FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4670: Back thrust!

When Zi Zhen vitality/angry, Li Tianming obviously feels, her whole body strength, rises dramatically unexpectedly again! 而当紫禛生气的时候,李天命明显感觉到,她浑身力量,竟然再度暴增! Li Tianming is flabbergasted: „After breaking through to the chaos Universe God boundary, initial is so fierce, but can also grow stronger because of angry? Also really goes against heaven's will.” 李天命咂舌:“突破到混沌宙神境后,初始就这么猛,还能因为愤怒而变强?还真是逆天。” He saw, Zi Zhen that eight arms become sharp like Dao Feng (blade edge)! 他看到,紫禛那八条手臂都变得如刀锋般锋利! On the arm the purple sharp scale proliferates, a fierce terrifying sense of reality, but the surface sparkles the nebula to be glorious , an unusual aesthetic sense. 手臂上紫色尖锐的鳞片遍布,给人一种狰狞恐怖的质感,但表面闪耀着星云光辉,又给人一种奇特的美感。 The most important thing is, forefront each sturdy arm turned into over ten thousand meters purple Dao Feng (blade edge), is blooming the rich slaughtering aura! 最重要的是,每条粗壮的手臂最前端都变成了上万米的紫色刀锋,绽放着浓郁的杀戮气息! Li Tianming does not doubt, if Zi Zhen wants to cut to pieces him, perhaps he besides Demon Heavenly Arm, other parts will be slivered the fragment with ease...... 李天命丝毫不怀疑,如果紫禛想把他切碎,那他除了魔天臂之外,其他部分恐怕都会被轻松切成碎块…… Has saying that eight kill arm this sounds a little stupid, like eight stupid cunt......, but its lethality is absolutely terrifying! 不得不说,‘八杀臂’这名听起来有点蠢,像八个傻哔……但其杀伤力绝对恐怖! Li Tianming cannot bear say: Nine Palaces Eye, eight kill the arm...... not to know, actually Zi Zhen you are what relate with this purple blood group?” 李天命忍不住道:“九宫眼,八杀臂……也不知道,紫禛你和这紫血族究竟是什么关系?” He fought with Zi Zhong before, that Zi Zhong has Nine Palaces Eye. 他之前跟紫冢战斗,那紫冢就有九宫眼 From this perspective, Zi Zhen with the purple blood group, definitely has the relations. 从这方面来看,紫禛跟紫血族,绝对是有关系的。 But according to news that Yin Chen (silver dust) transmits, knew, even if the hunting for soul star shipyard purple blood group soldier of chaos Universe God boundary, when changing body Ghost God does not have eight to kill arm. 但根据银尘传来的讯息,得知哪怕是混沌宙神境的猎魂星坞紫血族战士,在变身鬼神时也没有‘八杀臂’。 Therefore is also very obvious, Zi Zhen is not equal to the purple blood group. 所以又很显然,紫禛并不等同于紫血族。 Zi Zhen shakes the head: First does not manage, had eight to kill the arm in any case, I became and that's the end.” 紫禛摇了摇头:“先不管了,反正有了八杀臂,我变得更强就是了。” Li Tianming nods: Now you are stronger than me, if opens several palace eyes, I may completely not be your opponent.” 李天命点头:“现在你比我都强,如果多开几个宫眼,我可完全不是你对手。” Zi Zhen smiles: Without your nebula sacrifice, I may be unable to break through.” 紫禛抿嘴一笑:“如果没你的星云祭,我可突破不了。” Li Tianming cheap asking: How do you plan to thank me?” 李天命贱贱的问:“那你打算怎么感谢我?” Zi Zhen hehe smiles: I can with eight kill the arm to dismember a body to you, what kind of?” 紫禛呵呵一笑:“我可以用八杀臂给你大卸八块,怎么样?” Li Tianming beckons with the hand: That is considers as finished.” 李天命摆摆手:“那还是算了。” Two people chatted the little while, then Zi Zhen said: Now I broke through, went on no bottleneck......, so long as had enough nebula sacrifice, my strength can also continue to rise dramatically.” 二人闲聊了会儿,然后紫禛道:“现在我突破了,接下去就没什么瓶颈了……只要有足够的星云祭,我的实力还能继续暴增。” Li Tianming nods: Without the issue, regards as the monster that restores...... my nebula to offer a sacrifice to practice worthily is also left over half, you take away, can grow stronger many to grow stronger many.” 李天命点头:“没问题,不愧是把修炼视为恢复的怪物……我这星云祭还剩下一半,你都拿去,能变强多少就变强多少。” Now Guanzizai, crisis-ridden, probably encounters the danger momentarily. 现在观自在界,危机四伏,随时可能遇到危险。 Zi Zhen can become stronger, then only has the advantage to Li Tianming, without fault. 紫禛能变得更强,那对李天命只有好处,没有坏处。 Li Tianming the surplus nebulas will offer a sacrifice to her. 李天命将剩余的星云祭都给她。 