FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4676: Successfully washes white!

, Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! This is Zi Zhen most bad risk one wave! 这是紫禛最为凶险的一波! Although the purple victory day is feeble, still had the threat. 紫胜天虽然衰弱,却仍然具备威胁。 The purple kite madame is seriously injured, but the trapped/sleepy beast still fights, several arms were cut the pain of falling, more exciting ominous of this woman! 紫鸢夫人身受重伤,但困兽犹斗,几条手臂都被斩落的痛苦,更刺激了这女人的凶性! At once, Zi Zhen attacks from both sides faced with two people, the situation is critical! 一时之间,紫禛面临二人夹攻,情况危急! The condition, Li Tianming was so impossible to stand by completely. 如此状况,李天命也不可能完全袖手旁观了。 Even if by his present boundary, meddles such fight, will then cause heavy losses by the complementary waves incautiously, but he can ignore so many. 纵然以他现在的境界,插手这样的战斗,一不小心便会被余波重创,但他顾不得那么多。 Sees under that purple kite madame severe wound condition, but also launches the attack toward Zi Zhen, Li Tianming clenches teeth stubbornly, is grasping Eastern Sovereign Sword, starts the universe star chart instantaneously! 眼看那紫鸢夫人重伤状态下,还朝着紫禛发动攻击,李天命死死咬牙,手持着东皇剑,瞬间发动宇宙星象! Bottomless pit on his within the body each neutron particles, erupts to swallow the strength, lets his thorough stealth! 他体内每一个中子微粒上的无底洞,爆发出吞噬力量,让他彻底隐身! Invisible sword aura, raided instantaneously to that purple kite madame! 紧接着,一道无形的剑气,瞬间袭向了那紫鸢夫人! This sword aura, is supplements three Little Six souls to attack to kill the magical powers, with no preliminaries, punctured on the triangle head of that purple kite madame! 剑气,乃是附带着三只小六的灵魂攻杀神通,在毫无征兆的情况下,刺在了那紫鸢夫人的三角脑袋上! If changes into slightly weak point opponent, the soul of this stealth sneak attack murders the strength, then beats the opponent sufficiently at one fell swoop. 若是换成稍微弱一点的对手,这隐身偷袭的灵魂杀伐力量,便足以将对手一举干掉。 However that purple kite madame worthily is the powerhouse of chaos Universe God boundary! 然而那紫鸢夫人不愧是混沌宙神境的强者! Even if were so sneak attacked by Li Tianming, the soul is wounded instantaneously, has not made her come under the too tremendous impact unexpectedly. 即使被李天命如此偷袭,灵魂瞬间受创,竟也没让她受到太大的影响。 The stabbing pain that the soul level suffers, making the purple kite madame more hysteric, the state of mind had that absent-minded of flash. 只是灵魂层面遭受的刺痛,让紫鸢夫人更加歇斯底里起来,精神状态有了那么一瞬间的恍惚。 However, merely is losing concentration of this flash, to her is then fatal! 然而,仅仅是这一瞬间的分神,对她而言便是致命的! Zi Zhen has not missed this opportunity. 紫禛没有错过这次机会。 When Li Tianming hidden goes to the figure, she was ready. 李天命隐去身形的时候,她就做好了准备。 Is damaged the flash and losing concentration in the soul of purple kite madame, killing of Zi Zhen incurs, to! 就在紫鸢夫人的灵魂受创、分神的一瞬间,紫禛的杀招,到了! The body of her swift and violent and flexible Ghost God, changes to together the purple lightning, delimits starry sky that this chaos nebula has proliferated, eight kill the arm to launch instantaneously, bloomed like the flower of purple death! 她那迅猛而灵活的鬼神之躯,化作一道紫色闪电,划过这混沌星云遍布的星空,八杀臂瞬间展开,如同紫色的死亡之花绽放! The middle-aged town/subdues main root was less to prevent, then can only see his wife helplessly, was in front of his to be cut nine sections! 中年镇主根本来不及阻止,便只能眼睁睁的看着他的夫人,当着他的面被斩成了九截! The hysteric purple kite madame, the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound stops suddenly. 歇斯底里的紫鸢夫人,凄厉的惨叫声戛然而止。 She changed the triangle head of body Ghost God to be cut two halves, the scarlet color in Nine Palaces Eye, gradually extinguished, dim...... 