FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4667: Mosquito malicious ghost

This situation, making Li Tianming not have the means. 这个情况,让李天命也没有办法。 He sees Zi Zhen and Zi Zhen liangs female, the sinking sound said: Now I am town/subdues ancient Universe God 1st-Rank. You are town/subdues ancient Universe God 12th-Rank......, if in the god emperor universe, has achieved the practice end point, is unable to proceed again.” 他看着紫禛女,沉声道:“现在我是镇古宙神一阶。你们都是镇古宙神十二阶……若是在神帝宇宙,已经达到了修炼的终点,无法再往前进。” Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran looked at each other one, nods. 紫禛微生墨染对视了一眼,都是点了点头。 Zi Zhen knits the brows: To be honest, now how I do not know to practice. The small fish is definitely more difficult.” 紫禛皱眉道:“说实话,我现在都不知道要怎么修炼。小鱼肯定更难。” This makes Weisheng Moran sigh. 这让微生墨染叹了口气。 But quick, she shows a faint smile: Perhaps doesn't matter, you first practice on the line, this Guanzizai also has existence of practice Illusion Spirit.” 但很快,她还是微微一笑:“没有关系,你们先修炼就行,说不定这观自在界也有修炼幻神的存在。” That said that but may still see that her eye pupil deep place is saving the anxiety. 话是这么说,但仍可看到她眼眸深处存着忧虑。 Perhaps she and her within the body 49 elder sisters, are worrying now, if unable practice, unable to follow Li Tianming, later...... 她和她体内四十九个姐姐,现在恐怕都在担心,要是无法修炼,跟不上李天命,以后…… The Li Tianming comfort said: Relax, will have the means. Now we are too few to this Guanzizai understanding, waited till the small chaos shipyard, perhaps then can understand that are more.” 李天命安慰道:“放心,会有办法的。现在我们对这观自在界了解太少了,等到了小混沌坞,或许便能了解更多。” Weisheng Moran earnest nod: Un.” 微生墨染认真点头:“嗯。” Li Tianming nebula sacrifice that’ from hunting for the soul star shipyard nebula building attains, with gave Zi Zhen. 紧接着,李天命将从猎魂星坞星云楼内拿到的‘星云祭’,拿出来递给了紫禛 Li Tianming said: Or do you first try? Although said does not have the direction, but so long as perhaps absorbed the sufficient Order strength, can break through naturally?” 李天命道:“要不你先试试?虽然说没有方向,但说不定只要吸收了足够的秩序力量,自然而然就能突破?” Zi Zhen nods: Also ok.” 紫禛点头:“也行吧。” Therefore Li Tianming first waits. 于是李天命先等待。 After all if Zi Zhen has problems, then he must try to find the solution. 毕竟要是紫禛这边出问题,那么他还得想办法。 When breaks through to town/subdues ancient Universe God, needs to make Order form secondary universe body shape Order.” “在突破到镇古宙神的时候,是需要让秩序形成‘次级宇宙体状秩序’。” Then town/subdues ancient Universe God upward, again how can be?” “那么镇古宙神再往上,会是怎样?” Li Tianming does not know. 李天命不知道。 In the Chaos Divine Emperor universe, nothing above record about town/subdues ancient Universe God. 混沌神帝宇宙之中,没有任何关于镇古宙神之上的记载。 However also shortly, he waited till the feedback of Zi Zhen. 然而还没多久,他就等到了紫禛的反馈。 Zi Zhen arrives in front of him, knits the brows to shake the head saying: „It is not good. Absorbed several nebulas to offer a sacrifice to also uselessly, caught, Order did not have the means to continue to break through. Absorbs not to have the effect again, does not know that under the situation of boundary, by the fumble, a direction does not have purely.” 紫禛来到他面前,皱眉摇头道:“不行啊。吸收了几个星云祭也没用,卡住了,秩序没办法继续突破。再吸收下去也没效果,不知道下个境界的情况,纯靠摸索,一点方向都没有。” Her such situation, is expected in Li Tianming's. 她这样的情况,算是在李天命的预料之中。 The Li Tianming thinking said: Such being the case, that makes Yin Chen (silver dust) ask the Zi Yan mother. Her Universe God body is 300,000 meters, has definitely crossed the town/subdues ancient Universe God stage.” 