FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4671: Subdue Lord mansion!

Soon, under the notice of Yin Chen (silver dust), Zi Yan and Ziyun that mica has not walked away two returns this long and narrow nebula mountain valley. 不多时,在银尘的通知下,还未走远的紫烟与紫云云母子俩重新回到了这座狭长的星云山谷。 They meet with Li Tianming. 李天命他们碰面。 The mother and child know the Li Tianming's plan, is to go back to hunt for the soul star shipyard, is Zi Zhen obtains one in the status that Guanzizai walks! 母子俩都知道了李天命的计划,是要回去猎魂星坞,为紫禛获得一个在观自在行走的身份! This lets them not only worries, and excited. 这让他们既担忧,又激动。 purple hair beautiful woman Ziyun clouds to walk, in the eye was moved to tears to hold the hand of Zi Zhen: Zi Zhen, actually we know that hunts for the soul according to is not you steals, but suffers without evidence, in this town is the town/subdues Lord couple hoodwinks the public......, if can scrub the wrongful treatment for you, my anything is willing to do.” 紫发美妇紫云云走上来,眼里热泪盈眶的牵着紫禛的手:“紫禛,其实我们都知道,那猎魂炤根本就不是你盗走的,但苦于没有证据,这镇子上又是镇主夫妻一手遮天……若是能为你洗刷冤屈,我什么都愿意做。” Looks at this scene, Li Tianming and Zi Zhen knows, this Ziyun said that has been treating as her daughter Zi Zhen. 看着这场面,李天命紫禛就知道,这紫云云还是一直在把紫禛当做她的女儿。 Regarding this, Zi Zhen does not have the means. 对此,紫禛也没办法。 She said calmly: Needs you to help actually not. Now I broke through, have enough assurance to beat the town/subdues advocating peace town/subdues Lord madame.” 她只是冷静说道:“倒不是需要您帮忙。如今我突破了,已经有足够把握击败镇主和镇主夫人。” Li Tianming said with a smile in side: Makes two come back, but wants saying that two did not need to run, did not need to be worried to be chased down, we killed, exposed the true colors of that town/subdues advocating peace town/subdues Lord madame!” 李天命在旁笑道:“让二位回来,只是想说,二位不用跑了,不用担心被追杀,我们杀回去,揭开那镇主和镇主夫人的真面目!” Ziyun cloud and Zi Yan hears word, somewhat is all pleasantly surprised. 紫云云和紫烟闻言,全都有些惊喜。 Two people are sizing up Zi Zhen up and down, feels about her breakthrough joyful! 二人上下打量着紫禛,都对她的突破感到欣喜! Youngster Zi Yan is excited for a while, immediately said: Elder sister, you can break through are really good!” 少年紫烟一时激动,当即就道:“姐,你能突破真是太好了!” Zi Zhen: „......” 紫禛:“……” Her subconsciousness wants to refute, but changes mind to think, later must walk with this status in Guanzizai in any case, was called one elder sister is not what important matter. 她下意识想反驳,但转念想想,反正以后要用这个身份行走于观自在界,那被叫一声‘姐’也不算什么大事。 Ziyun clouds when the joy, was the look somewhat said dignifiedly: Although broke through, but cannot be negligent. The town/subdues Lord purple victory day, his madame purple kite, battle strength is very strong. I also calculate to them a little understood, first told you their some methods.” 紫云云在欣喜之余,则是神色有些凝重道:“虽然突破了,但也不能大意。镇主紫胜天,还有他夫人紫鸢,战力都很强。我对他们还算有点了解,先把他们的一些手段跟你们说说。” Li Tianming and Zi Zhen look at each other one, then nods. 李天命紫禛对视一眼,然后点了点头。 Knows oneself and other side to be undefeated in many battles. 知己知彼百战不殆。 Although Zi Zhen is very confident, but knows the methods of some opposite party, without fault! 虽然紫禛已经很有信心,但多知道一些对方的手段,没有坏处! ...... …… Therefore, Li Tianming they chat while walking. 于是,李天命他们边走边聊。 Hunts for the long and narrow mountain valley outside soul mine from that fast toward hunting for the soul star shipyard small town returns! 从那猎魂矿场外的狭长山谷,快速朝着猎魂星坞小镇返回! Has a Yin Chen (silver dust) finger/refers of road along the way, avoided everyone's search. 沿途有银尘指路,避开了所有人的搜索。 Although is comes back to do the matter, what Li Tianming they mainly look is the purple victory day and purple kite! 虽然是回来搞事的,但李天命他们主要找的是紫胜天和紫鸢! They only want to find that town/subdues advocating peace town/subdues Lord madame, then the set from their mouth to some evidence, gets rid of them again...... 