FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4673: Purple blood Asura!

, Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! Six samsara bite! 六道轮回噬! This does not belong magical powers that hunts for soul star shipyard these purple blood groups. 这并非属于猎魂星坞这些紫血族的神通。 That purple kite madame naturally also has the magical powers, sees only desperately in this, the purple kite madame whole body sharp thorn emits, is similar to starlight flowing unexpectedly faintly, forms purple scales! 那紫鸢夫人自然也有神通,只见在这情急之间,紫鸢夫人浑身尖刺冒出,竟然隐隐如同星光般流动,形成一层紫色鳞甲! That scales are the same like the chain armor, is interlocked the overlay by the purple scale, is sparkling the chaos nebula ray, protects the body of purple kite madame 400,000 meters purple Ghost God. 那鳞甲如锁子甲一样,由紫色鳞片交错叠加而成,又闪耀着混沌星云光芒,将紫鸢夫人四十万米的紫色鬼神之躯护住在内。 But even so, that six scarlet vortex also like the hungry ghost from Asura hell, swallows that purple scales magical powers ruthlessly! 但即使如此,那六个猩红漩涡亦是如同来自修罗地狱的饿鬼,将那紫色鳞甲神通狠狠吞噬! Like the wild animal tear and bite that purple scales, quick is gnawing torn to pieces it, swallows toward the vortex deep place! 如同野兽般撕咬着那紫色鳞甲,很快就将其啃噬得支离破碎,朝着漩涡深处吞噬! The purple kite madame purple scales of were torn, sends out the sad and shrill and painful pitiful yell. 紫鸢夫人身上的紫色鳞甲都被撕扯开来,发出凄厉而痛苦的惨叫。 So the situation, making the one side observe and plunder the town/subdues Lord purple victory day unable to sit still. 如此情况,让一旁观战、掠阵的镇主紫胜天坐不住了。 This tall and strong middle-aged man, in the real world shipyard is 500000 meters in height purple clothes Universe God! 这魁梧中年男子,在真实世界坞乃是身高500000米的紫衣宙神 The pair of eyes blooming purple ominous light, oneself madame was torn shortly by six scarlet vortex, immediately incarnation purple Ghost God, six arms elongate from two rib places! 其双眼绽放紫色凶光,眼看着自家夫人被六个猩红漩涡撕扯进去,立即化身紫色鬼神,六条手臂从两肋处伸长出来! As the purple blood group male, the purple victory day stature seems very tall and strong. 身为紫血族男性,紫胜天的身材显得十分魁梧。 The body of 500,000 meters high Ghost God, like a purple mountain, outrageously impact! 五十万米高的鬼神之躯,如同一座紫色大山般,悍然冲击而来! Blood Asura shakes!” “血修罗震!” Subdue Lord purple victory day the body of Ghost God, in Nine Palaces Eye is similar to has the purple thunder sparkle, the strength of shake passes on to the whole body! 镇主紫胜天的鬼神之躯,九宫眼内如同有紫色雷霆闪耀,震荡之力传至全身! If the thunderclap purple thunder, blasts out in this nihility space loudly! 如霹雳般的紫色雷霆,在这片虚无空间内轰然炸开! At this moment, on the purple victory day six arms, is all twining the purple electricity snake. 此时此刻,紫胜天的六条手臂上,全都缠绕着紫色电蛇。 Under the windings of these purple electricity snakes, his six arm strengths rise dramatically, obviously the purple muscle sticks out suddenly, unexpectedly is forcefully three scarlet vortex will rip open two halves! 在那些紫色电蛇的缠绕下,他的六条手臂力量暴增,可见紫色筋肉暴起,竟是硬生生将其中三个猩红漩涡撕开成了两半! Under fights hand-to-hand bloody, the purple victory day six sturdy arms were involved by the scarlet vortex, the purple blood jumps the class/flow. 血腥肉搏下,紫胜天的六条粗壮手臂都被猩红漩涡卷入,紫色鲜血迸流。 But he not cares a whoop. 但他丝毫不在意。 Bang! 轰! His that purple long hair gets makes the purple flying blade, the purple flying blade, toward the Zi Zhen illness/quick raids ten million/countless, but to! 他那紫色长发都变作紫色飞刃,千万紫色飞刃,朝着紫禛疾袭而至! The purple victory day fighting hand-to-hand magical powers become one set of system, the purple long hair changes to the flying blade chaotic dance, like the chaos nebula vortex, covers Zi Zhen the body of entire Ghost God unexpectedly! 紫胜天的肉搏神通自成一套体系,紫色长发化作飞刃乱舞,竟如同混沌星云漩涡,将紫禛的整个鬼神之躯笼罩在内! Zi Zhen can feel, in that myriad purple flying edges, contains pinnacle lethality! 