李天命思索道:“既然如此,那让银尘去问问紫烟娘吧。她的宙神体有三十万米,肯定已经过了镇古宙神的阶段。” Zi Yan and Ziyun cloud Gang walked, but must ask them to come back is not inappropriate. 紫烟和紫云云刚走,但要找他们回来也不合适。 Has Yin Chen (silver dust) to follow in any case, making Yin Chen (silver dust) ask on the line. 反正有银尘跟着,让银尘问问就行。 Li Tianming guessed, according to the beforehand rule, each boundary has four big boundaries, then this Universe God boundary, should have four big boundaries. 李天命猜测了一下,根据以前的规律,每个境界都有四个大境界,那么这宙神境,应该也是有四个大境界。 Small Universe God boundary, Heaven Universe God boundary, town/subdues ancient Universe God boundary......” 小宙神境,天宙神境,镇古宙神境……” If really has the last Universe God boundary, surely is the summary of this stage, similar Star God Derivation Realm!” “若是真存在最后一个宙神境界,必定是这个阶段的总结,类似星神衍境!” Li Tianming has a premonition. 李天命有种预感。 But this level, is very remote from him. 但这个层次,距离他还很遥远。 Li Tianming is far from that step, therefore lets Zi Zhen and Ziyun directly clouds, conducts the exchange through Yin Chen (silver dust) on the line. 李天命远远没到那一步,所以直接让紫禛和紫云云,通过银尘进行交流就行。 Really waits for Li Tianming to must break through, again asks Yin Chen (silver dust) on the line. 真等李天命到了要突破的时候,再问银尘就行了。 However Li Tianming thinks, said to Yin Chen (silver dust): Right, first asks that Zi Zhong is what boundary. We just came Guanzizai, to the boundary and battle strength of this place is inconsistent, understands well.” 不过李天命想了想,又对银尘道:“对了,先问问那个紫冢是什么境界。我们刚来观自在界,对这地方的境界和战力对不上号,多了解了解也好。” This issue is very simple. 这个问题很简单。 Yin Chen (silver dust) conveyed the reply that Ziyun clouds quickly: Zi Zhong, town/subdues, Universe God, 10th-Rank.” 银尘很快转达了紫云云的回复:“紫冢,镇古,宙神,十阶。” Li Tianming is a little surprised: 10th-Rank? Unexpectedly might as well Zi Zhen?” 李天命有点惊讶:“十阶?竟然还不如紫禛?” He cannot bear the guess, in this Guanzizai, the height and boundary perhaps are not totally the correspondences, some people high, some people short. 他忍不住猜测,这观自在界内,身高和境界或许并非完全对应,有人高一点,有人矮一点。 For example Zi Zhen, has wanted on the short 10,000-20,000 meters compared with Universe God with boundary. 比如紫禛,就一直比同境界的宙神要矮上10,000-20,000米。 Moreover Li Tianming were more special. 而且李天命自己就更特殊了。 This situation, is quite rare in the god emperor universe, but will be as if more common in Guanzizai. 这种情况,在神帝宇宙比较罕见,但在观自在界似乎会更加常见。 As for is what reason, Li Tianming does not know. 至于是什么原因,李天命就不知道了。 He knits the brows: If that Zi Zhong is only town/subdues ancient Universe God 10th-Rank, that is quite strong with the boundary?” 他皱了皱眉:“如果那紫冢只是镇古宙神十阶的话,那算是同境界比较强的?” Weisheng Moran gentle smiling: Subdue ancient Universe God 10th-Rank, then in our god emperor universe, is the common Heavenly Emperor level, but his battle strength, goes far beyond general Heavenly Emperor.” 微生墨染温柔的笑着:“镇古宙神十阶,那在我们的神帝宇宙,也就是寻常天帝的水准,但他的战力,远远超过一般的天帝。” Li Tianming nods: It seems like, Universe God of this Guanzizai, the same boundary Universe God strength of contrast god emperor universe must. Now I do not have all living things thought power blessing, can defeat Zi Zhong, means that I have to span nine levels of abilities in this Guanzizai.” 李天命点了点头:“这么看来,这观自在界的宙神,对比神帝宇宙的同境界宙神实力要更强一些。现在我没有众生念力加持,能够击败紫冢,意味着我在这观自在界拥有跨越九级的能力。” But he is not quite definite. 但他也不太确定。 Because this hunts for the soul star shipyard is only a small town. 因为这猎魂星坞只是一个小镇。 Moreover looked that Zi Zhong is hunting for the position of soul star shipyard, looks is not what talent completely. 