FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4669: Eight kill the arm!

Chaos Universe God boundary!” “混沌宙神境!” Li Tianming meditated several, he knows that oneself is away from this level is very far. 李天命默念了几声,他知道自己距离这个层次还有很远。 But after if, to this time is each time same, breaks through the 3-Layer boundary one time, probably isn't far? 但若是以后每次都向这次一样,一次性突破三重境界,好像也没太远? At this time Yin Chen (silver dust) was still telling with Li Tianming about the chaos Universe God boundary. 这时银尘还在跟李天命讲述关于混沌宙神境。 Quick, understanding of Li Tianming this boundary were many much. 很快,李天命对这境界的了解多了不少。 This boundary, can use the chaos nebula strength of real world shipyard, therefore even if 1st-Rank chaos Universe God, powerful are more than 12th-Rank town/subdues ancient Universe God.” “这个境界,能够动用真实世界坞的混沌星云力量,所以哪怕是一阶的混沌宙神,都比十二阶的镇古宙神强大很多很多。” Breaks through to town/subdues ancient Universe God after similarly, because of existence of universe star chart, lets common Heaven Universe God at all is not the opponent of town/subdues ancient Universe God. 就类似突破到镇古宙神后,因为宇宙星象的存在,让寻常天宙神根本不是镇古宙神之对手。 This chaos Universe God, is the same truth. 这混沌宙神,也是一样的道理。 Once steps into chaos Universe God, then can steamroll all town/subdues ancient Universe God! 一旦踏入混沌宙神,便能碾压一切镇古宙神 Naturally, like Li Tianming this type on the exception, he when the Heaven Universe God boundary, has then beaten savagely many town/subdues ancient Universe God after all...... 当然,像李天命这种就例外了,毕竟他在天宙神境之时,便已经暴打了许多镇古宙神…… Does not know, if I promote the promotion again, whether can cope with some low-end chaos Universe God?” “也不知道,如果我再提升提升,是否能对付一些低端的混沌宙神?” Li Tianming is a little eager to try. 李天命还是有点跃跃欲试的。 What a pity now he has no right opponent, moreover his breakthrough had ended. 可惜现在他没有什么合适的对手,而且他的突破已经结束。 He also has many nebula sacrifices, but oneself Order is not steady, must the precipitation consolidated be first good. 他还剩下不少星云祭,但自身秩序不稳,必须先沉淀巩固才行。 Li Tianming thinks that first has a look at Zi Zhen. If smooth, she should be able to break through to the chaos Universe God boundary?” 李天命想“先看看紫禛吧。如果顺利的话,她应该能突破到混沌宙神境了?” Zi Zhen is 12th-Rank town/subdues ancient Universe God. 原本紫禛便是十二阶镇古宙神 Now has the direction that Ziyun said that also there is an enough nebula sacrifice, breaks through to chaos Universe God should no issue. 现在有了紫云云的指引,又有足够的星云祭,突破到混沌宙神应该没什么问题。 But Li Tianming is somewhat curious. 李天命还是有些好奇。 Then has the Weisheng Moran same place, is defending Zi Zhen in the real world shipyard, looks at her to break through. 便带着微生墨染一起,在真实世界坞守着紫禛,看她突破。 The real world shipyard, under galaxy encirclements, Li Tianming brings Weisheng Moran, looks to sitting well Zi Zhen in void. 真实世界坞,在一条条星河环绕下,李天命带着微生墨染,看向端坐在虚空中的紫禛 Ying Huo (Firefly) and Miao Miao they in this void pursue to create a disturbance, simultaneously 荧火喵喵它们则是在这虚空中追逐打闹,同时 The chaos nebula strength of also in feeling all around encircling, is familiar with these strengths, and Li Tianming future the breakthrough to them will also be useful. 也在感受着四周围的混沌星云力量,熟悉这些力量,对它们和李天命未来的突破也会有用。 This time Zi Zhen, then has changed the condition of becoming Ghost God. 此时的紫禛,则是已经变身成鬼神的状态。 Sees only void middle, her purple malicious ghost body reached 100,000 meters altitude, the whole body sharp thorn sharp claws proliferated, an sharp tail was fierce! 只见虚空当中,她的紫色恶鬼身躯达到了十万米的高度,浑身尖刺利爪遍布,一条尖锐尾巴凶猛血腥! Nebulas offer a sacrifice to float in her front, was grabbed by her six arms respectively, is absorbing in the middle of the nebula sacrifice Order strength. 