FGOAA :: Volume #47

#4666: Post a reward!

Li Tianming reorganized an information. 李天命整理了一下信息。 God grave teaches, is ruling the god grave place nebula.” “神墓教,统治着神墓座星云。” Now in god grave place nebula, many universe empires, I am is profound universe empire......” “神墓座星云中,有不少宇宙帝国,我现在所在的就是其中的‘玄廷宇宙帝国’……” Hunts for the soul star shipyard, is only one of the profound universe empire small town.” “猎魂星坞,只是玄廷宇宙帝国的一个‘小镇’。” „This small town town/subdues host's son, then joined profound universe empire core emperor ruins the god grave teaches minute/share to teach!” “这小镇的镇主之子,则是加入了玄廷宇宙帝国核心‘帝墟’的神墓教分教!” Li Tianming thinks, so long as leaves this to hunt for the soul star shipyard, then can get rid of these purple blood groups. 李天命原本以为,只要离开这猎魂星坞,便能摆脱这些紫血族。 But, the opposite party also has posting a reward this! 但没想到,对方还有‘悬赏’这一手! He fully does not know about the region of Guanzizai now, how therefore regarding must deal with this posting a reward, does not have any concept. 他现在对观自在界的这片区域完全不了解,所以对于要如何应对这‘悬赏’,没有任何的概念。 First converges with them...... Zi Yan and Ziyun mica is the native, perhaps will they have the means?” “先跟她们汇合……紫烟和紫云云母子是本地人,或许他们会有办法?” Li Tianming thought. 李天命心想。 He continues the stealth vanguard, avoided hunts of several waves of purple blood groups along the way. 他继续隐身前行,沿途避开了好几波紫血族的追捕。 Finally arrived at one piece by the long and narrow mountain valley that the nebula ray covers! 终于来到了一片被星云光芒笼罩的狭长山谷! This long and narrow mountain valley, is crooked, the path is tortuous, good place that hides. 这座狭长山谷,其中弯弯扭扭,道路曲折,正是藏身的好地方。 Zi Zhen, Weisheng Moran, Zi Yan and his mother Ziyun clouds, then hides under the direction of Yin Chen (silver dust) temporarily in the middle of the mountain valley. 紫禛微生墨染紫烟和他的娘亲紫云云,便在银尘的指引下暂时躲藏在山谷当中。 Regardless where comes the person, this mountain valley has several roads to be able around. 无论什么地方来人,这山谷都有好几条路可以绕着。 Even if hunts for the purple blood group of soul star shipyard to turn out in full strength, has the leeway of rotation in the middle of this mountain valley, obviously the terrain of this mountain valley is complex...... 哪怕猎魂星坞的紫血族倾巢而出,在这山谷当中都还有回转的余地,可见这山谷的地形是何等复杂…… But in the real world shipyard, this mountain valley is together comprised of many chaotic chaos nebulas! 而在真实世界坞,这山谷则是由很多座混乱的混沌星云共同组成! Takes a broad view to look, starlight is radiant and tall and pleasing to the eye, like fairyland. 放眼看去,星光璀璨、美轮美奂,如同仙境。 Quick, in a mountain valley covert corner, Li Tianming finally saw the Zi Zhen four people, relaxes finally slightly. 很快,在山谷的一处隐蔽角落,李天命终于见到了紫禛四人,总算稍微松了口气。 But from Yin Chen (silver dust) about hunting for the soul star shipyard issued that posting a reward the incident, enabling Li Tianming to feel relieved thoroughly. 但来自银尘的关于猎魂星坞发布‘悬赏’一事,让李天命没能彻底放下心来。 When he comes, Zi Yan and Ziyun mica two, are very grateful toward him 当他过来,紫烟和紫云云母子俩,都是非常感激的朝着他 Bows the expression of gratitude. 躬身道谢。 Many thanks destiny big brother!” “多谢天命大哥!” Many thanks this young master......” “多谢这位公子……” After Ziyun clouds fled, slightly tidies up reorganized, a purple long hair mild-mannered throwing over after behind, seemingly gentle solemn. 紫云云逃离出来后,稍微收拾整理了一下,一头紫色长发已经柔顺的披在身后,看起来温柔端庄。 A pair of purple eye pupil and Zi Zhen were a bit like, filled nimble and resourceful. 一双紫色眼眸和紫禛有点像,充满了灵动。 Looks to the Li Tianming's eyes, was full of the gratitude. 看向李天命的双眼中,充满了感激。 