紫禛能感受到,那万千紫色飞刃中,所蕴含着的极致杀伤力! Her purple scales cover in the whole body, six purple arms pasted the nebula to be glorious, cover nearby that myriad purple flying edges. 她的紫色鳞甲覆盖在全身,六条紫色手臂流转着星云光辉,遮挡在了那万千紫色飞刃跟前。 Defends, while withdraws. 一边防御,一边后撤。 In the short time, was blown many scars by that myriad purple flying edges unexpectedly, the purple blood splash in this starry skies! 短短时间内,竟被那万千紫色飞刃刮出了不少伤痕,紫色鲜血飞溅在这片星空! Li Tianming in looks at all these in secret. 李天命于暗中看着这一切。 Sees only that town/subdues Lord purple victory day, 500,000 meters high palatial Ghost God, in that three eyes nine pupils, seven pupils have presented the scarlet color. 只见那镇主紫胜天,足足有五十万米高的巍峨鬼神,那三眼九瞳之中,已有七个瞳孔呈现出猩红之色。 When this middle-aged town/subdues Lord looks helplessly own madame was injured, the innermost feelings naturally rise suddenly angrily, although is also insufficient Nine Palaces Eye full, but is the battle strength sudden growth! 当这中年镇主眼睁睁看着自家夫人被打伤,内心自然是愤怒暴涨,虽然还不至于九宫眼全开,但已经是战力猛增! Under erupts swiftly and violently, Zi Zhen seemingly does not beat, retrocedes again and again! 迅猛爆发之下,紫禛看似不敌,连连后退! Li Tianming has not worried. 李天命并未着急。 He knows, Zi Zhen most essential trump card did not have. 他知道,紫禛最关键的杀手锏还没出。 Now she is tempting the opposite party. 现在她只是在引诱对方。 Stands firm.” “稳住。” Li Tianming is staring in the field stubbornly. 李天命死死盯着场中。 Is good because, he can see Zi Zhen seemingly injured, is actually very light skin flesh wound. 好在,他可以看到紫禛看似受伤,其实都是很轻的皮外伤。 That town/subdues Lord purple victory day seems like very fierce, cannot injure her strategic point actually. 那镇主紫胜天看似很猛,实则根本伤不到她的要害。 Obviously all in the control of Zi Zhen. 可见一切都在紫禛的掌控当中。 Then watches her performance! 接下来就看她的表演! Wait!” “等等!” Zi Zhen was attacked violently, retrocedes again and again, some worrying shouted that makes noise. 紫禛被猛烈进攻,连连后退,有些着急的喊出声来。 Purple kite madame who the rear area was rescued, is sneering making noise: What's wrong, dead girl. Cannot think that you went out to mix with the lover were so long, but also somewhat the skill, what a pity wants to ask us to trouble, still overreached oneself!” 后方被解救出来的紫鸢夫人,则是冷笑着出声:“怎么了,死丫头。想不到你出去跟野男人混了这么久,还真有点本事,可惜想来找我们麻烦,仍是不自量力!” This time purple kite madame, is very distressed. 此时的紫鸢夫人,十分狼狈。 Just by Zi Zhen six samsara bit suppression time, her whole body was punched by the pain, it can be said that cut and bruised! 刚刚被紫禛‘六道轮回噬’压制的时候,她浑身都被痛揍,可以说是遍体鳞伤! She restored the beforehand purple clothes woman appearance, the complexion was gloomy. 她恢复成了之前的紫衣妇人模样,脸色阴沉。 Obviously on her face, presented several scars, the purple blood from flows, making her seem like extremely fierce fearsome. 可见就连她的脸上,都出现了好几道伤痕,紫色血液从其中流淌而出,让她看起来极其狰狞可怖。 She follows after purple victory day the body of palatial Ghost God, is staring at begging for mercy stubbornly Zi Zhen: Since dares to come back, that prepares for dying psychology here, today do not want to run. Looks at your, should not expect that your lover does save you? On his three-legged cat cultivation level, you looked that he does dare to come?” 她跟在紫胜天的巍峨鬼神之躯后,死死盯着‘求饶’的紫禛:“既然敢回来,那就做好死在这里的心理准备吧,今天你别想跑了。看你这样子,该不会还在期待你那野男人来救你?就他那点三脚猫修为,你看他敢不敢来?” Zi Zhen being disinclined manages her from the start. 紫禛压根懒得理她。 Only looks to that 500,000 meters high purple victory day, asked cold and gloomy: You are not curious, how initially did I live?” 只看向那五十万米高的紫胜天,森冷问道:“难道你就不好奇,当初我是怎么活下来的?” The purple victory day does not want to listen to her rubbish, the thunder method has been ready. 