一枚枚的星云祭悬浮在她的面前,被她的六条手臂各自抓着,吸收着星云祭当中的秩序力量。 Because does not have Heaven-Stealing Dao this grade of ability, therefore she absorbs the speed that the nebula offers a sacrifice, is slower than Li Tianming on many. 由于没有‘窃天道’这等能力,所以她吸收星云祭的速度,比李天命慢上不少。 But as can be seen, as the Order strength in nebula sacrifice integrates her within the body unceasingly, chaos nebula strength that all around encircles, faintly toward her Universe God body gathering! 但可以看到,随着星云祭内的秩序力量不断融入她的体内,四周围的混沌星云力量,也隐隐朝着她的宙神体汇聚而来! Weisheng Moran watches, in the eye pupil has warm Judo probably to break through is very smooth.” 微生墨染看在眼里,眼眸里带着温柔道“好像突破很顺利。” Li Tianming nods to her, practice restores, is very smoothly normal.” 李天命点点头“对她来说,修炼就是恢复,顺利很正常。” Under the Li Tianming observation, the body of Zi Zhen that Ghost God gradually transforms, is glittering the ray of chaos nebula. 李天命观察下,紫禛鬼神之躯逐渐蜕变,闪烁着混沌星云的光芒。 In her mortal body, contains the huge Star Source strength, but now integrates the strength of vast chaos nebula! 原本她肉身之中,蕴含着庞然的恒星源力量,而现在更是融入了浩瀚的混沌星云之力! Star is Star Source, the cloud is the strength of chaos.” “星乃是恒星源,云是混沌之力。” „The strength of fusion gathering nebula, is more powerful than the pure Star Source strength!” “星云之力融合汇聚,比单纯的恒星源力量更加强大!” Even if away from void, Li Tianming can also feel, present Zi Zhen is welcoming a transformation. 哪怕隔着虚空,李天命亦能感受到,现在的紫禛正在迎来一场蜕变。 Her skin becomes clearer, glittering nebula, but after all is the body of Ghost God, when her body Shangjian thorn and sharp claws are getting more and more, when the purple body is getting more and more fierce, is very scary. 她的皮肤变得更加晶莹,星云之光闪烁,只不过毕竟是鬼神的躯体,所以当她身上尖刺、利爪越来越多,紫色身躯越来越狰狞时,还是挺吓人。 But Li Tianming discovered, the Zi Zhen build has little change, but her essence as if changed, becomes with this 李天命发现,紫禛的体型并没有太大变化,但她的本质似乎改变了,变得与这 Guanzizai agrees with. 观自在界更加契合。 Can better bases in this Guanzizai. 能够更好的在这观自在界立足。 After long time. 时隔良久。 Ying Huo (Firefly) and Lan Huang (Blue Desolate) they made enough, returning to Li Tianming within the body to fuse the rest with him. 荧火蓝荒它们都闹够了,回到了李天命体内与他融合休息。 Weisheng Moran also rests in Guanzizai. 微生墨染也在观自在界歇息。 A Li Tianming person sits well void, still looks at the change of Zi Zhen. 李天命一人端坐虚空,仍然看着紫禛的变化。 Because Zi Zhen has achieved the threshold of breakthrough, therefore the light is the breakthrough, she has not used up too many nebula sacrifices, uses compared with Li Tianming little. 由于紫禛早就达到了突破的门槛,所以光是突破,她并未用掉太多星云祭,比李天命用的都少很多。 Finally, Li Tianming feels her entire makings change. 最终,李天命感受到她整个气质变化。 The body of that purple Ghost God, became is more like a real universe compared with before, the strength of chaos nebula wound around around her! 那紫色鬼神之躯,变得比以前更像是一座真实宇宙,混沌星云之力在她周围缭绕! Suddenly, Zi Zhen opens the eyes.?? 猛然,紫禛睁开双眼。?? She feels, the body of her Ghost God was more powerful than before are too many. 她感受到,她的鬼神之躯比以前强大太多。 When she opens eyes to see Li Tianming, charges into him instantaneously, changes to purple tornado, is controlling the strength, a fist rumbled! 当她睁眼看到李天命,瞬间冲向他,化作一阵紫色旋风,控制着力道,一拳轰了过来! Li Tianming responded rapidly, lifted the arm to block, but was still flown by a terrifying great strength bang! 李天命反应迅速,抬起手臂挡住,但仍是被一股恐怖的巨力轰飞出去! Very powerful!” “好强!” The Li Tianming innermost feelings shock. 李天命内心震撼。 He is feeling the Zi Zhen present strength, obviously has the essential difference from town/subdues ancient Universe God. 他感受着紫禛现在的力量,明显与镇古宙神有着本质上的区别。 