FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4672: The war of chaos Universe God!

That town/subdues Lord couple, does not know that Li Tianming has hidden quietly by them, in this garden, but also prepared the image ball to prepare to record. 那镇主夫妇,并不知道李天命已经悄然藏身在他们旁边,就在这庭院内,还准备好了影像球准备记录。 In the fight of this level, Li Tianming too has not in a big way affected temporarily. 在这层次的战斗中,李天命暂时没太大作用。 He believes that the judgment of Zi Zhen, had Ziyun to say some information that in addition, Zi Zhen can suppress this couple absolutely! 他相信紫禛的判断,加上有了紫云云说的一些信息,紫禛绝对能够镇压这对夫妇! When the town/subdues Lord purple victory day launches protection barrier of nebula building, covers after the town/subdues Lord mansion, the madame purple kite is calm and composed even in press of work looks at Zi Zhen: „To kill us? Very good, now you have this opportunity, looked that you can grasp.” 当镇主紫胜天展开星云楼的守护结界,将镇主府都笼罩起来后,那夫人紫鸢好整以暇的看着紫禛:“想来杀我们?很好,现在你有这个机会,就看你能不能把握住了。” The town/subdues Lord said in the one side lightly: Is more careful, this girl grew, is 240,000 meters in the real world shipyard, perhaps a little method.” 镇主在一旁淡淡道:“小心些,这妮子成长了,在真实世界坞已有二十四万米,说不定有点手段。” The purple kite sneers: Also without arriving at 300,000 meters, is so then rampant, does not know that is who to her guts? Let Madame this/Ben first teach her.” 紫鸢冷笑:“还没到三十万米,便如此嚣张,也不知道是谁给她的胆量?让本夫人先教训教训她。” The town/subdues Lord has not begun in the one side. 镇主在一旁没动手。 He knows, Zi Zhen white hair young people have extremely strong concealment ability, where perhaps hidden in neighbor...... 他知道,紫禛身边的白发年轻人拥有极强的隐匿能力,说不定就隐藏在附近什么地方…… Therefore this tall and strong middle-aged town/subdues lord, chooses in the one side plunders, guards situation that may have. 于是这魁梧中年镇主,选择在一旁掠阵,防范着有可能出现的情况。 The purple kite madame of that purple long skirt, then having a relish looks to Zi Zhen, although has not thought highly of Zi Zhen, but also has no general idea/careless. 那一袭紫色长裙的紫鸢夫人,则是饶有兴致的看向紫禛,虽说没怎么瞧得起紫禛,但也没有任何大意。 In front of Zi Zhen directly, gets makes the body of Ghost God! 直接当着紫禛的面,变作鬼神之躯! Sees only her figure to become the fiendish features instantaneously, with the Zi Zhong same Sanjiaotou, nine scarlet pupils opens neatly, stared stubbornly to Zi Zhen! 只见她那身形瞬间变得青面獠牙,跟紫冢一样的三角头上,九个猩红瞳孔齐刷刷睁开,死死盯向了紫禛 In Guanzizai, her height also rose all of a sudden more than two meters, a total of six arms extended, the innumerable sharp thorn scales are covering her whole body, on the tail was the sharp heavy hammer, above covered entirely the purple short thorn, appeared the bloody terrorist! 在观自在界,她的身高也是一下子涨到了两米多,总共六条手臂伸展开来,无数尖刺鳞片覆盖着她的全身,尾巴上则是尖锐的重锤,上面布满了紫色短刺,显得血腥恐怖! The purple kite wife is the pure purple blood group. 紫鸢夫人是纯正的紫血族。 She incarnation Ghost God, Nine Palaces Eye then has just now opened Three Palaces Eye, the incarnation purple evil spirit, at the extremely quick speed, rushes to Zi Zhen! 她才刚化身鬼神,九宫眼便已开启了三宫眼,化身紫色厉鬼,以极快速度,奔向紫禛 The innumerable purple devil claws, from sweep across in all directions, but to! 无数紫色鬼爪,从四面八方席卷而至! Suddenly, entire covers Zi Zhen! 一时间,将紫禛整个笼罩在内! The Zi Zhen figure is seemingly petite, seems facing the purple squally shower, in this situation she sneers, has not shown weakness completely, similarly incarnation Ghost God! 紫禛身形看起来娇小,仿佛面对着紫色的狂风骤雨,这情况下她冷笑一声,完全没示弱,同样化身鬼神 However Zi Zhen does not have eight to kill arm temporarily, after all this is her trump card. 不过紫禛暂时没出‘八杀臂’,毕竟这是她的杀手锏。 