FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4668: Chaos Universe God boundary!

On the 100 billion countless malicious ghosts, howl to circle in the mountain valley like the mosquito...... 千亿数不尽的恶鬼,如同蚊虫般在山谷中呼啸盘旋…… Li Tianming waves, first made them return to the gate of hell. 李天命挥挥手,先让它们回到了地狱之门。 It seems like, the Companion Beast ability is also normal, is only various methods in this Guanzizai, the mass changed small.” “看来,伴生兽们的能力也都正常,只是各种手段在这观自在界,体量都变小了一些。” Li Tianming has not thought. 李天命没有多想。 Since all normal, that has no issue. 既然一切正常,那就没什么问题。 He has not gone to ask how temporarily Zi Zhen with, but preoccupied the nebula sacrifices that the Zi Yan mother exchanged, planned to absorb the Order strength. 他暂时没去问紫禛紫烟娘交流的怎么样了,而是先取出了一个个星云祭,打算吸收其中的秩序力量。 No matter what, he himself must first break through! 不管怎么样,他自己都必须先突破! This nebula sacrifice, is really the good thing.” “这星云祭,真是好东西。” Li Tianming is somewhat sigh with emotion. 李天命有些感慨。 He is feeling the nebula sacrifice in hand, is flooding Order strength beforehand macroscopic shines is wilder than! 他感受着手中的星云祭,其中充斥着的秩序力量比之前的宏观照耀更加狂暴! The absorption strength, then can make Order grow at the extremely quick speed. 吸收其中力量,便能让秩序以极快速度增长。 Zi Zhen to the town/subdues ancient Universe God limit, will therefore catch. 紫禛是到了镇古宙神的极限,所以才会卡住。 But now Li Tianming town/subdues ancient Universe God 1st-Rank, but also early. 但现在李天命才镇古宙神一阶,还早得很呢。 Tries!” “试试吧!” Li Tianming stretched out Heaven-Stealing Hand, silver ray floods in his palm a continuously, direct opening Heaven-Stealing Dao! 李天命伸出了窃天之手,一缕缕银色光芒充斥在他的手掌心,直接开启‘窃天道’! Heaven-Stealing Dao can let him by quicker speed absorption Magnificent Shining Light. 窃天道能让他以更快速度吸收‘宏光照耀’。 Then this nebula sacrifice should be also good, after all these two are the same type of thing. 那么这星云祭应该也行,毕竟这两者是属于同一种类型的东西。 Opens Heaven-Stealing Dao, Li Tianming then feels, this ability was fiercer than before. 才开‘窃天道’,李天命便感受到,这能力比以前更猛了。 Heaven-Stealing Dao, stolen so-called Heavenly Dao, is Order, universe Order!” 窃天道,窃取的所谓天道,便是秩序,宇宙秩序!” „Used to absorb in the middle of nebula sacrifice Order, the nature was much quicker than the common person!” “用来吸收星云祭当中的秩序,自然比寻常人快得多了!” Li Tianming offers a sacrifice to the nebula in the hand, at the silver strength its package, just now attempts, then feeling loudly, boundless Order mighty current toward his within the body dashing! 李天命将星云祭拿在手中,以银色力量将其包裹,才刚尝试,便感觉轰然一声,无边的秩序洪流朝着他体内冲撞而来! Even in Guanzizai, Li Tianming can still feel this Order mighty current the impulse. 即使是在观自在界,李天命也能感受这股秩序洪流的冲击力。 Is much stronger than beforehand Magnificent Shining Light, is much fiercer! 比以前的宏光照耀都要强得多,猛得多! …… …… I arrived at the town/subdues ancient Universe God boundary fortunately, otherwise could not really have borne the impact of this Order mighty current.” “还好我到了镇古宙神的境界,要不然还真承受不住这股秩序洪流的冲击。” Li Tianming bites the jaw tightly. 李天命紧咬牙关。 Although is only town/subdues ancient Universe God 1st-Rank, but his Order, has started to form secondary universe body shape Order, presents human form and Companion Beast shape, consolidated a lot compared with former star sea shape Order! 虽然只是镇古宙神一阶,但他的秩序,也已经开始形成次级宇宙体状秩序,呈现出一个个人形和伴生兽的形态,比从前的星海状秩序稳固得多! Perhaps if Order of star sea shape, absorbs the strength in this nebula sacrifice, that Order star sea will then be attacked the powder...... 若还是星海状的秩序,恐怕才吸收这星云祭内的力量,那秩序星海便会被冲击成粉末…… When Li Tianming starts to absorb the Order strength in nebula sacrifice, secondary universe body shape Order of his within the body, finally started to grow again! 