FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4674: Truth!

, Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! The common purple blood group, changes the body Ghost God condition to have six arms. 寻常紫血族,变身鬼神状态都有六条手臂。 But now, the purple victory day and purple kite madames shocking discovery, Zi Zhen grew another two arms unexpectedly. 但现在,紫胜天和紫鸢夫人都震惊的发现,紫禛竟然长出了另外两条手臂。 Becoming 400,000 meters high purple eight arm Ghost God! 成为一个四十万米高的紫色八臂鬼神 When that two arms extend, is having the change together with the original six arms instantaneously, in the wrist/skill grew over ten thousand meters purple blade, eight arms become smooth like the purple metal! 当那两条手臂伸展开来,连同着原来六条手臂都瞬间产生了变化,手腕上长出了上万米长的紫色刀刃,八条手臂都变得如同紫色金属般光滑! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! When purple victory day kills prison to arrive, that 10000.00000001 trillion lethality infinite purple spur attacks, were killed the arm to cut off by Zi Zhen eight unexpectedly quickly! 当紫胜天的‘杀狱’降临,那亿亿万杀伤力无穷的紫色骨刺来袭,竟然都被紫禛的八杀臂以迅雷不及掩耳之势斩断! The Ghost God eight arms, protect him all-around! 鬼神八臂,全方位将他保护! The purple blade light on the scene passes, just like the metal water current, is cold and gloomy and sharp, cuts off the innumerable purple spurs falls! 紫色刀光在场中流转,如同金属水流一样,森冷而锋利,将无数紫色骨刺斩断落下! Zi Zhen the body of Ghost God, although as high as 400000 meters, but graceful nimble and resourceful, like clever dancer! 紫禛鬼神之躯,虽然高达400000米,但优雅灵动,如同灵巧的舞者! Kills intent imposingly, unexpectedly is relaxed the purple victory day finally kills move of magical powers to resist! 杀意凛然之间,竟是轻轻松松将紫胜天的最终杀招神通抵挡住! What magical powers is this?” “这是什么神通?” The purple victory day and purple kite madames are the complexion big changes. 紫胜天和紫鸢夫人都是脸色大变。 However lets also in behind that they shock. 不过让他们更加震撼的还在后头。 Sees only their unexpected form, unexpectedly the void appearance in their not far away, impressively is the white hair man who they cannot look, Li Tianming! 只见一个他们意想不到的身影,竟然就在他们不远处的虚空出现,赫然是他们始终寻找不到的白发男子,李天命 In Li Tianming is dragging an image ball, some worries looks at Zi Zhen. 李天命手里拖着一枚影像球,有些担心的看着紫禛 However he had not planned that helps Zi Zhen. 不过他并未打算去帮紫禛 After all the fight of this level, present Li Tianming is very difficult to participate, he can only choose to believe Zi Zhen...... 毕竟这层次的战斗,现在的李天命都很难参与,他只能选择相信紫禛…… Words that just you spoke, has recorded.” “刚刚你们所说的话,已经记录下来了。” Li Tianming looks to the town/subdues Lord couple: Originally did for quite a while, hunted for the soul according to be used by your sons! Unexpectedly also shifts blame on Zi Zhen, kills her father, imprisons her mother, you really damn.” 李天命看向镇主夫妇:“原来搞了半天,猎魂炤是被你们儿子用了啊!居然还嫁祸到紫禛身上,害死她爹,囚禁她娘,你们真该死啊。” He said at the same time, side takes the image ball, toward protecting the barrier edge approaches! 他一边说,一边拿着影像球,朝着守护结界的边缘靠近! The Li Tianming position very side. 李天命位置本来就很靠边。 He moves slightly, arrived near protection barrier that covers surrounding nebulas, the preparation will protect barrier to break open, makes public to the world all these! 他只是稍微一动,就来到了笼罩周围一片星云的守护结界边上,准备将守护结界破开,将这一切公诸于众! Yin Chen (silver dust) has spread the news, as a result of town/subdues Lord mansion sound, now overwhelming majorities the purple blood group that hunts for the soul star shipyard, had gathered. 银尘已经传来消息,由于镇主府的动静,现在绝大多数猎魂星坞的紫血族,都已经聚集了过来。 Just because of the barrier reason, these purple blood groups does not know that in had anything. 