FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4678: The hope of chaos Universe God boundary!

What? My elder sister died......” “什么?我姐姐还是死了……” Zi Yan such as was struck by lightning, just now joy, changed to the tears all of a sudden. 紫烟如遭雷击,方才的喜悦,一下子又化作了泪水。 No.” “别。” Zi Zhen holds that pitiful woman, has not made her kneel, seeing this mother and child is sad, she does not know suddenly should say anything, she is not truly good at comforting the person. 紫禛扶着了那可怜的妇人,没让她跪下去,见这母子哀伤,她一时间也不知道该说什么,她确实不擅长安慰人。 Li Tianming stood in her side, helping her help up that woman, say/way not saying that Guanzizai all did have the possibility? In the world where has that skillful matter? A girl, the appearance or are the name, just the same as your daughters? Was born in the world, although has own shackles every people, however in this world many marvelous chances, they will also grant the good person the opportunity......” 李天命站在了她的身边,帮她扶起了那妇人,道“不是说,观自在界一切皆有可能么?天底下哪有那么巧的事?一个女孩,无论是模样还是名字,都和你们女儿一模一样?生于天地,虽每一人都有自己的桎梏,然这世界上还有诸多奇妙机缘,它们会赐予好人机会……” At this point, he looks at the eyes that Ziyun said that smile say/way I cannot guarantee, she certainly was your daughter, but I also felt, you should not be assured she are not. In any event, we can retain a ray of hope, not?” 说到这里,他看着紫云云的双眼,微笑道“我不敢保证,她一定是你女儿,但我也觉得,你也不该笃定她不是。无论如何,我们心里可以保留一线希望,不是吗?” Ziyun cloud hears the words, the corner of the eye tears fall, the sound trembles to visit them, slowly nod say/way good, good!” 紫云云闻言,眼角泪水汩汩落下,声音微颤看着他们,缓缓点头道“好,好!” Obviously, she just now spoke these words, wants to enable Zi Zhen satisfactory departure, she does not affirm truly. 显然,她方才说那些话,也只是想让紫禛能更‘顺心’的离去而已,她并不是真正肯定的。 But, we must walk.” Li Tianming said. “但,我们还是要走的。”李天命道。 I know that...... goes, since there is a chance, that goes to the wanderer, I and small smoke are partners, the big enmity has reported that we can the auspicious day.” Ziyun clouds the eye socket red say/way. “我知道……去吧,既然有机缘,那就去闯荡,我和小烟为伴,大仇已报,我们能过好日子。”紫云云眼眶通红道。 The Zi Yan eyes somewhat were also red, said that I will take care of the good mother! Elder sister!” 紫烟双眼也有些红,说“我会照顾好娘亲的!姐!” Obviously, he believes that during is dark that feeling. 显然,他相信冥冥之中的那种感觉。 Guanzizai, all have the possibility! 观自在,一切皆有可能! Un, said it and meant it.” Zi Zhen bit the lip, the mood also received some infections. “嗯,一言为定。”紫禛咬唇,情绪也受到了一些感染了。 Then some time, probably needs your to go into hiding many.” The Li Tianming reminder said. “接下来一段时间,可能需要你们多加隐匿。”李天命提醒道。 Clear.” Ziyun cloud nods hastily. “明白的。”紫云云连忙点头。 But will not be long, we will process that instigator, so long as this person disappears, you were all right.” Li Tianming said. “但不会太久的,我们会处理掉那个始作俑者,只要此人消失,你们就没事了。”李天命道。 Does what one can, brother-in-law! Does not worry.” Zi Yan said hastily. “量力而行,姐夫!不着急的。”紫烟连忙道。 Ziyun clouds thinks, looks at Zi Zhen and Li Tianming, somewhat pacing back and forth say/way actually, you did not use and ask him to trouble, we shunned the world the hidden to be good, the real world shipyard was so boundless, had our hiding place, does not need to harm your life and excellent future.” 紫云云则想了想,看着紫禛李天命,有些彷徨道“其实,你们不用和找他麻烦,我们母子避世隐藏就行了,真实世界坞如此无边,定有我们藏身之地,没必要害了你们性命和大好前程。” You cannot optimistic, think firmly we can become?” The Li Tianming headache said. “你就不能乐观点,坚定认为我们能成么?”