Does not need to be polite.” “不必客气。” Li Tianming beckons with the hand, looked directly to Ziyun clouds asked senior, now has an issue. Hunts for the town/subdues lord in soul star shipyard to go to the emperor ruins the god grave to teach minute/share to teach, initiates to us posts a reward, how this posts a reward the effect, useful?” 李天命摆了摆手,直接看向紫云云问“前辈,现在有个问题。猎魂星坞的镇主想去帝墟的神墓教分教,对我们发起悬赏,这悬赏效果如何,有用吗?” Ziyun cloud hears the words does, knit the brows immediately posts a reward? That was a little troublesome. Although to the emperor ruins, hunting for the soul star shipyard is too small, so long as is willing to disburse money, pays certain price, this posts a reward to would some people meeting.” 紫云云闻言,顿时皱了皱眉“悬赏?那有点麻烦了。虽然对帝墟而言,猎魂星坞太小,但只要肯出钱,付出一定代价,这悬赏总会有人接的。” The Li Tianming say/way meant, the threat is very big?” 李天命道“意思是说,威胁很大?” Ziyun clouds that nods definitely to have some people to look for us, later must handle affairs carefully......” 紫云云点头“肯定会有一些人过来找我们,以后必须小心行事……” Li Tianming understood. 李天命明白了。 He is actually indifferent, after all he can the stealth, but the Zi Zhen characteristics are very obvious, if runs into the person, may be very recognized. 他倒是无所谓,毕竟他能隐身,但紫禛的特征很明显,若是遇到人,很可能被认出来。 Is good because of us has Yin Chen (silver dust), so long as ensure Yin Chen (silver dust) in the surrounding field of vision, we can definitely avoid the danger ahead of time......” “好在我们有银尘,只要保证银尘在周围的视野,我们完全可以提前避开危险……” Li Tianming not anxious. 李天命也没有过于紧张。 The plan that he goes, naturally must leave here, first absorbs the nebula to offer a sacrifice to the attempt to break through, then prepares to go to the small chaos shipyard. 他接下去的打算,自然是要离开这里,先吸收星云祭尝试突破,再准备前往小混沌坞。 Now...... 只是现在…… His side were many two burden. 他身边多了两个‘累赘’。 He looks to side. 他看向旁边。 Zi Zhen was explaining to Zi Yan and Ziyun cloud Zaisan I really am not your older sister...... am not your daughter.” 紫禛正在跟紫烟和紫云云再三解释着“我真的不是你的姐姐……也不是您的女儿。” In this regard, she has said many times to youngster Zi Yan. 关于这一点,她已经跟少年紫烟说过很多次。 Although Zi Yan the surface agreed that but innermost feelings when Zi Zhen for elder sister. 紫烟虽然表面同意,但内心还是当紫禛为姐姐。 As for Ziyun clouds that this purple hair beautiful woman, was more excited. 至于紫云云这紫发美妇,情绪就更激动了。 Her hand holds both hands of Zi Zhen, in a pair of purple eye pupil filled me possibly not to recognize own daughter gently? You about our memories, perhaps have not been because you lost recalled......” 她手捧着紫禛的双手,一双紫色眼眸中充满了温柔“我怎么可能认不出自己的女儿?你没有关于我们的记忆,恐怕是因为你失忆了……” Looks at Ziyun cloud and Zi Yan appearance, Li Tianming does not have the means. 看着紫云云和紫烟的样子,李天命也没有办法。 This mother and child, seem to have recognized Zi Zhen. 这母子俩,似乎已经认定了紫禛 How whatever Zi Zhen explained uselessly. 任凭紫禛怎么解释都没用。 However, Ziyun cloud felt relaxed finally with a smile. 不过,紫云云最终还是笑着释然了。 She has a look at Li Tianming, looked to Zi Zhen your missing these days, was this young master is taking care and protecting you? Since you must follow Young Master Li, we do not want to follow, only asked you to be able safely.” 她看看李天命,又看向紫禛“你失踪的这些日子,便是这位公子在照顾和保护着你吧?既然你要追随李公子,我们也不想跟着,只求你平安便可。” Zi Zhen hears this saying, nods slowly. 紫禛听到这话,缓缓点了点头。 She listens to the meaning that Ziyun said that is to bring Zi Yan to leave. 她听出来紫云云的意思,是要带着紫烟离开。 At this time, Zi Zhen was also very clear, if this has followed she to mother and child and Li Tianming, may bitter experience more dangers! 这个时候,紫禛也很清楚,如果这对母子俩一直跟着她和李天命,或许会遭遇更多的危险! Might as well far away from them...... 