李天命开始吸收星云祭内的秩序力量,他体内的次级宇宙体状秩序,终于再次开始成长了起来! His Emperor Order and Life Tribulation Order, with eight big Self Born Order that the Companion Beast shape is similar, all starts to become the congealing reality! 他的帝皇秩序命劫秩序,还有跟伴生兽们形态相仿的八大自生秩序,全都开始变得更加凝实! But the growth of Order, fed back the Li Tianming's Universe God body, making his within the body neutron particles start to split again, the quantity rose suddenly! 秩序的成长,反馈到了李天命的宙神体,让他体内中子微粒再次开始分裂,数量暴涨! This hunts for the nebula building in soul star shipyard, is really the good place......” “这猎魂星坞的星云楼,真是好地方……” Accumulated so many years nebula sacrifices, all was cheap I.” “攒了这么多年的星云祭,全都便宜我了。” Li Tianming smiled. 李天命笑了。 Under the impact of Order mighty current, his whole body Order grows, neutron particles splits, he can feel his Universe God strength is becoming is more vigorous and powerful! 秩序洪流的冲击下,他浑身秩序成长,中子微粒分裂,他能感受到他的宙神力量正在变得更加雄浑和强大! Whenever the Order mighty current will soon stop, after nebula offers a sacrifice to he consumed, he immediately takes out next...... 每当秩序洪流即将停止,一枚星云祭被他消耗完了之后,他立刻又取出下一枚…… Perhaps even that hunts for the soul star shipyard town/subdues Lord son, has not had such experience. 恐怕连那猎魂星坞镇主的儿子,都没有过这样的经历。 After all the fellow absorbs in the nebula sacrifice the speed of Order strength, is well below present Li Tianming! 毕竟那家伙吸收星云祭内秩序力量的速度,远远不及现在的李天命 Also because just the absorption rate is too fast, causing Li Tianming is very actually painful. 也正由于吸收速度太快,导致李天命其实很痛苦。 The whole body seemed involved in the terrifying vortex, whole body neutron particles boiled was the same. 浑身都仿佛被卷入了恐怖的漩涡,全身中子微粒都沸腾了一样。 neutron particles is splitting, I can grow finally again 中子微粒在分裂,我终于能再长高 Selected...... ” 点了……” Li Tianming cannot bear think. 李天命忍不住心想。 He swallows the Order strength that the nebula is offering a sacrifice to one after another, offers a sacrifice to with this nebula does not ask for money same...... naturally, these nebulas offers a sacrifice to fact truly does not ask for money. 他一枚一枚的吞噬着星云祭的秩序力量,就跟这星云祭不要钱一样……当然,事实上这些星云祭确实不要钱。 white Piao is happy for a while, continuously white Piao one frank. 白嫖一时爽,一直白嫖一直爽。 Conceivable, loses town/subdues lord and town/subdues Lord madame who so many nebulas offered a sacrifice , the present is what kind of mania! 可以想象,丢了这么多星云祭的镇主、镇主夫人,现在是何等的狂躁! Subdue ancient Universe God...... 2nd-Rank!” “镇古宙神……二阶!” Li Tianming feels, his whole body neutron particles split the sufficient quantity, making him grow was about 10,000 meters. 李天命感受到,他全身中子微粒分裂出了足够的数量,让他长高了有一万米左右。 Meanwhile secondary universe body shape Order of his within the body, grew and grew up a point. 同时他体内的次级宇宙体状秩序,也都长高、长大了一点。 Human form Emperor Order, is the Li Tianming shape of black hair, becomes more dignified, the golden color and black eye pupil, emit a more blazing light. 人形帝皇秩序,乃是黑发的李天命形态,变得更加威严,金色和黑色的眼瞳,放出更加炽烈的光。 But Life Tribulation Order of human form, is the white hair Li Tianming's shape, ten tribulation ring on arm are sparkling mysterious obscure divine light .??. 而人形的命劫秩序,则是白发李天命的形态,胳膊上的十个劫轮闪耀着玄奥晦涩的神光。.??. The black hair and white hair human form universe body Order, grows again! 黑发、白发的人形宇宙体秩序,再度成长! But the Li Tianming's promotion has not stopped. 李天命的提升还没停。 Nebula offers a sacrifice to also has, Order is also very stable, continue!” “星云祭还有很多,秩序也很稳固,继续!” Li Tianming continues to swallow one after another nebula sacrifice, all integrated own ten big Order in which Order strength. 李天命继续吞噬着一枚又一枚的‘星云祭’,将其中的秩序力量全都融入到了自身的十大秩序当中。 