He will use the nebula sacrifice next time, perhaps after some time, currently speaking, offered a sacrifice to these nebulas transforms is battle strength is the optimization. 他自己下次用到星云祭,恐怕得一段时间之后了,目前来说,把这些星云祭都转化为战力才是最佳选择。 Therefore he looks that Zi Zhen absorbs the nebula sacrifice before him, the breakthrough. 于是他又看着紫禛在他面前吸收星云祭,突破。 Zi Zhen also worries now very much. 紫禛现在也很着急。 After all currently speaking, she with Li Tianming in battle strength of this Guanzizai, is completely in the lowest level. 毕竟目前来看,她跟李天命在这观自在界的战力,完全是处于最底层。 If cannot promote rapidly, in the future does not know that will encounter many dangers. 如果不能快速提升,未来不知道会遇到多少危险。 Hunts for the soul star shipyard with this, even this small place some so many suppress their people casually, without the strength, how can in Guanzizai survival? 就拿这猎魂星坞来说,连这小地方都有那么多随便镇压他们之人,没有实力,如何能在观自在界生存? This time, Li Tianming looks at Zi Zhen cultivation level breakthrough, that visual impact strength is stronger! 这次,李天命看着紫禛修为‘突破’,那视觉冲击力更强! Because this Zi Zhen in the breakthrough, the whole body neutron particles quantity rises suddenly, finally starts to grow on the build! 因为这次紫禛在突破的时候,全身中子微粒数量暴涨,终于在体型上面开始增长! Hunts for in the soul star shipyard, Ziyun clouds that is 300,000 meters high, the town/subdues Lord madame 400,000 meters, that town/subdues lord is 500,000 meters.” “猎魂星坞之中,紫云云都是三十万米高,镇主夫人四十万米,那镇主更是有五十万米。” Obviously they are the powerhouses of chaos Universe God boundary.” “可见他们都是混沌宙神境的强者。” Although the build is not equal to battle strength completely, but the build is bigger, definitely is on the other hand stronger.” “虽然体型不完全等同于战力,但体型越大,相对来说肯定越强。” Li Tianming looks that the Zi Zhen build increases unceasingly. 李天命看着紫禛的体型不断变大。 The body of her Ghost God, from initial 100,000 meters high, gradually grows to 200,000 meters, is 300,000 meters...... 她的鬼神之躯,从最初的十万米高,逐渐成长到二十万米,然后是三十万米…… Finally when she absorbs all nebula sacrifices, after the strength of vast chaos nebula will integrate within the body, the body of her Ghost God, grew unexpectedly finally 400,000 meters altitude! 最终当她吸收完所有的星云祭,将浩瀚混沌星云之力融入体内之后,她的鬼神之躯,竟然最终成长到了四十万米的高度! In front of Li Tianming, that purple Ghost God is the incomparably magnificent colossus! 李天命面前,那紫色鬼神已经是无比壮观的庞然大物! Compares Zi Zhen the body of Ghost God, now Li Tianming is the same like a baby, appears tiny and frail, collapses at the first blow! 相比起紫禛鬼神之躯,现在李天命就如同一个婴儿一样,显得渺小、脆弱、不堪一击! 400,000 meters Ghost God!” “四十万米的鬼神!” Li Tianming is deeply amazed. 李天命深受震撼。 Meanwhile he cannot bear think: Fortunately does not change in the build of Guanzizai, now had the Guanzizai body, how is casual to play good, will not match......” 同时他忍不住想:“还好在观自在界的体型不会变,现在有了观自在体,随便怎么玩都行,都不会不匹配了……” Naturally this thought also flashes past. 当然这念头也只是一闪而过。 As the most important thing is the breakthrough of Zi Zhen, her boundary has achieved the 3rd-Rank chaos Universe God boundary. 最重要的是随着紫禛的突破,她的境界已经达到了三阶混沌宙神境。 Changes the body Ghost God condition to have 400,000 meters high, even usually is still 240,000 meters! 变身鬼神状态有四十万米高,即使是平时也有二十四万米! But Zi Zhen battle strength, is proportional with the build growth. 紫禛战力,则是跟体型的增长成正比。 If changes the body Ghost God condition, her lethality just breakthrough time is more terrifying, is more astonishing! 若是变身鬼神状态,她的杀伤力比刚突破的时候更加恐怖,更加惊人! Her purple sharp thorn from top to bottom, casual can puncture the screen Li Tianming, that eight kill the arm is odd, appears bloody cruel! 她浑身上下的紫色尖刺,随随便便都能把李天命刺成筛子,那八杀臂更是离谱,显得血腥残忍! Li Tianming is feeling the Zi Zhen intensity, cannot bear say: Zi Zhen, your present intensity, even if returns to hunt for the soul star shipyard, can still hit one dozen! Let alone Zi Zhen, town/subdues Lord madame anything, still insufficiently looked before you even.” 