Ridesdoes not fearinimmediatelyYelu Nanxian: „SinceMongoliaattaches great importance to the envoydignity, why canmassacre the KoreanMission? The life of yourMongoliaenvoyis the life, weren't the lives of othercountries the lives?”
骑在马上的耶律南仙丝毫不惧:“既然蒙古最重视使臣尊严,那么为何要残杀高丽使团?你们蒙古使节的命是命,其他国家的命就不是命了?”Yelu Nanxian the contourwas outstanding, is very easyto obtain the passer-byfavorable impression, in addition the beforehandtumulthas alarmed the people in manycountryto surround, understood after the situation, declared support forherindignantly.耶律南仙本就外形出众,很容易获得路人好感,再加上之前一番骚动已经惊动了不少国家的人来围观,了解情况后一个个义愤填膺地声援她。„Crown princeimperial concubinespoke to speak the evidence, when did wemassacre the KoreanMission?” A soundcoldlyto convey, sees onlyHulagu Khansurrounded byexpert.
“太子妃说话要讲证据,我们什么时候残杀高丽使团了?”一个声音冷冷传来,只见旭烈兀在一众高手的簇拥下走了出来。Yelu Nanxianwields, beforeis thrownby the bodies of theseblack-clothed person the cavalryshot deadin front of the temporary office of president, was shot the appearance of hedgehogto cause the surroundingpersonto hold breathcold air.耶律南仙手一挥,之前被骑兵射死的那些黑衣人的尸体被扔在了行馆面前,被射成刺猬的样子引得周围人纷纷倒吸一口凉气。
A Hulagu Khanfacial expressionfluctuationdoes not have: „Crown princeimperial concubinewhat is this?”旭烈兀神情一丝波动也没有:“太子妃这是什么意思?”Yelu Nanxianreplied: „Are theseyourMongoliakiller, the princewill not know?”耶律南仙答道:“这些都是你们蒙古的杀手,王爷不会不认识吧?”„Mongoliakiller?”On the Hulagu Khanfaceexudesto mock the color, „does crown princeimperial concubineknow that whatisdiesnotverifies, now the persondie, yousaid that theyare the Mongoliakillerare the Mongoliakillers?”
“蒙古杀手?”旭烈兀脸上泛起一丝讥诮之色,“太子妃知不知道什么叫死无对证,现在人都死了,你说他们是蒙古杀手就是蒙古杀手?”Yelu Nanxianknits the brows, puts out a handtowardFu sistersonefinger/refers: „Herealsohas the personal testimony, theyare the survivor of thisevent.”耶律南仙皱了皱眉,伸手往傅氏姐妹一指:“我这里还有人证,她们是这次事件的幸存者。”Hulagu Khanlookstothem, points atwarrior saying: „Twogirls, can mythesemiddlehave the beforehandparticipationto encirclehand/subordinatekill the person in yourtemporary office of president?”旭烈兀望向她们,指着自己身边的武士说道:“两位姑娘,我这些手下当中可有之前参与围杀你们行馆的人?”Fu Junnaohesitant: „No.”傅君婥犹豫了一下:“没有。”Hulagu Khanshows a self-satisfiedsmile, the provocationlookstoYelu Nanxian: „Sees? Crown princeimperial concubinealsohadwhatwords to say.”旭烈兀露出一股得意的笑容,挑衅地望向耶律南仙:“看到没有?太子妃还有什么话可说。”
A Song Qingshudepression, saidin the Fu Junnaoear: „Mysillymiss, yousaiddirectlywas not good, thislittle whiletimealsomanagedso manyto do.”宋青书一阵郁闷,在傅君婥耳边说道:“我的傻姑娘,你直接说有不就行了,都这会儿功夫了还管那么多干嘛。”
The Fu Junnaosinkingsoundreplied: „From the youngmastertaught that Ido not tell the lie, Icannotindicate and confirmagainst one's consciencecarelessly.”傅君婥沉声答道:“从小师父就教导我不要说假话,我不能昧着良心胡乱指认。”
A Song Qingshuunstated criticism, thought that youtold the lietoyouryounger sisterobviously.宋青书一阵腹诽,心想你明明才对自己妹妹说了假话。Xiao Feng that at this timecomestogethersaid: „Ihad just foughtwiththatgroup of killers, of leadisin the Persian Ming Cultmountain the old person.”
此时一同前来的萧峰说道:“我刚刚和那群杀手交过手,领头的那位是波斯明教的山中老人。”kingBaobaoalsoopens the mouthto sayat the right moment: „It is well known, after Hulagu Khanyoudestroy completelyPersian Ming Cult, Huoshantogether with12valuabletreekings, the undertopkiller, has turned toyou.”
王保保也适时开口道:“众所周知,旭烈兀你灭掉波斯明教后,霍山连同十二宝树王,还有麾下的顶尖杀手,已经投靠了你。”Hulagu Khanfacial expressiononecold: „Verygood, do youhelp the bystanderdeal with the person on one's own side?”旭烈兀神情一冷:“很好,你帮着外人来对付自己人?”„Person on one's own side?”kingBaobao the lip angleraisesmeaning of the mock, „Iassist in handlingdo not helpkiss.”