No matter the investigation or Ziyun of Yin Chen (silver dust) clouds the information that Zi Zhen knows, this hunts for the purple blood group of soul star shipyard does not have eight to kill arm the method, this is her final must the killer section! 不管是银尘的调查还是紫云云说的信息,紫禛知道,这猎魂星坞的紫血族都没有‘八杀臂’的手段,这是她最终的必杀手段! But at this time, Zi Zhen incarnation Ghost God, in the light shadow of real world shipyard, from 240,000 meters, has risen suddenly 400,000 meters. 而此时,紫禛化身鬼神,在真实世界坞的光影,已经从二十四万米,暴涨到了四十万米。 Became with purple kite madame similar build existence. 成了跟紫鸢夫人差不多体型的存在。 But in Guanzizai, her figure also rose suddenly more than two meters high, the whole body fang sharp claws, the sharp thorn proliferated, the purple scale covered the whole body! 而在观自在界,她的身形也暴涨到了两米多高,全身獠牙利爪,尖刺遍布,紫色鳞片覆盖全身! Instantaneously, two groups of purple forms hit in this town/subdues Lord mansion garden in one! 瞬间,两团紫色的身影在这镇主府庭院内撞击在了一起! If in the real world shipyard, both sides this clashes loudly, perhaps some innumerable chaos starlight have exploded the powder, rumbles ten million meter/rice purple vortex. 若是在真实世界坞,双方这轰然对撞,恐怕已经有无数混沌星光爆散,轰出千万米紫色漩涡。 But in Guanzizai, is only two groups of purple that Li Tianming sees collides, the pure flesh and blood fights with all might! 但在观自在界,李天命看到的就只是两团紫色碰撞,纯粹的血肉之躯拼杀! In that two groups of purple, Li Tianming saw, Zi Zhen Nine Palaces Eye has arrived at six palace eyes unexpectedly directly, in six scarlet pupils, killing intent is imposing! 在那两团紫色当中,李天命看到,紫禛九宫眼竟然已经直接开到六宫眼,六个猩红瞳孔之中,杀意凛然! Although the opposite party slanders Zi Zhen is not she, but the opposite party wants to post a reward her and Li Tianming, naturally makes her angry. 虽然对方污蔑的‘紫禛’并不是她,但对方想要悬赏她和李天命,自然让她愤怒。 The purple kite madame also has Nine Palaces Eye. 紫鸢夫人也有九宫眼 But regarding Zi Zhen, obviously is not angry, but is the mentality that disdaining and overlooks. 但对于紫禛,明显不是愤怒,而是一种不屑和俯视的心态。 Therefore her Three Palaces Eye can open to be good. 所以她的三宫眼能开出来就不错了。 This lets Zi Zhen and purple kite madame when the resistance, at first obtained the advantage! 这让紫禛与紫鸢夫人在对抗时,最初就获得了优势! Sees only six arms of Zi Zhen to stretch out, held in which arm of purple kite madame stubbornly, whatever on the purple kite madame sharp thorn sharp claws, have delimited on oneself, does not relax. 只见紫禛的六条手臂伸出,死死的抓住了紫鸢夫人的其中一条手臂,任由紫鸢夫人身上的尖刺利爪,在自己身上划过,都不放松。 The next quarter, Zi Zhen at the pure mortal body strength, pulls apart purple kite madame that arm unexpectedly! 下一刻,紫禛竟以纯粹的肉身力量,将紫鸢夫人那条手臂扯断! The purple blood spurts in this garden. 紫色鲜血在这庭院飞洒而出。 This instantaneous collision, then makes the bloody scene, making the purple kite madame send out the pitiful yell of pain! 这瞬间的碰撞,便制造出血腥的场面,让紫鸢夫人发出了痛苦的惨叫! That town/subdues Lord purple victory day has not expected obviously, Zi Zhen so will be unexpectedly fierce! 那镇主紫胜天显然也没料到,紫禛竟然会如此凶猛! She when changing the body of Ghost God, rose suddenly unexpectedly 400,000 meters, with your same build!” “她在变化鬼神之躯时,竟然暴涨到了四十万米,和你同一个体型!” The purple victory day is angry: Be careful, her strength is not weak!” 紫胜天大怒:“小心,她实力不弱!” The purple kite madame bites the jaw tightly, in that Nine Palaces Eye disclosed the deep hatred look! 紫鸢夫人紧咬牙关,那九宫眼中透露出深深的痛恨神色! She has not thought that originally early damn Zi Zhen, can put in an appearance to tear her arm now unexpectedly! 她万万没想到,原本早该死了的紫禛,现在竟然能一个照面撕裂她一条手臂! This makes her unbelievable, let her anger to the pinnacle. 这让她难以置信,也让她的愤怒到了极致。 The nine pupils in that three, turned into the scarlet color one after another, sees only her whole body strength to rise suddenly! 