, both sidesreturn to the respectivecamp, the moon reflection in the waterquitedreadedlarge amount oflooked atopposite partyoneeyes, never expected that an opposite partywoman, martial artssoexcelsunexpectedly.
水月大宗和李秋水自然也停手了,双方回归各自阵营,水月大宗颇为忌惮地看了对方一眼,没想到对方一个女人,武功竟然如此高强。„Princehiswhatmeaning, the difficultdwelling place of the immortalsto wait ondies in vainlike this?”Windfemalesomemuttereddiscontentedly.
“王爷他什么意思,难道山侍就这样白死了?”风女有些不满地咕哝道。forestShiquicklypulledhersleeves: „Keeps silent, daresto question the prince, younotawfully?”
The windfemalesomenotindignation, wantsto look for the moon reflection in the waterto figure outlarge amount, butdiscovered that the masterlookis gloomy, the mountain that simplyhas not given up onagainwaits onone, the meaning of alsoforhimnot having revenged, raisesunavoidablyfeeling of the like grieve for like.
After Li Qiushuireturns toXixia (Western Xia)here, looked atYelu Nanxianone: „Are you imperial concubine who the crown princegets marriednewly? Really the human worldis outstandingly beautiful, no wonderwill lettheirfather and son, foryouturn into enemies.”李秋水回到西夏这边后,看了看耶律南仙一眼:“你就是太子新过门的妃子?果然人间绝色,难怪会让他们父子为了你反目成仇。”Yelu Nanxiancannot help butawkward, initiallyEmperor Jingzong of Western Xiasparked lustful thoughts, wantsto turn intooneselfimperial concubine this crown princeimperial concubine, but a casualreassignmentmaidservantsubstitutes one thing for another, createsfollowingXixia (Western Xia)a series ofturbulentroots.耶律南仙不由得大为尴尬,当初李元昊见色起意,想将她这个太子妃变成自己的妃子,而随便改派一个侍女李代桃僵,就是造成后续西夏一系列动荡的根源。However after afterward the current political situationwas steady, the royal governmentofficialrestored the status of hercrown princeimperial concubine , has qualitativetothis matter, others will not enlarge ones visionmentionthis matteragain, whereexpectsLi Qiushuisimplynot to havethesescruples.
不过后来时局平稳过后,朝廷官方还是恢复了她太子妃的名分,也算是对此事有个定性,其他人也不会不开眼再提及此事,哪料到李秋水根本没这些顾忌。Experiencedherjustto smileYuyan (language beautiful)howeverto killmountainShi the mysteriousmartial artsinstantaneously, in additionopposite partyin the Ascendant Hallspecial position, someYelu Nanxianfears, butthinksquickly the boyfriendalsohere, restoredimmediatelycalmly: „Male and female servantshave seentoo the imperial concubine.”
见识了她刚刚笑语嫣然瞬间杀了山侍的神奇武功,再加上对方在一品堂的特殊地位,耶律南仙不禁有些害怕,但很快想到了情郎还在这里,立马恢复了镇定:“臣妾见过太妃。”Li Qiushuinodssatisfied: „Goodgood, thisbearingindeedis noblly graceful, heard that youandQinglu (clear dew)do relateverywell?”李秋水满意地点了点头:“不错不错,这份气度的确雍容高贵,听说你和清露关系很好?”„younger sisterQinglu (clear dew) the personis very good, is also goodtome.”Yelu Nanxianthought that cannot be good, even the men are the same.
“清露妹妹人很好,对我也不错。”耶律南仙心想能不好么,连男人都是同一个。Li Qiushuijustwantsto sayanything, sidebroadcasts a dullsound: „Fairy Big Sister~”李秋水正想说什么,旁边传来一个呆呆的声音:“神仙姐姐~”Li Qiushuiturn headlooked,cannot help butsmiles: „OriginallyisYoung Master Duan.”Two peoplehad metat the beating a drummountain delicaciesjadechessgamebefore, sheusuallyliked the good-lookingyoungster, naturallyremembersthisfoolishheir apparent.李秋水回头一看,不由得莞尔:“原来是段公子。”两人之前在擂鼓山珍珑棋局见过一面,她又素来喜欢俊俏少年,自然记得这个痴痴傻傻的世子。„Is I am I,” the Duan Yufacial expressionshakes, „Fairy Big Sisteractuallystillremembersme, Duan Yu is really most honored.”