她变身鬼神的三角脑袋都被斩成了两半,九宫眼中的猩红之色,逐渐熄灭,黯淡…… Madame!!” “夫人!!” Purple victory Heavenly Eye zi wants to crack, the whole body was full of the explosive imposing manner, like a purple beast of prey, comes in waves toward Zi Zhen! 紫胜天目眦欲裂,浑身充满了爆炸性的气势,像一头紫色猛兽,朝着紫禛滚滚而来! Death!” “死!” Zi Zhen turns head instantaneously. 紫禛瞬间回头。 In indifferent brutal nine pupils, inverted image that middle-aged town/subdues Lord form. 冷漠无情的九个瞳孔中,倒影着那中年镇主的身影。 She has nothing hesitant, put out a hand to grasp the part of purple kite madame, flung toward the purple victory day it. 她没任何犹豫,伸手抓起了紫鸢夫人的一个部分,将其朝着紫胜天甩了过去。 You dare!” “尔敢!” A purple victory day of startled anger happened simultaneously, subconscious does not want to destroy the remains of madame, the movement slowed down. 紫胜天惊怒交加,下意识的不想破坏夫人的遗体,动作放慢了下来。 But Zi Zhen has not given him more time, seized the chance to kill! 紫禛没给他更多时间,趁机杀了过去! Her speed is extremely fast. 她的速度极快。 Eight kill the arm to form the purple blade glow that the extreme speed revolves, swept away the purple victory day back! 八杀臂形成极速旋转的紫色刀芒,横扫到了紫胜天的背后! The purple victory day turns around rapidly, tries to resist. 紫胜天迅速转身,试图抵挡。 But his purple blood Asura has continued some time, making his within the body strength pull out spatially, the movement obviously slows down. 但他的‘紫血修罗海’已经持续一段时间,让他体内力量被掏空,动作明显变慢。 When the purple victory day turns around to turn head, what seen is Zi Zhen that brutal indifferent scarlet pupil, one wiped to occupy his complete field of vision purple blade light! 当紫胜天转身回头的时候,看到的是紫禛那无情冷漠的猩红瞳孔,还有一抹占据了他全部视野的紫色刀光! Finished.” “结束了。” The Zi Zhen ice-cold sound resounds. 紫禛冰冷的声音响起。 The purple ray of death, arrived on the purple victory day neck, brutally cut his triangle head! 死亡的紫色光芒,降临在了紫胜天的脖子上,将他的三角脑袋无情斩下! Purple blood, in the space that in this nebula rays fill explodes the powder...... 紫色的鲜血,在这片星云光芒弥漫的空间中爆散…… In Guanzizai, hunted for the soul star shipyard's people to stare in a big way the eye, looks to represent the town/subdues Lord couple's light shadow, gradually dissipated! 在观自在界,猎魂星坞的民众们一个个瞪大了眼睛,看着代表镇主夫妇的光影,逐渐消散! The bodies of their Ghost God, were cut to kill in the real world shipyard. 他们的鬼神之躯,在真实世界坞被斩杀。 Universe God source, loudly burst! 宙神本源,轰然震爆! This made one that one shocked, startled exploded the audience! 这令人震撼的一幕,惊爆全场! Zi Wenba and Zi Xiangdong...... have other to hunt for the soul star shipyard elders, all the whole faces shock looks in the field, has not thought completely, Zi Zhen as strong as this degree. 紫文伯紫向东……还有其他猎魂星坞长老们,全都满脸震撼的看着场中,完全没想到,紫禛强到这种程度。 Suddenly, no one said a word. 一时间,没有任何人言语。 They as if felt, this came from the revenge of Zi Zhen! 他们仿佛感受到了,这是来自紫禛的复仇! Because shifted blame to steal hunted for the soul photo, the Zi Zhen father tragic death, mother was imprisoned, was maltreated so many years...... 因为被嫁祸盗走了猎魂炤,紫禛的父亲惨死,母亲被囚禁,被虐待了这么多年…… All these welcomed the result finally! 这一切终于迎来了结局! ...... …… After Zi Zhen cuts one after another kills the town/subdues Lord couple, Li Tianming rapidly arrives at side her: „Are you all right?” 紫禛接连斩杀镇主夫妇后,李天命迅速来到她身边:“你没事吧?” Zi Zhen turn head looked at his one eyes: Has the matter, tired.” 紫禛回头看了他一眼:“有事,累。” Li Tianming smiles: Tired rests!” 李天命笑:“累就休息!” Zi Zhen has not actually transformed from the Ghost God condition, but is somewhat vigilant looks to protect beside barrier, the surrounding these hunt for the soul star shipyard people. 紫禛却并未从鬼神状态转变回来,而是有些警惕的看着守护结界之外,周围的那些猎魂星坞民众们。 She all takes away the thing that the purple victory day institute leaves behind. 她将紫胜天所遗留的东西全都收走。 