FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4679: New life!

You also very perceptual, such short time is together, bursts into tears for the separation.” “你还挺感性的,这么短时间相处,就为分离而流泪。” Li Tianming pats the fragrant shoulder comfort of Zi Zhen to say. 李天命拍着紫禛的香肩安慰道。 Why does not know, a little wants to cry.” Zi Zhen said. “不知道为什么,就是有点想哭。”紫禛道。 „To cry is the good deed, the family member, forever is the world's largest never forgetting, is the flare in this ice-cold and arid world, your old age, but can also retain such pure heart, this is the good deed.” Li Tianming said with a smile. “想哭是好事,亲人嘛,永远是世界上最大的念念不忘,也是这个冰冷而枯燥的世界里的火把,你都这把年纪了,还能保留这样纯粹的心,这是好事。”李天命笑道。 Go away, you an age.” In Zi Zhen elastic center warm, immediately was mad by him. “滚,你才一把年纪了。”紫禛刚心里暖暖的,马上就被他气到了。 Annoying! 烦死人! Guanzizai is good, always felt more real than the real world shipyard.” Li Tianming said suddenly. “还是观自在界好,总感觉比真实世界坞更真实。”李天命却忽然道。 Why?” Zi Zhen asked. “为什么呢?”紫禛问。 You look.” Li Tianming pressed firmly between the fingers her mouth, let her small mouth honk the circle, then kissed one, say/way skin has the temperature, exquisite, the flavor was sweet.” “你看。”李天命捏住了她的嘴巴,让她的小嘴嘟了圆圈,然后亲吻一口,道“皮肤是有温度,细腻的,味道是甜的。” Bothersome.” Zi Zhen shoved open him, pinched on his face, bites lip say/way to hurt? Pinched can also heavily the haematoma!” “烦。”紫禛推开了他,也在他脸上捏了一把,咬唇道“疼吧?捏重了还能血肿呢!” Yes......” Li Tianming covers the face that was being pinched to swell, the eyes looks at the day, after saying with emotion achievement Universe God, always felt that the world lost the temperature, all turned into the stars and energy, became the source, the impulsion that even multiplies urges by the shackles. But now, I felt that all came back......” “是啊……”李天命捂着被捏肿的脸,双眼望天,感慨道“成就宙神后,总感觉世界失去了温度,一切都变成了星辰和能量,都成了本源,连繁衍的冲动都是靠桎梏驱使。可现在,我感觉一切又回来了……” What explained?” Zi Zhen asked puzzled. “说明什么呢?”紫禛不解问。 „To say, Guanzizai, some probably exists, grants us these life jump primitive dreams, making us when continuing, but also is retaining the humane temperature, rather than becomes this icy universe part. Otherwise, you said stars, it is greatly is small, what relations also there is?” Li Tianming gives free reign to the imagination to say. “只是想说,观自在,好像是某个存在,赐予我们这些生命跃迁者一场原始的梦,让我们在继续前行时,还保留着人性的温度,而不是成为这冷冰冰宇宙的一部分。不然的话,你说一颗星辰,它是大是小,又有什么关系呢?”李天命畅想道。 Humane temperature...... Guanzizai stops the dagger-axe, perhaps good, you comprehended the core of Guanzizai.” Zi Zhen has saying that this fellow likes exploring the thing the essence. “人性的温度……观自在止戈,好吧,或许你领悟了观自在的核心。”紫禛不得不说,这家伙是喜欢探索事物的本质的。 To leave to be moved from oneself, he can pull so many. 从自己为离别而动情,他都能扯这么多。 I vainly hoped for that the road, the end of this road, is Chaos Divine Emperor...... perhaps, on this road a biggest bridge, is the human nature!” Li Tianming said suddenly excitedly. “我梦想中的路,这条路的尽头,就是混沌神帝……或许,这一条路上最大的一条桥,就是人性!”