李天命感受着紫禛的强度,忍不住道:“紫禛,你现在的强度,就算回到猎魂星坞,也能打一打了!别说紫禛,就算是镇主夫人什么的,在你面前也不够看了。” Similarly is 400,000 meters, Zi Zhen felt to Li Tianming's, compared with that town/subdues Lord madame fearful fierce many! 同样是四十万米,紫禛李天命的感觉,比那镇主夫人可怕凶猛的多! In the bloodlines level, Zi Zhen as if has certain suppression to the purple blood group. 在血脉层次,紫禛似乎对紫血族有一定的压制。 Zi Zhen is feeling the strength after transformation in void, nods saying: Perhaps, what do you have to plan?” 紫禛在虚空中感受着蜕变后的力量,点点头道:“或许吧,你有什么打算?” Li Tianming thinks saying: We might as well turn back, takes to hunt for the soul star shipyard.” 李天命想了想说:“我们不如折返回去,拿下猎魂星坞。” This idea, making Zi Zhen a little accidental/surprised, she asked curiously: Why?” 这个想法,让紫禛有点意外,她好奇问:“为什么?” The Li Tianming analysis said: We the status of Chaos Divine Emperor within the body coming out, definitely cannot expose...... the present looks like, this Guanzizai also has social Order, for example the god grave teaches, profound universe empire and so on.” 李天命分析道:“我们从混沌神帝体内出来的这个身份,肯定不能暴露……现在看来,这观自在界也是有着社会秩序,例如神墓教,玄廷宇宙帝国之类的。” In such place action, surely needs a reasonable status, where otherwise arrives at is not convenient, will be suspected because of unknown origin, if draws the attention that anything had is not wonderful.” “在这样的地方行动,肯定需要一个合理的身份,否则到哪里都不方便,甚至会因为来历不明而被怀疑,要是引来了什么存在的注意就不妙了。” Hears the Li Tianming's analysis, Zi Zhen also feels reasonable. 听到李天命的分析,紫禛也觉得合理。 They only contact at present have hunted for the person of soul star shipyard, then wants to obtain the status, can definitely start from this aspect. 他们目前只接触过猎魂星坞之人,那么想要获得身份,完全可以从这方面入手。 The most important thing is, because hunts for in the soul star shipyard, Zi Zhen was considered as stole hunted for the soul photo criminal, if this status can wash white, then can walk in Guanzizai with this status! 最重要的是,因为猎魂星坞之中,紫禛本就被认为是盗走了猎魂炤的‘罪人’,所以如果这身份能够洗白,便能用这身份在观自在界行走! Li Tianming continues saying: We do not know the intelligence capability of profound universe empire temporarily, therefore in order to be safe, with hunting for the soul star shipyard Zi Zhen status is the best choice.” 李天命继续道:“我们暂时不知道玄廷宇宙帝国的情报能力,所以稳妥起见,用猎魂星坞的‘紫禛’身份是最好的选择。” The Zi Zhen look dignified agreement said: I understood. This can also avoid Zi Yan and his mother is chased down, if simultaneously can succeed, can avoid us posting a reward!” 紫禛神色凝重的同意道:“我明白了。这样也能避免紫烟和他娘被追杀,同时要是能成功,也能避免我们被悬赏!” Posts a reward the incident, makes Zi Zhen be worried eventually very much. 悬赏一事,终究让紫禛很担心。 But if will hunt for the soul star shipyard to take, forces to hunt for the soul town/subdues lord said hunts for soul photo the true whereabouts, then can wash the white own status! 但若是将猎魂星坞拿下,逼迫猎魂镇主说出‘猎魂炤’的真正下落,便能洗白自己的身份! Thus no longer stands is hunting for of opposite soul star shipyard! 从而不再站在猎魂星坞之对立面! Has saying that this is a bold decision. 不得不说,这是个大胆的决定。 But depending on this decision, is Zi Zhen this big breakthrough, this also thanks town/subdues advocating peace town/subdues Lord madame delivers nebula sacrifice! 而这决定的倚仗,便是紫禛这次的大突破,这也得感谢镇主和镇主夫人‘送上来’的星云祭! Yin Chen (silver dust), first informs Zi Yan and his mother comes back. Lord them not to issue to post a reward while the present town/subdues, wheels around and strikes at the pursuer, ahead of time takes them!” 银尘,先通知紫烟和他娘亲回来。趁现在镇主他们还没发布悬赏,杀个回马枪,提前把他们拿下!” Li Tianming knows truth that gets there first. 李天命知道兵贵神速的道理。 That town/subdues advocating peace town/subdues Lord madame cannot think absolutely, after Li Tianming and Zi Zhen escape, dares to come back unexpectedly! 那镇主和镇主夫人绝对想不到,李天命紫禛逃跑之后,竟然还敢回来!
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