那三眼中的九个瞳孔,一个接一个变成了猩红之色,只见她全身力量暴涨! I want you dead!” “我要你死!” Purple kite madame low and deep shouting angrily, like a wild with rage purple wild animal, the body remaining five arms all becomes incomparably sturdy, purple bloodlines inflates, erupts the terrifying power that is inconceivable! 紫鸢夫人低沉的怒喝,如同一头狂怒的紫色野兽,身上剩下的五条手臂全都变得无比粗壮,紫色血脉在其中膨胀,爆发出难以想象的恐怖力量! Her breaks the arm place to drop the purple blood, but this makes her wild. 她其中一条断臂处滴着紫血,但这更让她狂暴。 To Ghost God, this not unrecoverable wound, but was injured by Zi Zhen, making the purple kite madame fall into the pinnacle anger! 鬼神而言,这并非不可恢复的伤,但被紫禛所伤,让紫鸢夫人陷入了极致的愤怒! Sees only her the sturdy purple tail to whip behind layer on layer/heavily in the place, brings like the meteor speed, charges into Zi Zhen, and in overrunning on the way, transformed the real world shipyard unexpectedly. 只见她身后粗壮的紫色尾巴重重拍打在地,带来如同陨星般的速度,冲向紫禛,并且在冲过去的途中,竟然转换到了真实世界坞。 In Guanzizai, only saw that her Ghost God body turned into one group of purple light shadow, around the light shadow is the shadow of innumerable purple sharp claws, each sharp claws, as if contain can tear into shreds the Star Source rank the destructive power! 在观自在界,只看到她那鬼神身躯变成了一团紫色光影,光影周围则是无数紫色利爪的影子,每一道利爪,仿佛都蕴含着能撕碎恒星源级别的破坏力! This purple kite madame, arrived at six palace eyes in the flash unexpectedly, obviously she regarding the control of Nine Palaces Eye, is not absolutely weak in Zi Zhen. 这紫鸢夫人,竟然在一瞬间开到了六宫眼,可见她对于九宫眼的控制,绝对不弱于紫禛 But Zi Zhen indifferent by right. 紫禛冷漠以对。 She broke the arm to throw in nearby chaotic starlight the purple in hand. 她将手中的紫色断臂扔到了一旁的混乱星光中。 Also transformed instantaneously returned to the real world shipyard! 瞬间也转化回到了真实世界坞! Li Tianming is also maintaining the stealth phase transition, under returns to this piece of starlight to cover town/subdues Lord mansion nebula center, then sees two huge purple forms, intense fighting with all might in one. 李天命也保持着隐身状态转换过来,才回到这片星光笼罩下的‘镇主府’星云中心,便看到有两道巨大的紫色身影,已经激烈的拼杀在了一起。 Trillion meters purple ray, blooms in the starry sky! 亿万米的紫色光芒,在星空之中绽放! both sides fight at will, then has purple neutron particles of respective within the body, explodes to disperse, forms purple blood to sprinkle. 双方随意交手,便有各自体内的紫色中子微粒,爆散而出,形成一道道紫色血液洒出。 Each collision, can trigger the void shake, washes out the surrounding chaos nebula ray! 每一次碰撞,都能引发虚空之震荡,将周围的混沌星云光芒冲散! In the surrounding many hundreds of millions meters scopes, has flooded , then explosive purple strength. 在周围好几亿米范围内,已经充斥则爆炸性的紫色力量。 When the purple kite madame returns to the real world shipyard, after the violent anger opens six palace eyes, was then evenly matched with Zi Zhen. 而当紫鸢夫人回归真实世界坞,暴怒开启六宫眼后,便与紫禛势均力敌了。 She just wants to sneer the taunt, but never expected that the scarlet six palace eyes on Zi Zhen face, change to six bloody vortex suddenly! 她刚想冷笑嘲讽,但没想到紫禛脸上的猩红六宫眼,猛然化作六个血腥漩涡! Six samsara bite! 六道轮回噬! Terrifying magical powers that makes the purple kite madame not think of completely, erupts from Zi Zhen within the body, six scarlet vortex suppress toward that purple kite madame together! 一个让紫鸢夫人完全没想到的恐怖神通,从紫禛体内爆发,六个猩红漩涡共同朝着那紫鸢夫人镇压! Victory day, saves me!” “胜天,救我!” The purple kite madame feels the terrifying power in that scarlet vortex, immediately is panic-stricken, is extremely anxious and anger shouted that makes noise! 紫鸢夫人感受到那猩红漩涡中的恐怖力量,顿时惊恐万分,又急又怒的喊出声来! She does not know that Zi Zhen this is what magical powers method. 她不知道紫禛这是什么神通手段。 But she is clear to feel, she cannot block that six scarlet vortex! 但她明确感觉到,她挡不住那六个猩红漩涡!
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