李天命忽然激动的说。 Stars and human nature, this is the glossary that two has nothing to do with one another, is indifferent and scalding hot, actually in his heart, fused in a body. 星辰和人性,这是两个风马牛不相及的词汇,冷漠和灼热,却在他心中,融合在了一体。 Thinks of here, Li Tianming seems like 想到这里,李天命好像 Thoroughly comprehended something, he found the direction, excited is holding Zi Zhen, say/way right! Is this! We want the perception! Must go to the emperor ruins to butcher that town/subdues host's son, making him pay the price! This called to hate the wicked as if they were personal enemies! This is my human nature!” 悟透了一些事情,他找到了方向,激动的抱着紫禛,道“没错!就是这样!我们要感性!要去帝墟把那镇主之子宰了,让他付出代价!这就叫嫉恶如仇!这是我的人性!” Your human nature is to like minding others' business.” The Zi Zhen spoken language despises, but is at heart warm, she knows, Li Tianming this is also lets her more relieved. “你的人性就是喜欢管闲事呗。”紫禛言语鄙视,但心里是暖的,她知道,李天命这也是让她能更安心一些。 Loquacious?” The Li Tianming eye pupil selects, starts to practice fraud. “贫嘴是吧?”李天命眼眸一挑,开始上下其手。 Hey, did you suffice? Here also has others.” “喂,你们够了没?这儿还有别人呢。” Zi Zhen has not struggled, nearby spooky sound resounds, has a scare Li Tianming. 紫禛还没挣扎呢,旁边一个幽幽的声音响起,把李天命吓了一跳。 50 audience.” Weisheng Moran stands on one side, the black long hair falls, the slender physique depends on a stele, performs obviously exquisite. “五十个观众。”微生墨染站在一边,墨色长发滑落,修长身姿靠着一石碑,尽显玲珑。 In addition I, 51! Witnesses you to gang up.” Ying Huo (Firefly) crops up in the Li Tianming sleeves, the expression is dreadful. “加上我,五十一个!见证你们勾搭。”荧火李天命衣袖里冒出头来,表情猥琐。 52!” “五十二!” 53!” “五十三!” one by one Companion Beast crops up. 一只只伴生兽冒出头来。 Finally said sound to Xi Xi(light light) weakly 10,049......” 最后到熹熹弱弱说了声“五十九九九九……” Isn't 60? That only meow?” Li Tianming speechless say/way. “不是六十吗?那只喵呢?”李天命无语道。 Report, meow the elder brother rested ignorant.” Lan Huang (Blue Desolate) loudly exclaimed. “报告,喵哥睡懵了。”蓝荒大吼道。 This bellows, shook Li Tianming quickly deaf, finally that meow stands up from failure, but also was leisurely. 就这大吼,把李天命都快震聋了,结果那喵翻了个身,还优哉游哉呢。 Shameless meow.” “无耻之喵。” Li Tianming clutched it at the scene, seeing it equally is weak like the noodles in own, he smiles one craftily, puts out a hand a ball! 李天命当场把它揪了出来,见它还是如面条一样瘫软在自己手里,他诡笑一声,伸手一弹! Meow meow meow!!!” “啊喵啊喵啊喵啊!!!” Miao Miao sends out a rending wailing, direct flees wild, the running circle around their three people, brings the innumerable black and white thunder directly, forms the lightning circles. 喵喵发出一声撕心裂肺的尖啸,直接狂暴窜出去,在他们三人周围跑圈,直接带起无数黑白雷霆,形成一个个闪电圈。 But in the real world shipyard, this height 100,000 meters chaos stars giant beast, ran a several million meters circle, pulls out a boundless black and white chaos perimeter/thunder pool...... 而在真实世界坞,这身长十万米的混沌星辰巨兽,跑了一个几千万米的圈,拉出一个无边的黑白混沌雷池…… Li Tianming! My timely rain... the day falls moistens you......” 