And also included the nebula building to protect barrier Barrier Core! 其中也包括了星云楼守护结界结界核 Under her control, town/subdues Lord mansion surrounding protection barrier dissipated finally. 在她的掌控下,镇主府周围的守护结界终于消散了。 Zi Wenba and Zi Xiangdong two elder looked at each other one mutually, has not entered the town/subdues Lord mansion range, but distant looks to Zi Zhen, quite a little respectful flavor: Zi Zhen, you could rest assured that since you were unjust, we hunt for the soul star shipyard not to feel embarrassed you and your nearby person.” 紫文伯紫向东两个长老相互对视了一眼,并未进入镇主府范围,而是远远的看向紫禛,颇有点恭敬的味道:“紫禛,你放心,既然你是被冤枉的,我们猎魂星坞不会为难你和你的身边人。” Hunted for the person in soul star shipyard, when searches Zi Zhen and Ziyun says, devils, must dig up their skin probably. 原本猎魂星坞的人,在搜索紫禛和紫云云的时候,一个个凶神恶煞,就好像要扒了她们的皮。 But now, everyone looks at Zi Zhen, all did not have that thought. 但现在,所有人看着紫禛,全都没了那种念头。 In many, is somewhat alarmed and afraid. 不少人内心之中,有些惊惧。 Present Zi Zhen, is really somewhat fearful, the magical powers of that eight arm, the lethality is too strong, the linkage Lord couples are unable to resist, others not to mention. 现在的紫禛,着实是有些可怕,那八条手臂的神通,杀伤力太强,连镇主夫妇都无法抵挡,其他人就更不用说了。 Li Tianming looks at the surrounding people's responses, relaxes slightly. 李天命看着周围民众的反应,稍微松了口气。 He knows, no matter because of sympathizing, because of dreading, these people will not act to him temporarily. 他知道,不管是因为同情,还是因为忌惮,这些民众暂时都不会对他出手了。 Zi Zhen then returned to Guanzizai, and regained the petite purple loli condition. 紫禛这才回到了观自在界,并且恢复成了娇小的紫色萝莉状态。 Can look, just fired off this, Zi Zhen is very tired, is very relaxed. 看得出来,刚打完这一架,紫禛很累,也很轻松。 Here handled the town/subdues advocating peace town/subdues Lord madame, then goes, being to be solid her status! 这边搞定了镇主和镇主夫人,那么接下去,就是要坐实她的身份! Later walks in Guanzizai, she then must with this hunts for the soul star shipyard Zi Zhen the status, will be definitely more convenient. 以后在观自在界行走,她便要用这猎魂星坞‘紫禛’的身份,肯定会方便许多。 At this moment, three forms caught up from the one side. 就在这时,有三道身影从一旁赶了过来。 Elder sister! You are really awesome!” “姐!你太厉害了!” Youngster Zi Yan excited having tears streaming down the face, had arrived in front of Li Tianming and Zi Zhen. 少年紫烟已经激动的泪流满面,来到了李天命紫禛面前。 purple hair beautiful woman Ziyun clouds that also arrived here, high and low sized up Zi Zhen carefully, in the eye pupil was filling the care and excitement. 紫发美妇紫云云也来到了这里,上下仔细打量着紫禛,眼眸中充满了关心和激动。 This completely has not thought to mother and child, after Zi Zhen breakthrough, has such strength unexpectedly, cut that town/subdues advocating peace town/subdues Lord madames! 这对母子全然没想到,紫禛突破后竟拥有如此实力,将那镇主和镇主夫人都斩了! Although curious Zi Zhen eight kill the arm magical powers, but Zi Yan and Ziyun clouds that had not asked. 虽然好奇紫禛的八杀臂神通,但紫烟和紫云云都没多问。 Li Tianming has not planned to act. 紧接着,李天命没打算出面。 But by Zi Zhen, brings Zi Yan and Ziyun clouds, arrived at Zi Wenba and Zi Xiangdong, other in front of townspeoples who hunt for the soul star shipyard! 而是由紫禛,带着紫烟和紫云云,来到了紫文伯紫向东,还有其他所有猎魂星坞的镇民们面前! All townspeoples looks complex looks at her, looks that her behind Zi Yan and Ziyun clouds...... 所有镇民们神色复杂的看着她,看着她身后的紫烟和紫云云…… Long hair uninhibited elder Zi Wenba, look solemn and respectful arrived at the forefront, looks to Zi Zhen: Zi Zhen, I first represent all our to hunt for the soul star shipyard, apologized to you, before misunderstood you, misunderstood your younger brother and mother.” 长发不羁的长老紫文伯,神色肃穆的走到了最前面,看向紫禛:“紫禛,我先代表我们全体猎魂星坞,向你道歉,之前是误会了你,误会了你的弟弟和娘亲。”
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