李天命头疼道。 „It is not, is not does not trust you, but is......” Ziyun says lowers the head, sighing you are too young, does not know, this world is hegemony and privilege, rather than Challenger, their influence is complicate, protects one, forms a filling the heavens big net, the control world, protects, through the ages, does not know many challengers, became the skeleton of history......” “不是,不是不信任你们,而是……”紫云云低头,叹气道“你们太年轻,是不知道,这个世界属于霸权者和特权者,而不是挑战者,他们势力盘根错节,一个护一个,形成一张弥天大网,统御天地,强强相护,古往今来,不知多少挑战者,都成了历史的尸骨……” Hegemony and privilege? Powerhouse to become net? This I was ripe, had it all, established to belong to my universe empire on the line. All I decide.” Li Tianming said with a smile. “霸权和特权?强者成网?这个我熟,一锅端了,建立属于我的宇宙帝国就行了。一切我说了算。”李天命笑道。 This pair of mother and child hear this saying, naturally hemp. 这一对母子听到这话,当然麻了。 What this boy really understands is the profound universe empire, what is the god grave teaches? 这小子真的懂什么是玄廷宇宙帝国,什么是神墓教么? Do not manage him, he boasted.” Zi Zhen pinched Li Tianming secretly, then said with a smile to this mother and child embarrasedly felt relieved that I will manage well his, he was the wife manages strictly, was not obedient, I punched him to flee like a scared rat.” “别理他,他吹牛的。”紫禛暗暗掐了李天命一下,然后再对这母子讪讪笑道“放心吧,我会管好他的,他是妻管严,不听话,我揍得他抱头鼠窜。” "Ah?" Zi Yan grows in experience, raises up the big thumb to Zi Zhen “啊?”紫烟长了见识,不禁给紫禛竖起大拇 Referring, say/way big sister military might is aggressive.” 指,道“老姐威武霸气无敌。” That is.” Zi Zhen smiles. “那是。”紫禛笑。 At this point, the atmosphere enlivened much, their mother and child were not so sad. 说到这里,气氛活跃了不少,他们母子也不那么伤心了。 Zi Zhen knows, this is actually the Li Tianming's goal, he does not want to separate extremely depressed. 紫禛知道,这其实就是李天命的目的,他也不希望分离太过萧索 two, recuperates this small silver insect, has anything, momentarily relation.” Li Tianming puts in a silver cockroach their hands , say/way naturally, is all right also to ask her suddenly to chat.” 两位,养好这只小银虫,有什么事,随时联系。”李天命将一只银色蟑螂放到他们手上,顿了顿,又眨眼道“当然,没事也可以找她唠嗑唠嗑。” „Can this thing, replace the function of chaos pass on message stone unexpectedly?” Ziyun cloud Yaran said. “这东西,竟能取代混沌传讯石的作用?”紫云云哑然道。 Compared with that easy-to-use.” Li Tianming said. “比那个好使。”李天命道。 The so-called chaos pass on message stone, he just also found from the town/subdues Lord couple's relic, in the real world shipyard, the diameter of this chaos pass on message stone is more than 1000 meters, is a natural induction ore that carves the full trace, but in Guanzizai hand, is seven color stones of thumb size. 所谓混沌传讯石,他刚刚从镇主夫妇的遗物中也找到了,在真实世界坞,这混沌传讯石的直径达到一千多米,是一个刻满纹路的天然感应矿石,而在观自在界的手上,则是一个拇指大小的七彩石头。 Li Tianming has not tested the effectiveness of this chaos pass on message stone, but he to Yin Chen (silver dust) confident, now after these eight Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast to real world shipyard, the feeling that one types untie the seal, Li Tianming has the premonition, so long as achievement ‚the chaos Universe God boundary, integrates this real world shipyard truly, these Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast definitely will have the ultra-large transformation! 