“自己人?”王保保唇角升起一股讥诮之意,“我只是帮理不帮亲。”Hulagu Khanno longermanageshim, butlookstoXiao Feng: „May I askGreat King Xiao, in the mountain the old personinPersia, youin the Central Plain, both sideshave been away from the long distance, is it possible that had youseenhim?”旭烈兀不再理他,而是望向萧峰:“敢问萧大王,山中老人远在波斯,你又一直在中原,双方隔着十万八千里,莫非你曾经见过他?”Xiao Fengknits the brows: „Has not seen.”萧峰皱了皱眉:“不曾见过。”„Such being the case, howyouknowheisHuoshan?”Hulagu Khansnort/hum.
“既然如此,那你怎么知道他是霍山?”旭烈兀哼了一声。Xiao Fengreplied: „Ifromhismartial artswayanalyzed, hecauses to beMing CultHeaven and Earth Great Shift, moreovermartial artsbad riskis quite treacherous, has the big difference from Central PlainMing Cult, hasthisskill, except for the Persian Ming Cultbigelder, will not have others.”萧峰答道:“我是从他的武功路数来判断的,他使得应该是明教的乾坤大挪移,而且武功极为凶险诡谲,与中原明教有大大的不同,有这份功力者,除了波斯明教的大长老,不会有其他人。”„Big of every possible strange thingworld, whatlet alonemartial artswhatiscanpretend, Great King Xiaoas the top player, pretends to bemartial arts of othersschoolnot to actdifficultly?”Hulagu Khanasked.
The Xiao Fengsinkingsoundreplied: „That is true.”萧峰沉声答道:“的确如此。”„Thiskingthis time the tour of Xixia (Western Xia), Huoshantheysimplyhas not accompaniedto come,”Hulagu Khansmiled, „, thereforesomepeoplepretend to beundermyhandpersonintentionally, aimsinstigatedMongoliaandrelations between KoreanXixia (Western Xia), crown princeimperial concubinemaywant the fell into a trapnot.”
“本王此番西夏之行,霍山他们根本没有随同前来,”旭烈兀笑了,“所以是有人故意冒充我手底下的人,志在挑拨蒙古与高丽西夏之间的关系,太子妃可莫要中计。”Surrounds the peopleto whoop, the influence that was usually on good termsno less thanMongoliastartsto speakfor the Hulagu Khanspeech.
围观众人议论纷纷,其中不少于蒙古素来交好的势力开始出言替旭烈兀说话。Song Qingshuhas toacknowledge,thisHulagu Khanworthily the star who is ever-victoriousinWesternvariouscountries, althougheveryoneknows that heis quibbling, buthesaid is also fair, hasconfusing.宋青书不得不承认,这个旭烈兀不愧是在西方诸国百战百胜的名将,虽然大家都知道他在狡辩,但他说的也合情合理,非常有迷惑性。NearbykingBaobaohesitant, finallyshake-out the transaction of Hulagu Khanandnative of Japan, thisnewsisShan Yurumustcomefromtheirinteriorwith great difficulty, hedoes not wantthereforeto cause the darkpile that that sideburiesto be pulled out.
一旁的王保保犹豫了一下,最终没有抖出旭烈兀和东瀛人的交易,这消息是单玉如好不容易从他们内部得来,他不想因此导致那边埋的暗桩被拔出来。SawYelu Nanxianto be in a tight corner, the Fu Junnaohurriedopens the mouthsaid: „Intonight'sslaughter the survivorhasfour, CuiretainerforestYanwhileruns awayrandomly, oursisters and crown princewere caughtby the killer, is fortunate enough toGreat King Xiaowait/etc.to rescuein midway, oursistersescape death by a hair's breadth, but the crown princewas actually taken awaybyotherkillers.”
见耶律南仙陷入了窘境,傅君婥急忙开口道:“今晚的屠杀中我们幸存者有四位,崔家家臣林衍趁乱逃走,我们姐妹和太子被杀手擒住,中途幸得萧大王等相救,我们姐妹才幸免于难,不过太子却被其他杀手带走。”Yelu Nanxianat presentonebright: „Good, are you murderers, conducts the hallto search forapparent, in additioncanhave a look in thatWeishan the old personto have the followingprinceto comeXixia (Western Xia)!”耶律南仙眼前一亮:“不错,你们是不是凶手,进行馆一搜便知,另外还可以看看那位山中老人到底有没有跟着王爷来西夏!”Obtainedherhint, the Xixia (Western Xia)warriorproceedsin abundanceseveralsteps, but the Mongoliawarriordid not yield an inchas before, the both sidesweaponshave connected in together, will erupt a warshortlyat any time.
