FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4677: Kills him then!

Was the past matters.” “都是过去的事了。” The reply of Zi Zhen is very gentle. 紫禛的回答很平和。 Her such attitude, the purple blood groups of in Liehun star shipyard, makes them relax slightly. 她这样的态度,于猎魂星坞的紫血族们而言,也算让他们稍微松了一口气。 Changes anybody, suffers the so unfair treatment, perhaps will vent anger we.” “换任何人,遭受如此不公正的待遇,恐怕都会迁怒我们。” However Zi Zhen Lord was harmed by the town/subdues, it may be said that is with one's family broken up and decimated, never expected that she can actually be saved from death, does not know that suffered many hardships, when has takes revenge today.” “而紫禛一家被镇主所害,可谓家破人亡,没想到她却能死里逃生,不知吃了多少苦头,方有今日复仇之时啊。” The townspeoples look the young girl who this has grown into, in the heart is filled with emotion, admires. 镇民们看着这已然长成的少女,心中感慨万千,佩服不已。 You have a good daughter!” Zi Wenba to the Zi Yan mother commended that says with emotion. “你有一个好女儿!”紫文伯紫烟母亲称赞感慨道。 But this woman has choked with sobs. 而这妇人早已泣不成声。 Zi Zhen saw, somewhat does not have the heart, then holds her in the , pats the comfort. 紫禛见了,有些于心不忍,便在边上扶着了她,轻拍安慰。 So, the purple blood groups on the scene watch. 如此一幕,在场紫血族们都看在眼里。 Pitying and approvals in their eye, in fact are Li Tianming the goal that wants to achieve. 他们眼里的怜悯、认可,实际上就是李天命想要达到的目标。 In the future even some people of the status of suspecting Zi Zhen, coming this to hunt for the soul star shipyard to ask, these townspeoples will naturally reply to the bystander flawlessly, because from starts at this moment, Zi Zhen on family background in this. 日后就算有人怀疑紫禛的身份,来这猎魂星坞一问,这些镇民们自然都会给外人天衣无缝的回答,因为从此刻开始,紫禛就出身在此。 Rather than goes out from the chaos god grave...... 而不是从混沌神墓中走出…… In Zi Zhen while integrating to hunt for the soul star shipyard, Li Tianming, the resources property of this town/subdues Lord mansion, has put in the bag quietly completely. 紫禛在融入猎魂星坞的同时,李天命悄然之间,已经将这镇主府的资源财物,全部收入囊中。 The thing are many! 东西还不少! Universe God Item and some great wild goose level minerals, as well as some nebulas offer a sacrifice to wait/etc, some junks, including profound universe empire administrative map. 宙神器、一些鸿道级矿产、以及一部分星云祭等等,还有一些杂物,包括玄廷宇宙帝国的行政地图。 Oh!” “唉!” The old man who hunts for soul star shipyard more than ten elder ranks, gathers by Zi Zhen, as if the color of anxiety. 猎魂星坞十几个长老级别的老者,都聚在紫禛旁边,似乎还有忧虑之色。 „, but worry town/subdues host's son?” Zi Zhen asked. “诸位可是担心镇主之子?”紫禛问道。 Zi Wenba nod say/way „, we hunt for the soul star shipyard, how saying that is also the profound universe empire area, the town/subdues Lord mansion is the emperor ruins supposes, the town/subdues lord is the profound Emperor Clan institute 紫文伯点头道“是啊,我们猎魂星坞,怎么说也是玄廷宇宙帝国疆域,镇主府乃帝墟所设,镇主是玄廷帝族 The appointment, calculates again the profound imperially appointed official, by the control ability of emperor ruins, a purple victory day of death will pass on to the emperor ruins quickly, at the appointed time some people will investigate surely. ” 任命,再怎么也算玄廷命官,以帝墟的统御能力,紫胜天之死很快就会传至帝墟,届时必定会有人来调查。” Understood.” Zi Zhen nods, then looks at the people sincerely, say/way has this image ball, the truth is very clear, hopes that fellow folks, can testify for me at the appointed time.” “明白。”紫禛点头,然后诚恳看着众人,道“有这影像球,事实真相都很清楚,希望各位父老乡亲,届时能为我作证。” People hears word, look at each other in blank dismay, finally also can only clench teeth to nod. 众人闻言,面面相觑,最后也只能咬牙点头。 Testifying does not have the issue, but......” Zi Wenba starts to speak but hesitates. “作证是没问题的,但是……”紫文伯欲言又止。 Please say.” Zi Zhen asked. “请说。”