他们只想找到那镇主和镇主夫人,然后从他们口中套到一些证据,再将他们干掉…… In the final analysis, Li Tianming and Zi Zhen must hunt for the townspeople status in soul star shipyard to walk with this, therefore they not with entire hunt for the soul star shipyard are the enemies. 说到底,李天命紫禛还得用这猎魂星坞的镇民身份走出去,所以他们并非与整个猎魂星坞为敌。 That hunts for the soul photo, seizes by the purple victory child of day and purple kite, rather than Zi Zhen steals. 那猎魂炤,是被紫胜天和紫鸢之子夺走,而非紫禛盗走。 This hunts for the other purple blood groups of soul star shipyard is also a victim. 这猎魂星坞的其他紫血族也都是受害者。 They returns, while listens to the information that Yin Chen (silver dust) is conveying: They, but also, finally, search, no, loses heart. However , the preparation, has gone, emperor ruins! We, the speed, is fast!” 他们一边返回,一边听着银尘转达的信息:“他们,还在,最后,搜索,没有,死心。但是,已经,准备,前往,帝墟!我们,速度,要快!” Li Tianming nods: Understood.” 李天命点头:“明白。” When they step that nebula radiant narrow winding path, the innermost feelings with first have come entirely different this. 当他们重新踏上那条星云璀璨的羊肠小道时,内心已经跟初次来此截然不同。 On outside starlight prairie, many purple blood groups are searching their trail, but does not have the achievement. 外面星光草原上,还有不少紫血族正在搜索着他们的踪迹,但毫无成果。 Completely no one knows, Li Tianming they will return to this small town unexpectedly. 完全没人知道,李天命他们竟然又会回到这小镇来。 They avoid the sentry post. 他们一路避开岗哨。 Quiet within, had returned unexpectedly in the middle of small town that hunts for the soul star shipyard. 悄无声息间,竟已经回到了猎魂星坞的小镇当中。 Yin Chen (silver dust) spreads the news: Subdue lord, with him, Madame , town/subdues lord, mansion. The plan, has avoided, the informer, goes, route!” 银尘传来消息:“镇主,和他,夫人,都在,镇主,府邸。已经,规划,避开,耳目,前往,路线!” A silver small cockroach in Li Tianming their front, skices. 一只银色小蟑螂在李天命他们前方,一路疾行。 Has it to guide, Li Tianming they only need to follow well. 有它带路,李天命他们只需要跟随就好。 Suddenly, the Ziyun cloud and Zi Yan two people expressed admiration. 一时间,紫云云和紫烟二人都是啧啧称奇。 This had asked for advice the great strength of Yin Chen (silver dust) to mother and child, can lead them outside hunting for the soul star shipyard small town, strolls everywhere randomly, but was not caught by anybody. 这对母子俩原本就已经领教过银尘的强大,能够带着他们在猎魂星坞小镇之外,到处乱逛而不被任何人抓到。 Now is subdued by the Yin Chen (silver dust) ability! 现在更是被银尘的能力所折服! Li Tianming has the energy of such going against heaven's will, Zi Zhen can know, seriously is lucky...... 李天命拥有此等逆天之能,紫禛能够结识,当真是幸运…… Quick they arrived at outside the town/subdues Lord mansion. 很快他们来到了镇主府外。 Li Tianming looks to send out the starlight town/subdues Lord mansion courtyard wall, turn head said: Zi Yan, Aunt, you find a place to hide with the small fish, I go in Zi Zhen on the line.” 李天命看着散发着星光的镇主府院墙,回头说道:“紫烟,伯母,你们跟小鱼找个地方藏一下,我跟紫禛进去就行。” Three people nod: Good.” 三人点头:“好。” Some Yin Chen (silver dust) in surroundings boundary, they, even if hides in the middle of this small town, will not encounter what danger. 银尘在周围境界,他们哪怕藏身在这小镇当中,也不会遇到什么危险。 Even if some people seek, they can still leave ahead of time. 就算有人过来寻找,他们也能提前离开。 When the Weisheng Moran three people follow Yin Chen (silver dust) to leave, outside town/subdues Lord mansion, remaining Li Tianming and Zi Zhen two people. 微生墨染三人跟着银尘离开,镇主府外,就剩下李天命紫禛两人。 They look at each other one. 他们对视一眼。 Li Tianming starts the universe of star chart nihility directly, entered the absolute stealth condition. 李天命直接发动虚无之宇宙星象,进入了绝对的隐身状态。 Present town/subdues Lord mansion, no guard. 现在的镇主府,没什么防范。 Many Yin Chen (silver dust) are proliferating in the town/subdues Lord mansion, is observing that town/subdues Lord purple victory day, every action and every movement of town/subdues Lord madame purple kite. 很多银尘正遍布在镇主府内,观察着那镇主紫胜天,还有镇主夫人紫鸢的一举一动。 Walks.” “走吧。” Li Tianming is staying the stealth condition, has prepared the image ball, said to Zi Zhen: A while takes your time, first tempted them to speak some words, best make them from exploding the truth, this was explosive.” 