只不过因为结界的缘故,那些紫血族并不知道里面发生了什么。 Now, Li Tianming only needs to open barrier, is public the picture of image ball record, everyone knows that hunts for the soul photo is not Zi Zhen steals, but was used by the town/subdues host's son! 现在,李天命只需要打开结界,将影像球记录的画面公开,所有人都会知道,那猎魂炤并非紫禛所盗走,而是被镇主之子用了! Then hunted for the soul star shipyard regards as hope few lords, is the chief criminal who causes this series of matters, all prime culprits! 那被猎魂星坞视为‘希望’的少主,才是导致这一连串事的罪魁祸首,所有一切的元凶! Protects in barrier. 守护结界内。 In the real world shipyard of town/subdues Lord mansion correspondence, the town/subdues Lord purple victory day with the Zi Zhen dogfight, is trying the town/subdues to kill Zi Zhen. 镇主府对应的真实世界坞中,镇主紫胜天正与紫禛缠斗,试图镇杀紫禛 That purple kite madame sees the Li Tianming's action, the complexion big change. 那紫鸢夫人眼看着李天命的行动,脸色大变。 Although was just injured seriously under Zi Zhen, but she practices moderation the boundary to be higher, copes with Li Tianming to be a cinch. 虽然刚刚在紫禛手底下受伤严重,但她自持境界更高,对付一个李天命不在话下。 Again the transformation is the body of Ghost God, killed toward Li Tianming, like purple tornado! 再次转变为鬼神之躯,朝着李天命杀了过来,如同一阵紫色旋风! Li Tianming has not paid attention to her. 李天命没理会她。 Rushes ahead the midway in the purple kite madame, one side Zi Zhen eight kill the arm to erupt suddenly, the terrifying purple blade light sweeps away, cuts off unexpectedly a that purple victory day leg! 就在紫鸢夫人冲杀到中途,一旁紫禛的八杀臂猛然爆发,恐怖的紫色刀光横扫,竟是将那紫胜天的一条腿都斩断下来! Afterward, Zi Zhen such as a purple beast of prey, rushed ahead in front of the purple kite madame instantaneously. 随后,紫禛如一头紫色猛兽,瞬间冲杀到了紫鸢夫人面前。 In this starry skies, eight kill the arm to change to the purple blade light, that vigorous cuts to fall to the purple kite madame two arms forcefully! 在这片星空中,八杀臂化作紫色刀光,将那疾冲中的紫鸢夫人两条手臂硬生生斩落! The purple blood jumps the class/flow, seems like like the nebula shatter...... 紫色鲜血迸流,看起来如同星云破碎…… The body of purple kite madame that 400,000 meters high Ghost God, was flown to trample by Zi Zhen, same rolled like the dead dog in the middle of this starry skies. 紫鸢夫人那四十万米高的鬼神之躯,被紫禛飞起踹开,如同死狗一样滚在了这片星空当中。 Madame!” “夫人!” A purple victory day of startled anger happened simultaneously, sees only on his Nine Palaces Eye, two pupil that had not opened, is the flash is flooding the scarlet blood-color...... 紫胜天惊怒交加,只见他那九宫眼上,原本未开的两个瞳孔,亦是一瞬间充斥着猩红血色…… The middle-aged town/subdues lord who this hunts for the soul star shipyard, has not thought completely copes with Zi Zhen, needs him to open completely Nine Palaces Eye! 这位猎魂星坞的中年镇主,完全没想到对付一个紫禛,需要他开启全部九宫眼 At this moment, the aura that in the purple victory heavenly body innumerable neutron particles burst out the terrifying, the body of entire Universe God has seethed with excitement! 这一刻,紫胜天体内无数中子微粒迸发出恐怖的气息,整个宙神之体都已经沸腾了起来! His three eyes nine pupils, is flooding the blood-color completely! 他的三眼九瞳,完全充斥着血色! Is staring at Zi Zhen stubbornly! 死死盯着紫禛 His within the body like the star sea purple blood, burns down unexpectedly in this moment, brought the transcendence strength that is inconceivable to him! 他体内的如星海般的紫色血液,竟然在这一刻焚烧起来,给他带来了难以想象的超越力量! This is his true trump card. 这才是他真正的杀手锏。 But after use this move, his within the body purple blood drains, will damage the foundation. 但使用这招后,他体内紫血流失,会损伤根基。 The most important thing is, has not hunted for the soul photo the effect, he becomes hot tempered, even more loses the reason...... 