“是我是我,”段誉神情一震,“神仙姐姐竟然还记得我,段誉真是三生有幸。”Li Qiushuiwas teased the flowering branchto shiver all overbyhim, two peoplethenchattedquicklyhotly, could not attend towith the Yelu Nanxianspeech.李秋水被他逗得花枝乱颤,两人很快便热聊了起来,也顾不得和耶律南仙说话了。Song Qingshu of distant placelooks at a chill, thought that thisLi Qiushuiappetitealso is really good, such bigagewas also keeping thinking about the smallfresh meat, moreoverDuan Yuflatters the grandmothers, does not knowMiss Wangto know, ishow a mentality.
远处的宋青书看得一阵恶寒,心想这李秋水胃口还真是好,都这么大年纪了还惦记着小鲜肉,另外段誉这么讨好人家外婆,也不知道王姑娘知道后是怎样一种心态。Thislittle whiletimeAscendant Hallpersonhas inspectedin the temporary office of presidentto come out, a Yelu Nanxianfaceanticipatesto move forward to meet somebody, but the peoplein abundanceare leakproof the traceto shake the head, shesighssecretly, reallyso.
这会儿功夫一品堂的人已经检查了行馆里面出来了,耶律南仙一脸期待地迎了上去,但众人纷纷不漏痕迹地摇头,她不免暗暗叹了一口气,果然如此。Fu sisterswas anxiousimmediately, Fu Junyusaid: „Canhideinwhatsecret roomand so on.”傅氏姐妹顿时急了,傅君瑜说道:“会不会藏在什么密室里之类啊。”Song Qingshushakes the head saying: „Not, Ascendant Halltheseperson of martial arts, althoughnot necessarilyhigh, but many outstandingly able persondifferentmatters, secret roomanythingcannot escapetheirdiscernment, moreoverthistemporary office of presidentis the Xixia (Western Xia)aspectprepares, toinsidesituationnaturallyalsoclear.”宋青书摇头道:“不会,一品堂这些人武功虽然未必有多高,但很多奇人异事,密室什么逃不过他们的法眼,另外这处行馆是西夏方面准备的,对里面的情况自然也清楚。”NearbyFu Junnaosomewhatis unavoidably disappointed: „Where the crown princewas caughtbythem.”
边上的傅君婥不免有些失望:“那太子到底被他们抓到哪儿去了。”Hulagu Khanlaughs: „NowourMongoliahas been confirmedpurely, thiskinghad said the matter of tonight'sKoreaMissionandwehave nothing to do, wantedme saying that wasyourXixia (Western Xia)losesKoreancrown prince unable to find the person, thereforewantsto look forourMongoliato be a scapegoat.”旭烈兀哈哈大笑起来:“如今我们蒙古的清白得到证实了吧,本王早就说过今晚高丽使团发生的事情和我们无关,要我说是你们西夏弄丢了高丽太子找不到人,所以想找我们蒙古来背锅吧。”Yelu Nanxiancoldlysaid: „Princepleasebe cautious the word, tonightwhois the secretevil behind-the-scenes manipulator, the facthow, everyonewas clear.”耶律南仙冷冷道:“王子请慎言,今晚到底谁是幕后黑手,事实如何,想必大家都清楚。”„Fact?”Hulagu Khanreceived the smile, „whatKoreancrown princefactwasinourMongoliatemporary office of presidentdoes not have the killer, wasyourXixia (Western Xia)has been on the contrary aggressive, whenourMongoliaseveral hundred thousandtimidXuearmy was a vegetarian? Todaythismatteryoudo not give this kingconfession, has not ended!”
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