李天命保持着隐身状态,已经准备好了影像球,对紫禛道:“一会儿慢慢来,先引诱他们说些话,最好让他们自爆真相,这样才劲爆。” Zi Zhen smiled: Said with you? A while looks at my performing skill.” 紫禛笑了:“用你说?一会儿看我演技。” She does not feel she framed that Zi Zhen, but now, she truly needs the status of opposite party. 她并不觉得她是被陷害的那个‘紫禛’,但现在,她确实需要对方的身份。 Therefore first disguised then! 所以先假装便是了! Bang! 轰! Before Zi Zhen arrives at the town/subdues Lord mansion, wields a fist suddenly! 紫禛来到镇主府前,猛然挥出一拳! Drives out that town/subdues Lord mansion front door directly! 径直将那镇主府大门轰开! That front door is one filling the air chaos nebula strengths, now was flown by the Zi Zhen bang, in the real world shipyard, encircles to proliferate toward all around...... 那大门本是一片弥漫的混沌星云力量,现在被紫禛轰飞,在真实世界坞,朝着四周围扩散开去…… But this sound, attracted in the town/subdues Lord mansion directly, is preparing to go to the emperor ruins the purple victory day and purple kite attention of! 而这动静,直接吸引到了镇主府内,正在准备前往帝墟的紫胜天、紫鸢之注意! This to the town/subdues Lord couple, first ran out of the hall, arrived in the town/subdues Lord mansion garden. 这对镇主夫妇,第一时间冲出了大厅,来到了镇主府的庭院中。 Saw that Zi Zhen that intrudes the town/subdues Lord mansion! 一眼看到了闯入镇主府的紫禛 In Guanzizai, Zi Zhen looks somewhat delicate, the stature is petite and beautiful. 在观自在界,紫禛看起来有些柔弱,身材娇小而婀娜。 She intrudes the town/subdues Lord mansion, step by step toward breaking in the purple victory days and purple kite couple of garden walks. 她闯入镇主府,一步步朝着冲入庭院的紫胜天、紫鸢夫妇俩走去。 This to town/subdues Lord couple, when sees Zi Zhen, a face is surprised. 这对镇主夫妇,在看到紫禛的时候,一脸惊疑不定。 Because they have not thought, Zi Zhen will walk into a trap unexpectedly! 因为他们万万没想到,紫禛竟然会自投罗网! That town/subdues Lord madame purple kite, said with a smile immediately indifferently: Zi Zhen? You did not follow the lover, dares to come back unexpectedly?” 那镇主夫人紫鸢,当即冷漠笑道:“紫禛?你不是跟野男人跑了,竟然还敢回来?” When speech, she is observing all around frequently. 说话时,她时刻观察着四周。 Because Zi Zhen comes back suddenly, making her feel that cheats. 因为紫禛突然回来,让她感觉有诈。 But the Zi Zhen following a few words, cancelled her thought directly. 紫禛接下来的一句话,直接打消了她的念头。 Only listens to Zi Zhen to sneer: I know, you want to go to the emperor ruins to issue to post a reward, once made you go, we weren't the dead ends? Therefore does not have the means that can only come back, finding the way to get rid of you!” 只听紫禛冷笑:“我知道,你们想去帝墟发布悬赏,一旦让你们去了,我们不是死路一条?所以没办法,只能回来,想办法干掉你们了!” A town/subdues Lord madame of purple long skirt, dashed just suspicion immediately. 一袭紫色长裙的镇主夫人,顿时打消了刚刚的怀疑。 She is sizing up Zi Zhen up and down, has a relish saying: Young small girl, the tone is actually big, you may know yourself to deliver, how many times saved our?” 她上下打量着紫禛,饶有兴致道:“小小丫头,口气倒是不小,你可知你自己送上门来,省了我们多少工夫?” Did not need the purple kite to say. 不需要紫鸢多说。 Her town/subdues Lord purple victory day, does not have any spoken language, maintained composure then arrived at the one side, lifted the hand to open the town/subdues Lord mansion to protect barrier! 她身边的镇主紫胜天,没有任何言语,不动声色便到了一旁,抬手开启了镇主府守护结界 This protects barrier, is connecting protection barrier of nebula building. 这守护结界,乃是连接着星云楼的守护结界 After all the nebula building by the town/subdues Lord mansion, that barrier expanded, then one and covers the town/subdues Lord mansion! 毕竟星云楼本就在镇主府旁边,那结界扩张开来,便将镇主府一并笼罩在内! barrier foreign, is internal, directly the town/subdues Lord mansion and space, isolates! 结界对外,亦是对内,直接将镇主府与外界空间,隔绝开来! First closes, then beats a dog.” “先关门,再打狗。” Subdue Lord purple victory day indifferent wields is protecting barrier, like giving up on the person looks to Zi Zhen! 镇主紫胜天冷漠的执掌着守护结界,像看死人一样看向紫禛
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