紫胜天本不想听她废话,雷霆手段已经蓄势待发。 But hears Zi Zhen this saying, purple victory world consciousness stopped in the hand to act, the nine pupils on Ghost God head are staring at her stubbornly: Who was saved you?” 但听到紫禛这话,紫胜天下意识的停下了手中动作,鬼神脑袋上的九个瞳孔死死盯着她:“是谁救了你?” Zi Zhen sneers saying: Naturally is you hunts for the big personal enemy in soul star shipyard. Moreover, you kept on proclaiming I stole hunted for soul photo, killed my father, imprisoned my mother, perhaps you do not know, hunted for the soul according to truly in my!” 紫禛冷笑道:“自然是你们猎魂星坞的大仇人。而且,你们口口声声说我盗走了‘猎魂炤’,杀我爹,囚禁我娘,恐怕你们不知道,猎魂炤确确实实在我这!” You put me today, I can hunting for the soul according to the restore, otherwise you will never possibly retrieve to hunt for the soul photo! Said, your rather entire clansman suffers hardships together, must kill me, thus discards retrieves to hunt for the soul photo the opportunity?” “你们今天放了我,我可以把猎魂炤归还,否则你们永远也不可能找回猎魂炤!还是说,你们宁愿全族人一起受苦,也要杀我,从而丢掉找回猎魂炤的机会?” These words saying, the purple victory day and purple kite madames were a face are strange. 这番话说出来,紫胜天和紫鸢夫人都是一脸古怪。 Purple kite madame faint smile looks to Zi Zhen, in a pair of purple eye pupil was full of cold intent: Right? Hunts for the soul according to your?” 紫鸢夫人似笑非笑的看向紫禛,一双紫色眼眸中充满了冷意:“是吗?猎魂炤在你那?” Zi Zhen hehe said with a smile: What's wrong, feels not possible? The truth told you, your hunting for souls according to were false, the effect very did not say, but also no end of trouble for the future.” 紫禛呵呵笑道:“怎么,觉得不可能?实话告诉你们,你们那的猎魂炤是假的,效果不好不说,还后患无穷。” The purple victory day sneers: Puts your fart. If the false, how my son's natural talent will promote so many, the qualifications join the god grave to teach......” 紫胜天冷笑:“放你的屁。若是假的,我儿的天赋怎会提升这么多,还有资格加入神墓教……” His saying told only half, immediately realizes is not a little right, immediately stopped. 他这话说到一半,立刻意识到有点不对劲,当即停了下来。 He is staring at Zi Zhen stubbornly. 他死死的盯着紫禛 Sees only Zi Zhen to show a meaningful smile: Good, you were acknowledged personally, hunted for the soul according to actually to be used by your sons, right?” 只见紫禛露出一个意味深长的笑容:“不错,你们算是亲口承认了,猎魂炤其实被你们儿子用了,对吗?” A purple victory day of look returns to normal, said indifferently: How acknowledged? You think that you can also maintain a livelihood?” 紫胜天神色恢复正常,冷漠道:“承认了又如何?你以为你还能活命?” The voice falls, sees only the body of his 500,000 meters high purple Ghost God, the whole body purple spur punctures from within the body, making his whole person seem like a purple thorn ball! 话音落下,只见他那五十万米高的紫色鬼神之躯,浑身紫色骨刺从体内刺出来,让他整个人看起来像是一个紫色的刺球! Kills the prison.” “杀狱。” The calm indifferent sound resounds in this starry skies. 沉稳冷漠的声音在这片星空响起。 This is the purple victory day final kills move of magical powers! 这是紫胜天最后的杀招神通! Sees only his whole body purple spur, by the terrifying speed growth and spread, forms a spur prison unexpectedly, encircles starry skies to cover all around, sealed up the Zi Zhen escaping route completely! 只见他浑身紫色骨刺,以恐怖的速度生长、蔓延,竟然形成一座骨刺牢狱,将四周围一片星空都笼罩在内,完全封闭了紫禛的逃跑路线! 10000.00000001 trillion purple spurs, emit from him, takes away as many things as possible toward Zi Zhen, like filling the purple storm of death aura! 亿亿万紫色骨刺,从他身上冒出,朝着紫禛席卷而去,如同充满了死亡气息的紫色风暴! What a pity...... the purple victory day has not thought, Zi Zhen also hid one. 可惜……紫胜天万万没想到,紫禛还藏了一手。 When his kills a move of eruption, under Zi Zhen double rib, two thick purple arms extend. 当他这杀招爆发,紫禛的双肋之下,又有两条粗大的紫色手臂伸展出来。 A total of eight arms! 总共八条手臂! Eight kill the arm, leaves! 八杀臂,出!
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