而且看那紫冢在猎魂星坞的地位,看起来完全算不上什么天才。 Therefore the Li Tianming range estimate, in this Guanzizai, he spans seven levels to eight levels normally, if the opposite party boundary is higher, is stronger, that did not say...... 所以李天命目测,在这观自在界,他正常跨越个七级到八级,若是对方境界更高,实力更强,那就不好说了…… Bai Feng (white wind) braves from his top of the head, now the safe situation, they can ventilate finally. 白风从他头顶冒出来,现在处境安全,它们总算能透透气了。 Heard the discussion of Li Tianming and Weisheng Moran, Bai Feng (white wind) also participated, it thought saying: Universe God of this Guanzizai, with boundary is stronger than the god emperor Universe God of universe, because perhaps they absorb the relations of strength of chaos.” 听到李天命微生墨染的讨论,白风也参与了进来,它思索道:“这观自在界的宙神,比神帝宇宙同境界的宙神更强,或许因为他们吸收混沌之力的关系。” Li Tianming said: Chaos strength that you said that also before is us, said Ancestral World strength?” 李天命道:“你说的混沌之力,也就是我们之前所说的‘祖界’之力?” Bai Feng (white wind) carves to tread around the millstone: Similar, but is also different. No matter Guanzizai real world shipyard, the strength of chaos is purer, absorbing the transfer efficiency seems to be higher.” 白风琢磨道:“类似,但又不同。不管是观自在界还是真实世界坞,混沌之力都更为纯粹,吸收转化效率似乎更高。” That side Zi Zhen through Yin Chen (silver dust), is still saying with Ziyun exchanges...... 那边紫禛还在通过银尘,跟紫云云交流…… Li Tianming is to make Companion Beast run to move, experimented everyone 's ability while convenient. 李天命则是让伴生兽们都跑出来活动活动,顺便试验了一下大家的能力。 The Yin Chen (silver dust) ability, follows to have no difference in the god emperor universe, even in hunting for the soul star shipyard small town in makes various explosions, is quite powerful. 银尘的能力,跟在神帝宇宙没什么区别,甚至已经在猎魂星坞‘小镇’内制造出各种爆炸,相当给力。 As for Ying Huo (Firefly), was still the shape of purgatory phoenix, but compared in the real world shipyard was smaller. 至于荧火,仍然是炼狱凤凰的形态,只是比在真实世界坞小了许多。 Only has Lan Huang (Blue Desolate), even were reduced in Guanzizai, was still bigger than Li Tianming dozens times, almost the long and narrow mountain valley that this chaos nebula turned into being filled...... 唯有蓝荒,即使在观自在界被缩小了,仍然比李天命大了好几十倍,几乎都将这混沌星云化成的狭长山谷给挤满了…… But Xian Xian turns into a shady and luxuriant big tree, is blooming the assorted monster different flowers, is not blocks the sky, but the tree trunk also several people joint hold that thickly. 仙仙则是变成一株枝叶繁茂的大树,开着各色妖异的花朵,不算遮天蔽日,但树干也有好几人合抱那么粗。 Returned probably at first......” “都好像回到了最初……” Li Tianming feels marvelously for existence of this Guanzizai. 李天命更为这观自在界的存在而感觉奇妙。 Final Ji Ji, is disinclined. 最后的姬姬,懒得出来。 Xi Xi(light light), Li Tianming exchanged with this doll spirit body actually, making her open the gate of hell, releases the malicious ghost! 倒是熹熹,李天命跟这女娃灵体交流了下,让她开启地狱之门,释放恶鬼! This Guanzizai can also summon the malicious ghost?” “这观自在界也能召唤出恶鬼?” Li Tianming was a little shocking. 李天命有点震惊了。 However he saw, flies the malicious ghost from own chest, in the Guanzizai seemingly small pity, is similar to the mosquito, only has ghost emperor rank seems like normally, has more than one meter high. 不过他看到,从自己胸口飞出来的恶鬼,在观自在界看起来小的可怜,一个个就跟蚊虫差不多,唯有鬼帝级别的看起来才正常点,有个一米多高。 The ghost sovereign is also less than one meter, being true makes Li Tianming not know whether to laugh or cry. 就连鬼皇也才不到一米,属实让李天命哭笑不得。 Chapter 4668 chaos Universe God boundary! 第4668章混沌宙神境!
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