李天命!我甘霖…天降滋润你……” When the Miao Miao anger to/clashes dreadfully, saw that Li Tianming rose Heaven-Stealing Hand to aim at it, it frightened trembles, hastily deceleration, finally soft in the Li Tianming bosom, stared the big eye of plump to ask eldest child naively, what needed this meow to make meow?” 喵喵怒火滔天冲回来的时候,看到李天命崛起了窃天之手对准了它,它吓得一颤,连忙减速,最后软在李天命怀里,瞪着圆滚滚的大眼睛天真问“老大,需要本喵做什么喵?” cough cough.” Li Tianming is stroking its cat wool with Heaven-Stealing Hand, smiles to ask badly still remembers your at first that magical powers? Chaos emperor demon.” 咳咳。”李天命窃天之手抚摸着它的猫毛,坏笑问道“还记得你最初那个神通吗?混沌帝魔。” Remembers......, but useless meow.” Miao Miao has the ominous premonition. “记得……但是没用了喵。”喵喵有不祥预感。 Useful, changes.” Li Tianming is putting on a serious face to say. “有用,变。”李天命板着脸道。 Your younger sister...... is long really attractively!” “你妹……长得真好看!” Miao Miao just wants to put the aggressive statement, was seized by Heaven-Stealing Hand again, changed a statement hastily, then jumped. 喵喵正想放狠话,再被窃天之手掐住,连忙改口,然后跳下去。 Buzz!.??.?? 嗡!.??.?? Sees only its body thunder, in this Guanzizai expansion, the ultimate length is about ten meters directly, highly about five meters, appearance of the lightning storm. 只见它身体电闪雷鸣,直接在这观自在界扩大,最后长度有十米左右,高度大约五米,一副闪电风暴之模样。 Zi Zhen, you sit in front of me, the small fish sits behind me.” Li Tianming arranges to say immediately seriously. 紫禛,你坐我前面,小鱼坐我后面。”李天命当即严肃安排道。 Why?” Zi Zhen uncomfortable say/way. “凭什么?”紫禛不爽道。 You are younger, obedient.” Li Tianming said. “你小一些,听话。”李天命道。 What that you refer to?” Zi Zhen was more uncomfortable, crass in Guanzizai, my greatly her.” “你指的什么?”紫禛更不爽了,骂骂咧咧道“在观自在界,我大她一圈。” Hehe.” Weisheng Moran smiled. “呵呵。”微生墨染笑了一下。 Asked you, pitiful pitiful meow, my small body, your couple three people spoiled together! I must consider you to bully the young lad meow!” Miao Miao cries to say. “求求你们了,可怜可怜喵吧,我这小身子骨,你们夫妻三人一起糟蹋啊!我要告你们欺压童子喵!”喵喵哭道。 Who lets you are quick meow?” Li Tianming sits immediately, let alone, but also fondly remembers very much, one type returned to once feeling. “谁让你是快喵呢?”李天命当即坐上去,别说,还很怀念,有一种回到曾经的感觉。 „The Heavenly Dao is unfair, this meow must go against heaven's will changes the life well......, immediately!” “天道不公,本喵要逆天改命……好嘞,马上出发!” Miao Miao looks that clutches Heaven-Stealing Hand of own hair to say. 喵喵看着那揪着自己的毛发的窃天之手道。 Although Zi Zhen hmph hmph, but cannot change her is the fact of loli funds, but Weisheng Moran that long leg slender waist, is holding his tiger waist in Li Tianming behind, all are very coordinated! 紫禛虽哼哼,但也不能改变她是萝莉款的事实,而微生墨染那长腿细腰,在李天命身后抱着他的虎腰,一切都很协调! Clash/To my meow!” “冲吧我的喵!” ! 滋滋! Miao Miao but, can only display Thousand Sides Thunderbolt, at the terrifying speed, goes in the direction of Li Tianming instruction. 喵喵无奈之下,只能施展千方奔雷,以恐怖速度,朝着李天命指示的方向而去。 