Because he has eight big Self Born Order, he breaks through the Order strength, obviously compared with others must many. 由于他有八大自生秩序,他突破所需要的秩序力量,明显比其他人要多出许多。 In this period, Li Tianming broke through once again, achieved town/subdues ancient Universe God 3rd-Rank. 期间,李天命又一次突破,达到了镇古宙神三阶 Finally, to he used up about half nebula sacrifice time, he one step stepped into town/subdues ancient Universe God 4th-Rank! 最后,一直到他用掉了一半左右‘星云祭’的时候,他一步踏入了镇古宙神四阶 He too long has not broken through. 他已经太久没有突破。 Under help that this time in the magnanimous nebula offers a sacrifice, unexpectedly continually broken 3-Layer boundary! 这次在海量星云祭的帮助下,竟然连破三重境界! Those who most touch Li Tianming is, he had stagnated for a long time height, finally grew again, reached 100,000 meters altitude! 最让李天命感动的是,他已经停滞了许久的身高,终于再度增长,达到了十万米的高度! His within the body, regardless of 他的体内,无论 Is the Order strength intensity, is the neutron particles quantity, all was more than doubled! 秩序力量强度,还是中子微粒数量,全都增长了一倍还多! Li Tianming feels, ten big Order of his within the body, become more vigorous powerful. 李天命感受到,他体内的十大秩序,变得更加浑厚有力。 Emperor Order and Life Tribulation Order, making him stronger. 帝皇秩序命劫秩序,让他变得更强。 Growth of eight big Self Born Order, was makes his Companion Beast also obtain the large scale enhancement! 八大自生秩序的成长,则是让他的伴生兽们也得到了大幅度增强! Was too strong!” “太强了!” Li Tianming closes the eye, is regarding secondary universe body shape Order of his within the body. 李天命闭上眼睛,内视着他体内的次级宇宙体状秩序 Human form Order or Self Born Order, have to plant are more real and concentrate the solid feeling. 无论是人形秩序还是自生秩序,都有种更加真实和凝实的感觉。 Present he, if to that Zi Zhen, does not need to use the top head day palm, the casual sword can cut to kill it under the sword. 现在的他,若是对上那紫禛,都不需要用上盖天掌了,随便一剑就能将其斩杀于剑下。 This promotes! 这就是提升! But, broke through the 3-Layer boundary continually, Order is not quite a little stable.” “不过,一连突破了三重境界,秩序有点不太稳固。” Li Tianming discovered, his ten big Order, although now is powerful, but foundation some are not steady, requiring some time consolidated precipitates is good. 李天命还是发现,他的十大秩序,现在虽然强大,但根基都有些不稳,需要一定时间巩固沉淀才行了。 If breaks through again, likely causes Order to be defeated and dispersed, gain does not equal the loss. 如果再突破,很可能导致秩序溃散,得不偿失。 Half of nebulas offer a sacrifice to...... first stop.” “还有一半星云祭……先到此为止吧。” Li Tianming stopped practice finally. 李天命终于停止了修炼 He opens eyes, discovered that nearby Zi Zhen had also entered the practice condition, then communicated with Yin Chen (silver dust). 他睁开眼,发现一旁的紫禛也已经进入了修炼状态,便与银尘沟通了一下。 „Is the town/subdues ancient Universe God next boundary, called the chaos Universe God boundary?” “镇古宙神的下一个境界,叫做混沌宙神境?” „The chaos Universe God boundary, is the foundation and beginning of Guanzizai, only then arrives at this boundary, can integrate the real world shipyard thoroughly, the strength of use chaos nebula!” “混沌宙神境,是观自在的基础和开端,只有到达这个境界,才能彻底融入真实世界坞,动用混沌星云的力量!” Li Tianming then understands why in the god emperor universe, all previous Heavenly Emperor are unable to break through the town/subdues ancient Universe God boundary. 李天命这才明白,为什么神帝宇宙之中,历代天帝们始终无法突破镇古宙神的境界。 Because, this final chaos Universe God boundary, is related with the chaos nebula, letting Universe God can control the chaos nebula! 因为,这最后的混沌宙神境,乃是与混沌星云有关,让宙神能掌控混沌星云! But in the god emperor universe, at all is not the real universe, without existence of chaos nebula, naturally would have no to break through to this boundary condition. 而在神帝宇宙内,根本不是真实宇宙,没有混沌星云的存在,自然也就没有突破到这一层境界的条件了。
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