紫禛问道。 This elder then said that in a low voice I heard the town/subdues host's son mixes very much in the emperor ruins opens, perhaps the social climbing some clans related, although he himself is a principal offender, seizes hunting for soul photo that the emperor ruins granted, so long as there is human relations, punishes to be not necessarily able to fall on his head, on the contrary is your family, may encounter a bigger retaliation.” 这长老便低声道“我听说镇主之子在帝墟混得很开,说不定攀附了一些氏族关系,虽然他自己是主犯,夺了帝墟赐予的猎魂炤,但只要有人脉关系,惩罚未必会落在他的头上,反倒是你们家,可能会遭到更大的报复。” Understood. Many thanks reminder.” “明白。多谢提醒。” Zi Zhen is at heart clear, their ultimate objectives are the small chaos shipyards, the matter on this road, has so-called actually not. 紫禛心里清楚,他们的终极目标是小混沌坞,这路上的事,倒不是太有所谓。 But if considers for Ziyun cloud and Zi Yan mother and child, something must give careful consideration. 但若是为了紫云云和紫烟母子着想,有些事情还是要慎重考虑一下的。 But at this time, Li Tianming reorganized, came back also to hear this saying probably. 而这时候,李天命整理完毕,回来也大概听到了这话。 This simplicity, if the law and discipline does not punish him, I butchered him, did not have the trouble.” Li Tianming naturally said with ease. “这个简单,若是法纪不处罚他,我宰了他,就没麻烦了。”李天命轻松自然说道。 This......” “啊这……” These hunt for the purple blood groups of soul star shipyard to hear this saying, expression many are somewhat speechless. 这些猎魂星坞的紫血族们听到这话,表情多少有些无语。 „Isn't this boy only a thief? Depends concealment ability, barrier is high in the attainments, is truly difficult to catch......, but this is not battle strength.” “这小子不就只是个贼么?仗着隐匿能力强,结界在造诣高,确实很难逮……但这又不是战力。” Cutting to kill the town/subdues Lord is not his merit, fluttered unexpectedly.” “斩杀镇主又不是他的功劳,竟飘上了。” These said a word in a low voice, was rear area some purple blood groups young people was mainly saying, they looked at Zi Zhen to be attractive, looked again Li Tianming and she related is very probably intimate, in the instinct was somewhat uncomfortable. 这些低声言语,主要是后方一些紫血族的年轻人在说,他们看紫禛漂亮,再看李天命和她关系好像挺亲密,本能上有些不爽。 Zi Wenba hears word, shakes the head to smile, he has not looked at Li Tianming, but to the Zi Zhen say/way kid, you drifts year to year outside, believes that the experience has, can enter emperor ruins god grave teaching, casual disciple, even if we hunts for the soul town/subdues Lord unable to compare by far, that is Star Territory big dragon existence. You should not despise him, right?” 紫文伯闻言,摇头笑了笑,他没看李天命,而是对紫禛道“娃儿,你常年在外漂泊,相信见识是有的,能入帝墟神墓教者,随便一个弟子,哪怕是我们猎魂镇主都远远不能比,那都是星域巨龙般的存在。你应该不会轻视他,对吧?” Un, truly, I like somebody, without self-knowledge, did not boast only.” Zi Zhen deep is so nods. “嗯,确实,我可不像某人,没自知之明,净吹牛。”紫禛深以为然点头。 cough cough.” Li Tianming has not thought that this girl unexpectedly also learned connotation. 咳咳。”李天命没想到这妮子竟然还学会内涵自己了。 You install, a while had/left the town/subdues, does not forgive you.” He hehe said near the Zi Zhen ear. “你就装吧,一会儿出了镇,绝不饶你。”他在紫禛耳边呵呵道。 Small fish, me did not fear you act unreasonably.” Zi Zhen snort/hum said. “小鱼在,我可不怕你乱来。”紫禛哼道。 "oh?" Li Tianming eye one bright, was happy, was too naive, she is anything hinders, draws in her, will only make me more excited.” “哦?”李天命眼睛一亮,乐了,“太天真了,她算什么阻碍,把她拉上,只会让我更兴奋。” Anomaly.” Zi Zhen stared his one eyes, the elegant face somewhat blushes. “变态。”紫禛瞪了他一眼,俏脸有些羞红。 their two people talked in whispers in this Guanzizai, that purple hair beautiful woman facial features flesh on tender white calomel, appeared in this simple world especially real, can definitely imagine that it slid and warms tenderly. 