李天命还没测试过这混沌传讯石的效用,但他对银尘是有信心的,现在这八只太古混沌巨兽到了真实世界坞后,有一种解开封印的感觉,李天命有预感,只要自己成就‘混沌宙神境’,真正融入这真实世界坞当中,这些太古混沌巨兽必然会有超大蜕变! This intuition, not only came from he himself, Ying Huo (Firefly) some of their ten this feelings, this in fact intense instinct, they through the absorption chaos nebula strength, as if can return to their essences truly! 这种直觉,不只是来自于他自己,荧火它们十个都有这种感觉,这实际上强烈的本能反应,它们通过吸收混沌星云力量,似乎才能真正回归它们的本质! Thinks their names, Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast! 想想它们的名字,太古混沌巨兽 Can be inferred. 可见一斑。 Naturally, he currently town/subdues ancient Universe God 4th-Rank, has 8-Layer from the chaos Universe God boundary, has heavy responsibilities. 当然,他现在才镇古宙神四阶,距离混沌宙神境还有八重,任重而道远。 In any event, the fearfulness of Li Tianming breakthrough and growth, had arrived at the historical maximum point. 无论如何,李天命突破、成长的可怕,已经到达了历史最大点。 The vastness of this limitless real world shipyard, takes to he one type suffocates the tiny feeling, at this moment only then grows, the thinking body as far as possible to fill this world, can increase some security senses to oneself. 这无边无际真实世界坞的浩瀚,带给他一种窒息般的渺小感,此刻只有成长、尽可能的用神体填充这个世界,才能给自己增加一些安全感。 Otherwise, forever is the young thief who can only steal!” “否则,永远都是一个只能偷盗的小贼!” Hunts for ridiculing of soul star shipyard these purple blood group young people, although does not have the too big evil intention, but to be honest, made Li Tianming toward at heart. 猎魂星坞那些紫血族年轻人的揶揄,虽然没太大的恶意,但说实话,还是让李天命往心里去了。 Strengthen! 变强! Increase! 变大! The latter even compares the former to be important. 后者甚至比前者重要。 cough cough! 咳咳 He in immersing in this hot blooded mood, Zi Zhen then said that the Zi Yan mother and child affection to say goodbye with Ziyun, fanned out in two groups. 他在沉浸在这种热血情绪中,紫禛便和紫云云、紫烟母子深情道别,兵分两路。 After they walk, Li Tianming discovered that the Zi Zhen corner of the eye is ruddy, but also is pursing the lips, after seeing him, then could not bear his arms cry. 等他们走后,李天命发现紫禛眼角已经是红润的,还噘着嘴,看到他后,便忍不住到他怀里哭了起来。 Is good because of this is Guanzizai, if in the real world shipyard, she 200,000 meters, will compress Li Tianming now. 好在这是观自在界,要是在真实世界坞,她现在二十万米,会把李天命压扁。 The real world shipyard cannot cry in his arms, but in Guanzizai, this in fact also explained that transformation between this two world, is one type treaty the transformation, such and such rules correspond another such and such rule, data conversion that rather than copies mechanically and applies slavishly. 真实世界坞不能在他怀里哭,而在观自在界可以,这实际上也说明,这两个世界之间的转换,是一种‘条约式’的转换,某某规则对应另一种某某规则,而不是生搬硬套的数据转换。 Entire Guanzizai, with the entire real world shipyard, is similar to by conversion formula that’ one group incomparably goes against heaven's will, to binding in one. 整个观自在界,和整个真实世界坞,就如同被一组无比逆天的‘转换公式’,给绑定在了一起。 The pattern that this formula transforms, compared with the data conversion, has the fluctuation space by far, explained that displays this transformation the fearfulness. 这种公式转换的模式,远远比数据转换,更有变幻空间,也说明施展这种转换者的可怕。 Li Tianming has immersed during this transformation recently, happy this not other, because of this conversion formula, is this moment universe biggest miracle! 李天命最近一直沉浸在这个转换之中,乐此不彼,因为这个转换公式,就是此刻宇宙的最大奇迹!
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