最重要的是,没有猎魂炤的效果,他将会变得更加暴躁,愈加失去理智…… At this moment, the body of purple victory day of entire Ghost God, like bathing in the middle of one purple bloodshed, is similar to Asura Ghost God truly, the whole body spurs gather in together, forms six purple giant spur daggers! 这一刻,紫胜天整个鬼神之躯,如同沐浴在一片紫色血海当中,真正如同一位修罗鬼神,全身骨刺都汇聚在一起,形成六把紫色的巨型骨刺尖刀! Each spur dagger, is hundreds of thousands of meters, seems like kills the arm to be much more terrorist than Zi Zhen eight! 每一把骨刺尖刀,都有数十万米长,看起来比紫禛的八杀臂还要恐怖得多! Destiny, I kill him, you do not need to divert attention.” “天命,我来杀他,你不用分心。” Zi Zhen sees that has defended before the Li Tianming's body. 紫禛见状,已经守在了李天命的身前。 At this moment, her Nine Palaces Eye also opened seven and eight...... until nine! 此刻,她的九宫眼亦是开启了七眼、八眼……直至九眼! Just the purple kite madame wanted to sneak attack Li Tianming, making her fall into not the most steerable anger! 刚刚紫鸢夫人想要偷袭李天命,让她陷入了最不可控制的愤怒! After is too long, her anger finally achieves the apex again, under nine full conditions, her whole body purple blood ebullition! 时隔太久,她的愤怒终于再次达到顶点,九眼全开的状态下,她浑身紫血沸腾! That such as metal purple blade eight kill on the arm, there are more and more purple light to wind around, the strength of chaos nebula, has integrated to eight completely kills in the arm, enabling its lethality to achieve the pinnacle! 那如金属紫刀般的八杀臂上,有越来越多的紫光缭绕,混沌星云的力量,已经完全融入到八杀臂中,使其杀伤力达到了极致! Li Tianming nods. 李天命点头。 He transformed Guanzizai, by Heaven-Stealing Hand, started to decode front protection barrier! 他转换到了观自在界,以窃天之手,开始破解面前的守护结界 Behind him, the purple light shadow of purple kite madame is the same like the dead dog, paralysis in town/subdues Lord mansion hall entrance. 在他背后,紫鸢夫人的紫色光影如同死狗一样,瘫在镇主府大厅门口。 Purple victory day and Zi Zhen, is the respective opening most violent anger condition, battles with the strongest stance together! 紫胜天和紫禛,则是各自开启最暴怒的状态,以最强姿态激战在一起! Listens bang sound that is transmitting behind, Li Tianming not to turn head. 听着身后传来的‘轰隆’动静,李天命并未回头。 On Heaven-Stealing Hand, 100,000 compound eyes also open, at the maximum speed decodes this to protect barrier! 窃天之手上,十万复眼同时睁开,以最快速度破解着这层守护结界 Because this barrier is extending of nebula building barrier, therefore Li Tianming is familiar and easy. 由于这结界乃是星云楼结界的延伸,所以李天命轻车熟路。 Process that entire decodes, passing clouds and flowing water! 整个破解的过程,行云流水! Finally, when he that town/subdues Lord mansion surrounding protection barrier, decoded a cave entrance to come out, first appears in him at present, was hunts for the two elder in soul star shipyard...... 终于,当他将那镇主府周围的守护结界,破解了一个洞口出来,首先出现在他眼前的,是猎魂星坞的两个长老…… According to Yin Chen (silver dust) said, is called Zi Wenba and Zi Xiangdong respectively. 根据银尘所说,分别叫做紫文伯紫向东 These two elder long hair, natural uninhibited, person of rickets back, likely man old before his time. 这俩长老一人长发,潇洒不羁,一人佝偻着背,像个小老头。 When two people see the barrier crack, the complexion in abundance changes. 当二人看到结界破洞的时候,脸色纷纷一变。 Also sees in barrier, the Li Tianming's white hair form, lets them is dignified. 又看到结界内,李天命的白发身影,让他们更是神情凝重。 Prepares to intercept!” “准备拦截!” two elder subconscious ordering, directs outside hunting for soul star shipyard purple blood groups to act! 两位长老下意识的下令,指挥着外面的猎魂星坞紫血族们行动! Slow.” “慢着。” Li Tianming sees the two elder, makes noise directly, protects barrier cave entrance from that showed the picture in image ball! 李天命看到两个长老,直接出声,从那守护结界的洞口处,将影像球中的画面展现了出去!
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