But in this, Li Tianming put out with lightning speed from town/subdues Lord mansion that 而在这风驰电掣之中,李天命拿出了从镇主府那 Profound universe empire map that in obtains. 里得到的玄廷宇宙帝国地图。 Zi Zhen turns head, but Weisheng Moran depends on the Li Tianming's shoulder, reads this map together. 紫禛回头,而微生墨染则靠在李天命的肩膀上,一起看这地图。 Emperor ruins, in the way of small chaos shipyard, that are the place of resources gathering, if smooth, can go to the small chaos shipyard to save the capital for us.” Li Tianming said. “帝墟,在小混沌坞的路径上,那是资源汇聚之地,如果顺利,也能为我们去小混沌坞积攒资本。”李天命道。 You arranged to become.” Weisheng Moran said in a soft voice. “你安排就成了。”微生墨染轻声道。 Un.” “嗯。” Li Tianming's line of sight downward, with hand between the emperor ruins and hunted for the soul star shipyards to draw a line, in the below edge of this line, he pointed at frames is at on the map to label for the place of black vortex. 李天命的视线往下,用手在帝墟和猎魂星坞中间画了一条线,在这条线的下沿,他手指定格在一处在地图上标注为黑色漩涡之地。 Sees not to have, Feng smart star desolate, in we go to the emperor ruins on the road.” Li Tianming eye profound say/way. “看到没有,烽靈星荒,在我们去帝墟的路上。”李天命眼睛深邃道。 Exactly said, is not far in our front.” Zi Zhen raised the head, looks at the front. “确切的说,就在我们前方不远了。”紫禛抬起头,看着前方。 In Guanzizai, the front seems like one boundless black evil clutches virgin forests. 在观自在界,前方似乎是一片无边的黑色魔爪般的原始森林。 That two elder had mentioned Immemorial Evil Demon ten thousand beast trails, in this Feng smart star desolate, but Feng smart star desolate is our inevitable location...... can pay attention.” Li Tianming also looks up toward the front. “那两位长老提到过的太古邪魔万眼兽踪迹,就在这烽靈星荒之中,而烽靈星荒是我们必经之地……可以关注一下。”李天命也抬头往前方看去。 Un.” “嗯。” They nod cleverly. 她俩都乖巧点头。 ! 滋滋滋! Miao Miao continues to work as the coolie, swift and violent galloping. 喵喵继续当苦力,迅猛奔腾。 Li Tianming has promised it in any case, so long as hurried along to finish, it can obtain the long-term rest! 反正李天命答应过它了,只要赶路结束,它就能获得很长时间的休息! Pitiful meow, three people was oppressed the trash by Mr. and Mrs. young son Li / Small Plum!” “可怜的喵,被小李子夫妻三人压迫成渣渣了!” Ying Huo (Firefly) sighs with emotion! 荧火不禁感慨! It looks at Li Tianming again, to praise sighed around clamps the chicken, this called the life.” 它再看李天命,不禁赞叹道“前后夹鸡,这才叫人生。” ...... …… Three, asked the ticket! 三更,求票! The subsequent renewal, should restore usually three, on Monday in right amount of additional rhythm. 后续更新,应该会恢复平时三更,周一适量加更的节奏里。 Today is first day! 今天是第一天! After wholly-absorbed, probably is truly pure, has no ideological problems weighing on the mind, the firepower and condition came up. 专心一本后,好像确实纯粹,轻装上阵,火力和状态都上来了。 Then, wallops! 接下来,猛冲猛冲! The eternal first god, Guanzizai, the ultimate decisive battle, the hot blooded fierce combat is soul-stirring! 万古第一神,观自在篇,终极大决战,热血激战荡气回肠! The brothers, making us again irritable, asked the ticket, helped me wallop together! 兄弟们,让我们重新火爆起来,求票,助我一起猛冲!
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