The chaos strength has integrated neutron particles of Zi Zhen whole body, making her god body turn into the body of chaos Universe God, with Star Source strength union, battle strength sudden growth! 混沌力量已经融入到了紫禛全身的中子微粒当中,让她的神体变成了混沌宙神之体,与恒星源力量结合,战力猛增! Present Zi Zhen looks like a small wild animal, although the build has not grown, but speed, eruption, lethality wait/etc aspects, were too more than before. 现在的紫禛更像一头小野兽,虽然体型并未增长,但速度、爆发、杀伤力等等方面,都比以前强了太多。 When Li Tianming was flown by her fist bang, that just grew to the body of 100,000 meters Universe God wanders in void, was similar to is seriously battered did not have the strength...... 李天命被她一拳轰飞,那刚成长到十万米的宙神之躯在虚空中漂流,就如同遭受重创没了力气…… This makes Zi Zhen a little anxious. 这让紫禛有点紧张。 Her purple sharp tail flings, the instantaneous advance, held Li Tianming in the bosom. 她紫色锋利的尾巴一甩,瞬间前进,将李天命抱在了怀里。 She is very anxious, restored the appearance of that purple little loli from the Ghost God shape, in a pair of purple eye pupil revealed to worry about how you?” 她无比紧张,从鬼神形态恢复成了那紫色小萝莉的模样,一双紫色眼眸中流露出担忧“你怎么样?” Li Tianming pretends to spit blood, stretched out black and hard Demon Heavenly Arm you now is too strong, I used Demon Heavenly Arm to keep off, I have hung now.” 李天命假装吐血,伸出了一条黑又硬的魔天臂“你现在太强,要不是我用魔天臂挡着,想必我现在已经挂了吧。” Zi Zhen sees his Demon Heavenly Arm, immediately is bashful and angry harms me to be worried white/in vain, your is the entire universe hardest arm......” 紫禛看到他那魔天臂,顿时又羞又恼“害我白担心一场,你这可是全宇宙最硬的手臂……” Li Tianming she hugs into bosom hardly I may with a smile, not only arm.” 李天命笑着将她搂入怀里“我最硬的可不只是手臂。” Zi Zhen curls the lip gets the hell out......” 紫禛撇了撇嘴“滚蛋……” Did Li Tianming smile got the hell out? Cannot think that you have this hobby, come, making you roll.” 李天命笑了“滚蛋?想不到你还有这种爱好,来吧,让你滚。” Zi Zhen flies to want him to trample flies, actually made an effort to grasp by him. 紫禛飞起一脚想把他踹飞,却被他用力抱住。 Li Tianming obviously feels, now after Zi Zhen changes the body, is stronger than him, is fiercer, the eruption strength of body of that Ghost God achieved pinnacle in history! 李天命明显感觉到,现在紫禛变身之后,已经比他更强,更猛,那鬼神之躯的爆发力量达到了有史以来的极致! Two people in this void treated the little while affectionate. 二人在这虚空中亲昵的待了会儿。 Then is separated, Zi Zhen float in void, after he breaks through to chaos Universe God face-to-face, my body had the new change. Beforehand Nine Palaces Eye, in addition were also many a ability......” 然后分开,紫禛悬浮在虚空中,跟他面对面“突破到混沌宙神之后,我身体有了新的变化。以前的九宫眼还在,除此之外又多了种能力……” Li Tianming is also very interested comes, demonstrates the demonstration to the master.” 李天命还挺感兴趣“来吧,给爷展示展示。” Zi Zhen being disinclined manages him, changes to the condition of Ghost God, as her whole body scale sharp claws puncture the skin to grow, the whole body changes greatly at the same time, Li Tianming also noticed, in the two rib places of her body, grew six arms! 紫禛懒得理他,自顾自变身到鬼神之状态,随着她浑身鳞片利爪刺破皮肤生长出来,浑身大变样的同时,李天命也注意到了,在她身体的两肋处,长出了六条手臂! These six arms add on her originally two arms, altogether turned into eight arms! 这六条手臂加上她原本两条手臂,总共变成了八条手臂! Did Li Tianming refer to that eight arms what this?” 李天命指了指那八条手臂“这啥?” The Zi Zhen black eyebrow slightly pressed I a little remember, this called eight to kill the arm probably......” 紫禛黛眉微蹙“我有点记忆,这好像叫八杀臂……” Is Li Tianming surprised what eight?” 李天命惊讶“八什么?” Zi Zhen just wants to repeat, soon realized that this is Li Tianming is sexually harassing her, immediately gives her air/Qi results in the tooth to be itchy, wants to punch the person! 紫禛刚想重复一遍,很快意识到这是李天命在调戏她,顿时给她气得牙痒痒,想揍人!
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