他们二人在这观自在界窃窃私语,那紫发小美人面容上的嫩白轻粉之肌肤,在这朴素的世界显得格外的真实,完全能想象到其嫩滑和温暖。 It is not real world shipyard that icy vast universe body. 绝不是真实世界坞那种冷冰冰的浩瀚宇宙体。 The youth who her charming, naturally lets the purple blood group looked at the eye to be straight, when they discovered with Zi Zhen flirt when young thief who boasted shamelessly unexpectedly a moment ago, their brains humming sound the sound, the nostril somewhat belched smoke. 她的娇羞,自然让紫血族的青年们看得眼睛直了,当他们发现和紫禛‘打情骂俏’的竟是刚才大言不惭的小贼时,他们脑子嗡嗡响,鼻孔都有些冒烟了。 Being disinclined manages you.” “懒得理你。” Zi Zhen then goes to and hunts for the purple blood groups of soul star shipyard to say goodbye, these people also know that she is impossible to sit waiting for death here, can only offer the blessing to her. 紫禛便去和猎魂星坞的紫血族们道别,那些人也知道她不可能在这里坐以待毙,只能给她送上祝福了。 From these people, this hunts for 从这些人来看,这猎 Universe God in soul star shipyard, truly quite bad mind, is that town/subdues Lord couple. 魂星坞中的宙神,真正比较坏心眼的,也就是那镇主夫妇而已。 After saying goodbye, their three people brought Ziyun saying that the Zi Yan two people, then in send-off of townspeoples, left hunted for the soul star shipyard. 道别完后,他们三人带着紫云云、紫烟二人,便在镇民们的送别之中,离开了猎魂星坞。 Across hunting for the soul star shipyard, in this Guanzizai, the front is the dense fog and wilderness, does not know that many fan barrier, keeps off on the path that they lead the way. 穿过猎魂星坞,在这观自在界,前方是迷雾和荒野,不知道多少迷障,挡在他们前行的道路上。 Li Tianming stops the footsteps, turn head looked to Ziyun cloud and Zi Yan mother and child. 李天命停下脚步,回头看向了紫云云和紫烟母子。 The big enmity must report, they still immersed in the joy. 大仇得报,他们仍然沉浸在喜悦之中。 When Li Tianming stops the footsteps, that Ziyun cloud Huran looked at Zi Zhen one, suddenly said actually, I know...... you were not my daughter.” 而当李天命停下脚步时,那紫云云忽然看了紫禛一眼,忽然道“其实,我知道了……你并不是我女儿。” How to change the idea?” Zi Zhen asked in a soft voice. “怎么又改变想法了呢?”紫禛轻声问。 I understood that the bloodlines background of our family ancestor, we will have the descendant of your so talent...... I also to understand my daughter's all very much difficultly, even if she lost the memory, should unable to achieve you is so courageous.” Ziyun clouds lowers the head, the complexion was melancholy, I did not disparage the daughter, but was...... in this world, most people were only the average people, where some so many people can go against heaven's will change to assign/life? Even if there are, will not be we.” “我了解我们家族祖上的血脉背景,我们很难会有你这般天才的后裔……我也了解我女儿的一切,就算她丢失了记忆,应该也做不到你这般果敢吧。”紫云云低头,面色忧郁,“我不是贬低自己女儿,而是……这个世界上,大多数人都只是普通人而已,哪里有那么多人能逆天改命呢?就算有,也不会是我们。” „Did your also call the average person?” Li Tianming does not know whether to laugh or cry, you were the average people, small dust particle of oneself these life in others remains, what was also? “你这还叫普通人呢?”李天命哭笑不得,你们都是普通人了,那自己这些生活在别人遗体里的小微尘,又算什么呢? The real world shipyard was too big. 真实世界坞太大了。 Arrived letting accurate Primordial Chaos control, has the inferiority, perishes in this endless void. 大到让一个个准鸿蒙掌控者,都产生自卑感,沉沦在这无尽虚空中。 Miss.” Ziyun clouds that gripped the hand of Zi Zhen, looks at her eye, from the beginning I truly am assured you am my daughter, now looked to understand, I for previous apologized to you offensively. In any event, I thanked you, helped our family/home, helped that and your pitiful child of the same name has revenged, thank!” “姑娘。”紫云云握住了紫禛的手,看着她的眼睛,“一开始我确实笃定你是我女儿,现在看明白了,我为此前的唐突向你道歉。无论如何,我都非常感谢你,帮我们家,帮助那个和你同名的可怜孩子报了仇,感谢!” Saying, she wants deeply to kneel. 说着,她想深深跪下去。
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