The Hulagu Khancomplexionis gloomy: „Crown princeimperial concubinemay, ifwants, a countrytemporary office of presidentto be similar to a countryterritory, moreoverthiskingdwellhere, ifmakesyoucome to search, sets at the face countenance of ourMongoliaempire where?”旭烈兀脸色阴沉:“太子妃可要想好了,一国行馆就如同一国领土,而且本王住在这里,如果让你们进来搜,置我们蒙古帝国的颜面于何地?”Yelu Nanxiandoes not show one's ignorance: „clearpurified oneselfmuddyfrommuddy, our acttoprove the pureness of Wisdom/Ming Kingmaster, gave other countries'confessiontoKorea, Duan Yanqing!”耶律南仙丝毫不露怯:“清者自清浊者自浊,我们此举正是为了证明王爷的清白,给高丽给其他各国一个交代,段延庆!”Has been ordered, Duan Yanqingthenleads the Ascendant Hallexpertto leapsurrounding of Mongoliawarrior, jumpsdirectlytoward the temporary office of president.
A clearbladerecited the soundto get up, the peoplethoughtsuddenlyat nightas ifwere many a moon, togethercurvedmoon, butinseveraltop playereyeson the scene, thatclearlywastogether the bladelight, clearcoolingwas full oftogetherkills the bladelight of intent.
一声清亮的刀吟声响起,众人忽然觉得黑夜中似乎多了一个月亮,一道弯弯的月亮,不过在场几个顶尖高手眼中,那分明是一道刀光,一道清冷却饱含杀意的刀光。Drinksto resoundstuffily, when Duan Yanqingtocompare a quickerspeedbacks upto return, hedraws backtooanxiously, the leg and footwill not be convenient, draws backseveralstepsto lose the center of gravityfrom now on, felltodirectlyin the Xixia (Western Xia)warriorclump, the whole personwas in an extremely difficult situation.
一声闷喝响起,段延庆以比去时更快的速度倒退而回,他退得太急,腿脚又不方便,退了数步过后失去重心,直接跌到在了西夏武士丛中,整个人狼狈不堪。Duan Yanqingpokes the walking stickto standquickly, the complexionis ugly, the peoplealsosaw clearlyonhischest frontclothesto have a cutting edgeat this time, had seeped out the bloodstainfaintly, obviouslyjusthe, ifdraws backslightlyslowhalfstep, had cleft in twoby a blade.段延庆很快杵着拐杖站起来,脸色难看得要死,众人这时也看清了他胸前衣服上有一个刀口,已经隐隐渗出了血迹,可见刚刚他若是退的稍微慢了半步,早已被一刀劈成了两半。OtherAscendant Hallexpertsalsodrew backin an extremely difficult situation, obviouslytheyencountered unable to missmany.
其他的一品堂高手也狼狈不堪地退了回来,显然他们遭遇也差不了多少。„Xixia (Western Xia)Ascendant Hall, the broadworldone, seestoday, no more than so.” A man of wearapescarletbloodsleevelessceremonial outer garmentheld the bladeto walk, twolookelectro-opticsshot, if the sinister and vicious the facial expressionleast bitexpression of eagledid not have, no matter whatwhocould hear his wordsmeaning of despising.
“西夏一品堂,广纳天下一品,今日一见,不过如此。”一个穿著猩猩红血般无袖外褂的男子抱着刀走了出来,两眼神光电射,阴鸷若鹰的脸容半点表情都没有,任谁都听得出他话中的轻蔑之意。„Is moon reflection in the waterlarge amount of?”Song Qingshufirstthenrecognizedhim, hestandsfourswordsto wait onbehind, before has, inbrothelattireQueen of Flowersthatwindfemaleonroad, several other areSamurai Bannersremaining, theseXixia (Western Xia)Ascendant Hallwarriorswaited onto blockbythesefourswordsa moment ago, obviouslytheirmartial artsis indeed good.
“水月大宗?”宋青书第一时间便认出了他,他身后站着四名剑侍,其中就有之前在路上青楼里装花魁的那位风女,想必其他几位就是风林火山剩下的了,刚才那些西夏一品堂的武士就是被这四个剑侍拦了下来,可见他们武功的确不错。Othereachcountriesare in abundance silent, has long known that the Mongolianational strengthwas powerful, scraped togethermanyexperts, has not thought as powerfulasthissituation, mustknow that Duan Yanqingwasfourbigevil person'sheads, ran amuckJianghu (rivers and lakes)so manyyears, nowunexpectedlyis not the enemy of thatperson of blade.
A Yelu Nanxianfaceis awkward, the top playerssomewhatare indeed deficient, except thatperhapsSong Qingshuacts, otherwiseno onecan do tothisperson, but the boyfriendpresentstatus, alsoto be how goodto act.耶律南仙一脸为难,己方顶尖高手的确有些匮乏,恐怕除了宋青书出手,否则谁也奈何不了这个人,可情郎如今的身份,又怎么好出手。This timedrags in lots of peopleto come, iflosesto makeXixia (Western Xia)disgraced?
When is in a dilemma, suddenlyin the midairtransmitsinnamedcharm a to havecoldintent the voice: „Bigtone!”
正左右为难之际,忽然半空中传来一个叫娇媚中带着冷意的声音:“好大的口气!”Duan Yugoesfollowing the prestige, suddenlywhole personsuch asbythunderShi, as ifcrazygenerally: „Fairy Big Sister......”段誉循声望去,忽然整个人如遭雷噬,仿佛痴了一般:“神仙姐姐……”
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