还不如远离他们…… Therefore Zi Zhen said in a soft voice that you, oneself were careful.” 于是紫禛轻声说“那你们,自己小心。” Ziyun clouds that touched her purple long hair to feel relieved with a smile, we are all right. Although I am injured temporarily quite heavily, but must survive to be very easy. Since hunting for soul star shipyard cage extricated, I prepare to bring Zi Yan to change a place to live.” 紫云云笑着摸了摸她的紫色长发“放心吧,我们没事。虽然我暂时受伤比较重,但要生存下去很容易。既然从猎魂星坞这座牢笼解脱了出来,我准备带着紫烟换个地方生活。” This point Li Tianming believes. 这一点李天命还是相信。 Because he transformed to the real world shipyard before has looked, this purple hair beautiful woman, has the body of 300,000 meters high Universe God! 因为他之前就转化到真实世界坞看过,这位紫发美妇,拥有三十万米高的宙神之体! Because long time imprisons, causing her now is quite weak. 由于长时间囚禁,导致她现在比较虚弱。 Only needs to rest, can slowly restore. 只需要休息休息,便可慢慢恢复。 Destiny big brother...... thank you.” “天命大哥……谢谢你。” At this time, Zi Yan looked to Li Tianming, in the look was full of the sincere emotion. 这时候,紫烟看向李天命,眼神中充满了真挚的情感。 Meeting by chance of short time, this youngster had had the powerful worship emotion to Li Tianming! 短短时间的相逢,这位少年已经对李天命产生了强烈的崇拜情感! In his eyes, Li Tianming is a hero. 在他眼里,李天命就是英雄。 Un, be careful.” “嗯,一路小心。” Li Tianming nods to him. 李天命对他点头。 Can look, Ziyun clouds or youngster Zi Yan , filled to Zi Zhen to him did not abandon. 看得出来,无论是紫云云还是少年紫烟,都对他、对紫禛充满了不舍。 But they turn around finally, left resolutely! 但他们最终还是转身,毅然离开了! Li Tianming looks at the back that mother and child depart, told secretly getting up Yin Chen (silver dust), is under the attention they, so as to avoid they have an accident.” 李天命看着母子俩离去的背影,暗自吩咐了起来“银尘,还是关注下他们吧,免得他们出事。” Let Yin Chen (silver dust) follow, provides against contingencies merely. 银尘跟着,也仅仅只是以防万一。 After all, this to mother and child also is very possible is hunts for the soul star shipyard posting a reward second goal. 毕竟,这对母子也很可能是猎魂星坞‘悬赏’的目标之二。 Perhaps they will also encounter the danger. 说不定他们也会遭遇危险。 Some Yin Chen (silver dust), can remind them slightly, could at crucial moments, saves them...... 银尘在,可以稍微提醒一下他们,或许能在关键时刻,救下他们…… Also in that leaves after mother and child, Li Tianming observes the mountain valley that was, unexpected discovery, this place as if also good. 也就在那对母子离开后,李天命观察了一下所在的这片山谷,意外的发现,这地方似乎还不错。 Even if hunts for the person in soul star shipyard to pursue, is still very convenient with the opposite party hide-and-seek. 就算猎魂星坞的人追上来,也很方便跟对方‘捉迷藏’。 Has the Yin Chen (silver dust) global field of view, the opposite party wants to catch up with Li Tianming in this mountain valley, without doubt indulges in fantasy. 银尘的全局视野,对方想要在这山谷内追上李天命,无疑是异想天开。 Such being the case, we at this absorption nebula sacrifice, the attempt break through!” “既然如此,我们就在这吸收星云祭,尝试突破吧!” Li Tianming thinks, called Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran. 李天命想了想,把紫禛微生墨染都叫了过来。 Now, his side only has two females. 现在,他身边就只剩下两女。 And, Zi Zhen can also absorb the chaos nebula strength in nebula sacrifice. 其中,紫禛也能吸收星云祭中的混沌星云力量。 But the Weisheng Moran situation is a little special, not only this nebula offers a sacrifice to her is useless, what is most essential is, now Li Tianming does not know from the start, this once Heavenly Nine, future path where? 微生墨染的情况有点特殊,不但这星云祭对她没用,最关键的在于,现在李天命压根就不知道,这位曾经的‘天九’,未来的道路在何处? Exceeds Heavenly Nine Weisheng Moran, now seems to have arrived! 超越天九微生墨染,如今似乎已经到达了!
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